Posted by The Next Hope ~ Sign-ups
Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-16 09:34:34
Justice, honesty, and integrity binds us. Walking hand in hand; none shall be left behind.
In the land of Dririam, a special school is available for the young: a school for Dragon riding. Where everyone 16-23 can come to learn the necessities of being a dragon rider at the School of Dririam, where the Dragon Rider will train to become part of the army. Dririam is a large island with a healthy mix of plains, forests, and sandy beaches; off the shore from a few spots on the beaches there are small islands made of mostly rock-except for a few larger islands that have just grass-that water dragons can be spotted basking in the sun on, and many cliffs for dragons to hang off of, or perch on top of if their rider chooses to take a dip.

What you'l learn at the school of Dririam: How to fly, obviously, how to care for your dragon, hand to hand combat, dragon combat, and the history of dragons, and dragon riders.


There are many shapes and sizes of dragons, but every dragon has a special ability. This ability can be from cloning, to turning into fire itself, or even electricity. Now there are land dragons, and water dragons. Land dragons still have the ability to produce fire and smoke, even if that isn't their ability. Water dragons will still be able to produce water, and steam even if it isn't part of their ability.


There are no requirements to become a rider, but you have no choice over your dragon. But the bond the rider and the dragon form are for life, and uniquely enough, the rider will have the ability to with stand fire/hot steam more than a human, but still will burn eventually. The rider will also have a better tolerance for different water temps, or will be better at breathing in smoke. This bond also gives the rider their own special 'mark', kinda tattoo like, will appear on the rider. Along with this bond, the rider will be able to see through the dragons eyes, and they can hear each other's thoughts. Now, with this bond if the rider dies, the dragon dies, but if the dragon dies the rider won't.

The School

The Hadmaster of the school, is Mara Whitaker, is also the daughter of one of the fiercest generals in the army, and thus was suitingly appointed to teach the next soldiers.

Hand to Hand Combat: Taught by Mara Whitaker (Yours truly)
Flying: Taught by Kaden Akio (Fantastic Dorito (#78562))
Care For Your Dragon: Taught by Austin Icefall ( ❤ Dove ❤ {GDSS} (#39390))
Dragon Combat: Taught by Maeve Morlock ( |Lamb| (#90126))
History of Dragons & Dragon Riders: Taught by Miguel Ruiz (
[Side]winder (#71221))

Dragon Ages & Differences

Water dragons don't really have wings, if a water dragon has wings they're small and used more like flippers and not actual wings.

Newborn-3 months: Dragons are noted to being as small enough to fit in the palm of your hand up to the size of a horse.
3 months-6 months: Can grow to be the size of a bus.
6 months- 1 Year: Can grow to be just longer than an 18-wheeler and as tall as a three story building.
1 year-10 years: Can grow to 18 ft high at the shoulder, and about 60-70 ft long.
10 years-20 years: As tall as 25-30 ft high and about 150 ft long.
20 years-30 years: 35-40 ft tall and about 230 ft long.
(Dragons can live to be 200+ years old, but I think you get the idea. But 45ft is max height, and 330 ft long is max length.) Now, that does not mean that all dragons will get this big. Your dragon could be 30 years old and only be 20 ft tall and 100 ft long, the data above are just the biggest recorded for that age group. Wings can be as long as the dragon or short as well.

Upon Arrival

Upon arrival, students will be introduced to their teachers, and will be fitted for armor, given a sword or crossbow--which ever they prefer--and a shield, and their dragon will get measured for a temporary saddle, as the dragon will only be around a year, and won't get a permanent one tell they are about to graduate from the school.


*LioDen Rules apply.
*No powerplaying! You are new at flying, and your dragon won't be the best out there either! You will get hurt, fall off, stumble, get stabbed or shot, etc.
*Be active!
*Semi-Literate to advanced role-play. (A paragraph, or write (short) if you get a little writer's block, we've all been there)
*All sexualities allowed.
*No killing or serious maiming another played with out their permission!
*Be active!
*Be respectful to other members! Hate the character not the member!
*Make your character's unique! No perfect Patys/Pauls!
*Be active! (Yes, I purposely but it three times.)
*Put Pink Feather in Other if you read this.

Sign-up Form
Age: (Teachers: 25+)
Brief History:
Sword/Bow Description:
Shield Description:
Armor Description:
Dragon's Name:
Special Ability:
Description of Dragon:
Personality of Dragon:
Stats: (Rider and Dragon)
Balance (Rider only):0/10

RP Thread: Glad to have you!

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Edited on 28/05/16 @ 17:41:06 by Teaminka (#73506)

Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-23 05:23:29
Zane Just need stats for your dragon and then you're good!
Fiercerose That's good! Accepted!
Hermi That's okay! You can join in when ever you get it done!

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Edited on 23/05/16 @ 12:24:27 by Teaminka (#73506)

Paws (#39487)

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Posted on
2016-05-23 07:14:41
Name: Celeste Safrondili

Age: 18

Appearance: Click

Personality: Celeste is a out-going and friendly girl. She is the exactly opposite of shy and isn't worried about her imperfections and embraces them anyway (or in front of others for that matter). Celeste can come off as aggressive if she doesn't like you, she could also come off as needy, or self-absorbed sometimes. If she is reminded that she is acting in such a way she will take consideration and change her behavior. Celeste tries to be the best rider as she can, she worries about disappointing her family or friends. Even though she doesn't show in to others Celeste is always afraid of screwing something up. Its hard to gain Celeste's trust, but when you loose it Its gone forever. (5'1, for height)

Brief History: As a child Celeste's parents seperated, they were young parents. Her mother had an abusive boyfriend that had hurt Celeste physically and mentally many times. This explains the reason Celeste is always worried about being perfect for everyone else, though she may not show it. This may also be the reason Celeste can't trust people easily, she is used to being let down.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Sword/Bow Description: Celeste carries a long, light wieght sword with her at all times. Celeste's sword is named 'Ice', after her young dog she had to leave behind before coming to the school. The sword is a shiny gold color with a dark brown handle with small flower traces into it.

Shield Description: Celeste's shield is gold, there are small flower patterns around the shield, the color of red. The shield isn't as shiny as the sword, as she values her sword way over her shield. The shield looks worn, but it still strong.

Armor Description: Celeste wears gold and red armor, her armor isn't very strong. Celeste's armor is pretty light and she prefers to wear it only when riding her dragon.

Kin: Celeste has a large family of 4 sisters and 2 brothers at home with her mother, the number of siblings on her father's side is unknown.

Dragon's Name: Gold Rose

Special Ability: The ability to read other's minds, no matter what creature.

Description of Dragon: Celeste's dragon, Gold Rose takes the appearance her name resembles. Gold Rose is a golden dragon weighting at 367lb, Gold Rose is 16ft high and 65ft long. Gold Rose has yellow eyes brighter than her scales, Gold Rose is shiny, with leathery wings, and a ridgid scalp. Gold Rose has four legs not counting her wings. Gold Rose has four wings in total, two bigger ones in the front and two smaller ones below the bigger wings. Gold Ross's tail splits into two, both ending with a small wing-like flap at the end.

Personality of Dragon: Gold Rose is very protective of Celeste. Gold Rose is mostly a calm silent dragon, she'll let others ride her with Celeste's permission. Gold Rose is very obedient, she was raised from Celeste as a newborn.

Other: Pink Feather

Stats: (Rider and Dragon)

Balance (Rider only):9/10








Is this good?

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Edited on 28/06/16 @ 22:05:35 by Katze (#20064)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-05-23 07:16:16
Oh, by the way, my character is done lol. I forgot to tell ya, Teaminka! <3 xD
( I think there is a few things that are unfinished, but... yeah. )

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Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-25 05:21:56
Name: Alise Patenaude (Al-is Pat-en-odd)
Age: 18
Appearance: A tall, and skinny girl at 5' 8. Fair skinned, with long medium to dark brown hair that just seems to naturally have that beach look to it, and usually the cute messy look to it. A soft face with hazel eyes, that are more green then brown.

Her mark is slight scaling on parts of her body like that of a mermaid, making her sparkle in the sun, and making her a sight to marvel at when you see it. She usually wears long sleeved blouses and trousers to hide the scaling.

Personality: She is a happy and smiling girl, but she s a little shy at approaching people at first,as she's lived by herself for most of her life. But she's quick to open up, and loves to make people laugh, and she always has a smile on her face. It takes a lot to wipe that smile off of her face, so when it is gone, then you know it's something serious.

Brief History: Her parents were killed in a hut fire, when she was 5, and she was put into an orphanage. She stayed there tell she met a dragon swimming one day, and ran away with the dragon at 10, living as a drifter on the beaches, living off what she could find on the beaches, and he dragon.

Sexuality: Hmm Heterosexual

Sword Description: A sword she received after saving a drowning sailor. A sturdy sword, but shows it's ware and tear. Nothing to fancy, with a shiny blade, with a basic rounded pummel, and cross guard. Simple swirl engraving in the handle is the only thing unique about this sword.

Shield Description: A shield she found exploring a sunken ship, a sight to see really. Gold traced the very elaborate carving of two soldiers fighting, and a good two inch line of gold around the edge of the circular masterpiece.

Armor Description: Some basic leathers that she saved, and treasure hunted for to get money in order to get.

Kin: Eugene-Father [COD:FIRE]
Anna-Mother [COD:FIRE]

Dragon's Name: Leomaris (Lo-Mare-is)

Special Ability: Change his size (Only a couple dozen feet taller or wider)

Description of Dragon: A yellow and orange dragon with webbed toes, a long tail that has a tail like a mermaid at the end of it, and two fins on the side of his head to hide his gills. A webbed spiking goes along his neck, then back, and then the base of his tail. A long neck attaches his snake like head to the swift creature, with stunning blue eyes that barely stand out against the water. Picture || Source

Personality of Dragon: A sweet and kind soul, but don't let that fool you. Though he loves to play as much as he can, he will be there to fight for and protect his rider and friends. A caring and gentle dragon, who loves to discover new places to explore, especially with his rider, and like to do little tricks to make people laugh.

Other: Pink Feathers

Balance: 5/10
Attack: 5/10 & 6/10
Defense: 5/10 & 8/10
Quick-Thinking: 9/10 & 9/10
Intelligence: 8/10 & 10/10
Strength: 5/10 & 6/10
Agility: 9/10 & 10/10
Endurance 10/10 & 10/10

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Edited on 25/05/16 @ 12:26:30 by Teaminka (#73506)

Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-25 05:24:43
Paws Need dragon stats!
Christicat15 Need a special ability for your dragon!

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Paws (#39487)

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Posted on
2016-05-25 05:38:06
There are dragon stats, I'm confused. I thought the stats were dragon and rider except for Balance.

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Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-25 07:25:35
I'm not seeing the dragon stats though just the riders

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Edited on 25/05/16 @ 14:26:00 by Teaminka (#73506)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-05-25 07:38:11
@Teaminka - Yeah, I know. That's a sorta wip atm. lol

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Paws (#39487)

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Posted on
2016-05-25 07:50:28
So I have to fill it out twice one for rider and the other for dragon you mean?

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|-| Jindo |-| (#81977)

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Posted on
2016-05-26 04:05:29
Whoops, I thought I pushed reply.
I updated mine and added in the stats!

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Phenibut | G1
Serruria Enni (#87281)

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Posted on
2016-05-26 04:18:15
When are you planning on starting?

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Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-26 04:39:24
Paws Yes, on all but balance.
Atema Accepted!
Booette I'm working on the thread now, but I'm in the middle of changing Internet providers. So by Sunday morning I will not have Internet until sometime Tuesday cause that's as soon as the new provider can get someone here to set up what I need. So it'll probably be posted Tuesday night or Wednesday!

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[Side]winder (#71221)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-05-26 05:54:18
Sounds like a plan, good luck with the switch!

As for a more marked question I wondered about: do riders gain the longevity of the dragons they ride? Otherwise what's the point for a dragon to bind with a rider if they are going to die a very premature death (like literally, imagine just living to 40 instead of 80).

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Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-26 06:21:13
So if the rider dies the dragon dies, but if the dragon dies the ridder lives. I'll make a QA section for you guys if you want to send me all your questions!

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[Side]winder (#71221)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-05-26 07:09:39
So dragons with riders get the shit end of the stick so to speak? They basically live not even half the normal lifespan? Yikes. Poor guys.

That's basically what my question boils down to: why in hell would any self-preserving dragon want to basically die in the prime of their lives?

If dragons live to about 200, and person in a submodern setting (I assume this is, there's no mention of guns) could live to 50, that's easily only 1/4 of the expected lifespan for a dragon. That's equivalent to (modern-day US average lifespan is approx. 78-ish) a person dying at ~20.

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