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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 11:16:36
Icepaw-6 moons- medicine cat apprentice-18/18-clan territory
Icepaw races out of camp hoping with the few poppy seeds she has would be able to help with Vixenpaws shock and ease her pain. Icepaw is suddenly aware that Vixenpaw would need her to be there fast. Icepaw runs faster then she ever ran before. Suddenly she stops spotting more cobweb carefully picking it up she starts running again.Finally at the river she sees Basilleaf crouched over Vixenpaw seeing if she is awake. Icepaw sees fresh cobwebs plastered on Vixenpaws wound to Basilleaf she asks "Is she awake?"

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Edited on 06/07/18 @ 11:19:29 by Hermione2242 (#144944)

Hunter // Clean G3
NHR // (#135886)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 11:19:25
BasilLeaf|30 moons|Warrior|18/18|Outside of Camp - VixenPaw, IcePaw, Open|

BasilLeaf nearly jumps at the sound of IcePaws voice. She nodded, "Just barely." She warned, "She could lose consciousness at any moment though." She kept her paws pressed against the wound, not caring if the white, black, and orange fur would be stained red, she tried to make sure the cobwebs were doing their job.
"Do you think she'll be ok?" She asked, worried.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-06 11:26:48
Snowecho - 23 moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Clan territory, river - Mentions: Icepaw, Vixenpaw, Basilleaf

"Not more than two." Snowecho mumbled through the marigold. If things with Vixenpaw were as bad as Icepaw made it out to be, he did not want her falling asleep. He rushed out after Icepaw, following her through the forest and pausing when she paused. He slowed down to a trot when cats came into view, eventually stopping when he was next to them. He inspected Vixenpaw's wound and put down his marigold. "Can you chew this into a pulp?" He asked Icepaw, wanting his mouth free for instructions. "One poppy seed should do for now, she can't be too oblivious of the pain."

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 11:27:53
Icepaw-6 moons- medicine cat apprentice-18/18-clan territory
Icepaw looks at Basilleaf seeing worry in her eyes there was no sense in lying to her. She sighs "I don't know but Snowecho should be coming any minute with the marigold." Looking down at Vixenpaw she sees her breathing has slowed. "Basilleaf get water from the river there is moss on the tree over there" Icepaw nods to the direction of a tree she passed " Vixenpaw must be thirsty after lying here for so long." Trying to keep calm she turns to Vixenpaw "Vixenpaw I need to eat 2 of these poppy seeds they will help ease your pain." Looking at the poppy seeds she grabbed from the den she takes two and puts them on the pad of her paw and holds her paw near Vixenpaws mouth.

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Hunter // Clean G3
NHR // (#135886)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 11:31:00
BasilLeaf|30 moons|Warrior|18/18|Outside of Camp - VixenPaw, IcePaw, SnowEcho Open|

BasilLeaf nodded, removing her paws slowly from the wound as to not cause to much pain. She grabbed some nearby moss and got some water, walking over to IcePaw and handing it to him, she then went back to where she was before, "Will that help?" she asked, still hopeful. She kept her paws on the wound, making sure the apprentice didn't bleed out.

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Tiger <3 (#137561)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 11:32:43
Vixenpaw - 7 Moons - 4/18 Health - Clan Territory- No Mentor!! - Apprentice

Vixenpaw eats the herbs given to her, trembling in pain. Suddenly, the old tom wobbles back out, hissing and spitting, blood pouring from his eye. “Why are y’all carin’ for this ‘orrible, evil Clan cat? Them Clan cats killed my brother, tortured ‘im.” He said, his shaky greasy legs trembling slightly from low blood sugar. He regarded them all with hooded eyes. “Anyone ‘ere know of Brokenstar? Killed by his own ma, aye.” He said. The tom flicked his tail and walked away, hissing and talking to himself. Vixenpaw coughed up a puddle of blood, and she tried to keep her sliced open leg still.

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 11:39:56
Icepaw-6 moons- medicine cat apprentice-18/18-clan territory
"Yes that will help make sure she does't go unconscious from thirst" Trying to sound hopeful she says "It is a hot day today" Starting to chew the marigold into pulp. It tastes funny at first but she get use to the taste spitting it out on a leaf she looks at Snowecho here is the marigold pulp" Icepaw jumps at the voice of a ragged cat comes from somewhere behind. She gasps at the sight of him there blood pouring from his eye. She looks down at Vixenpaw she started coughing. Icepaw stifles a bigger gasp as Vixenpaw coughs up a puddle of blood.

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Tiger <3 (#137561)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 11:43:57
Vixenpaw - 7 Moons - 4/18 Health - Clan Territory- No Mentor!! - Apprentice

Vixenpaw twitched slightly. The blood had slowed to a trickle, instead of a fountain. She lapped at the moss on the ground, and she worked her jaw subconsciously, eyes not blinking and blank. She stared at the paws of cats around her, while her injured leg twitched repeatedly, the fur prickling. Vixenpaw let out a small meow, and she closed her eyes, falling asleep. It was her body trying to heal itself.

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Hunter // Clean G3
NHR // (#135886)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 11:44:22
BasilLeaf|30 moons|Warrior|18/18|Outside of Camp - VixenPaw, IcePaw, SnowEcho Open|

BasilLeaf paws no mind to the stranger, she couldn't care about their injuries right now, only VixenPaws. But once this is done, she'll be sure to make sure they're off their land, she knew some cats could be evil but why'd they use that example. She knew the stories well, "She only killed him because he had killed kits, and never planned on stopping the pain he inflicted on others..." She hissed out, not caring if they heard or not. She usually could never justify murder of any kind.
But this, this was horrible. Harming a cat for something they never did. "VixenPaw never harmed their brother. They aren't the one to blame. They shouldn't suffer for something they never did." She hissed out yet again. She was usually never angry, but the senseless harming of another clanmate was to much for her to keep her calm.

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 12:09:21
Icepaw-6 moons- medicine cat apprentice-18/18-clan territory
Icepaw looks at Basilleaf surprised that she hissed at the old cat. She cant blame her though hurting one of her clanmates is unacceptable. Realizing that Vixenpaw is now unconscious. Icepaw starts spreading the marigold poultice on Vixenpaws open wound. "I think we should try getting Vixenpaw back to camp" Icepaw suggests " That way she will be in the shade and we will have more herbs to treat her" Icepaw looks at Snowecho looking for approval.

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 12:09:25
Icepaw-6 moons- medicine cat apprentice-18/18-clan territory
Icepaw looks at Basilleaf surprised that she hissed at the old cat. She cant blame her though hurting one of her clanmates is unacceptable. Realizing that Vixenpaw is now unconscious. Icepaw starts spreading the marigold poultice on Vixenpaws open wound. "I think we should try getting Vixenpaw back to camp" Icepaw suggests " That way she will be in the shade and we will have more herbs to treat her" Icepaw looks at Snowecho looking for approval.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-06 12:54:16
Snowecho - 23 moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Clan territory, river - Mentions: Icepaw, Basilleaf, Vixenpaw

Snowecho took the marigold pulp and started applying it to Vixenpaw's wound. He ignored the rogue's yelling, instead focusing on making sure the wound did not bleed. "May you hand me the cobwebs?" He asked calmly. The situation felt like it was under control now, so there was no reason to panic. "Being in the shade is good for her, but we'll need another cat to help carry her back to camp." He added, giving Icepaw and approving look. He turned his head to look at Basilleaf. "I know it's not in my place to say this, but I'm a bit worried about that rogue, could you find another warrior and see if he's off the territory?"

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Tiger <3 (#137561)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 13:01:36
Vixenpaw - 7 Moons - 4/18 Health - Clan Territory- No Mentor!! - Apprentice

The tom, Brokensoul, grunted, hearing them. “Clan Cats. Always in a ‘urry to ‘escort’ cats off the ‘erritory. Why can’t cats be cats? There ain’t no need for these names, Clan, rogue, kitty pet, loner, traitor. Filthy bossy ‘ol mangy spoiled brats, I tell ye.” Brokensoul grunted. He hopped away, jogging to the border.
Vixenpaw yowled, hearing the conversation. She had completely lost feeling in her body, only able to move her head left and right.

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 13:09:05
Icepaw-6 moons- medicine cat apprentice-18/18-clan territory
Icepaw hands Snowecho some fresh cobwebs she gathered recently from a nerby tree. Icepaw jumped when she heard VIxenpaws yowl. Seeing Vixenpaw moving her head left and right."Calm down Vixenpaw" Icepaw orders" Your going to hurt yourself even more." Icepaw sees Snowecho give her an approving look. Icepaw feels relieved when she turns around and finds the rouge heading for the border. 'Snowecho why dont we take Vixenpaw to the shade of that nerby tree?"

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Hunter // Clean G3
NHR // (#135886)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 13:18:20
BasilLeaf|30 moons|Warrior|18/18|Outside of Camp - VixenPaw, IcePaw, SnowEcho Open|

BasilLeaf let herself smile slightly, the air felt... calmer, and it helped her anxiety go down a bit, she nodded towards the med cat and med cat apprentice. "I may not be the fastest... or tallest... but I'd be more than happy to help out in anyway I can." She said, sending a small, though worried, smile in the direction of SnowEcho.
She looked back, "I could probably do it myself actually." she said calmly, "He seemed very badly injured, as if he doesn't get that eye looked at immediately, it could extremely damaging. I'll be sure he's off the territory. Do you think you two can help VixenPaw?" she asked, thinking aloud

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