Posted by | Gathering Thread [WCU RP] | |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-25 10:51:06 |
Character SheetsNo thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.![]() Edited on 06/12/17 @ 15:57:08 by Quakeflake™ ❄ (#69866) |
🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)
![]() Special Snowflake View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-08 11:23:57 |
Minkpaw - 8 Moons - Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mentions: Goosepaw, Timberclaw and Marshcloud Minkpaw broke away from the Thunderclan cats as soon as she could, running into the center trying to spot any of the apprentices. She spotted Goosepaw along with two other cats, "Hey Goosepaw!" She called out to him before bounding over to great him, "How've you been? Is Fleetpaw also here or is it just you tonight?" She could barely keep still, recently she had been hardly able to get out of camp. She hadn't payed much attention to the two warriors, though she vaguely remembered the she-cat from the last gathering while during the chaos. ![]() |
CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-08 12:28:26 |
Marshcloud - Warrior - Shadowclan - Mentions: Timberclaw, Goosepaw Marshcloud would curl her tail around her apprentice, nodding lightly. "Its fine for you stay here. You can learn just as much at a gathering without mingling,"She'd mew, flicking a scarred ear. "Did you actually catch a bit of sleep before we headed out though?" She'd ask, arching a fuzzy brow down at her apprentice. She wasn't disappointed of course but if the young tom was tired she wanted to make sure he didn't run into anything walking around half asleep. She'd turn her gaze to Timberclaw,"Never been fond of mingling myself. Figured that the cats in other clans we're about the same as us anyways." She'd huff. Dewpaw - Medicine Cat Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mentions: Frecklepaw, OPEN Dewpaw would give a sheepish smile through the mouthful of herbs before setting them down at Frecklepaw's paws. "Missed you too, and I didn't forget the herbs. I just wish I had gotten them to you sooner but its been hectic in our camp," He'd mew, scuffing the ground with a paw. "I'm not sure exactly how much of this herb the cats will need however if anyone is still sick with it. One of our sick cats had a... odd reaction but I don't think its related to the herb. Nothing that hurt him of course! I just don't know how another cat would have responded if they hadn't been as stressed as he's been," He'd chatter away, pausing for a moment to pin back his ears with embarrassment. "S-sorry, probably talking too much aren't I?" He'd chuckle softly. ![]() |
Tippin🍉|1k Hibiscus Primal (#105742) ![]() Good Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-08 13:47:22 |
Goosepaw - 9 moons - Male / Apprentice / Shadowclan / Mentions: Timberclaw, Marshcloud, Minkpaw, Fleetpaw, OPEN Goosepaw blinked at his mentor's question and shook his head, giving her a slight smile to hopefully make her feel better. "No, I couldn't get to sleep. I guess I was worrying about some cat getting hurt tonight—I don't remember." Peeking his ears, the tom turned to see Minkpaw trotting up to him and smiled even brighter. "Minkpaw!" He meowed, hopping up to greet her. "I've been great! I haven't seen Fleetpaw any though—she wouldn't pass up another opportunity to talk with the other apprentices again, so I'm sure she'll be here soon." Plopping down, Goosepaw flicked an ear and asked, "How have things been in Thunderclan's lately?" ![]() |
clouds (#126311)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-08 15:09:27 |
Timberclaw - ShadowClan Warrior - Mentions: Goosepaw, Minkpaw, Marshcloud Timberclaw purred as Goosepaw and Minkpaw wandered off. He curled his poofy tail around Marshcloud as they sat. “Hopefully it won’t be as hectic” he chuckled, flicking his ears. ![]() |
CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-09 13:14:11 |
Marshcloud - Warrior - Shadowclan - Mentions: Goosepaw, Minkpaw, Timberclaw Marshcloud gave a slight nod, giving her apprentice a soft smile. "We'll all be fine Goosepaw," She mutters softly, giving a twitch of her whiskers. The dilute tortie would perk at the sound of the thunderclan apprentice's approaching pawsteps. Thunderclan cats always seemed to walk so heavily, she was surprised it didn't scare off prey. Turning her attention to Timberclaw she'd give a small shrug. "Maybe not as hectic but probably not much good news. Its leafbare after all. Prey is running short and some cats are tense from that," She'd muse, a hint of bitterness in her voice. She never was all too fond of leafbare, even if it was the season of her birth. ![]() |
yolki {she/they} (#120798)
![]() Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-10 00:24:12 |
|Frecklepaw|She-cat|WindClan|Medicine Cat Apprentice|8 moons|Mentions: Dewpaw, Ravenpaw| She smiled shaking her head no. “It’s fine, Dewpaw. Thank StarClan you’re still here.” Frecklepaw purred, as she put her paw on his chest and giggled. “Every time you talk it makes me happy, you know? You’re voice is calming.” She giggled again. Ravenpaw would have wanted her to move on and be happy. Frecklepaw looked at the herbs. “Dewpaw we did find them too, still thank you.” She put her head in his chest, as she again purred. ![]() |
clouds (#126311)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-10 06:06:23 |
Timberclaw - ShadowClan Warrior - Mentions: Marshcloud Timberclaw chuckled at Marshcloud’s joke. “Hopefully nothing burns this time.” He whispered, flicking his tail. More cats were coming in, new scents filling his nose. He glanced around and waited for the leaders to start. ![]() |
Shenaniganary© (#79034)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-10 11:14:17 |
Earthquake|Thunderclan|Deputy|Gathering|Mentions: Flamestorm, Marshcloud Earthquake glances at his mate, her belly slightly bulging "Are you sure you're okay with coming out here?" he was thoroughly concerned, rubbing her side softly with a gentle paw. "I wouldn't forgive myself if you got sick..." he touched noses with her. He was going to continue mooning over her until it was clear the gathering was starting, he gave her a small lick on the cheek before he began rushing to the front. He was stopped short, and face planted the ground, having tripped over some cats tail. He collected himself *huff* "Uh, sorry about that." he apologized awkwardly, to a Shadowclan she-cat from the smell of it. He felt the tip of his ears warm up against the cold "So embarrassing..." he grunted, angry at himself. Shaking himself, he stood and continued on his way. Sunflower|Shadowclan|Warrior|Gathering|Mentions: Dawnflower With round excited eyes, Sunflower rushed into the mass of cats, her fox coat fur tugging in the wind. Her long legs carrying her, but her eyes failed, looking in all directions but ahead. It wasn't long until she bumped into someone, they met eye to eye instinctively "S-sorry..." Sunflower squeaked. They had a very attractive face, but they smelled Thunderclan-ish. "It's fine, I'm Dawnflower by the way." she smiled. Sunflower felt her body heat up as if it were still summer. "I'm Sunflower." her face turned pink, as she stared into the she-cat's eyes. Dawnflower chuffed in amusement "You can sit with me if you want." (Should've seen this coming ;3) ![]() |
clouds (#126311)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-10 12:10:57 |
Timberclaw - ShadowClan Warrior - Mentions: Marshcloud, Earthquake Timberclaw turned his head around and saw a ThunderClan tom face plant after leaving his mate. "You good?" Timberclaw chuckled after the ThunderClan deputy, who seemed like he was in a hurry. Timberclaw curled his tail around Marshcloud and pulled her closer, the wind ruffling his fur. Everyone seemed very enjoyable and happy. Sootpaw - WindClan Apprentice - Mentions: Frecklepaw, Dewpaw Sootpaw padded into the gathering, happy to be home before the gathering ended. She looked around, relizing she didn't know many other apprentices. Spotting Frecklepaw, she padded over to her. "Hello Frecklepaw!" she exclaimed, noticing Dewpaw, another medicine cat. "Sorry Dewpaw, I didn't see you there. How is ThunderClan doing?" ![]() |
CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-10 15:38:05 |
Dewpaw - Medicine Cat Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mentions: Frecklepaw, Sootpaw "I'm glad, and I feel the same Frecklepaw, but is your brother okay now with the herbs?" He'd ask, flicking a large ear. He'd rest his chin on the top of her head in a comforting gesture, smiling brightly. He'd stiffen a bit as Sootpaw approached however, casting Frecklepaw a sheepish grin. "It's... been better. Surviving but its been better," He'd mew, his tail curling around Frecklepaw, assuming the short-haired she-cat was probably cold. Flamestorm - Queen - Thunderclan - Mentions: Earthquake, OPEN "Of course I'm fine! Little bit of snow and cold wind isn't gonna put this flame out," She'd chirp, sticking her tongue out at the deputy before gently butting heads with him. "Knock 'em dead up there killer," She'd gently tease, licking the tom's cheek before he padded off. She'd try really hard not to snicker at the stumble, she really would. She'd shake out her pelt for a moment, giving a content sigh as she settled back down, at least her fuzzy coat and thick chest fur kept her warm for the most part. Marshcloud - Warrior - Shadowclan - Mentions: Timberclaw, Earthquake Marshcloud was about to open her jaws to say something when somecat stumbled on her tail, drawing an instinctive hiss from the battle scarred tortie. Her fur would be bristling as he rose up to his paws, her ears pinned back. Upon realizing the cat was by no means doing it on purpose she'd give a soft huff, her gaze narrowed. "Just don't let it happen again," She'd mutter. ![]() |
clouds (#126311)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-10 16:14:18 |
Sootpaw - WindClan Apprentice - Mentions: Frecklepaw, Dewpaw, Earthquake “That’s good” Sootpaw meowed at Dewpaw. Monstercough has hit the clans hard and it was good to see some clans doing at least okay. She flicked her tail and ran into a large tom; Earthquake, the ThunderClan deputy. “I’m sorry! So sorry Earthquake!” She muttered, getting back up on her paws, looking the tom in the eyes. Timberclaw - ShadowClan Warrior - Mentions: Marshcloud Timberclaw notes how scared Marshcloud was at the trip. “Hey” He meowed deeply “are you alright?” He curled his fuzzy tail around her, watching apprentices mingle and run. ![]() |
yolki {she/they} (#120798)
![]() Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-10 21:09:45 |
|Frecklepaw|She-cat|WindClan|Medicine Cat Apprentice|8 moons|Mentions: Dewpaw, Ravenpaw, Sootpaw, Earthquake| She froze at the mention of Ravenpaw, trying to hold back her sadness. It’s my fault still... Unfrozen by Sootpaw, Frecklepaw straightened up, giving an awkward laugh, before Sootpaw ran off to Earthquake. “My brother...he’s...” She thought about it before sticking her head into his chest. “He’s gone.” She curled her small tail around Dewpaw, as she tried to hold back tears. Her floppy ears held back, and her body pushed into his, she gave a small shake of both cold and sorrow. “it’s all my fault.” ![]() |
CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-11 19:20:16 |
Dewpaw - Medicine Cat Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mentions: Frecklepaw, Sootpaw, Earthquake Dewpaw couldn't help but snicker a bit as Thunderclan's deputy seemed to smash into yet another cat. As big and tough as the warrior was he did seem a bit collision prone. He would however perk as he noticed Frecklepaw's mood shift, his gaze filled with worry for his friend. He'd press gently against her, rasping his tongue over the top of her head in a comforting gesture. "I'm sorry Frecklepaw... and its not your fault. If any cat gave it their all to care for Ravenpaw it would be you. Sometimes... we just can't save every cat. Our job isn't even to save every cat, its to try. If we do, we do. If we don't it was in Starclan's paws," He'd mew softly. He'd curl his bushy tail further around her for warmth. He didn't know what he'd do if he lost Flamestorm. He'd probably feel incredibly alone and empty without his older sibling, the only 'family' he'd have would be his mentor. Sure their mother lived but... Dewpaw had never really been close to the queen for her distant nature and treatment of Flamestorm. Marshcloud - Warrior - Shadowclan - Mentions: Timberclaw Marshcloud gave a slight nod, her whiskers twitching. "I'm fine, just caught me off guard is all," She'd huff, smoothing down her fur with a few quick licks. "Never have been one to relax at gatherings. Or even at camp. Just normally on edge to some extent," She'd shrug. ![]() |
yolki {she/they} (#120798)
![]() Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-13 23:27:30 |
|Frecklepaw|She-cat|WindClan|Medicine Cat Apprentice|8 moons|Mentions: Dewpaw, Ravenpaw| Her ears perked, he was right. It’s okay, just breathe. Frecklepaw purred at Dewpaw, happy to just be around him, she felt her heart lift from her chest. The lick he had given was returned on his chest, as she snuggled into the much warmer cat. “Thank you Dewpaw. You always know how to make me happy.” She mewed softly. Had her heartache because of Dewpaw just now? She honestly couldn’t tell. That’s what made her question it. “Dewpaw? Does your heart beat fast when I’m around? Or does it hurt? I have no idea what this feeling is.” She whispered to him. ![]() |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-13 23:42:12 |
The roleplay is officially cancelled. Contact Quake with any concerns/questions. ![]() |