Posted by Gathering Thread [WCU RP]
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2017-09-25 10:51:06

Roleplay Staff
Smo - Owner, Supervisor, Prophecy Maker, Thread Moderator, Accepts RP Forms
Lady Vitaliya - Trainee, Supervisor, Thread Moderator
Andy - Trainee, Supervisor, Thread Moderator
Lizz - Supervisor, Experienced, Thread Moderator, Accepts RP Forms
Neptune - Supervisor, Experienced, Thread Moderator, Accepts RP Forms


Hello members of Warrior Clans United!

This is the Gathering Thread. A certain length of time will be set up each month by the Supervisors, and all cats in the 4 Clans RP may convene together.

Join our Lioden clan, Warrior Clans United, to have access to this RP! We hope you enjoy your time here. :)
Clan Link: Here!

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Gathering Starts: December 6th to the 20th!


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Edited on 06/12/17 @ 15:57:08 by Quakeflake™ ❄ (#69866)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-11-04 04:42:33
Ivystar - WindClan - Leader - Mentions: Willowstar

Ivystar had grown paranoid and unstable since the vole had attacked her. The Gathering had been something she was not sure she should attend, but with so many capable cats, she guessed it was fine. For now she was feeling fine other than a fever and a lasting thirst. She noticed RiverClan's leader, Willowstar, by the roots of the four great oaks and padded over to her. Maybe some casual conversation would do them both in times like these. "Willowstar, how are you?" The WindClan leader mewed, padding over to the other leader and settling down next to her.

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2017-11-04 10:02:59
| Willowstar | Riverclan | Leader | Mentions: Ivystar |

Hearing pawsteps approach her, her ear twitched and she turned her head to see the Windclan leader padding over towards her before settling down. She dipped her head in greeting at the she-cat before responding back to her. "I'm doing okay. Worried about how long Monstercough will be sticking around, but as I look around, it doesn't seem like too many cats have gotten it, which is good. How about you, Ivystar?" Willowstar inquired after her gaze shifted over all of the attending cats before returning to the other she-cat.

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Hibiscus Primal (#105742)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-11-04 11:46:59
Goosepaw - 8 moons - Male / Apprentice / Shadowclan / Mentions: Marshcloud, OPEN

The energetic apprentice padded up behind his mentor, his tail held high above him. Having pushed the memory of his first Gathering into the back of his mind, Goosepaw was confident that this Gathering would go smoothly!

"Hey Marshcloud," he meowed, looking up at the shecat, "I forgot to ask last time—what usually happens during a Gathering?"

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FlavourDelRosa (#127168)

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Posted on
2017-11-04 11:56:37
| HoneyPaw | Apprentice | 6 Moons | Gathering | Riverclan |MarshCloud, GoosePaw, open |

HoneyPaw looked around as all the cats gathered and spoke to each other her eyes widened in disbelief, she had never seen so many cats in one place before! The small she cat felt her paws prickle with excitement as she trotted around looking for some gossip to get into. HoneyPaw had been passing by another cat who smelled of ShadowClan when she heard his question, she turned the tom her icy blue yes shining. " I hope you don't mind me butting in" She mewed a smile on her pretty muzzle " But usually what happens is all the leaders share news about their clans, like if kits have been born or if a warrior or apprentice have been named" mischief took over her sweet looking face as she continued, " And they use the gathering to declare war or accuse other clans of stealing prey" The she cat looked happily at the ShadowClan tom her whiskers twitching.

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yolki {she/they} (#120798)

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Posted on
2017-11-04 12:17:20
|Frecklepaw|Windclan|Medicine Cat Apprentice|She-cat|Mentions: Dewpaw, Tidefur, Ivystar, open|

Following Tidefur’s lead, she mewed softly. Being stuck in camp all this time was boring, and she wanted to see someone special. Her whiskers twitched as she smelt the other clans and cats. She walked softly to the other clans greeting cats, before she smelt Dewpaw. Her ears perked, as she saw Dewpaw and without hesitation she ran towards him. “Dewpaw!”

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-11-04 12:42:33
Marshcloud - Warrior - Shadowclan - Mentions: Honeypaw, Goosepaw

Marshcloud was about to respond when Honeypaw interjected, causing Marshcloud to arch a fuzzy brow. "While the answer was spot on, the introduction could use a little work." She snorted, flicking her tail. "The only other thing is that its meant to give some peace, or possibly alerting others to a danger that might be coming their way, like a fox moving dens," She adds. "You're free to meet other apprentices and chat, but when the leaders start talking you should keep an ear open to what they say," She chirps, resting her tail on her apprentice's shoulder.

Dewpaw - Medicine Cat Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mentions: Frecklepaw

Dewpaw would perk excitedly at the sound of Frecklepaw's voice. The large apprentice would bound towards Frecklepaw, tail flicking from side to side excitedly. His never tired of seeing Frecklepaw, each meeting left him in a wonderful mood. He'd press his cheek against her's in greeting, giving a soft chuckle. "How have you been Frecklepaw?" He'd chirp,tilting his head to the side.

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yolki {she/they} (#120798)

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Posted on
2017-11-04 17:43:22
|Frecklepaw|Windclan|Medicine Cat Apprentice|She-cat|Mentions: Dewpaw|

She purred as Dewpaw's cheek rubbed against her's. "I've been stuck in camp a lot, Dewpaw. Its been okay long and boring but it's okay now!" Frecklepaw sprung up in her typical Windclan hop. She curled her small, tail around the bigger cat's tail. She gave Dewpaw a happy smile and purred again. Frecklepaw took a seat next to him before whispering in his big ears. "Do you wanna go talk privately?" She said in whisper, trying not to let anyone around them hear. Hoping that he would say 'yes'.

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FlavourDelRosa (#127168)

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Posted on
2017-11-04 17:50:22
| HoneyPaw | Apprentice | 6 Moons | Gathering | Riverclan |MarshCloud, GoosePaw, open |

HoneyPaw dipped her head respectfully at the warrior thankful she had not been too harsh with the golden she cat, she looked up to MarshCloud she was so curious and had a lot of questions. " This is my first gathering" HoneyPaw mewed she looked around at all the cats the smells of all the different clans made her head feel fuzzy and light. HoneyPaw looked to MarshCloud " Wouldn't it be easier if all the clans united as one? We'd have so many more warriors to help feed queens and kits! Plus there wouldn't be any feuds over territory or prey" The cute golden cat's eyes were innocent as she asked it made sense when she thought about it. Was it not as easy as she thought it was?

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Chad (#125242)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-11-04 18:10:47
Fleetpaw/Shadowclan/Apprentice/7 moons/Snowshoe/Goosepaw, Marshcloud, Honeypaw

Fleetpaw raced to Goosepaw, sitting next to him with skittish fear. She glanced at the other cats warily, worried that one of them would start foaming at the mouth. She looked up at Marshcloud, but before she could speak a strange fishy kitty walked up and explained it. The snowshoe waved to her.

Sunstorm/Riverclan/ Deputy/13 moons/Tortoiseshell/Fallenflames

Sunstorm jogged to the Great Rock, sitting comfortably at it's foot before turning to the deputy beside him. "You're Shadowclan's deputy, correct? Sunstorm, Riverclan. " He said, smiling at Fallenflames.

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Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2017-11-04 18:13:07
Swallowpaw - Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mentions: Flamestorm, Goosepaw

Swallowpaw smiled at Flamestorm from behind the older she-cat before she bounded off into the masses of cats. Her first gathering hadn't gone all that well but she was determined to make a few friends at this one. "Flamestorm!" She yowled. "I'm going to meet the other apprentices." Swallowpaw figured it would probably be a good thing if she let her mentor what she was doing this time. The jumbled scents of the clans made her head spin so Swallowpaw made her way towards the edge of the gathering to catch her breath. On the way there however, she bumped into a Shadowclan apprentice. "Oh my gosh I'm sorry!" She blurted.

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Nettle *Light's
Off*StampMePls (#127094)

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Posted on
2017-11-04 18:24:39
Weird, I swear a posted this one.Sorry Cherry Lady!

Sagepaw|RiverClan|White, With orange tabby and Amber eyes.|Apprentice|Mentions:None.

Sagepaw pushed her way through the cats.She eyed some cats, looking for any Monstercough.She spotted a young Tom, the ThunderClan medicine cat apprentice, who was talking to another SheCat.She padded up to them."H-Hey,"She meowed.

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-11-04 18:26:39
Dewpaw - Medicine Cat Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mentions: Frecklepaw, Sagepaw

Dewpaw would nod slightly, though he arch a fuzzy brow. "Is something the matter?" He'd mutter quietly, flicking an ear as he motioned for Frecklepaw to lead the way so he could follow after. He'd nearly jump out of his pelt as Sagepaw surprised him. He'd offer a sheepish smile to the other medicine cat apprentice, chirping a friendly greeting. "Hey there."

Marshcloud - Warrior - Shadowclan - Mentions: Honeypaw, Goosepaw, Swallowpaw

"Not all cats are used to fighting and hunting the same way, the clans are divided as they are because each cat went where they could thrive the best," Marshcloud mewed simply to Honeypaw, giving a flick of her tail. As she noticed some cat stumbling into her apprentice she'd bite back a hiss, reminding herself to be civil at least for her clan's sake. And to keep from upsetting Goosepaw.

Flamestorm - Warrior - Thunderclan - Mentions: Swallowpaw

Flamestorm would chuckle slightly at her apprentices enthusiasm, deciding to let her have some fun. She wasn't quite sure if she could keep up with Swallowpaw's energy tonight to trail her constantly so she'd look about for her periodically. "Alright, be safe and call for me if you need me Swallowpaw!" Flamestorm would yowl in return, a smile on her muzzle.

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Hibiscus Primal (#105742)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-11-04 18:28:31
Goosepaw - 8 moons - Male / Apprentice / Shadowclan / Mentions: Swallowpaw, Fleetpaw, Honeypaw, OPEN

Goosepaw smiled at his fellow apprentice and mewed, "It's ok, Fleetpaw, I have a good feeling about this Gathering!"

Turning to speak to Honeypaw, the white tom was cut off when a Thunderclan apprentice bumped into him. He yelped in surprise and hopped to his feet.

"O-oh!" Goosepaw blinked and cleared his throat, "It- that's alright, it was an honest mistake." Sitting back down, Goosepaw brought his paw to his face and meowed, "My name's Goosepaw, what's yours?"

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Nettle *Light's
Off*StampMePls (#127094)

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Posted on
2017-11-04 18:30:56
Sagepaw|7 1/2 moons|Shecat|Apprentice|RiverClan|White and ginger tabby|Mentions:Dewpaw

Sagepaw smiled, purring with amusement."Hey there.My names Sagepaw.Your Dewpaw, ThunderClans Medicine cat apprentice, Right?"She meowed.

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-11-04 18:36:11
Dewpaw - Medicine cat Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mention: Sagepaw, Frecklepaw

The silver/beige tabby tom would nod slightly to Sagepaw, his tail swaying as he glanced to Frecklepaw from time to time, unsure of what the pair should do. "I am, you're Shadowclan's right? You smell like herbs and the pine needles you see all over Shadowclan territory," He chirped, his smile warm.

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