Posted by The Next Hope ~ Sign-ups
Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-16 09:34:34
Justice, honesty, and integrity binds us. Walking hand in hand; none shall be left behind.
In the land of Dririam, a special school is available for the young: a school for Dragon riding. Where everyone 16-23 can come to learn the necessities of being a dragon rider at the School of Dririam, where the Dragon Rider will train to become part of the army. Dririam is a large island with a healthy mix of plains, forests, and sandy beaches; off the shore from a few spots on the beaches there are small islands made of mostly rock-except for a few larger islands that have just grass-that water dragons can be spotted basking in the sun on, and many cliffs for dragons to hang off of, or perch on top of if their rider chooses to take a dip.

What you'l learn at the school of Dririam: How to fly, obviously, how to care for your dragon, hand to hand combat, dragon combat, and the history of dragons, and dragon riders.


There are many shapes and sizes of dragons, but every dragon has a special ability. This ability can be from cloning, to turning into fire itself, or even electricity. Now there are land dragons, and water dragons. Land dragons still have the ability to produce fire and smoke, even if that isn't their ability. Water dragons will still be able to produce water, and steam even if it isn't part of their ability.


There are no requirements to become a rider, but you have no choice over your dragon. But the bond the rider and the dragon form are for life, and uniquely enough, the rider will have the ability to with stand fire/hot steam more than a human, but still will burn eventually. The rider will also have a better tolerance for different water temps, or will be better at breathing in smoke. This bond also gives the rider their own special 'mark', kinda tattoo like, will appear on the rider. Along with this bond, the rider will be able to see through the dragons eyes, and they can hear each other's thoughts. Now, with this bond if the rider dies, the dragon dies, but if the dragon dies the rider won't.

The School

The Hadmaster of the school, is Mara Whitaker, is also the daughter of one of the fiercest generals in the army, and thus was suitingly appointed to teach the next soldiers.

Hand to Hand Combat: Taught by Mara Whitaker (Yours truly)
Flying: Taught by Kaden Akio (Fantastic Dorito (#78562))
Care For Your Dragon: Taught by Austin Icefall ( ❤ Dove ❤ {GDSS} (#39390))
Dragon Combat: Taught by Maeve Morlock ( |Lamb| (#90126))
History of Dragons & Dragon Riders: Taught by Miguel Ruiz (
[Side]winder (#71221))

Dragon Ages & Differences

Water dragons don't really have wings, if a water dragon has wings they're small and used more like flippers and not actual wings.

Newborn-3 months: Dragons are noted to being as small enough to fit in the palm of your hand up to the size of a horse.
3 months-6 months: Can grow to be the size of a bus.
6 months- 1 Year: Can grow to be just longer than an 18-wheeler and as tall as a three story building.
1 year-10 years: Can grow to 18 ft high at the shoulder, and about 60-70 ft long.
10 years-20 years: As tall as 25-30 ft high and about 150 ft long.
20 years-30 years: 35-40 ft tall and about 230 ft long.
(Dragons can live to be 200+ years old, but I think you get the idea. But 45ft is max height, and 330 ft long is max length.) Now, that does not mean that all dragons will get this big. Your dragon could be 30 years old and only be 20 ft tall and 100 ft long, the data above are just the biggest recorded for that age group. Wings can be as long as the dragon or short as well.

Upon Arrival

Upon arrival, students will be introduced to their teachers, and will be fitted for armor, given a sword or crossbow--which ever they prefer--and a shield, and their dragon will get measured for a temporary saddle, as the dragon will only be around a year, and won't get a permanent one tell they are about to graduate from the school.


*LioDen Rules apply.
*No powerplaying! You are new at flying, and your dragon won't be the best out there either! You will get hurt, fall off, stumble, get stabbed or shot, etc.
*Be active!
*Semi-Literate to advanced role-play. (A paragraph, or write (short) if you get a little writer's block, we've all been there)
*All sexualities allowed.
*No killing or serious maiming another played with out their permission!
*Be active!
*Be respectful to other members! Hate the character not the member!
*Make your character's unique! No perfect Patys/Pauls!
*Be active! (Yes, I purposely but it three times.)
*Put Pink Feather in Other if you read this.

Sign-up Form
Age: (Teachers: 25+)
Brief History:
Sword/Bow Description:
Shield Description:
Armor Description:
Dragon's Name:
Special Ability:
Description of Dragon:
Personality of Dragon:
Stats: (Rider and Dragon)
Balance (Rider only):0/10

RP Thread: Glad to have you!

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Edited on 28/05/16 @ 17:41:06 by Teaminka (#73506)

Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2016-05-17 07:18:52
@Teaminka, can you let me know if my Dragon's ability is too OP? I can tone it down if i need to. I didn't look over the other dragon abilities, and now that i have, mine seems a bit OP... If possible, i would however like a version of that ability, if i cannot have it as described.

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BeastieBeanz (#78562)

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Posted on
2016-05-17 07:28:28
May I reserve the Flying teacher spot?

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Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-17 07:56:04
Mayonayys To start one cause they'll be introduced to both and then decide if they want to use both, and then they'll be responsible to show up for training for both weapons. Mara has both cause she teaches it and she personally likes to use both. Hope this helps! And just a bit for a starting dragon. If you want it to be dulled down to like just water for now or what ever one you choose, your dragon can still produce fire and smoke itself unless it's a water dragon, and then as they train they build on that ability. So with Mara it could've just been thunder and clouds for Rootkan, but as they trained they expanded and improved on it type deal. :)

Fantastic Dorito You may!

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Edited on 17/05/16 @ 16:04:38 by Teaminka (#73506)

Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2016-05-17 09:44:29
@Teaminka, Alrighty. Thank you for the response. U'm going to try to finish up my character within the next few hours.

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Crow (#39390)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-17 09:46:29
Okay sorry but can I make another character & dragon? xD I want to play a teacher xDD

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Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-17 10:26:02
Sounds good Mayonayys!

And yes Dove you may! There's no limit on characters thus far!

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Crow (#39390)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-17 10:55:10
Name: Austin Icefall

Age: 47

Appearance: Austin is a tall man with greying black hair and kind brown eyes. He has laugh lines, despite his face looking weary. He is very fit and is of African ethnicity.

Personality: Austin is a kind soul who cares for everyone, but this warm demeanor disappears when he is in the face of someone dangerous, unruly, or rude. If you obey him, he will be extremely kind. 'Respect your elders' is something he lives by, but he also respects commanding officers above himself.

Brief History: Nothing incredibly remarkable has happened in his life, but he was born to a middle-class family and decided he wanted to become a rider. Austin enrolled in training at a young age and received his dragon two months after he turned sixteen.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Sword Description: His long, curved sword has intricately engraved letters from a mysterious dead language that reads 'Long live the dragon riders' along both sides of the blade. The handle has a leather grip and the weapon is very heavy and very strong. Still, with anything lighter he feels off-balance.

Shield Description: He uses a simple iron shield with many dents and scratches which tell of his many days in the service of his country.

Armor Description: Austin's armor is also simple iron with chainmail underneath, and it shares the nicks and dents of his shield.

Kin: Adrianna Icefall - Wife
Jamie Icefall - Daughter
January Icefall - Daughter
Steven Icefall - Son

Dragon's Name: Awalyn of Peaceful Battles

Special Ability: Awalyn can easily communicate with any living creature, even brainless organisms and flora.

Description of Dragon: Awalyn is 30 years old, 39' tall, and almost 200 feet long. He has thick, sandy hide and smooth ridges along his neck and back. With a club at his tail, he is easily a formidable opponent.

Personality of Dragon: The gentle giant Awalyn does his best not to hurt anyone unless they have proven themselves to be hostile. He will not stand to see anyone on his team hurt, but he will also do anything in his power to avoid conflict. Being able to speak with any being grants him this liberty.

Other: Pink Feathers

Stats: (Rider and Dragon)
Balance (Rider only): 8/10
Attack: 7/10 & 10/10
Defense: 9/10 & 10/10
Quick-Thinking: 6/10 & 7/10
Intelligence: 8/10 & 9/10
Strength: 10/10 & 10/10
Agility: 3/10 & 2/10 (C'mon, Austin is old and Awalyn is huge xD)
Endurance: 6/10 & 9/10

The stats took my character's age into consideration. Also I would like this pair to teach 'Caring for your Dragon'.

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BeastieBeanz (#78562)

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Posted on
2016-05-17 11:07:33
Kadan Akio

25 years old

Kadan is at the average height for a man his age, 6’1 in height. He has messy white hair that becomes a darker grey at the roots, and bright yet dullish greenish-blue colored eyes. He has sharp facial features giving him a sort of intimidating look. But behind that intimidating look he really is quite the bright and laid back guy. His skin is very pale but somehow it still holds a healthy glow to it. Kadan’s body is quite muscular because of the amount of training he had done and still does today in swordsmanship and his training with his dragon. He has one large swipe scar across his back, he had obtained the scar from an aggressive dragon back when he lived with his parents.

At first glance, Kadan may not seem like a very friendly person due to the naturally intimidating look his features give but really he is quite the friendly and bright person. He is intelligent and over the years his intelligence has grown and uses it in his teachings and sometimes even his mischief. Kadan has very good observational skills which come in handy during his time when he was bonding with Ryuu and it still comes in handy with his teachings. He tends to be sarcastic with a sort of dry sense of humor that can sometimes put him at odds with different situations and things. It also seems that he will sometimes hide his fear other similar emotions with said sarcasm and dry humor. Kadan possesses is a deep sense of compassion but he only really shows a lot of it with people his is comfortable with and trusts. Kadan over time has learned to become more open and friendly when it comes to his students, seeing that it helps him build a small bond with his students and in his opinion helps bring better success to his students and teachings. He won't hesitate to playfully tease or become mischievous with his students or with people he has known for long periods of time. However Kadan isn't just all fun and games, he does have a bit of a natural leader in him and will sometimes become aggravated if people disrespect him or others and won't hesitate to put people back into their place whether it be handled in a docile or forceful way. When in serious battles or fights he will go from a nice and playful person to a serious and determined man who isn't really bothered to slash a couple enemies down if they become hostile towards things or people close to him. Overall, Kadan is an intelligent, nice and likable person who is naturally bighearted and even mischievous at times.

Brief History:
Kadan had lived a good life back before he started teaching at the School of Dririam. His parents weren't all that rich and his family were ranked as middle class which never really bothered him or his family all that much. He was the only child of his parents but was taught and disciplined well by his family and their work. His family lived on a large farm, mostly consisting of sheep, cattle, some chickens, and few dogs, but more importantly was that they also helped raise and heal dragons. They didn't have a huge flock of dragons like most places do, mostly able to provide shelter to about four to six dragons at most, his parents both were riders and had their very own dragons too. His father taught him how to fight both aerial and ground and had him work with the dragons as he grew older while his mother taught him the basics in flying and basic medical treatment for both riders and dragons. He encountered Ryuu at the age of fifth-teen, however, their first encounter wasn't that great, almost leading to Kadan getting blown to bits. But at their second encounter, their mutual curiosity led them to try and learn more about each other, soon they grew closer to trusting each other and only later in the year did Ryuu and Kadan finally bond enough to become a rider and dragon. Over the years they soon found each other now teaching at the School of Dririam as Flying Instructors.


Sword Description:
Duel Swords Daggers
Kadan is heavily skilled with swordsmanship, escpecially duel wielding. He isn't great with a bow and feels awkward when using them, but as a child his family had him at least learn the basic skills in using a bow. The two swords are twins and are completely identical in shape, size, color, and material, he also wields two twin medium daggers. His swords lay on his back in a crisscross shape when not used, while his daggers stay on his personnel at all times, strapped to different sides of his waist. Kadan takes great care for his swords and daggers and you will usually see him cleaning or sharpening them at times when he isn't occupied with his teachings or bored.
Source 1 Source 2

Shield Description:
Kadan rarely uses a shield, relying on his quick thinking and reflexes to be a defense. Though when he does use a shield it is a round wooden shield with metal around the edge, a random red dragon painted on the front of it. Small scorch and scratch marks of various things litter the front part of the shield from when he had used the shield.

Armor Description:
Kadan’s armor is a mixture of black color dyed leather and steel, the black leather being thick and sewn in places were joints or bones bend and move for better movement. He wears black fingerless gloves in order to protect his hands from getting rubbed raw from his armor. His helmet is similar to a welder’s helmet, however he barely uses it in combat on the ground unless he is flying in order to protect his hearing and face from the wind. Even though his armor may look heavy it is actually pretty light, allowing Kadan to still move quickly and not to slow down Ryuu when flying.

Aya Akio - Mother
Mikio Akio - Father

Dragon's Name

Special Ability:
Unlike other dragons who can breathe fire, water, or other different elements. Ryuu is able to spit out/breath “Plasma blasts” they are a light violet plasma-bolts that explode on target almost instantly. The blasts turn purple when cooled down as they travel.

Description of Dragon:
Appearance Source
Ryuu is 17-year-old male dragon, who is 27 feet in height and a wingspan of 48 feet long, making it resemble some sort of jet plane. This allows him to fly faster, longer and further. He has quite the jaw strength and can carry large items in his jaws without them getting tired for long periods of time. He is fit with large claws and teeth, his front feet are created a little differently than his back feet, allowing him to be able to grab onto things and carry things. The feathers that lay crowned on the back of his head and neck act as a sort of way to express his moods, he can flatten the feathers when threatened or angered. But when he is docile, happy, or excited, the feathers rise like a cockatoo’s. Ryuu’s eyes are a bright seafoam green, he can narrow his pupils to slits when threatened or angry, similar to that of a cat. However, when he is docile or happy, his pupils dilate and become more dog-like. He can fly over one hundred miles per hour and even when not flying he can tear along the ground at terrific speeds. He is somewhat capable of standing on his hind legs though only for a short period of time. He doesn’t have best stamina in the world but it will do as long as he takes a break every couple of hours when running or flying.

Personality of Dragon:
Ryuu seems to have a dry sense of humor, similar to Kadan’s. He doesn't take kindly to being offended nor anyone offending or endangering his rider, Kadan, but is usually playful and even a little teasing when not threatened. Ryuu has a sense of great curiosity and will sometimes imitate Kadan's actions and mannerisms when they initially encounter one another. He can display a bit of an attitude at times, reflecting his shared dry humor with Kadan. He isn't easily intimidated and his daring bravado can get him into trouble at times. He is also not above using violence to reach an end or goal. Ryuu is quite the intelligent dragon and often displays the attributes of an incredibly strategic thinker. A lot of the time when around humans or dragons he is familiar with and comfortable around he is docile and can become a big bucket of playfulness, even though his is a 17-year-old dragon. Equally protective and loyal, he never hesitates to risk his own life when Kadan is or was put in danger and can become a little more than affectionate when the time calls for it.

Pink Feathers, Ryuu’s favorite attack style is dive-bombing at his enemies at a great speed, blasting plasma blasts at his enemies and destroying his target down below. Both Kadan and Ryuu over time have became "adrenaline junkies" or "daredevil's" and love to race a high speeds or do daring tricks while in flight.

Stats: (Rider and Dragon)
Balance (Rider only): 10/10
Attack: 8/10 & 9/10
Defense: 9/10 & 8/10
Quick-Thinking: 8/10 & 8/10
Intelligence: 9/10 & 8/10
Strength: 7/10 & 6/10
Agility: 8/10 & 10/10
Endurance: 8/10 & 7/10

This is my pair for the reserved Flying teacher spot :3

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Edited on 18/05/16 @ 10:08:20 by Fantastic Dorito (#78562)

Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-17 11:30:50
Accepted Dove!

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Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2016-05-17 11:32:54
Mine is complete with a weakened Dragon Ability :)

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Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-17 11:35:18
Mayonayys accepted!

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kimmys (#12432)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-17 13:09:58

Name | Karina Strongbow

Age | 18

Appearance | Long and lean, standing at 6' 3" with muscles honed from long hours of use. Latte colored skin with tightly curled, long dark brown hair that she typically wears braided on the sides with a bun holding the majority of her hair. Dark brown eyes with nearly indistinguishable pupils. Once she bonded with Vanlith, her mark appeared on the inside of her dominant wrist - a twining branch with budding leaves.

Personality | Most mistake Karina for the strong silent type, and with good reason. She doesn't like to talk to hear the sound of her own voice, but will not hesitate to express her opinion of something. Karina is fiercely loyal, but not overly demonstrative and it's been remarked more than once that she is a hard person to read and understand because she tends to hide her emotions behind a careful mask until she knows she can trust a person.

Brief History | Karina was born to a family of hunters that proudly carried the last name Strongbow. She learned from a young age to wield a bow and arrow with ease and to hunt to support both her family and community. No one in her family has ever been lucky enough to bond with a dragon and were thrilled when she told them of finding the small dragon - who at the grand age of two days - had resembled nothing so much as a bundle of twigs. Karina finished the school year and then travelled to the Dririam school of dragon riding.

Sexuality | Bisexual

Bow Description | Karina definitely prefers a lighter longbow to the heavier crossbow that is more favored here. Her personal bow is largely simple, a dark elegant wood with a carved vine twining down the handle. The crossbow that her family had made for her follows the same design in theory, also being of a dark ebony like wood with vining and leaves carved into the sides, although the crossbow also features finely wrought slightly raised flowers painted in muted gold.

Shield Description | Nothing more than a simple wooden buckler, hastily picked up when she realized that it was expected for students to have one. It is designed to be light and fairly small for archers, worn with the arm through the handle so the bearer may still shoot arrows.

Armor Description | Simple leather armor, well worn and used that fits her exceptionally well. A small collar protects her neck, but tapers to non existence at the front to allow her full range of mtion with her head. Leather "plates" over the sholder provide flexibility, while the main bodice is of a more hardened leather that continues in a front and rear skirt. Beneath she wears leather pants that are heavily padded to the inside as Vanilth is not the most comfortable dragon to ride.

Kin | Eirikr Strongbow - father; Anahit Strongbow - mother; Ingrid Strongbow - younger sister; Ori Abeniar - best friend

Dragon's Name | Vanlith

Special Ability | He is able to absorb the energy of plant life around him and manipulate it as he pleases. He can use this energy to camoflauge or hide himself and his companion, accomplish minor healing, inhibit or permit movement, warm or even feed himself and his companions, and can even tap into the essence of the plants to track prey, targets or threats. Of course, at his age this power is very limited and not complete. As he and his power grows, he will be able to do the opposite as well and infuse his life essence into plants, giving them the autonomy to follow simple directions. When he is fully mature, he may even be able to create small plant life forms that last temporarily to do his bidding at a great cost to himself. (IE he can only do minor levels of those first things now - make himself harder to see, close up small scratches, etc)

Description of Dragon | Dark bark-like scales cover the front of his chest, eventually extending into stick like projections from his back. Moss and air-based plants like orchids have grown on these plates, which often attract butterflies and other insects. He is not a large dragon standing at 16' at the shoulder with a body that extends to 45' long. His tail has a ridge of spikes that get smaller toward the end. His wings are the largest part of him, and surprisingly delicate looking for his prickly appearance, being of almost semi-translucent membrance of mottle green, brown and black. They are usually kep folded tightly to his side when not in use. His eyes shine various colors of yellow, from a deep gold to a nearly yellow green depending on his mood and surroundings.

Personality of Dragon | As prickly as his personality. Vanlith is similar to Karina in many ways - they both have a strong independent streak and don't like to be challenged - but this similarity tends to make them butt heads. Often times when deciding what to do, what direction to take, etc., they will have to have a fifteen minute long argument about it first. This is not to say they aren't fond of each other - they are very loyal to one another, but their bickering often amuses those around them. Vanlith is also prideful to a degree. He is very aware of his small stature and not necessarily terrifying appearance and tries to make up for it by being cold and haughty, something he will eventually learn is not the way to go. Once someone gets beneath this guard though, he's quite friendly.

Other | Pink Feather

Stats | Rider & Dragon
-- Balance | 9/10 & na
-- Attack | 6/10 & 4/10
-- Defense | 2/10 & 8/10
-- Quick-Thinking | 7/10 & 7/10
-- Intelligence | 7/10 & 9/10
-- Strength | 7/10 & 3/10
-- Agility | 8/10 & 7/10
-- Endurance | 5/10 & 3/10

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Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-17 15:35:03
kimmys Accepted!

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Crow (#39390)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-17 22:56:50
By the way, will this start once we have all the teachers and some students?

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Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-17 23:05:56
Dove that's what I'm planning on and hoping it's soon as well!

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