Posted by | The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD) | |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-04 04:47:56 |
Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866) |
「Komasan」 (#147164)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-28 08:39:14 |
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Apprentice Den | Mentions: Horsetail Mumblepaw's would softly nod along as Horsetail spoke. "Don't gather anymore herbs? That's quite alright, I already learned the things I wanted." He'd mew as he resumed to walking to his nest, though he'd pause when the cat said something about death. "Kill someone, me? Oh. It pains me to think you think of me that way. I would never, unless I absolutely had to." He'd huff in fake sadness to him as he finally reached his nest and prepared to lay in it. "Hmm.. hmm.. don't worry about me. I want at least a few moments of rest until the moment comes.. I spend more time here trying to force myself to sleep more than actually sleeping somewhere in the middle of Camp." Mumblepaw added as he started closing his eyes. "Take good care of yourself Horsetail." He'd add as he watched the cat leave. He then fell asleep after that. ![]() |
Sage {G3 Mottled Pie Haze} (#85592) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-28 09:24:10 |
Wolfpaw - 9 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 HP - River - Mentions: Softpaw, Willowstar, Snowecho, Duskflight The world around him grew white and all he could hear was a sharp ringing sound echoing in his ears, momentarily stunning his thoughts. He moved his paws and felt himself bump into Willowstar, who he remembered that he was closest to. The fluffy tom wasn't sure what happened until his senses started to return and he could make out his mentor collapsed in a heap on the ground with his fur singed. Wolfpaw froze and wanted to do something to help his new mentor, but being just a warrior apprentice, he knew that he wouldn't be able to do much, which bothered him. Once he heard Snowecho call out to him, he hesitated to just leave, but with a small prod from his elder sister, he gave a quick nod and quickly ran off in the other direction. His paws moved him and before he knew it, he managed to get from the river back to the camp. Wolfpaw recalled that Snowecho had mentioned to ask Softpaw to build the nest so the fluffy tom raised his head slightly and tried to sniff for the older apprentice. It turned out that he didn't have to sniff for long as he ended up seeing him over near Stormberry. He quickly padded over, discarding any pleasantries, and looked right over at Softpaw. "Sorry if i'm bothering you, Softpaw, but Snowecho asked me to have you build a nest in the medicine cat den for when he, Willowstar, and Duskflight get back." He mewed, fairly out of breath after all the running he had done to get back. Willowstar - 32 Moons - Leader - 40/40 HP - River - Mentions: Wolfpaw, Duskflight, Snowecho Willowstar was relieved that Snowecho's senses had returned as well and listened as he gave his orders. When he mentioned Wolfpaw, she gave the young apprentice a small nudge, knowing that he must've been shocked to see his mentor in such a state. "Everything is going to be fine." She murmured to him before nosing him off in the direction of the camp. Once he was gone, she turned her attention back to the medicine cat tom and gave a nod. "Alright, i'll make sure to get him back to camp and that he's comfortable enough until you get back with the honey." She replied before circling around Duskflight, figuring out what the best position to have him carried back would be. The female leader pondered it for a few moments before deciding to use her muzzle to wedge her way under his side and lift him so his body draped along the length of her back, figuring that would be more comfortable. Once she made sure that he was positioned well enough that he would pad off, she dipped her head to Snowecho before making her way back with an unconscious Duskflight. ![]() |
Hourai [WCU] (#115472)
Majestic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-28 09:38:20 |
Foxflame | 16 moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Medicine Cat Den | Mentions: Icepaw, Snowpaw, Horsetail, Brambleheart, Shrewflight, Open When Foxflame reached the medicine cat den, he was surprised to see Snowpaw. He shrugged and dropped the squirrel and fish from his mouth. “Icepaw, these are for you. Take your pick. I shall procure more fresh-kill for your sister and whoever the injured cat is. StarClan struck a cat with lightning the first time, and I doubt that will change.” He looked at her, realizing she must have been upset at something just now, though he didn’t know what. Her eyes read as if she was insulted and had only just begun to recover. “Icepaw,” he addressed, “we are relying on you. I am relying on you. And I believe you will make a great medicine cat, and one that can hunt fish as well,” he consoled, slightly teasing. His smile was not malicious, but compassionate this time. “I do not know what has occurred, but I am upset StarClan has not thought to punish the cat that harmed you, though perhaps I ought to be struck down for injuring you before. But I would have you to nurse me, so I would not protest should it occur,” he continued. He locked eyes with Snowpaw using a pleading glance, one that begged her to care for her sister. With a flick of his tail, he left the den, where he met Horsetail by the entrance. “Mmm, something has occurred, hmm? I should guess there is an apprentice I ought to tear a hole in, physically this time.” He hardly waited for a response, instead heading directly for the fresh-kill pile once more. He delivered two fish this time, reasoning that Icepaw might have chosen the fish if she had tried so hard to catch them before. He still hated the scent of fish and their slimy taste. When his errand was finished, he decided to rest a bit and returned to the warriors’ den, where he saw Brambleheart offering Shrewflight a conversation. “Mmm, look at the two of you talking like sparrows in the night. I shall be happy to add a squawk or two to this squabbling, though only for a short while. I must ensure the medicine cats do not murder themselves with concern.” He stretched tiredly. Perhaps I shall murder myself with exhaustion, he thought, revealing this thought to the others through his stretching. He looked at Shrewflight, who had tucked the petal in her fur. He sniffed it, suppressing a smile and instead offering a curious glance. “Hmm, I recognize that flower. If I’m not mistaken, it has a meaning—‘take care of yourself.’” He sighed dramatically. “‘Tis a pity none have decided I deserve such concern. Still, the medicine cats deserve such sentiments.” Foxflame looked back at Shrewflight, grinning maliciously. “Though I wonder what cat left such a sentiment for you.” ![]() Edited on 28/07/18 @ 15:47:30 by Hourai [WCU] (#115472) |
Highfunctioningsocio path (#144944) Evil View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-28 10:18:57 |
Icepaw -6moons -med cat apprentice -18/18-Camp She looks up at Foxflame. She felt so much happier now. She gave her sister little lick on her shoulder. She felt grateful that she had a sister. "Thank You Foxflame but I am determined to not let a pile fox-dung ruin my confidence on becoming a great medicine cat." She smiled " Sorry I got mad about you scolding me. I kind of overreacted. " She watches Foxflame walk out she chooses a fish. She takes a small bite. She would need to keep her strength up for when Snowecho and Horsetai leave. Her clan would be depending on her and Newtpaw to help them when they are hurt. She smiles at her sister as she takes another bite. ![]() |
Kaz 🏳️🌈 ComsOpen (#66075) Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-28 10:37:15 |
Brambleheart | 14 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 HP | Camp | Mentions: Shrewflight, Foxflame "If you must know, we weren't "squabbling"," Brambleheart's tail waved behind her as she spoke, both in amusement and annoyance, although her mood was lightened by the ginger tom's joking and teasing. She watched as he rambled about the flower that he had obviously planted in Shrewflight's nest, wondering why she had to be around when the ginger tom was clearly vying for Shrewflight's attention and affection. "Well, I suppose seeing myself out would be better than having to listen to Foxflame chattering like a starling on an early morn," She said, whisking her tail behind her as she padded out of the den. ![]() |
Denebola (#121897)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-28 11:17:37 |
Swallowpaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | 17/18 Health | Camp | Mentions: Mumblepaw, Stormberry, Softpaw Swallowpaw stalked angrily out of the apprentice den, sniffling as she went. Her pelt still dripped with water and it was making her irritable. Swallowpaw spotted Stormberry talking to Softpaw in the middle of the camp and so she padded over. "Hi Stormberry, Softpaw." She greeted the two cats. Swallowpaw sneezed softly before turning to Stormberry. "How okay would you be with me clawing Mumblepaw's face off?" She hissed angrily. "Ugh! He's just getting on my nerves so much!" Swallowpaw dug her claws into the earth. ![]() |
Teddy (#117922)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-28 11:49:22 |
Stormberry - 28 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - Camp - Mentions: Softpaw, Sunstar (indirectly), Swallowpaw, Mumblepaw (indirectly) Stormberry purred softly and dipped his head in greeting to Softpaw, settling next to him and looking up at the sky again. "Hello Softpaw. What are you up to?" He asked, his eyes still stuck to the clouds up above. This time of year was supposed to be one of plenty and joy, but so far, it wasn't turning out much like it, at least in terms of the weather. The deputy suddenly found himself hit by a disturbing thought - was StarClan punishing him for what he had done all those moons ago? Even thinking about it made him shudder, and he began to groom himself excessively from the stress. He felt the need to avoid talking about himself - something rather uncharacteristic for the large tom. "Have you had a chance to train properly with Sunstar in this horrible weather?" He mewed, turning his head to see the leader. He puffed up his fur slightly at the sight of the other tom, his heart filling with a comforting warmth. He slowed down his grooming and looked over when Swallowpaw came to join them. "Hey Swallowpaw." He greeted, nudging his apprentice gently when he noticed that she seemed angry. "Mumblepaw? What's he done this time?" ![]() |
Angie (#151211)
Remarkable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-28 13:09:36 |
Shrewflight - 25 moons - Warrior - 30/30 - Camp - Mentions: Brambleheart, Foxflame Shrewflight opened her mouth to speak as Brambleheart left, but closed it; she'll have plenty of time to talk more later, and the she-cat had been pleasant enough with her introductions. She liked her. Shrewflight fixed her eyes on Foxflame and grinned, her tail flicking. "That's a kind sentiment for someone to leave for me, or threatening, depending on their meaning." She giggled a little. "I would hope it's the former; I like a good chase, and this might be the most fun one I've had in a bit, though I do admit, I have my...suspicions." She wiggled her nose, only the slightest smile showing. Her tail curled and uncurled reflexively as she tilted her head, watching Foxflame's expression closely. ![]() |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-28 13:20:10 |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-28 13:20:13 |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-28 13:20:15 |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-28 13:20:16 |
Stripepaw|11 Moons|Apprentice|Medicine Den Stripepaw shifted his position just trying to get comfortable. He let out a sigh and finally found a nice spot. He dug his claws into the moss wrapping his tail around his paws. He let out a wide yawn and rested his head on his white paws. His yellow eye and white eyes started to close. All he needed now was some peace and quiet. He felt like he could sleep for moons. He hasn't even done much other then yell at Mumblepaw and get threatened by the Tom. He was still angry but eight now he just wanted to rest. He shoved his worries aside and let his eyes fully close. His breathing became even and calm. He fell asleep quickly. ![]() |
Viper (#91328)
Good Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-28 15:17:36 |
Harepaw~8 moons~Apprentice~18/18~Medicine Den~Mentions:Swiftstrike, *OPEN* The apprentice was pleasantly surprised when her mentor was able to say her name. "How are you? " She flinched realizing how stupid of a question that was to ask in the situation, but it was the first one that came to mind. Maybe this was a sign that he would pull through. She truly hoped so, but she still was weary of getting her hopes up. ![]() |
Hourai [WCU] (#115472)
Majestic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-28 16:24:39 |
Foxflame | 16 moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Medicine Cat Den | Mentions: Brambleheart, Shrewflight Foxflame watched Brambleheart leave and merely chuckled. She had completely misunderstood his character, and though it mattered little to him, he cared enough about her to make sure she took no offense. “I did not think females could converse without it becoming a squabble, but perhaps I am mistaken, and it is only around me that you she-cats begin squabbling,” he shouted after her. “And I promise I shall sing like a bluebird in new-leaf. My song shall be so beautiful ‘twill make you hesitate to end my dreary life with your absence,” he teased. Before Brambleheart responded, He turned back towards Shrewflight. “I hope ‘tis out of good will as well. Threats should not bother a cat with such a beautiful pelt. To tarnish such a gift would surely incur the wrath of the stars.” He yawned. “I do not mean to disappoint you, but in truth, I came here to rest. My body aches after much overexertion.” He lazily slumped over and picked a nest at random. He laughed at the ironic circumstances. It was Brambleheart’s nest. He lay down and begun to sleep. ![]() Edited on 28/07/18 @ 16:28:36 by Hourai [WCU] (#115472) |
Sam (#142259)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-28 18:17:21 |
Swiftstrike|27 moons|Warrior|9/30|Medicine Cat Den| "B-better." He says. That wasn't really a lie, he could talk now and the ringing stoped. He did feel less pain but it was still intense. He looks at Harepaw. "Least I can talk now." He says. He smiles, it felt good to smile, though the smile was very faint. He knew he wouldn't be able to stand yet so he didn't try. "I'll be okay, I'll get better." He says looking at his appritice, he hated the he wouldn't be able to train her. ![]() |