Posted by Gathering Thread [WCU RP]
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2017-09-25 10:51:06

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Hello members of Warrior Clans United!

This is the Gathering Thread. A certain length of time will be set up each month by the Supervisors, and all cats in the 4 Clans RP may convene together.

Join our Lioden clan, Warrior Clans United, to have access to this RP! We hope you enjoy your time here. :)
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Gathering Starts: December 6th to the 20th!


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Edited on 06/12/17 @ 15:57:08 by Quakeflake™ ❄ (#69866)

Chad (#125242)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-10-13 09:01:14
Sunstorm/ deputy of Riverclan/ 13 moons/ gathering/ Sunstar and Ivystar

Sunstorm was frozen to his spot, unable to help lead his clan to safety due to his overwhelming fear. When his clan was long gone, he stood up and stared at Sunstar worriedly. Was the sickness really this horrible? He tried to approach the leader, sniffing for any signs of Monster cough so that he could protect his clan. The sleeping cat seemed to have no other indicators than the foaming mouth, and he soon looked at Ivystar with a concerned look.

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-10-13 09:11:45
Dewpaw - Medicine Cat Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mentions: Sunstorm, Frecklepaw, Tidefur, Sunstar

Dewpaw would catch Sunstorm padding closer to his leader out of the corner of his eye. Though it pained him to do so he tore himself from Frecklepaw and Tidefur's sides to rush up to his leader's form, fur bristling wildly. While Dewpaw was a young apprentice he was big, especially for a medicine cat's apprentice and looked even bigger with his fur puffed out in every direction. Though he'd not say a word he'd glare down the Riverclan deputy, standing protectively over Sunstar.

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Chad (#125242)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-10-13 09:36:04
Sunstorm/ deputy of Riverclan/ fourtrees/ Dewpaw and Sunstar

"Shh, calm down, I just want to see the signs of Monster cough. I don't want to hurt him. I'm Sunstorm, the deputy of Riverclan. I just want to protect my cats from getting infected. What's your name?" He tried a soothing technique on the cat, deciding it was either a large apprentice or a young warrior. He assumed that this cat was a warrior apprentice by the looks of it and his actions. "What behaviors did Sunstar show before today? Was he very mean, or did he shred his prey?"

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-10-13 11:08:53
Dewpaw - Medicine Cat Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mentions: Sunstar, Sunstorm

Dewpaw's tail would lash wildly behind him, as he remained standing over his leader ears pinned back against his head. "Dewpaw. He was erratic, nothing like his normal self. Irritable, possibly seeing things or spouting on delusions. Highly aggressive," He'd mew sharply. "Some of the infected foam at the mouth. Mistpool and I are doing what we can to keep him from infecting others, but even we don't know of a cure for this," He'd add, giving a soft huff. "Best way you protect yourself? Don't eat something sickly or that was acting oddly before you killed it, don't let the infected quarrel with you or wound you," He mutters.

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Chad (#125242)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-10-13 17:09:58
Sunstorm/deputy of Riverclan/Fourtrees/Dewpaw and Sunstar(indirectly), open

Sunstorm listened carefully. He didn't move away from the rabid leader, but couldn't touch him near the apprentice, either. He knew that Dewpaw was still hostile, and tried to think of a way to calm him. The kind of hostility the large apprentice was showing in fourtrees was against the code, and it made Sunstorm uneasy. "Attacking me is against the warrior code. You do want to be a good warrior, yes?" He asked. Maybe treating the cat like a kit to keep in line was the best way to go.

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-10-13 17:39:05
Dewpaw - Medicine Cat Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mentions: Sunstar, Sunstorm

Dewpaw would give a soft snort, tail lashing. "Medicine cat, and if you don't touch him we won't have to worry about the code being broken," He rumbles, fur bristling. "He's sick, you don't need to be touching him in the first place. Besides, I told you what you wanted to know," He adds, flicking an ear. If any cat doubted the medicine cat and his wild sister were related before, their doubts could be cast aside now. The apprentice wasn't going to attack outright unless provoked at least.

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🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2017-10-14 04:40:54
Falconfeather - Shadowclan - Warrior - Mentions: Sunstorm and Dewpaw
Falconfeather had been observing from a distance, he hadn't heard Froststar call out for Shadowclan to take leave. He noticed the tension growing between Dewpaw and Sunstorm, medicine cat apprentice of Thunderclan and deputy of Riverclan. He made his way in between both toms, even though he was half the size of Sunstorm and still a lot smaller than Dewpaw. "Sunstorm, I think you should leave Dewpaw and Mistpool to look after their leader, you will be getting in the way. It is Thunderclan's problem not any other clans. If you want to learn then watch from afar. " He didn't want to start an argument, but it still wasn't Sunstorm's place. "I'm sure Dewpaw and Mistpool will send a warrior to each clan to tell us how to handle this type of situation, but for now you should focus on keeping your cats away from Sunstar in case he wakes up." He stayed in between the two cats, and he wasn't moving until he felt the two cats/ Dewpaw had calmed down.

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2017-10-14 09:19:13
| Willowstar | Riverclan | Leader | Four Trees | Mentions: Falconfeather, Sunstorm, Dewpaw |

After checking over her scratches that she had received earlier, she gaze over the clearing before her sight settled on her deputy and the medicine cat apprentice. She noticed the hostility between them and padded over to figure out what was going on before something could occur. Her attention shifted when she saw Falconfeather step in between the two and begin talking to him. The Riverclan leader caught the last bit of the Shadowclan warrior's words before nodding. "I agree. We should let Thunderclan handle Sunstar and they will let us know the more they know and learn about this sickness." She calmly mewed before turning to Falconfeather. "Thank you for stepping in. I was a bit distracted and wasn't paying to much attention to things around here."

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-10-14 10:02:37
Dewpaw - Medicine Cat Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mentions: Willowstar, Falconfeather, Sunstar, Sunstorm

The apprentice would stiffen slightly at the sudden arrival of Falconfeather in the mix before he got a good look at the tom. He'd relax as he caught a bit of his sister's scent along the Shadowclan cats pelt as well as when he realized Falconfeather was there to stop any sudden fighting rather than to get too close to Sunstar. He'd dip his head politely to the warrior. He'd be somewhat at ease with the arrival of Willowstar as well given the she-cat had already had a run in with his leader. "The most I could suggest right now is maybe something to calm the cats, it's a temporary fix if it works but it's something. Maybe have your medicine cats try different calming herbs and see what they come up with," He'd new softly, his pelt beginning to lie flat against his frame once again. "I know some of the herbs are probably running low for them after the locust so I'll see what I can do to send any extra your way," He'd add.

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Chad (#125242)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-10-14 12:01:19
Sunstorm/ deputy of Riverclan/ fourtrees/ Willowstar, Dewpaw, Sunstar

Sunstorm showed surprise, not realizing the cat was a medicine cat apprentice. The cat showed so much hostility that he was convinced the cat was taking battle training. He turned to Willowstar, upset that no one understood what he was doing. "We need to know what causes this, Willowstar." He said, turning to the resting leader. "I wasn't going to touch him, just investigate the problem. Dewpaw overreacted. Something that affects one clan can affect all, and it is our problem if Sunstar had bitten someone. What if we get infected?"

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2017-10-14 13:04:12
| Willowstar | Riverclan | Leader | Four Trees | Mentions: Sunstorm, Dewpaw, Falconfeather |

"I understand that, but this is Thunderclan's leader. Of course they're going to be defensive when it comes to him. We can't intrude on their business. I appreciate you trying to learn more, but this is also something to trust the medicine cats to learn out. They're the ones handling injuries and sicknesses and are better suited for this task. If you want, then you can observe things from afar or wait until they bring us more information. Thunderclan is already distracted with their leader. I say it's best to leave them be for now." She reasoned before turning back to Dewpaw. "Calming herbs? Alright, i'll be sure to keep that in mind for when we get back to our camp. Also, if you and your clan need the herbs to help on your end, then don't worry. We'll figure something out. All that I ask is that you help keep us updated on any symptoms that you find."

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Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2017-10-14 15:06:16
Swallowpaw - Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mentions: Not specified

Swallowpaw slowly crept out from her hiding place. "Hello?" She called nervously. In the darkness she could only make out vague shapes of cats from a distance. "Um, who's there?" She said softer. The she-cat crept closer, the shapes becoming more defined. "I, um, don't really know my way back in the clan left me because I was hiding. This was my first gathering so I don't know the way..." The small apprentice trailed off. She shivered, not from cold, but because she felt alone in the darkness even though there were clearly cats in from of her.

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-10-14 15:32:43
Dewpaw - Medicine Cat Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mentions: Sunstorm, Sunstar, Willowstar

The apprentice would narrow his gaze at Sunstorm. "Overreacted? My leader is out cold and infectious, and you barge up to him. He's already attacked several cats and I'd personally like the number down," He huffs, tilting his head to Willowstar. "Thank you, and I'm sorry about the commotion, I... we're all scared here," He admits.

Flamestorm - Warrior - Thunderclan - Mentions: Swallowpaw

The flame colored she-cat would be darting through the crowd of cats, yowling out her apprentices name. She prayed to starclan the apprentice was unharmed, and uninfected. She'd have a bit of difficulty though despite covering a good amount of ground in a shorter span of time, there were too many scents to really find her apprentice's alone.

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Chad (#125242)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-10-14 19:28:33
Sunstorm/deputy of Riverclan/ Fourtrees/ Dewpaw and Willowstar

Sunstorm sighed. "He's out cold. He can't hurt nobody. I didn't 'barge up next to him', either. Maybe if you want to help your clan you should focus on healing and helping, not picking fights with people on a gathering. What do you think I'd do during a full moon, anyways?" He stomped off with Willowstar, the stubborn apprentice making his fur prickle.

Fleetpaw/Shadowclan/apprentice, 6 moons/ fourtrees/ Sunstorm and Dewpaw

Fleetpaw had slunk off from the other cats who had left the gathering, determined to know if thunderclan was as vicious as their leader. She walked into fourtrees, and stared as she saw a large calico argue with a large apprentice. She slunk next to Dewpaw as Sunstorm stomped off, and started talking as if she knew the apprentice. "Riverclan are so strange, right?... He's from Riverclan, correct? He smells fishy." She said. "And you must be Thunderclan, from the gross smell. I'm Fleetpaw!" She said casually.

((I hope you don't mind me bringing in a totally different cat to talk to Dewpaw, Cherry. Fleetpaw was curious about thunderclan, and as the saying goes, killing cats makes them curious... I said that wrong.

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2017-10-14 20:44:06
| Willowstar | Riverclan | Leader | Four Trees | Mentions: Dewpaw, Sunstorm |

She nodded and offered a comforting smile. "That's understandable. With all that's gone on, everyone is a bit on edge and worried, so that's not your fault. The knowledge with this is limited, so until we learn more, i'm sure tension may clash. Don't let any of it get you down though. I'm sure Starclan will send a sign that'll help us." She watched as her deputy padded away and looked back at the Thunderclan medicine cat apprentice. "I hope we figure this out soon. It's a shame what happened with Sunstar. He's a good cat and leader, so hopefully things work out." She dipped her head at the young cat before padding off after Sunstorm.

"I understand your concern, Sunstorm, trust me. I would like to know as well the different signs of this sickness. However, since the sick one is Sunstar, i'd say to leave this to the medicine cats. He's a very strong cat and keeping him asleep is their best option right now. It's best not to have too many cats around him in case he happens to wake up somehow. He's currently not in his right mind, so it's safer to keep our distance." The she-cat explained.

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