Posted by Gathering Thread [WCU RP]
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2017-09-25 10:51:06

Roleplay Staff
Smo - Owner, Supervisor, Prophecy Maker, Thread Moderator, Accepts RP Forms
Lady Vitaliya - Trainee, Supervisor, Thread Moderator
Andy - Trainee, Supervisor, Thread Moderator
Lizz - Supervisor, Experienced, Thread Moderator, Accepts RP Forms
Neptune - Supervisor, Experienced, Thread Moderator, Accepts RP Forms


Hello members of Warrior Clans United!

This is the Gathering Thread. A certain length of time will be set up each month by the Supervisors, and all cats in the 4 Clans RP may convene together.

Join our Lioden clan, Warrior Clans United, to have access to this RP! We hope you enjoy your time here. :)
Clan Link: Here!

The Chat Lounge: Here!
Clan Rosters
RP Info Sheet [Read Me!]
Check In Sheet [If your character is on the spreadsheet!]

Gathering Starts: December 6th to the 20th!


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Edited on 06/12/17 @ 15:57:08 by Quakeflake™ ❄ (#69866)

🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2017-10-15 00:42:40
Falconfeather - Shadowclan - Warrior - Mentions: Sunstorm, Dewpaw, Willowstar and Fleetpaw
Falconfeather simple sat down and let Willowstar reason with Sunstorm, he just stayed in between the two. He sighed as the pair walked of, turn to Dewpaw he asked, "Do you want me to gather some cobwebs or anything for the cats involved in the skirmish?" His voice was soft and calm. He guessed Dewpaw was stressed out with all that just happened, and he had a bit of herbal knowledge thanks to him enjoying helping out Shadowclan's old medicine cat as an apprentice. His attention turn as Fleetpaw appeared, he nodded in greeting before. He almost chuckled when Fleetpaw made her comment to Dewpaw, "And you smell gross to him as well." His amusement showed in his voice.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-10-15 19:15:18
Dappleheart | Female Warrior of Thunderclan | Location: Gathering
Mentions: Everyone basically

Dappleheart felt horror seep into her veins as she watched her leader spiral out of control. Her instincts screamed at her to run but she stood still, eyes round with terror. The foam... the crazed look in his eyes... those ranting... it's... it's like the same illness the bat had in her dream! Perhaps this is bigger than she thought. Sunstar's claw was a whicker away feom her noise before she dashed away, skidding on the earth. His attacks were jerky and pretty much unplanned. Foam dropped near her paw and she drew back her paw with a disgusted hiss, backing away with her tail lashing and hackles raising. A small thunderclan apprentice(npc bro's) was frozen in place dangerously close to Sunstar. He looked way to young, he might've just got apprenticed. He can't fend off Sunstar if he turns on him! And the illness- he could catch it! She dashed over, stretching her legs far. She grabbed the cat by the scruff roughly, dragging him away frantically. The cat was utterly horrified, ears flattened and shivering. "Go back to camp now!" Dappleheart hissed loudly, tail lashing. The cat just stared forward at Sunstar. She shoved the tom forward, gritting her teeth. "Get movin before you get killed!!" She snapped. The apprentice turned tail and ran off.

She stood a safe distance away when Sunstar was being restrained by other cats, her fur ruffled and breathing out heavily. Then, suddenly, the shadowclan deputy took out a stick and struck Sunstar in the head with it. She felt anger burst in her chest. How dare she!? She calmed herself quickly, realizing that he would needed to be knocked out, he could bite the other cats and they'd get infected too. Dappleheart glanced at Flamestorm, refusing to leave for a few heartbeats. Her other clanmates ran off towards camp, so she decided she should. The deputy commanded tyem to, anyways. Dappleheart, with a shake of her tortoiseshell pelt, ran off with her clanmates, her legs stetching far to cover more ground. She was almost in the lead, but she was in no mood to race. She just wanted to go back to camp. She couldhear the blood race in her ears as she ran, panting heavily. Brittle twigs ripped at her pelt, but she fought on until she reached camp.

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-10-16 12:05:53
Dewpaw - Medicine Cat Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mentions: Falconfeather, Fleetpaw, Sunstorm, Willowstar, Sunstar

"Last I checked I still haven't hurt any cat," Dewpaw would mutter as Sunstorm stalked off, shaking his own head. He would admit to being confrontational, and getting cross with another clan's deputy? Not his best move. What was done was done however. He'd give Willowstar one last respectful dip of his head before glancing to Fleetpaw with a grin. "Yeah, we smell of all the foxes and badgers we fend off," He'd tease, flicking his tail as Falconfeather approached. "I think we've covered most wounds with cobwebs but I'd advise any of the other medicine cats in your clan to stock up on poppy seeds and herbs like it, something to keep any infected cats calm if that happens," He mews to the warrior. "I appreciate the help though, thank you."

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Chad (#125242)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-10-16 16:11:48
Fleetpaw/ 6 moons/Apprentice/Shadowclan/ fourtrees /Dewpaw and Froststar

Fleetpaw giggled. "Well, Froststar said you guys were too soft to hurt anyone." She said, before glancing quickly at the direction to Shadowclan and whispering to Dewpaw, "Are you guys secretly really powerful? You look awesome for a medicine cat." Before turning away and pretending she hadn't said that.

Sunstorm/deputy/13 moons/ Riverclan/ Fourtrees/

Sunstorm looked at Willowstar for a moment, his mind swarming with questions since the immature fight against the opposing clan's future medicine cat. He fought for reasoning to his behavior, not finding a clear 'should've' or 'shouldn't'. Beside Willowstar, he felt like an apprentice, which begged the question. "Willowstar, why did you choose me to be deputy?"

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2017-10-16 19:43:59
| Willowstar | Riverclan | Leader | Mentions: Sunstorm |

As she looked at her deputy and could see the many questions going on as his eyes showed his confusion and heard the slight pleading in his voice for her answer. She was quiet for a moment then offered the young tom a soft smile. "I chose you, Sunstorm, because I believe that you are smart, tactful, and would also make a great leader with a little bit more experience. You are also a cat that I believe would help the clan whenever they need help. You may be young and have not too much experience, but you still have a long ways to go and I trust you to help me lead the clan, whether i'm around or not." She glanced up at the sky for a moment as she relaxed before glancing back down at the tom. "Any other questions?"

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-10-16 20:01:36
Dewpaw - Medicine Cat Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mentions: Fleetpaw

Dewpaw would cast Fleetpaw a sly grin, giving a nod. "We are, my sisters says we got our size from our mom. And she sometimes teaches me warrior skills just incase. She feels a lot better if I know how to defend myself at least as good as a warrior's apprentice," He'd chuckle sheepishly. He'd never thought of himself as really awesome, except maybe when Flamestorm or Mistpool said so...

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2017-10-17 04:39:20
The Gathering is officially over!

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2017-10-18 09:55:49

Contest Winners!

FIRST: Riverclan! (10 Posts)
Second: Thunderclan (9 Posts)
Third: Shadowclan (3 Posts)
Fourth: Windclan (2 Posts)

Your art will be in the making shortly!

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Edited on 18/10/17 @ 09:56:57 by Quake™ #Smomiah (#69866)

Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2017-10-20 20:45:05
Am I the only one who finds the Scrying Stone a bit finicky? I but two parents of 'Red Dark Countershaded' in and got a 'Black Solid' cub?...

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🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2017-10-21 02:53:18
yes, it's a reported bug

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2017-11-03 15:26:04
The Gathering is starting!

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🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2017-11-03 15:43:47
Fallenflames - Deputy - 37 Moons - Shadowclan - Mentions: Open
Fallenflames stepped into the clearing carefully, keeping an eye out for any cat with the signs of the monster-cough. Once satisfied that there was no cats with the signs, of which she could tell that is, she made her way over to the base of Great Rock. She sat down keeping an eye out for the other deputies, she remembered that she need to apologize to Sunstorm for Falconfeather after the last gathering. She curled her tail around her tightly, the feeling of paranoia creeping in, expecting a monster-cough cat to leap out at the Shadowclan cats.

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-11-03 15:51:30
Flamestorm - Warrior - Thunderclan - Mentions: OPEN, Earthquake, Swallowpaw

Flamestorm would trudge after her clanmates, a little more sway to her step as she'd try to keep up with her mate's strides. At least she had long legs to cover more ground with. Of course she'd glance to her side and behind her for her brother and apprentice, making sure neither got lost or hurt on their way to four trees. She'd press her head against her mate's side as they walked. "Think the other clans will be in a far calmer mood now that we have a cure for monster cough?" She'd ask.

Dewpaw - Medicine Cat Apprentice - Thunderclan - Mentions: Frecklepaw, Tidefur, Earthquake, OPEN

Dewpaw would snicker over at his sister, arching a fuzzy brow. He just had to much fun teasing the flame colored she-cat. He had a feeling he'd be seeing more of her in the medicine den soon enough but for now his muzzle was shut. Dewpaw's heavy pawsteps would sound out as he edged to the front of the clan heading for four trees. He'd open his maw trying to catch the scent of any other cats. His pelt always prickled with excitement when he got to see the other medicine cats, especially Frecklepaw and her mentor. Even if Tidefur spooked him a bit, he was awfully big, granted so was Dewpaw but he wasn't looking for a scuffle with the older tom, or any cat really.

Marshcloud - Warrior - Shadowclan - Mentions: OPEN, Goosepaw,

Marshcloud's pawsteps were feather light against the ground as she padded along towards the gathering with her apprentice and her clan. The battle scarred tortie was never fond of all the different cats but also felt some sort of longing when she glanced at the other cats. Maybe it was the simple fact that she'd never heard whispers about herself from them, something she'd have killed for as an apprentice. It was a bittersweet thought however, her loyalty would lie with Shadowclan first and foremost.

Turtlejaw - Warrior - Riverclan - Mentions: OPEN, Willowstar

Turtlejaw bounded along the forest floor, somewhat missing the water under his paws but excited to see the other clans. The large warrior was nothing if not a friendly giant when it came to interacting with apprentices, and he tried his best to be equally kind to the warriors of the other clans at least while they weren't on opposite sides of the border. He would however try to keep a close eye on Willowstar, a bit of worry for the she-cat still stuck in his mind as of late.

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2017-11-03 16:14:04
| Willowstar | Riverclan | Leader | Mentions: Open |

The long furred she-cat carefully padded her way into the clearing where the other clans were, making sure to watch where she put her paws. She didnt want to lose her balance in front of the other clan cats and draw attention. Her recent paralysis scare was still on her mind and was grateful to be away from the river. The sound of it had been making her on edge each day and found it harder to even go near it without starting to want to panic and leave. When she got closer to the four large trees, Willowstar hesitated, knowing that with how she has been doing, she wouldn't be able to make it up there. With a sigh, she settled down at the roots a little ways away from where the medicine cats and such sat.

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CrookeD (#119834)

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Posted on
2017-11-03 19:31:29
Rosethorn - Riverclan - Warrior - Mentions: Willowpaw, Open

Rosethorn followed her leader with a giddy bounce in her step. She'd missed the last gathering, unfortunately since it had been so interesting, so there was no way she was missing this one. She looked behind her for her apprentice with a frown. She'd lost sight of Willowpaw somewhere on the journey, and didn't want the little cat to have to deal with the Gathering alone. Too soon they arrived in the clearing and Rosethorn had to choose a place to sit. Thankfully it didn't seem too crowded and she found a nice open space with a perfect view of the leaders. She noticed Willowstar was waiting near the roots with a frown. She seemed a bit under the weather lately. She was quickly distracted by the incoming cats, perking up and twitching her tail happily, hoping to find a friendly cat from the other clans to spend the evening with.

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