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Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2018-08-18 20:31:37
Hollowfall | 26 Moons |Co-Deputy | 28/30 HP | Camp --->> Outside Camp | Mentions: Featherheart, Sunstar, Open!

Being the dumb, over-protective deputy he was, he hadn't left the camp until everyone else had gotten away from the fires. His vision had been swimming as he had run to the river, his lungs burning as the smoke choked what little clean air that he had left. When he had arrived, he stumbled from exhaustion, splaying out onto his stomach as he struggled to get up, but it was hard for him to breath, every inhale and exhale more of a sickened wheeze as he eventually got up, looking around, spotting Featherheart. He padded over to her and gave her a lick on her shoulder, looking down at Sunstar who was near her, jumping slightly from surprise as his half-sibling woke up before the golden tom passed out.

Brambleheart | 14 Moons | Warrior | 24/30 HP | Outside Camp | Mentions: Earthquake {ID}, Open!

When she'd finished receiving help from Earthquake, who had helped get her all the way to the river, she had laid down on her side, instead of going over to the water. She just couldn't. Brambleheart knew that it would help, but she couldn't seem to manage to drag her tired form any closer, eventually giving up and focusing on breathing, not matter how much it stung and ached to do so.

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-08-18 20:35:27
Spottedpaw-6 moons-apprentice-6/18-Outside Camp
Spottedpaw tries to relax as Horsetail tells her to not move. She feels very tired. She feels as if she couldn't even move if she wanted to. "Am I allowed to sleep?" She asks very tiredly. Her stomach growls a little but she still doesn't say anything. The whole clan must be hungry. She feels terrible. Her body convulses as she coughs very loudly. She feels like she is about to vomit. She wishes this never happened. Where was StarClan to help them. Or are they the ones who tried to kill them.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-08-18 20:47:26
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Spottedpaw|Mentions Indirectly:|Location: Out of camp

Horsetail flinched, as Spottedpaw coughed. It definitely did not sound good, "Hold out for just a moment", Horsetail detected. Getting up, the medicine cat quickly hobbled for the river. He was glad to see that someone had place a bundle of moss there, some of it was already wet too. Dipping a wad into the water, Horsetail quickly headed back to Spottedpaw. Placing the moss in front of her, the med cat pushed it closer to the young she-cat. "Here, drink something, then you can get some rest", giving her an encouraging nod, Horsetail sat back. A cough was starting to form in his throat. He should probably also get something to drink.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-08-18 21:03:06
Rainpaw - 10 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Out of Camp - Mentions: Earthquake

Rainpaw lashed her tail excitedly, even though so much bad was happening, the thought of helping her clan made her almost forget the wheezing sounds she made as she breathed. She might have to get that checked out later. "Cool! Now we have lots of cats!" She raised her voice, she knew this might not be her place to ask, but at the moment it didn't matter to her, "Anybody else well enough to come hunting?" She shouted before turning back to the group of cats, she was too eager to let this moment go to waste! "Surely the river must be crawling with fish!" She to said Earthquake, her tail straight in the air. She hoped her enthusiasm would at least lighten up the mood a bit, however she realized the slowly draining hope the cats were having in Starclan. Even if they didn't say it aloud, their eyes did. She just wanted to change the subject for even a moment.

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Edited on 18/08/18 @ 21:06:41 by Swiftbreeze (Gabby) (#140966)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-18 23:28:48
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 12/18 | Outside Camp | Mentions: Horsetail

Mumblepaw would grumble to himself as he limped his way to the river. As he finally reached the river he sat down, giving a deep sigh. Curse this fire and the injury it has given me He hissed to himself. He can't believe he let himself get such a burn, it made his side feel painful and uncomfortable. I'm sure Horsetail will heal me sooner or later though He mewed to himself. Out of all things that could've happened it had to be a fire. Mumblepaw hadn't gone back to Camp since he and the other apprentices barely made it out alive, he could only imagine the sight or the fresh-kill pile and the dens burnt to a crisp, and for all he could know a body or two. The apprentice gagged and shook his head. There's no time worry about Camp, Spottedpaw needs me right now He reminded himself. Mumblepaw stood before beginning to search by the edges or the river. His eyes scanned the edges before spotting a familiar yellow plant. Finally He groaned before carefully plunking the plant into his jaws. Mumblepaw froze as he heard a growl. He dropped the marigold nearly jumping into the river in fear. He then blinked when he realized the growl was coming from his own stomach. When was the last time he had eaten something anyway? Would he even be able to hunt with an injury, surely not. Mumblepaw huffed before turning back to the river, taken a few sips from it. He'd then grabbed the marigold and began to make his way back to everyone else. •

Mumblepaw was panting as he returned to Horsetail and Spottedpaw. he didn't understand, he hadn't been running and the river wasn't too far the walk, maybe all the smoke he inhaled was finally catching up to him? "H-Horsetail." Mumblepaw managed to say, he couldn't seem to find a steady breathing pattern. "Horsetail.. I got what.. you...wanted. I... I took long, I know.. but I tried.." He croaked, he was so out of breathe that he actually had to fully lay down. "...I think I'll just rest here for a bit now.." He mewed before laying on his good side, his burnt side was visible. His breathing patterns were short and ragged, he could feel his lungs crushing the air out of him. He felt so tired and fuzzy all of a sudden.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-19 06:45:28
Hawkpaw|10 Moons|Apprentice|14/18 Health|Outside Camp|Green Bandana on Neck

Hawkpaw had heavy breathing. He lay in moving on the ground. Half awake he could hear voices around him. His eyes were closed and he felt like someone was squeezing his heart. He burnt paw twitched and his health was dropping. He had inhaled so much smoke and it was finally doing it's damage.He let out a wheeze trying just to breathe. He didn't blame StarClan like every other car did. They had always looked out for him.

Stripepaw|12 Moons|Apprentice |10/18 Health|Outside Camp

Stripepaw let out a yawn. He looked over to Spottedpaw. He was glad she was getting help but he couldn't say he wasn't a bit worried. He looked up to the sky his eyes narrowed. He didn't know if he believed StarClan anymore. What did they ever do for him. He looked back to his white paws. "Of course I be live in StarClan. But only for you Tanglepaw." He muttered hoping no on heard him. He looked over to Mumblepaw. He hoped they could be friends again, one day.

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Edited on 19/08/18 @ 11:20:41 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-19 08:37:26
Snowecho - 23 Moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Clan Territory, River - Mentions: Lynxpaw, Softpaw, Horsetail (ID), Open!

Snowecho felt the heat of the fire, from what he could tell it was not spreading, but it was burning. He felt a rush of adrenaline, the smoke could still kill them. He grabbed Softpaw fully and pushed Lynxpaw out before him. Once out of the camp, he put Softpaw down, moved his head under Lynxpaw to get her onto his back, then picked up Softpaw again and sprinted towards the river. As he arrived by the river, he slumped down, Softpaw tumbling from his grasp. Panting, the medicine cat looked around to see who was there. Horsetail seemed to have control over the injured cats. He would help when he got his breath back. He noticed Stormberry and Sunstar laying together and he felt his heart twist.

Softpaw - 12 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Clan Territory, River - Mentions: Open!

Softpaw fell limply to the ground when Snowecho lost his grip of him. He remained on the ground for a while, shallow breathing being the only sign of him being alive. Slowly, his senses came back. First, scents that he struggled to separate. Then came sounds. Everything was still unclear, and he felt exhausted.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-08-19 16:03:21
Harepaw~8 moons~Apprentice~18/18~Outside Camp~Mentions: Lioncloud, Rainpaw, Earthquake *OPEN*
Harepaw smiled seeing more cats wanting to help their clan, and Lioncloud wanting to help as well. Maybe the future wouldn't be too bad for them after all. "Fish is a good idea and I don't think the smoke would damage over by the river, so other prey might still might be around." Harepaw added in trying to be calm. Rainpaw's enthusiasm is nice but the younger she cat didn't feel right speaking to warriors and an elder like that, but her spirit was bright and warm under her gray fur. Her chance to help her clan was here and she was going to take it, and take all the chances she could in these moments. Her time to shine is here.

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-08-19 16:18:03
Stormberry - 28 moons - Co-Deputy - 27/30 health - Clan territory - Mentions: Sunstar, Snowecho (indirect), Swallowpaw (indirect), Willowstar (indirect), Softpaw (indirect)

Stormberry rapidly started grooming Sunstar's fur, coughing every now and then and being unable to stop his body from trembling. He appreciated a piece of moss that appeared near his nose, but his mind was overactive with distress. He couldn't tell what was happening, but he definitely had a sense that it was serious. He jolted in surprise and moved out of the way slightly at the sight of Sunstar vomiting up some black liquid, and although the sight repulsed him, he couldn't look away. He had to stay close to the other tom, had to be there for him when he eventually woke up. He would wake up, of course, the deputy was sure of it. He had to be, if he was to try and keep himself sane during this chaotic time. Naturally, the leader was not the only one on his mind. He could only imagine what Snowecho, Swallowpaw, Willowstar, Softpaw and the other cats he cared about were going through right now, but he didn't have the strength or energy in this state to go running into the blaze to try and find them. Please, just get to the river safe - I don't want to lose you guys too, he thought. Even though he was sick to his stomach with worry over Sunstar, at least he had his mate close to him, where he knew he was safe from immediate danger. For the others, though, he did not have such a comfort - not until they came and made themselves known to him, at least.

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Edited on 19/08/18 @ 16:27:10 by Ash [WCU] (#117922)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-19 17:27:48
Snowecho - 23 Moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Clan Territory, River - Mentions: Horsetail (ID), Mumblepaw (ID), Open!

Snowecho raised his head once he had caught his breath. He could tell that Horsetail had full control over the injured cats, but decided to do a little round of his own to make sure. His muscles groaned in protest as he got up. Despite that, he started walking around and looking at the cats present. He spotted Mumblepaw return to Horsetail with some marigold, and the idea to get some as well struck him. After all, their supplies were most likely destroyed, and there were certainly many injured cats that would need herbs now. Maybe he could find some comfrey in the grassy area close to the river. Thinking this was a good idea, the white tom forced his tired limbs to carry him to the edges of the forest, where he immediately started looking around for comfrey. However, he failed to watch his step and ended up slipping, falling right into the river.

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-08-19 18:45:06
Willowstar - 32 Moons - Leader - 40/40 HP - Camp - Mentions: Swallowpaw

Smoke filled the air as the fire continued to flicker in the camp and Willowstar used to tail to cover her nose to try and prevent breathing in as much smoke as she could. Her eyes carefully watched the flames and it was then that she realized that it had stopped spreading. Despite that though, she could help but worry about the possible chance of a breeze kicking up any embers. She quickly made her way back to the leaders den and nudged away part of her nest to uncover a small moss bundle she kept hidden. Picking it up, she quickly returned outside and scanned over the camp once more. She refused to leave until she was certain that she no longer saw anyone in the camp. As she looked around, she could see a silhouette against the flames and she raced over, only to find out that it was Swallowpaw. Being this close to the flames and smoke, she was surprised that the apprentice was even standing. Due to that, however, she worried about how much smoke she must’ve inhaled and decided to carry her instead.

“Here, lets get out of here, Swallowpaw. It’s not safe in the camp and I’m sure everyone is going to be worried if everyone made it out okay or not.” Once she finished speaking through the moss bundle, she slipped her head under the female’s legs and lifted up until she was resting up on her back. She wasn’t sure if the apprentice would try and argue with her over this, but she wasn’t going to waste anymore time. After she was sure that Swallowpaw was positioned firmly on her back, she trotted out of the camp entrance, slowly picking up her pace when she could so they could finally return back to the clan and to be able to breathe fresh air.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-08-20 18:18:26
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Mumblepaw, Snowecho|Mentions Indirectly: Spottedpaw|Location: Out of camp

Horsetail glanced up, looking over the other cats, the medicine cats eyes landed on the other medecine cat. The sand colored tom gave the other a nod, Snowecho's normally white fur was smeared with soot. Letting out a cough, Horsetail stood up, he needed to look to the other injured cats. Only then did the tom notice Mumblepaw, he had been so busy, first focusing on Spottedpaw and then on Snowecho, that he had not noticed the apprentice going down. Walking over, as quickly as his burnt paw would allow, Horsetail looked down at the young tom.
Giving the apprentices wounds a few licks, he was glad to taste that there was no puss. The burns did not seemed to deep eather, he probably inhaled to much smoke though. Starting to slowly smeer the comfrey root with the bit of marigold still left, Horsetail went to work on Mumblepaw. After the burns were covered, Horsetail headed to the river. Grabbing a wad of moss, Horsetail dipped it into the water. Bringing back the smoking bundle, Horsetail placed it on the side of the apprentices mouth. Giving some slight pressure to the wet moss bundle, the med cat started to give Mumblepaw some of the water.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-20 19:17:58
Mumblepaw | 10 Moons | Apprentice | 12/18 | Outside Camp | Mentions: Horsetail

Mumblepaw would swallow the water. "Haha..." The tom chuckled. "This is.. the last situation I wanted to be in right now. But, at least it's just you Horsetail." He said blankly. "I'd rather die than let Spottedpaw see me like this... so weak and fragile." He whispered lowly. "...Hmm... I bet you can tell I speak about her a lot, maybe even too much." He laughed weakly. "I know we aren't on good terms Horsetail... but I really need somebody to vent to right now. If it was up to me I would be forcing myself to sleep right about now. But I'm afraid that if I do-" He paused. "I might not wake up..." He huffed. "Can you believe it? A hated, brutal apprentice such as I am afraid, of dying no less." He sighed. "But I understand you have other cats to heal. You can go do that if you must..." He mewed quietly, it was barely at hearing level. Mumblepaw closed his eyes for a moment

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-20 19:28:39
Hawkpaw|10 Moons|Apprentice|9/18 Health|Outside Camp|Green Bandana on Neck

Hawkpaw gasped his eyes half open. He closed them again his throat burning. He had passed out in the middle of camp and he had been burned badly. He just hadn't noticed until now. His ear twitched and he laid on the ground limp but not dead. He was in pain but he couldn't make a noise. He felt his paw's pain from were the fire had burned him. His side was also burned a little. He opened his eyes again looking towards the river. How he wished he could drag himself over there.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-08-20 19:36:51
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Mumblepaw, Snowecho|Mentions Indirectly: Spottedpaw|Location: Out of camp

Horsetail looked up, as Mumblepaw started to speak. At first the medicine cat tryed to wright it off as the young cat might be delirious, but then shook his head. No, the young tom had not shown signs of delirium before. Horsetail cocked his head to one side, as Mumblepaw spoke. Horsetail let out a grunt, although he was not keen on keeping Mumblepaw company, the apprentice had help in getting some of the other apprentices out of camp and had help gather the marigold.
Letting out a sigh, Horsetail stood up. Placing the wad of wet moss next to the apprentice, Horsetail lightly touched the young toms shoulder with his tail, before turning to leave. Soon enough, medicine cat was back. Sitting down in between Spottedpaw and Mumblepaw, just so he could keep and eyes on both of the, Horsetail placed a small bundle down. He had gathered some wet moss, comfrey root, and cobwebs for himself. By know, with all the walking he had done, Horsetail's paw felt like it was still on fire. With disdain he saw that it had become a biting red color, it had gotten infected. Looking up, Horsetail glanced at Snowecho. The other medicine cat was helping some other cats, so maybe Horsetail could catch his breath for a few moments.
Looking down at Mumblepaw, Horsetail said, in a bit of a warmer way then before, "You where going to continue speaking?", Pausing for a moment, the med cat commented on something the apprentice had said before, "You are still young, many things, including your beliefs and the way that you view the world, will change as you experience more and more. Who knows, maybe the you when you are a warrior will be different from the you know", the tom said, wise words considering his brain stil felt full of smoke. Slowly he started to clean and dress his wound.

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