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Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 12:00:41
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Juniperslip, Mumblepaw, Spottedpaw|Mentions Indirectly: Icepaw|Location: Out of camp

Horsetail glance over at Juniperslip, letting out a sigh the tom got to his paws. "For now can you clean the Comfrey of any left over dirt and start chexing it into a pulp, sorry, it's a bit bitter", the tom said, looking around at the other cats, Horsetail let out a sigh. "Mind also keeping an eye on Icepaw, I'll go an see who needs help", Horsetail said, warely he grabbed one of the brown roots.
Hearing a bit of a commotion coming from where the apprentices stood. The dark sand colored tom looked over, just to see Spottedpaw fall to the ground. Grabbing some dandelion in his jaws as well, Horsetail bounded across to where Spottedpaw lay. Neering her, the tom made out the other cat next to her. Mumblepaw! A slight discontent started to form in the medicine cat, he still did not like the apprentice. Coming up next to Spottedpaw, Horsetail winzed at seeing her wound. The apprentices burn looked bad, it had puss all around it, if only he had some marigold or horsetail. Placing the confrey and the dandelion on the ground next to the apprentice, Horsetail started to lick her wound, the tom scrunched up his eyes, trying not to taste the puss. He needed to clean the wound a bit, before applying the comfrey.
Trying to spit out the last of the puss, Horsetail reached down and gave the dandelion to Spottedpaw. "Here, eat this. It will help with the pain", the medicine cat said in a soothing voice. Only after saying this did he look up at Mumblepaw, "Do you know where you can find some marigold or horsetail?", the medicine cat asked briskly. He knew that Mumblepaw had been collecting herbs without permission, maybe now it could come in handy. "Mixing either of those with comfrey, is about the only way I have a chance to help Spottedpaw", Horsetail added looking down again at the she-cat.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 12:05:49
Featherheart - 15 Moons - warrior - 30/30 Health -outside Camp -

Featherhearts lungs still burned from the smoke she started coughing."I was making sure no one else needed help.."She manged to say in between coughs.Sure she was standing there mainly because.from where she was she could see if anyone needed help.She had put her clanmates before herself.Now that she was outside camp she had to make sure Sunstar was ok."Sunstar?"she asked she wanted to make sure he didnt pass out."Thank you for saving me."She said her heart sank at the thought of her leader losing a life only just for her.

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Edited on 17/08/18 @ 12:16:50 by Ash167 (#137584)

path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 14:34:44
Spottedpaw-6 moons-apprentice-8/18-outside camp
Spottedpaw feels better hearing that they are safe. She feels a tongue rasping her shoulder. She looks up as much as she can to find Horsetail. "Hi Horsetail." She meows weakly. How did her tail and flanks look? She knew they were burned black but were they also infected? She started to grow scared. What if they were infected? Would she be able to be a warrior? She looks at the daisy in front of her. Did he say it will help with the pain? She starts eating the daisy. It did help a little bit. She sighs she was tired,thirsty, and hungry. But she wasn't going to complain. "Horsetail how did the camp look when you left it?" She was curious to see if the whole camp was destroyed.

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Edited on 17/08/18 @ 14:38:02 by Hermione2242 (#144944)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-08-17 15:27:32
Harepaw~8 moons~Apprentice~18/18~Outside Camp~Mentions: Swiftstrike, *OPEN*
The she cat sat next to her mentor looking around at her fellow clan members. She was glad that her mentor made it through, but worried how the fire may traumatize him again. But none the less he was safely beside her. She didn't know how to help her clan in a moment like this. She hated that feeling.

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 15:52:59
Stormberry - 28 moons - Co-Deputy - 23/30 health - Clan territory - Mentions: Lioncloud, Sunstar, open!

Stormberry quietened down to rest his throat and felt relieved when they came across the river; they should be safe from the fire here. He looked at the piece of water-soaked moss Lioncloud gave him and dipped his head in thanks, before lapping up the water eagerly and relishing the way it soothed his throat. He looked around now, anxious to see how many other cats had managed to follow them out of camp to safety. He managed to look over his shoulder and see Sunstar not too far away, but although he was relieved to see his mate away from the fire, he could quickly tell that things didn't look good. When he stopped seeing the rise and fall of the other tom's chest, he yowled in distress and scrambled around, willing his legs to carry him to Sunstar's side. He ended up slowly crawling until he had made it close enough to bury his face in his mate's fur, even if just the scent of smoke made him wheeze. He trembled slightly and closed his eyes tightly, his breathing fast and shallow. Of course, he knew Sunstar had many more lives left - but that didn't make the pain of seeing him go through the loss of a life much easier.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 17:16:47
Rainpaw - 10 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Outside Camp - Mentions: Harepaw, Spottedpaw (Indirectly), Swiftstrike (Indirectly), OPEN

Another rumble rang through air, but no strike followed as Rainpaw made it out of camp, smoke rooted in her lungs. She let out a rasping cough as she came over to sit beside the other gathered apprentices. She looked around and saw the medicine cats had just arrived. That made everyone. The gray spotted, silver she-cat thought as she looked around. Rainpaw was choked and her fur was singed in a few placed, the tip of her ear burned a bit from falling debris, but she was otherwise okay. She padded over to Harepaw and Swiftstrike, stopping for a moment as she heard a cat fall over. Spottedpaw! She pondered on if she could help at all, however she eventually decided what she was going to do would be of more use. "Harepaw!" She called as she approached. When she was standing beside her, she continued, "Do you want to see if we can try and catch some fish in the river?" They were close enough to it, so surely they would be able to fish? The fact that Rainpaw had been apprenticed late, at 7 moons rather than 6, because of the accident with her brother combined with the fact that the thunderstorms had been so bad as of late, causing more commotion, she still had not received a proper mentor. The clan rather shared her training until things could settle down. "We might need to ask some more cats that aren't as injured to help us to feed the clan..." She mumbled, half to herself, before properly shaking herself out of her thoughts and looking over at Harepaw once more.

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Edited on 17/08/18 @ 17:23:45 by Swiftbreeze (Gabby) (#140966)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-17 17:19:49
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 14/18 | Outside Camp (Clan Territory) | Mentions: Horsetail / Spottedpaw

Mumblepaw would continue to mess with Spottedpaw's ears for a moment, his body froze at an instant when he heard the she say a particular name. Horsetail..? Mumblepaw repeated the name to himself before turning to the direction Spottedpaw was looking to. There he was, the sandy pelt Medicine Cat, trotting right towards him and Spottedpaw. Mumblepaw would blink in surprise, the last conversation he and Horsetail had was quite brief, but he could remember the heated tension it gave off. The apprentice grumbled something before stepping away from Spottedpaw, instead he sat next to her. He could see that Horsetail had a familiar yellow plant in his jaws Dandelion.. He huffed, he could only guess it was for Spottedpaw. Mumblepaw would mutter a few more words to himself before pausing to look up at Horsetail, who began to ask him for herbs. "I saw a bit of marigold by the river." He pointed out. The tom began to stand, wincing a bit as he did. "I suppose I'll go fetch it." He gave a defeated huff, he was in such a good mood aswell. "I'll be back soon alright?" He gave Spottedpaw a small smirk, he padded off to the river after that.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 18:17:27
The fire has stopped spreading, but the dens are destroyed. The food is charred to a crisp and cats are injured! (fire is still burning, but stopped spreading)

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Edited on 17/08/18 @ 18:20:15 by Quake™ [WCU] (#69866)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 20:32:32
Sunstar - 24 Moons - Leader - 0/40HP - 8 Lives - Outside Camp - Mentions: Stormberry, Featherheart

Sunstar woke up abruptly, instantly smelling a terrible wave of decay. Dried tears made his eyes crusty, but he wiped them away with his paw. He stood up, taking in his surroundings.
His tail drooped. There was darkness everywhere. the trees were dead, and the grass black and charred. He heard yowling in the near distance. With a lurch in his stomach, he cautiously headed toward the sound.
"We must fight! Starclan will never give up any piece of their territory, so we must take it for ourselves! We will rip them to shreds, and prove once and for all that the Dark Forest is to be feared!"
The leader's heart rate instantly tripled, and his legs felt like jelly. He crouched behind a large dead trunk, peering into the big clearing. Ahead of him was a crowd of dark pelted cats, standing before three leaders, their back facing a river that looked black as tar. The largest tom in front of the crowd had a large scar running down his face, and the two beside him had similar marks of scars.
In his head a yowl rang out, and he recognized it as Stormberry's. Where is he?
This must be what Starclan wanted. My initiation into the Dark Forest since I won't be with them. Well, too bad. I may not trust you, but I sure as won't join these maniacs to destroy what is left of Starclan. That is, if Starclan exists still..
"We will strike a coordinated attack in three waves. They'll send their warriors to defend the territory line, and we'll be ready for them. Scouts will sneak past the edges of the land, surveying where the kits and queens are. Once we attack their most precious, they'll surrender quickly. After that, we ban them to this dump. So that they may know what we've been through!"
There were yowls of triumph, and Sunstar wanted to puke. He turned around, trying to gasp for air.
"How long do you think you can last, Sunstar?"
A chill went down the leader's spine. He stood right in front of a huge black tom. The cat smiled maliciously.
Sunstar's hair was raised, but he didn't run. "Hello Brokenbone. We meet again."
The Dark forest cat yowled, "A SPY! And a living one at that. No matter, soon blood will be raining from the skies, and your ancestors will be no more."
All the cats behind them turned around, and the cackling started.
Sunstar was frozen in horror as Brokenbone unsheathed his claws, ripping them across Sunstar's muzzle. He screamed in pain, falling to the ground. Brokenbone bent down, whispering in his ear, "You may have killed me this time, but I suggest you run. Because revenge.. is a killer."

Sunstar was convulsing as he awoke back in the real world, coughing up black liquid. He tasted the sickening smell of the Dark Forest in his throat. "No, no.. no! Please, don't kill me!"
His eyes rolled across Featherheart's face, and he stopped convulsing after he finally felt Stormberry's pelt for the first time, never realizing that the tom was right beside him. Then, as ashes swept into the air around them, he passed out cold.

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Edited on 17/08/18 @ 20:38:51 by Quake™ [WCU] (#69866)

Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 22:26:21
Earthquake|32 Moons|Warrior|25/30|Camp|Mentions: [Indirectly] Sunstar, Stormberry, Snowball

Earthquake coughed himself awake, scattering ash and soot from his wake. He fliched, his lungs burning with every billowing rasp, his vision was hazy and spinning, starry patterns littering the edges of his sight. Having caught sight of himself, he noticed patches around his lower back were either singed or burned to the skin, which glistened sickeningly red in the day's morning light. Adhering to his injurys, he took a tentative step forward into camp, and was slack jawed in awe and devastation at the state of their once vibrant and peaceful home. Every den was converted to ashes, just burning sticks and charred vegetation. The preypile -or what was left of it- now reduced to just a heap of rotten, black, smoking carrion. Earthquake scrunched his nose in disgust, it smelled absolutely putrid...
He hurried outside camp, revulsion evident in the pits of his stomach, he felt like puking, the smell nearly overpowering him. He rushed into a shrub, hunching over and trying to take in as much forest scent as his restricted lungs could withstand. His recovery was interrupted however, by some-cat screaming, Peering out from his shrub, he caught sight of Sunstar hurling up some rancid liquid. Earthquake could only stare in shock as his leader spasmed and turned unconscious.
He was speechless physically and emootionally... Sunstar and Stormberry would probably need something to drink after...this. He was no medicine-cat but a little help was better than none.
Not having the energy to go far, soaked moss from a tree would have to do for now. Grabbing a mouthful, he placed it between the fallen deputy and his leader, silently withdrawing, as to not disturb the two. He would probably talk to Snowball later about gathering some food...

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Edited on 17/08/18 @ 22:58:12 by Mellow Marshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-08-18 06:29:14
Harepaw~8 moons~Apprentice~18/18~Outside Camp~Mentions: Swiftstrike, Rainpaw, *OPEN*
Harepaw watched the fellow apprentice approach. When she asked about going fishing, Harepaw looked at Swiftstrike for a moment. Would he be up for training her again already? She knew how to fish already, but there's always more to learn. But she didn't want the tom to hurt himself again so soon after the accident. The fellow apprentice shaking herself brought Harepaw out of her own thoughts. "Yeah we should. I think a good meal would lighten everyone's mood right now." She nodded with a slight smile as she stood up.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-08-18 06:52:48
Earthquake|32 Moons|Warrior|25/30|Outside Camp|Mentions: Snowball, Swiftstrike, Rainpaw [Indirectly] Brambleheart
Earthquake headed back to his resting spot outside camp, hoping to find Snowball and start a hunt. He was having trouble for some reason"Where is she? She sticks out like a sore paw!" he grumbled not particularly aloud. He let out a disgruntled huff and gave up searching for her. He thought of Brambleheart, but the she-cat was in no condition, she hadn't even woken up yet.
Almost having done with the idea, Earthquake was just about to take another nap, until overhearing some-cats. It was Swiftstrike and their apprentice Rainpaw, organizing a hunt. "Mind if I come?" he mewed, appearing behind Swiftstrike.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-08-18 18:17:23
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Spottedpaw, Sunstar, Stormberry|Mentions Indirectly: Mumblepaw|Location: Out of camp

Horsetail looked after Mumblepaw, as the apprentice went off to gather the herbs. The toms attention turned to Spottedpaw, as the young she-cat spoke. "I... I'm not sure, there was a lot of smoke", the medicine cat answered honestly. Looking up in the direction of the camp, the tom was relieved to see that the fire seemed to have died down. The clouds of smoke hanging over the camp where growing lighter, maybe he could check on his herb store?
Leaning back down to the young she-cats injursey, the sand colored tom started to smeer the the smaller burns with comfrey root. "Try to stay laying as much as you can, you don't want to open up your injuries", Horsetail directed. Hearing a cry, Horsetail drew together. Looking up the tom saw Sunstar, even though he was several tail lengths away Horsetail could tell what was going on. Sunstar was losing a life, the medicine cat heart broke for Stormberry. The large tom had managed to crawl over to his mates side, there was nothing Horsetail could do for either of them.

Lioncloud|59 Moons Old|Elder|Health 12/12|Mentions Directly: Earthquake, Harepaw, Rainpaw|Mentions Indirectly: Stormberry|Location: Out of camp

Having seen Spottedpaw and Icepaw laying on the grown, the elder decided to go and fetch something to drink for them. The large tom was by the river, dipping some moss into the clear water, when he looked up to see Stormberry crawl over to Sunstar. The elder let out a sigh, as he saw Sunstar. Lioncloud had seen it many times before, the leader was losing a life. There was nothing, anyone could really do to help the leader now. Looking first over to Icepaw and then Spottedpaw, the elder noticed that they where both being taken care of. Getting to his paw, he left the bundle of moss sitting by the river.
Starting to slowly walk around, the old tom took in the cats around him. There where many injured, still there could be more. The elder paused, as his gaze landed on a large brown tom. A sigh of relief came out of the tom, Earthquake. The elder was glad to see his son, the warrior also did not seem to be too badly injured. "Earthquake!", the elder called to his son, walking over to the tom, he overheard the conversation that the apprentices where having. Going out to hunt? Lioncloud could not remember the last time he had hunted his own food. Coming up next to his son, Lionloud letting out a chuckle and asked, "Mind if this old tom joins you as well?"

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Edited on 18/08/18 @ 18:20:46 by {~LightQueen~}Dwarf King[WCU] (#59203)

Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-08-18 20:03:58
Earthquake|32 Moons|Warrior|25/30|Outside Camp|Mentions:Swiftstrike, Rainpaw, Lioncloud

Earthquake whipped his head around, a familiar voice calling his name. A warmth spread across his chest, and he greeted Lioncloud with a grin. "Think you can handle it old man?" he teased, twitching his whiskers. Earthquake knew better though, Lioncloud may have been old but he was no cat to underestimate. He was actually quite happy to have his father join, it had been awhile since they've hunted together and with Lioncloud around it just wouldn't be any ordinary day.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-08-18 20:30:05
Lioncloud|59 Moons Old|Elder|Health 12/12|Mentions Directly: Earthquake, Harepaw, Rainpaw|Mentions Indirectly: |Location: Out of camp

A playful growl cam from the elder, at his sons words, "I might be older, but I can still catch more prey than you, kit", at the last word Lioncloud gave Earthquakes ear a swipe. He might be the oldest cat in the clan, but he could still hunt and he would prove it. Looking down at the two apprentices, he smiled. The old tom was glad that the two apprentices wanted to go out and hunt for the clan, the clan definitely needed cats like this right now. Glancing at the surrounding area he, wondered where the best hunting grounds would be. Maybe it would just be easier to hunt some fish, though Lioncloud did not like the prospect of having to eat those slimy things.

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