Posted by Gathering Thread [WCU RP]
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2017-09-25 10:51:06

Roleplay Staff
Smo - Owner, Supervisor, Prophecy Maker, Thread Moderator, Accepts RP Forms
Lady Vitaliya - Trainee, Supervisor, Thread Moderator
Andy - Trainee, Supervisor, Thread Moderator
Lizz - Supervisor, Experienced, Thread Moderator, Accepts RP Forms
Neptune - Supervisor, Experienced, Thread Moderator, Accepts RP Forms


Hello members of Warrior Clans United!

This is the Gathering Thread. A certain length of time will be set up each month by the Supervisors, and all cats in the 4 Clans RP may convene together.

Join our Lioden clan, Warrior Clans United, to have access to this RP! We hope you enjoy your time here. :)
Clan Link: Here!

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Gathering Starts: December 6th to the 20th!


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Edited on 06/12/17 @ 15:57:08 by Quakeflake™ ❄ (#69866)

Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2017-10-08 12:22:16
Aldershade|WindClan|Warrior|Mentions: Softsong, Sunstar (indirectly)

Aldershade stiffened at the scene that was playing out before him - he had definitely never expected his first Gathering as a warrior to go like this. He never thought he'd see a disease so destructive, so unnerving to watch it take hold. He noticed Softsong, a fellow warrior, seemingly looking around for comfort, and hastily made his way over. "Great StarClan..." He muttered under his breath as he followed the other warrior's gaze towards the ThunderClan leader. "This is madness, surely none of the Clans will be safe if this isn't controlled!" He continued, but much like everyone else, he didn't have any idea how any cat could cure such a terrible illness.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-08 12:47:47
Softsong - Warrior - WindClan - Mentions: Aldershade (Indirectly Sunstar)

Softsong let out a soft sigh of relief when he saw Aldershade come closer. He butted his head gently against the other warrior's head in an affectionate greeting before gazing across fourtrees, taking in all the chaos that was unfolding in front of them. "I didn't know the foam-disease could infect cats." He murmured, giving the fur on his shoulder a couple of licks to smooth it down. He gave his fellow warrior a small comforting purr. "I think we could control it if we find out how it spreads, and once this situation is under control." He suggested. The white warrior was trying his best to keep calm, but it was hard when so much of what was happening was out of their control.

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🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2017-10-08 13:36:55
Fallenflames | Deputy | Shadowclan | Mentions: Sunstar, Froststar, Goosepaw and Fleetpaw (Dewpaw and Frecklepaw indirectly)
Fallenflames still had her stick in her jaw, she looked at Froststar in disbelief of what her leader was saying. True they need their clan to be safe, but she remembered how scared that Thunderclan apprentice was. She hated seeing young cats in pain or being in fear, it took all her strength to drop the stick and follow Froststar's orders, noticing Goosepaw and Fleetpaw standing there like sitting ducks, she ran to them and started shoving them towards their border, "Go you two get out of here now! Follow Froststar and stick to her side no matter what." She yowled at them, seeing that Sunstar was now attacking two midince cat apprentices, her heart sank. Starclan help them! She wouldn't disobey her leader, she ran to the side of the two apprentices acting as their bodyguard. Though she knew if the two medicine cat apprentices called out for help, she would turn around fight until they were both safe from the thing Sunstar had become.

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yolki {she/they} (#120798)

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Posted on
2017-10-08 15:51:26
|Frecklepaw|Windclan|Medicine Cat Apprentice|Female|Mentor: Tidefur|Mentions: Dewpaw, Tidefur, Ravenpaw, Sunstar, Willowstar and {LOTS OF INDiRECTS} Open|

Frecklepaw looked at Dewpaw with slight happiness, she had no idea that Sunstar threw himself at her. She mewed in terror as he face was slashed by the tom. She fell to the ground with blood, fur, and claws ranging everywhere. She mewed in pain as Sunstar was put down unsure, she shockingly tried to get up mewing for "Ravenpaw", seeing cats leave. Sound became silent for her as her world span weakly, she saw the blood and foam. Am I dying? Her ears flicked before she saw Dewpaw above her. "D-Dew...paw" She mewed, putting her paw on his. She didn't know what was going on, her world was moving slowly.

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pin (#123673)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-10-08 17:28:09
tidefur - medicine cat - wind clan - mentions: sunstar

tidefur's eyes open wide as the thunderclan leader pounces on him, with a shriek he frantically whips round trying to get him off. tidefur howls in pain as sunstar's claws rake his flank, and in a last resort ditch he falls over hoping to perhaps crush the leader. letting out a pained yowl as his teeth sink into his scruff. to his relief the weight on his back is lifted, and he scrambles out from under sunstar's limp body, blood dribbling down his side and neck.his legs already were aching with exhaustion and this made it no better, turning to frecklepaw he lashes his tail "are you ok?" he drew in shaky pained breaths.

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-10-08 17:41:28
Dewpaw - Medicine Cat Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mentions: Frecklepaw, Sunstar, Tidefur,

Dewpaw would be shaking as he looked between his leader and the other medicine cats, his breath hitching. "Tidefur... w-what do we do with him? How can we take our leader back to camp like this? I... are you both going to be okay?" He'd ask, torn between his concern for his leader and the two medicine cats. He was scared, terribly scared.

Flamestorm - Warrior - Thunderclan - Mentions: Swallowpaw, Thunderclan cats

Flamestorm would still be trying to herd her clanmates together and away from the the scene and to camp. She'd try to count the tops of cats heads to account for as many of her clanmates as she could, her heart dropping when she came up short. "Swallowpaw!? Dewpaw?!" She calls out, trying to keep her calm.

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pin (#123673)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-10-08 17:47:05
tidefur - medicine cat - wind clan - mentions: dew paw sunstar freckle paw

"dew paw wrap sunstar up in the toughest vines you can find. when you take him back you need to find a way to keep him peaceful maybe poppy seeds will work, just make sure every cat stays away from him except for the ones who could fend off his attacks" he sighs turning to his injured apprentice. he examines freckle paw nudging her gently with his paw "dew paw get me cobwebs" tidefur gently washes her scratches as he waits for dew paw to retrieve the webs.

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-10-08 17:57:35
Dewpaw - Medicine Cat Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mentions: Tidefur, Sunstar, Frecklepaw, OPEN

Dewpaw would nod, scanning around for some cobwebs and vines. Upon spotting the cobwebs up in the branches of a nearby tree he'd begin to scale it, "Some cat grab some vines to wrap around Sunstar!" He calls out to his clanmates. He'd carefully collect the cobwebs before sliding back down the tree, probably faster than he should have given the wince he'd make upon landing. He'd hobble back towards Tidefur with the cobwebs, moving to gently nose Frecklepaw, offering her a light smile.

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pin (#123673)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-10-08 18:02:24
tidefur - medicine cat - windclan- mentions: freckle paw, sunstar, dew paw

tidefur snatches the cobwebs from dewpaw and presses them firmly against frecklepaw's scratches sighing in relief when the bleeding stops. "hey freckle paw can you get up, we need to try and get sunstar fixed up and head home" he mews gently into her ear.

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Chad (#125242)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-10-08 18:42:42
Fleetpaw/ Shadowclan / Apprentice/ leaving fourtrees / Goosepaw, Froststar, and Fallenflames, Sunstar indirectly.

Fleetpaw walked between Goosepaw, Froststar, and Fallenflames, her anger causing her to stomp her paws. She looked at Fallenflames. "Is thunderclan really that vicious? Do they always break the code?" She asked, glaring back at the sleeping cat. The gathering was getting further away every heartbeat, and so was the loud cries of fear and repulsion from the other clan cats. The apprentice feared what thunderclan may do to her clan, and turned to her leader Froststar worriedly. "Will we be safe?" She asked the cat who towered over her.

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Lizz (#8260)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-08 19:33:48
Froststar - SC Leader - Mentions: Fleetpaw,Goosepaw,Fallenflames

Froststar was grumbling under her breath about the stupidness of clans and how Medicine cats should do their job and stop worrying about stupid dreams and omens and blah,blah,blah. Her tail twitched angrily as she stalked back towards her territory with the apprentices and her deputy. She was glad she didn't have to reprimand her for not following orders. She was dragged out of her thoughts by the Fleetpaw's question, and she paused as she looked over at the apprentice and for the first time that night her mind cleared from the anger and fear as she saw the worry and fear on the apprentice's face. Her whiskers twitched to keep a scowl off her face, answering Fleetpaw's question before her deputy could, "Thunderclan is home of the cat who worship the warrior code. So no, they follow Starclan's every whim, like dogs. And no they aren't this vicious, they'd rather talk their way out of a fight than defend their borders with teeth and claws. " She snorted quietly at the apprentices next question, but kept her cool as not to panic her, "We will be as long as we take precautions, like we are now. Just listen to the warriors, and Fallenflames and myself and you'll be fine."

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yolki {she/they} (#120798)

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Posted on
2017-10-08 20:29:30
|Frecklepaw|Windclan|Medicine Cat Apprentice|Female|Mentor: Tidefur|Mentions: Dewpaw, Tidefur, Ravenpaw, and Open|

Frecklepaw only could see him, giving a tired but weak mew. “Dewpaw, don’t leave...Dewpaw.” She grabbed Dewpaw’s leg softly with her mouth. She gave a small purr, before looking up towards Tidefur. She poked her ears up, squinting and blinking hard. “Tidefur, are you okay?” She mewed bringing herself to her paws. Shaking her pelt, only to fall over again. Frecklepaw felt a striking pain hit her head. Had Sunstar hurry it? She shook her head trying to nose back Dewpaw. “Dewpaw, are you okay, did you get hurt?” She licked his ear softly.

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pin (#123673)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-10-08 20:44:09
tidefur - medicine cat - windclan - mentions: frecklepaw, dewpaw, open

tidefur grabs frecklepaw gently by the scruff carefull not to harm her. "dewpaw im borrowing you, help me carry frecklepaw back to camp" hauling his apprentice halfway onto his back he winces beginning to pad back to camp. turning to dewpaw he mews "i'll escort you home to thunderclan camp once we get her back home" he hid his intentions of seeing what might have spread the sickness in thunderclan territory.

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Hibiscus Primal (#105742)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-10-08 21:51:15
Goosepaw - 7 moons - Male / Apprentice / Shadowclan / Mentions: Fleetpaw, Froststar,OPEN

Having calmed down a little, Goosepaw swallowed and glanced up at Froststar. The tom's legs still shook and wobbled underneath him, but the sight of Thunderclan's crazed leader being subdued put his mind at ease.

"Not...every Gathering is like that, right..?" Goosepaw asked her, his normally loud and boisterous voice coming out as a meek little mew. Sniffing, he turned his gaze to Fleetpaw, plainly seeing that she was just as scared as he was.

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Lilith (#122951)

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Posted on
2017-10-08 22:01:28
Foxpaw|7 Moons|Tom|App.|ThunderClan|Mentions: Sunstar

Foxpaw watched as Sunstar fell to the ground and he sighed with relief. He sat there waiting, then realized that he didn't mask his scent. He hissed under his breath, hoping no one would scent him.

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