Posted by Gathering Thread [WCU RP]
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2017-09-25 10:51:06

Roleplay Staff
Smo - Owner, Supervisor, Prophecy Maker, Thread Moderator, Accepts RP Forms
Lady Vitaliya - Trainee, Supervisor, Thread Moderator
Andy - Trainee, Supervisor, Thread Moderator
Lizz - Supervisor, Experienced, Thread Moderator, Accepts RP Forms
Neptune - Supervisor, Experienced, Thread Moderator, Accepts RP Forms


Hello members of Warrior Clans United!

This is the Gathering Thread. A certain length of time will be set up each month by the Supervisors, and all cats in the 4 Clans RP may convene together.

Join our Lioden clan, Warrior Clans United, to have access to this RP! We hope you enjoy your time here. :)
Clan Link: Here!

The Chat Lounge: Here!
Clan Rosters
RP Info Sheet [Read Me!]
Check In Sheet [If your character is on the spreadsheet!]

Gathering Starts: December 6th to the 20th!


Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 06/12/17 @ 15:57:08 by Quakeflake™ ❄ (#69866)

Lizz (#8260)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-08 23:40:38
Froststar - SC Leader - Mentions: Fleetpaw,Goosepaw,Pinebreeze

As they neared their terriory, Froststar turned her head to Goosepaw as he asked his question. Some of her anger had ebbed by then but it was still there, so she sighed before placing her tail on the young cats back a meowed as comfortingly as she could, "No, A gathering is almost never like that. That one was..." She paused, trying to think of the words before her anger returned at the thought that Starclan hadn't warned her about what was going to happen. Just one more blow to her faith, so she mewed to the apprentice, "Starclan should have warned us before hand...I suppose they had other things to worry about than us." And with that she plunged back into their territory, her anger returning and on a mission to see what Pinebreeze knew.

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-10-09 11:08:20
Dewpaw - Medicine Cat Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mentions: Frecklepaw, Tidefur, Swallowpaw

"I won't go anywhere until I know you're okay Frecklepaw, don't worry," The apprentice mews softly, curling his tail around Frecklepaw. "I'm fine, I'm just... really sorry I didn't protect you like I said I would," He adds, frowning slightly as he'd give a flick of his ear. His leader must've hit a lot harder than he first though. "Starclan above... all of this happening and all the help starclan has sent has been a vague dream to a few cats, not even the medicine cats," He sighs.

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2017-10-09 11:21:54
Aldershade|WindClan|Warrior|Mentions: Softsong

Aldershade let out a soft purr at the affectionate greeting from Softsong, but it didn't really calm his nerves about the situation. With a clear image of what the disease looked like in his head from this gathering, further significance was added to the dreams he had been having recently. "This is reminding me of the nightmares I've been having lately...I say we get back to WindClan territory and try to figure out what to do. We can't really risk any other cats becoming infected, anyway." He reasoned, getting up and turning to leave Fourtrees, but not without casting a few glances over his shoulder at the chaos taking place.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-09 11:34:56
Softsong - Warrior - WindClan - Mentions: Aldershade

Softsong tilted his head to the side as Aldershade mentioned having nightmares. He had been having nightmares too, but nothing that reminded him of the events taking place not too far away from them. "Good idea, I don't want to be here any longer than I have to." He agreed, getting up as well. "At least not under these circumstances." He added solemnly. He hated the way his chest tightened with fear at the thought of such a disease spreading. While he did realise that the fear of the disease spreading was not irrational, he still did not like being afraid. "Tell me more about your nightmares when we get back to camp, I've had some nasty nightmares as well." He mentioned. Then, with a flick of his tail, he started running back to camp.

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yolki {she/they} (#120798)

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Posted on
2017-10-09 16:38:13
|Frecklepaw|Windclan|Medicine Cat Apprentice|Female|Mentor: Tidefur|Mentions: Dewpaw, Tidefur, Open|

She gave a weak smile, as her vision was somewhat off. Purring as Dewpaw put his tail around her, she tried to lick his shoulder or something. Frecklepaw hoped that nothing too bad was to come from this...Please Starclan don't get my brother or Dewpaw sick...I wanna cure them. She had her tail curled as they started to head over to Windclan camp. "Tidefur, what happens if I was bit by Sunstar?" She mewed softly as she placed her paw on her wound. Frecklepaw turned to Dewpaw, just happy to see him, "It's okay mistakes happen, Dewpaw."

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pin (#123673)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-10-09 16:42:55
tidefur - medicine cat - windclan - mentions: frecklepaw

his amber gaze clouded with worry "we just have to make sure your wounds get cleaned up" he gently mews.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-10 11:21:07

The cats call rabies "Monstercough" from now on!

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-10-10 12:18:44
Dewpaw - Medicine Cat Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mentions: Tidefur, Frecklepaw, Sunstar

"A mistake that got you hurt though Frecklepaw...," He'd mew, managing a small smile as she curled his tail around him. His blood ran cold at the wound however, his eyes drifting to Tidefur with fear. He was terrified to watch her go not knowing if the sickness would claim her before the medicine cats even met next. "Please be careful Frecklepaw," He calls, glancing back at his leader out cold on the ground. He knew Sunstar was sick but of all the cats his leader had to strike he had to go for Medicine cats?

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Lilith (#122951)

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Posted on
2017-10-10 19:49:52
Foxpaw|App.|ThunderClan|Mentions: Anyone around Sunstar, Sunstar

Foxpaw lay in wait, hiding in the bushes that were almost literally next to Sunstar. He watched as cats were talking and doing... stuff (XD). He sat up, still hidden by the bush and groomed himself.

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StarChildAri (#126911)

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Posted on
2017-10-11 13:19:57
WolfSong - Warrior - WindClan - Mentions-open

WolfSong Looked around taking in all the different cats, he loved going to gatherings as an apprentice but now that he was attending as a warrior it made his paws prickle with excitement, he looked around wanting to talk to some others cats from different clans.

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Edited on 11/10/17 @ 13:37:47 by MoonClaw (#126911)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2017-10-12 15:22:35

Every post on the thread from NOW until the End of the Gathering will give your clan POINTS to win OC art! The artist is yet to be chosen, but it will be good! Thank you all, and get to writing! :)

I will post the artist once I have found them. :)

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Edited on 13/10/17 @ 05:54:56 by Quake [Smomiah] (#69866)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2017-10-13 05:54:53
[I love how I start a contest and no one participates lol]

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2017-10-13 06:15:33
(I'll to get a post in once I'm done with class and hopefully get things figured out on whether I have to move or not ^^)

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-13 06:31:57
Ivystar - WindClan leader - Mentions: Everyone

Ivystar watched in shock as everything suddenly spiralled out of control. This was not what she had expected to happen at a gathering, ever. She shook her head lightly and leapt into the throng of cats around Sunstar, trying to drag the youngest cats away from him. "Stay away from his head!" She ordered, even though she was sure she was not the first one to command this.

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StarChildAri (#126911)

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Posted on
2017-10-13 08:45:30
WolfSong - Warrior - WindClan - Mentions-IvyStar

WolfSong padded up to IvyStar dipping his head respectably, he got in close whispering into his leaders ear," Are you going to tell all the clans about RavenPaw?" he asked adding " I bet the other clans are having trouble too it cant just be us." He said thoughtfully.

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