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Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-07-27 19:10:13
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Icepaw, Mumblepaw|Mentions Indirectly: Snowecho, Willowstar|Location: Med Cat Den - Apprentice Den

The dark sand colored tom was glad to see Icepaw brighten up a bit, he paused for a few heartbeats after Icepaw had spoken. "Well Snowecho has gone off to complain to Willowstar about Mumblepaw, so that will take a bit and I think I'm going to have a word with Mumbepaw. He said he was "storing" catmint, he needs to learn a lesson. Don't worry, I won't completely claw his ears off", Horsetail answered.
Getting to his paws, the medicine cat headed for the entrance. Pawsing just before leaving, he turned back and added, "You're in charge now, while Snowecho and I are out. Don't worry, if you freak out, we'll still be in camp for a bit longer", the tom said, giving the apprentice a confident nod. Heading across camp, Horsetail's pace quickened in the pouring rain. Reaching the apprentices den, the medicine cat headed inside. In quite a stern voice, but not loud voice, Horsetail called out, "Mumblepaw, are you in here?!"

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-07-27 19:28:40
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Apprentice Den | Mentions: Horsetail

Mumblepaw's ear would flick for a moment as he heard muffled sounds of his named being called, though he couldn't quite recall from who. Though, he was quite sure of the reason his name was being called. 'Is it time already? I expected the word to get out fast, but not that fast.' He'd mew to himself. His eyes shot opened as he stared at the figure of a cat. He'd blink his eyes for a moment, then he got clear vision of the cat. "Hm.. Horsetail, what a surprise." He'd mumble to the tom as he smiled. "But not exactly, though I was expecting Alderpaw to come and fetch me." He'd yawn as he began to stand up, stretching as he did. "So, are you coming to fetch me for my punishment, or rather you're here to ask why I did such things to Icepaw?" He'd ask in an awfully upbeat tone. "Or is it something else related to either of those... oh wait, or maybe you want to ask me about the piles of catmint I have?" He'd mew at the tom with his usual blank and harsh tone.

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Hourai [WCU] (#115472)

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Posted on
2018-07-27 19:38:32
Foxflame | 16 moons | Warrior | 30/30 | River | Mentions: Sunstar

Hearing Sunstar's words, Foxflame couldn't resist laughing again.

"StarClan is closer to us than you think. 'Tis the only reason I insist a cat must have been injured. Were it not StarClan's wrath, 'twould not be likely that it struck a cat the first time, and not a tree."

He looked up at the sky once more. "Yet I do not think Swiftstrike guilty of anything other than being himself, and that is not a crime that I believe StarClan would punish, unless they tire of him as well. We shall see who was punished this time, and why."

Lightning did not strike such low places. Surely Sunstar knew this. But as to why such wrath was being shown, Foxflame could not think of any reason but one.

Perhaps some among them had lost their belief.

He wondered if he was correct, and the grave consequences made him afraid. Still, he thought there wasn't much else to do other than prepare to help the cat that was struck.

"We must go and prepare. I feel this must be true," he stated bluntly, his eyes glaring into the ground resolutely, as if to burn a hole in the soil and stone. He closed his eyes, still facing downward, then opened them back up and headed for the fresh-kill pile.

He grabbed a squirrel and a fish from the fresh-kill pile. The medicine cats will surely enjoy one of these two, he thought. He could barely hold both in his mouth, and the slimy scent of the fish stung his nose. He abhorred fish, but he felt frog would disgust a cat who did not like the taste even more, and he was certain the medicine cats would enjoy one or the other.

He forced himself to endure the scent of the fish and carried them to the medicine cat den.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-07-27 20:06:55
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Mumblepaw|Mentions Indirectly: Snowecho, Willowstar|Location: Apprentice Den

Horsetail had stood just inside of the apprentice den, letting his eyes adjust a bit, before stepping further in. Although his green-blue eyes had not been kind, as he heard the apprentices cold voice, Horsetail eyes narrowed. A cold and hardness entered the medicine cats eyes, one which not many cats had ever seen. Sitting down, Horsetail calmly wrapped his tail around himself. Waiting for a few heartbeats in sighlents, Horsetail opened his mouth, "I came to fetch the catmint", the tom answered, in a monotone voice.
Waiting for a few more heartbeats, he slowly and coldey added, "I also thought you might want to know, that Snowecho is talking with Willowstar right now about your punishment." Sitting unmoving, but letting his now cold blue-green rest on Mumblepaw, Horsetail waited for the apprentice to bring the catmint.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-07-27 20:30:41
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Apprentice Den | Mentions: Horsetail

"Oh yes, my punishment." Mumblepaw's tail would calmly pat the ground as he said that. It made a soft, muffled 'thump' as he did so. "Punishment, hmm? Punishment.. punishment.. punishment.." He'd chuckle as his eyes closed. "I'm somewhat curious about it now that you have mentioned it. What kind of punishment would one get for saying something awful to another? Surely it wouldn't be as simple as an apology.. maybe I'll be banned from going into the Medicine Den unless I'm injured? Is such even a type of punishment? Honestly that wouldn't be a problem for me, I don't go to the Medicine Den when I'm injured."

"What do you think Horsetail?" Mumblepaw asked. "Whoops, I'm mumbling off. Anyway I have the catmint somewhere.." He'd search the whole den, then he paused as he found it. He'd show off the little pile. "Surprise, surprise. Here you are, if you want it you would surely get it yourself yes? Take as much as you want, but I'm sure you'll just take it all.. but that's fine." He'd look over to him as he gave a short 'tch' "Anyway, if that's all I'd like to get a good nap before my punishment comes. Wake me when it happens." He'd yawn lifelessly before preparing to go back to his nest.

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Edited on 27/07/18 @ 21:40:55 by Komasan {Breeding Addict} (#147164)

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2018-07-27 21:02:52
Brambleheart | 14 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 HP | Camp | Mentions: Open!

The beautiful dark brown dappled she-cat had been quietly slumbering until she was awoken by a clap of thunder that echoed inside of the den, her fur standing on end and her eyes bright and alert as she looked around. There were no other cats in the den and she let out a soft sigh, getting up and shaking out her fur before exiting, licking her chest a couple times to smooth down the fur that had stood on end from the surprise of being woken so abruptly.

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Angie (#151211)

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Posted on
2018-07-27 23:06:54
Shrewflight - 25 moons - Warrior - 30/30 - Camp - Mentions: None, Open

The previous night had not been kind to Shrewflight; the she-cat was plagued with unsettling dreams that were startled away by crashes of thunder, of which she was deathly afraid of. She had spent the morning whimpering in her nest, holding the feather and mysterious flower that had shown up by it for comfort. She spent the rest of the afternoon wondering where said flower actually came from, and studied its color closely; it was pretty, not too showy, and common around the camp, yet it was deliberately placed in her nest by someone. She looked up at the cats rushing around camp. Who would have? She wiggled her nose in thought and decided to pluck a petal off; she tucked it behind her ear, nestling it into her soft gray fur. Looking around, she eyed a particularly tall oak. Her claws flexed; she started walking towards it.

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Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2018-07-28 00:26:01
Brambleheart | 14 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 HP | Camp | Mentions: Shrewflight, open!

As Brambleheart looked around, she didn't spot anyone particularly doing anything. Some were chatting, others were doing their own thing, and some, like herself, didn't mind much about what others were doing. She saw Shrewflight walking towards an oak tree in the camp and she padded over to the other she-cat, her paw-steps light. "Greetings, how are you today? I thought I heard you mumbling in your sleep earlier this morning," Brambleheart asked politely, knowing that the brewing storm above had put some cats on edge recently.

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Sam (#142259)

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Posted on
2018-07-28 06:19:12
Swiftstrike|27 Moons|Warrior|9/30 Heath |Medicen den|
Swiftstrike wakes up to the sound of thunder. Had he fallen asleep. He felt better now. Maybe he could try to talk. He sees Harepaw place water socked moss near his muzzle. He was able to drink it luckily. The cool water felt nice, his mouth was dry and the water made it feel so smooth. He thinks he might be able to talk. He takes a deep breath. "H-Harepaw." he says. He looks at his apprentice.

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Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-07-28 06:30:12
Swallowpaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | 17/18 Health | Camp | Mentions: Mumblepaw

Swallowpaw, after listening to the various conversations around camp, stalked into the apprentice den. "Mumblepaw!" She snarled. "How dare you disrespect your clanmates!" Being fiercely protective of her clan, Swallowpaw was quick to anger when anyone threatened her clanmates. Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself slightly. "Don't assume duties that aren't yours! You could have put a cat in danger by giving the advice that a medicine cat should have given! In addition, you were incredibly rude to everyone!" Her fluffy tail lashed back and forth as she paced the small den. She opened her mouth to continue her rant but sneezed violently instead.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-28 06:31:31
Snowecho - 23 moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Clan Territory, River - Mentions: Willowstar, Wolfpaw, Duskflight, Open!

Snowecho was less upset when he got to talk about what Mumblepaw had done. Willowstar's attention and reassurance that something would be done had calmed him down a little. He had not realised that Duskflight had overheard, but his aura reached him and gave him chills. The chills changed however, something in the air did not feel right. Before he was able to put a claw to it, he was blinded by a bright white light. He closed his eyes, but the flash was already gone, and followed by a loud clap of thunder. His paws felt unsteady, and when he opened his eyes, he could only see white. He heard a thud. Blinking his eyes rapidly to regain sight, he padded in the direction of the sound, picking up Duskflight's scent mixed with another scent. It was similar to Swiftstrike.

Eyesight returned to him, and he immediately checked for Duskflight's breathing. He heard Willowstar's voice, luckily the ringing in his ears had gone down by now. "Wolfpaw, could you run to camp to tell Softpaw to make a new nest in the medicine cat den?" He asked the apprentice, then turned to Willowstar. "If you could carry him, that would be great, I need to scour the woods for honey. We ran out with Swiftstrike." He informed. He decided to wait for Willowstar's reply before doing anything else.

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-07-28 06:38:18

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Edited on 28/07/18 @ 08:10:40 by Hermione2242 (#144944)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-07-28 07:50:45
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Mumblepaw|Mentions Indirectly: |Location: Apprentice Den - Med Cat Den

Horsetail gave the apprentice only a cold nod, as he brought the catmint over to him. Mumblepaw had gathered so much catmint, the medicine cat had made sure though that the young cat had brought him anything. "I know that this won't help anything, but don't gather any herbs again", Horsetail commanded in a serious voice. "Unless you want to kill someone", Horsetail added coldly. He himself had cats die in his own paws, this 'kitten' did not even know what he was doing wrong. Too Horsetail, Mumble even seemed proud to be risking other cats lives. Without another word the tom picked up the catnip, as soon as the leaves were in his mouth Horsetail hated it. Unlike other cats, Horsetail hated the taste of catnip.
Headed for the entrance of the apprentice den, Horsetail paused for a moment. Looking behind him, his eyes still cold, Horsetail said, "You're not aloud out of the apprentice den, until someone comes to get you." He doubted that the young tom would care, turning on his heels Horsetail headed out into camp. Quickly heading across camp, the tom reached the medicine cat den.

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-07-28 08:26:37
Spottedpaw-6 moons-apprentice-18/18-Camp
Sottedpaw gave up trying to talk to her mentor and decided to see what had happened with Mumblepaw. She walks back to the medicine den and sits in front of Snowpaw. "Can you tell me what happened with Mumblepaw? I would really like to know. She just know noticed that Mumblepaw has been acting grouchy lately. Why? She looks up at Snowpaw waiting for an answer surly she would know.

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Sam (#142259)

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Posted on
2018-07-28 08:34:06
Snowpaw|7 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Heath |camp|
Snowpaw shrugs. "I wish I knew, but I don't" Snowpaw says. She looks at her sister. "But your smarter than I'll ever be." She says sweetly. "Your gonna be a great medicine cat." She smiles at her sister. "That was mean of him say that." She sighs. Why did Mumblepaw say that? It was so rude, she thinks. She was upset that Mumblepaw was mean to her sister. Snowpaw gives her a friendly lick.

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Edited on 28/07/18 @ 08:36:25 by WARNING: I'm evil (#142259)

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