Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Ame (#170051)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-12 07:08:38

Twistedpaw | 8 Moons | Apprentice
Decently Healthy - Paw acting up
Snowy Clearing
Mentions - Blossomheart, Swallowfall | Indirect Mentions - Open

The white-marked apprentice had been hopeful for his mentor to say yes, but a new hurdle had appeared. His bicolored vision moved away from his mentor, and locked into the tabby co-deputy. He watched the rest of those called move over to her, and he knew he had to be somewhat quick. A low sigh escaped him, rumbling out as he steeled himself to talk to Swallowfall. Twistedpaw settled his namesake to the ground, vowing to ignore the pain for a slight bit and began to walk towards the storm-eyed cat. He tried to keep his limping to a minimum, but the way his paw settled on the ground kept him from walking normally.

“Swallowfall, do you think it is possible for me to join in with Blossomheart?” He kept his tone as polite as possible, but looked incredibly hopeful. His tufted ears perked as far as they could go, and his cloud tail tapping in excitement. “I want to help at the very least.”

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-13 01:51:48


Snowecho | 30 Moons | Medicine Cat | Healthy | Snowy Clearing | Mentions: Horsetail (D), Open!

Snowecho yelped softly in surprise as snow was flung in his face. The surprise soon gave way to laughter and he rubbed the snow away with a paw. "I suppose my name fits for a snow covered cat." He agreed, amusement dancing in his eyes. He shook out his fur and appreciated the warmth it gave him. During the summer, his pelt was a curse, however, in the winter... This fur was the dream fur. He was about to lift a paw to start grooming himself, but stopped as Horsetail mentioned finding shelter. They really should. He looked around for the young cats and spotted them in the snow. He got an idea. And oh what an idea that was. He felt the other tom's tail on his own and went ahead and intertwined them. He chuckled with him and looked at the young cats. "The Clan could be going under and they would find a way to turn it into a game." He stated. Kits always seemed to see the fun and light in everything. He could too, when not grounded like this.

"That is true. But I still get sick from time to time. Sometimes warmth isn't always the key." He reminded Horsetail, looking back to him. He purred as the other tom pushed his nose into his scruff. "Did you stop to consider that even if the other cats had my thick fur, I would still be the only cat who's me?" He countered Horsetail's words. Of course they had to end their little piece of peace. He had an idea to help the kits stay warm. "Hmm, what if the kits take shelter in my fur?" He suggested. In his eyes, nothing seemed wrong with the idea. He knew that if cats bundled together, they would be warmer. Sharing body heat could be a way to keep each other warm.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-15 00:24:39


Stripecloud|17 moons|Healthy|Warrior|Snowy Clearing|Mentions: Raindrop

Stripecloud nodded. He thought about her words. Don't worry, whatever it is, I'll always be here to help you. Deep down, he already knew that. But everything that had happened had messed with his mind. He wasn't thinking clearly, but then again, maybe he was. I'm so confused! He wanted to scream. Claw something. Do anything than just sit here in the cold. He flopped down to the ground burying his face in the snow. "I can't take this anymore."

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-03-15 06:43:14


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Snowecho|Mentions Indirectly: Lionkit, Maplekit, Harefeather|Location: Snowy Clearing

Horsetail gave an evil chuckle, at Snowecho's yelp. This changed though, when he felt Snowecho's tail wrap around his own. He now had a soft, kind smile. With all of this strangeness, first being forced into Starclan, then the Dark Forest attack, and now this, it felt good to stay grounded like this. Letting his eyes travel over the two calico kits again, he chuckled, "That's true I suppose, but it's the best thing for kits to stay kits", Horsetail said, agreeing with the fluffy white tom's statement. The golden tabby tom let out a small chuckle, "They won't stay kits for long though, soon enough they'll be apprentices", the medicine cat added.
His golden eyes moved back to Snowecho, as the tom voiced his suggestion. The first thing that jumped into his mind, when he thought the white tom's suggestion over, was so funny he could not hold back anymore. Horsetail suddenly burst out laughing, as the image of Maplekit and Lionkit poking out of Snowecho's thick fur crossed his mind. He laughed so hard, that within a few moments he had a stitch in his side. "Sorry, sorry", Horsetail said, waving his paw at Snowecho. Trying to stop his laughing fit, the medicine cat wiped away a 'tear'. Looking over, his golden eyes fell on a large tree, with enormous roots sticking out of the thick snow. Well..., actually maybe that was a good idea after all. Maybe if they cleared some snow by the tree, the clan could huddle up there, sheltering underneath the large root.
Turning back, he started to speak, "How about, we clear some snow from under that large root", he started, pointing with his nose to the large oak large, "enough for the whole clan to huddle up in. We could then use the root as shelter and we could all huddle together for warmth", Horsetail explained. Looking around at the clan cats gathered in the clearing again, he remembered something. "Oh yes, we need to make sure that Harefeather stays warm as well, she's pregnant after all, so we need to keep an extra eye on her", Horsetail said, informing Snowecho. He was not sure, his fellow medicine cat even knew that the she-cat was expecting.

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A'whisker (#113302)

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Posted on
2019-03-15 13:16:35

Mosspaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | Healthy | Mysterious Clearing | Mentions: Whorlpaw, Pebblesplash (D), Hawkstrike, Sunstar (both very briefly ID)

Mosspaw stepped back as Pebblesplash stood, nodding once as she addressed them. The warrior seemed a little more steady now, he thought with a small rush of relief. He watched her walk in the direction of Hawkstrike, hopefully to calm the other warrior down. He turned his gaze back to Whorlpaw, meeting her own only briefly before she quickly glanced away. A frown settled over his features at the way she seemed to fold in on herself. Finally, after a brief silence, she looked back up at him, and he winced at her question.

"I knew about Clearsong. I... I saw..." He broke off, shutting his eyes briefly before continuing. "I saw him- after. Softsong, I never saw him after the beginning of the battle, or after it had ended, but... I couldn't shake the feeling that something had happened to him. And then Sunstar... confirmed it, at the end."

He let out a shaky breath. "I... I would have told you, but... everything was so chaotic and- and I couldn't find you, and..." The apprentice trailed off, digging his claws into the snow and gritting his teeth. "We can't even say goodbye to them now." His voice grew bitter, tinged with grief.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2019-03-18 20:59:35

[Roleplay Update]
Everything felt like a dream at first. There was no smell of home, of anything familiar.. except the scent of strange cats nearby. They just appeared out of nowhere.. one moment the clearing was silent. The next..
The cat hiding beyond the cavern didn't know what to do. She didn't know what to think. She stared out from the cave, begging the stars above to show her the way.
"Meadow." She heard her name being called, bouncing back into the shadows. A large creature loomed over her, and she purred. Meadow sat on the legs of the creature, giving it warmth.
I'll bring you home, I promise. Hang in there, Stjerne.

Meanwhile, in the clan..
When Raindrop picked up the purple string, something smelled familiar. After a long moment of what looked like contemplation, it clicked! The scent on the twine was one of a Twoleg!

Stripecloud scented a strange cat in the distance. He couldn't figure out whose scent it was, but there was one thing for certain. He's never smelled any scent like it before!

When Horsetail noticed the weird shapes in the snow, it was easy to tell what it was. The prints were that of a Twoleg. They traveled in the forest sometimes, and their big feet left the same mark. There was something strange about this footprint though.. it has an old, wood-like smell to it, blended with the smell of rock.

Remember.. we still have a contest going on! Whoever interacts with the most characters this month gets 10,000 reputation!

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-03-19 13:34:58

Raindrop | 15 Moons | Warrior | Healthy | Snowy Clearing | Mentions: 
Directly: Sunstar, Stripecloud
Indirectly: Willowstar

Raindrop tried to give Stripecloud a comforting smile, she was sure it was equally as overwhelming for everyone, she felt it too. Her gaze shifted down to the string on her paw, it was already starting to fray and she decided it'd be useless to try and keep it unless she wanted to destroy it. Carefully, she used her teeth the pull the string off of her lifted paw. After a moment, it was untangled and dangling from her mouth. The scent finally hit her,

Rainkit stood next to her brother, who was still nursing from Thornberry. Rainkit's tail stuck out as she wobbled over to her mother on stout legs. Suddenly, a small, sandy and gray tom walked into the den. "Ares." She heard her mother purr, "Do you ever plan on joining the clan?"

The tom shook his head, his lithe frame sitting beside Rainkit as he gave her a lick. "You know that's not my kind of life." He began, "I only plan to help out during the days until the kits are old enough to handle themselves. If you still want to stay here by then, I guess I can't stop you."

Thornberry's sharp eyes narrowed and a determined look spread through them. "Then I guess I'll have to try everything in my power to make you stay."

Raindrop's eyes widened, "Twoleg!" She hissed, dropping the string. She lifted her voice, "The scent on that string is twoleg. I have to tell Sunstar or Willowstar."

Turning, she picked up the string once more as evidence as raced (aka clumsily stumbled through the snow) to the center of the unfamiliar clearing. Raindrop saw Sunstar first, stopping before him, she regained herself. "Sunstar. I found this in a nearby tree, it smells of twoleg - I'm sure of it."

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-03-20 20:13:24


Pebblesplash|20 moons|Healthy| Warrior|Clearing| Mentions: Blossomheart (D) Twistedpaw, Swallowfall, Raindrop, Earthquake (ID)
Pebblesplash watched Twistedpaw run— er, kinda run— over to Swallowfall. She felt a twinge if sympathy for the young tom. The foot must be hard to deal with.

Her eyes also tracked Raindrop, who was running to Sunstar like her life depended on it. Wonder what she found If it was anything important, they’d know soon. Stripecloud was not with her, which was something she seldom saw. The grey she-cat laughed to herself. She expected more kits in the future. Shaking her head, she turned back to the rest of the patrol.

Her gaze fell on Blossomheart. She seldom saw the she-cat, despite being close to the same age. Guilt told her it was because Pebblesplash had never had a reason to. She’d had Clearsong. In that moment, Pebblesplash decided she’d try to interact with her more.

”Hey Blossomheart,” she mewed, padding a little closer. Another snowflake landed on her nose and she shook it off, noticing the cold. She shuddered again.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-23 17:11:23


Stripecloud|19 moons|Healthy|Warrior|Snowy Clearing|Mentions: Raindrop(ID)

Stripecloud laid in the snow. He saw Raindrop run off but he stayed in the snow. He gave a sigh letting his mind get lost in thought. Then he jolted up. His mind strayed to the strange scent he had caught earlier. He had to find out what it was. He had never smelled any scent like that before. He was very curious now. That probably wasn't a good thing. But maybe he could figure something out. He shook the snow off his pelt. Great. Now he was cold again.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2019-03-28 12:03:58
Earthquake|40 Moons|Health:30/30|Warrior|
Edge of the Clearing|Mentions: [D] Pebblesplash, Swallowfall

Earthquake's attention was piqued, his name being called above the clammer of the wind and confused cats. "No problem Swallowfall!" he yowls back, her grey pelt nearly blending with the snow.
He gathers with the rest of the patrol to the edge of the clearing, head-butting Pebblesplash in greeting, he notices her shivering and offers to stand close to her, hoping his body heat and thick fur would keep her from the cold.
He faces back to Swallowfall, the she-cat leading their first patrol in a while.
"So what's the plan Swallowfall?" he huffs, his breath coming out in clouds of steam.

Cricketpaw|9 Moons|Healthy|Apprentice|Cold Clearing|Mentions: Earthquake
Cricketpaw mewls in surprise as she falls into another snow drift, the clan cats in sight she bounds on the hills of white to try and get closer.
By the time she reaches them she's shivering and her legs wet. She hastily cuddles under the closest cat, which is unfortunate because it seemed they're getting ready to leave for a patrol.
"Just when I was starting to get warm!' she grunts in annoyance, sinking deeper into the wall of fur.
"I'm going wherever this guys going!" she says latching onto his back, you could almost tell she wasn't there...

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Edited on 28/03/19 @ 12:05:52 by MellowMarshmallow™[WCU] (#79034)

Ame (#170051)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-29 19:14:33

Dawnrose | 22 Moons | Warrior
Snowy Clearing
Mentions - Open | Indirect Mentions - Open


Near the middle of the clearing, a rose-and-cream cat was having a blast with the situation. It had started when garnet eyes landed on the landscape, and it had not stopped. Large trails and indentations of where they had bounced and rolled around were all around. Feminine laughter bubbled from them every now and then, giving way to who exactly the cat was. She was perhaps the only one who truly enjoyed what was going on. In her mind, this was one of the best things that could have happened. Her disposition and mottled coat hid her participation, but her torn ears would give it away. Others may question her sanity, but if she could not be positive.. Who would? The cold did nothing to deter her. The mainly Ragdoll-Norwegian-Van mix was overheating and a puddle of cat during this time, her dense leaf-bare coat growing excessively even there. For the first time, the overly cheerful she-cat was glad to have it. More laughter came from her direction as she continued to make a mess of the cold, fluffy water.

The young warrior eventually got it out of her system, though it may have taken a while. Her marbled coat was covered head to toe in the powdery snow, to which she shook off. It went everywhere with a decent-size plume, making another laugh bubble out of her. Dark eyes finally took in the clearing and the dark forest surrounding it, though she would probably memorize any of it. Besides optimism, her ability to get lost was decently well-known. It was a wonder how the rose-colored cat managed to become a warrior if one looked at her at this moment. A voice caught her attention, that of one of the co-deputies, and she realized her clan was not that far off. She hadn’t even thought of where they were, or if they had come with her. The rather large and fluffy she-cat bounded with large snowshoe-like paws towards her clan. The gloom that hung over them was clear to even her. Dawnrose would chase it away as best as she could. Who knows, maybe this situation was good for the clan?

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-31 08:36:34


Hawkstrike|16 Moons|Healthy|Warrior|Snowy Clearing|Mentions: Dawnrose

Hawkstrike was a bit lost in thought. He looked around wondering what everyone else was doing. All the cats seemed to be talking to someone. Yet everyone seemed so gloomy. He felt a little alone just standing there alone. He also felt a bit gloomy himself. But just a bit. His happiness outnumbered it. The tom looked around once more and picked out one cat that didn't seem gloomy at all. In fact, she seemed quite happy. Hawkstrike tilted his head wondering why she seemed so happy. Then again, he felt quite cheery himself. Hawkstrike walked over to Dawnrose. "Hello, Dawnrose. How are you doing today?" His voice was cheery and bright.

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Ame (#170051)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-04-01 14:37:37

Dawnrose | 22 Moons | Warrior
Snowy Clearing
Mentions - Hawkstrike | Indirect Mentions - Swallowfall,

It did not take the rose calico-tabby to reach the outskirts of the ‘camp’ that her clan claimed. The feeling of gloom was cloaked over everything, and was obvious even to her. She tried to shake the feeling, quite literally. Snow that clung to her cream underbelly went everywhere, though not many were near her. The bubbly nature and the soft smile would not leave her, and she would not let this heavy feeling to cloud her optimism. With her massive paws, the long-haired warrior moved to where a good portion was crowding around. It looked to be the female co-deputy, Swallowfall that was at the center. She was only stopped by the sound of her name being called, and looked to see who it was. Dark russet eyes settled upon that of the younger tom who trotted up to her. He was acknowledged with her normal greeting, a soft chirp and a wave of her fluffy tail. Dawnrose gave Hawkstrike her entire attention, lowering her rump onto the snow and senses trained onto him.

“Hello, Hawkstrike!” She said with a wide grin, decently happy to bump into the equally optimistic tom. “A little lost and gloomy, but I am positive that everything will turn out fine. Though, and very glad not to be a puddle decorating the camp as I normally am!" The older warrior seemed not to be bothered by what had happened, but that was far from the truth. Images flashed through her mind and scents would not wither. None of it appeared outwardly, keeping everything as bright and happy. “And you? How are you feeling?”

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-04-02 10:44:49


Pebblesplash|20 moons|Healthy| Warrior|Clearing| Mentions: Earthquake(D) the Patrol( ID)
Pebblesplash weakly purred as her uncle head-butted her. She stood a bit closer, feeling warmer. Her coat wasn’t as thick as most of her family’s was. It was sleeker, much like Quietshadow’s was. It was a blessing while she was hunting or during the warmer moons, but during leafbare…

The grey she-cat’s mind was being overwhelmed with grief again. Just shove it back down. A general gloom seemed to settle over most cats, whether it be from the battle or the cold. Probably both. She looked back up at Earthquake, a twinge of gratefulness in her gut. At least not everyone had been taken from her.

She blinked away any lingering feelings. Right now, her Clan needed her. Pebblesplash narrowed her eyes. The woods glowered ominously back. What was waiting for them? Nothing can be worse then that battle, she thought to herself. It didn’t stop the new forest from being terrifying though.
”What do you think is out there?” Pebblesplash asked out loud.

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Edited on 02/04/19 @ 10:46:03 by •Hurri• (#147819)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-04-16 16:56:08


Hawkstrike|17 Moons|Healthy|Warrior|Snowy Clearing|Mentions: Dawnrose

"I'm feeling really good actually. I think everyone's feeling a little gloomy but I feel really good right now." Hawkstrike smiled thinking of the events that had just taken place. Mostly his talk with Pebblesplash. He felt light. Like he had emptied his load of sadness. He felt like a kit again. All giddy and happy.
"Maybe a little out of place though. This place is odd," He said looking around "And cold." Hawkstrike added shaking his fur that was starting to grow quite long. "I don't even know what to think of it." He said flicking his ear.

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