Posted by | The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD) | |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-04 04:47:56 |
Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866) |
Sam (#142259)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-18 19:34:36 |
Snowpaw|7 moons|Apprentice|18/18 heath|Camp territory| Snowpaw is running. Not sure from what. She just knows she needs to run. Her breath is fast. She feels like she's been running forever. She stops and looks behind her. Nothing. It was quite. Too quite, she thinks turning around. She turns around and a rouge is standing there. "Get out of our territory." She says trying to sound brave but she was scared inside. Two more rouges come out from the darkness behind the first rouge. She tuns around but she's surrounded. Snowpaw wakes up scared. Swiftstrike|27 moons|Warrior|30/30 heath|Camp territory| Swiftstrike wakes up from a back in the sun. He yawns and stretches and walks to the fresh kill pile. He lays down and eats the mouse. After licking his lips to make sure there is no blood left on his lips. I need to train Harepaw, he thinks standing up and looking around the camp. He sees Stripepaw and walks up to him. "Hey." He says. "Have you seen Harepaw?" He asks ![]() |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-18 21:35:20 |
Hawkpaw|9 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Camp|Green Bandana on Neck|Mentor: Featherheart Hawkpaw looked around camp. He felt dead on his feet yet didn't care. He looked around camp thinking about his mother. "It can't be your fault..." He thought aloud. Hawkpaw dragged himself to the apprentice's den. He saw Snowpaw up looking very scared. "Er, Snowpaw, are you alright?" He asked feeling slightly worried. ![]() |
Sam (#142259)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-18 21:52:25 |
Snowpaw|7 moons|Apprentice|18/18 heath|Camp territory| "Yeah... Just bad dream." She says to Hawkpaw. Her hearts was still racing but it started to slow. She stood up and took a deep breath. "I'm just edgy about all the rouge attacks." She admits. She felt better talking to someone. She was also happy someone cared. She looks at Hawkpaw. She manages a smile. "But thats not important." She says. "How are you today?" She asks ![]() |
Hourai [WCU] (#115472)
Majestic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-18 22:30:32 |
Foxflame | 16 moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Shrewflight, Open Foxflame returned to camp exhausted. He slowly padded over to the fresh-kill pile where he deposited the pidgeon. He then looked around and saw Shrewflight by the medicine cat den. “Ah, Shrewflight? You are speaking with Sunstar, correct?” he asked. ”I’ve caught his scent. I have a favor I’d like to ask, if you are willing,” he croaked, visibly exhausted. “‘Twould be appreciated if you could inform Sunstar…that the fox should be near the place where we hunted,” he gasped, with the same malicious, mischievous smile he often seemed to have, in spite of his exhaustion. He seemed to be laughing. “My wits have served me well, but I am afraid the mouse-brained apprentices and other warriors may not be so cunning as I. Or you, I’m sure—regardless, you’ve an urgent excuse to approach our leader now.” After saying this, Foxflame collapsed. He was too tired from all his running to speak coherently to Sunstar, and since Shrewflight seemed to want to speak to Sunstar as well, it served to reason that she could inform Sunstar of the urgent news while adding whatever it was she wanted to say as an aside. It would make her message seem of less import, but she could always confront Sunstar about it another time. It must have been why she hadn’t entered the den immediately herself. As his consciousness was fading, Foxflame thought he caught the smell of shock and fear from Shrewflight. He began thinking about her emotions, but the thought left as quickly as it came. His energy seemed to be draining away faster than the river during newleaf. I’ll have to be dragged back to my den, hmm? he thought. He hoped it wouldn’t be an apprentice, let alone a mouse-brained one. ![]() Edited on 18/07/18 @ 22:42:00 by Hourai [WCU] (#115472) |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-18 23:13:33 |
NEW EVENT! Lightning storms! What can happen when Starclan decides to have a temper tantrum? Make sure to not go out of camp alone unless you're with your mentor! Possible outcomes: - Fires in the clan camp (ONLY initiated via deputies and leaders) - Destruction of herbs - Fall of trees - Getting electrified. (mm, crispy) Leaves any cat at 1 HP (Near death). Leaders lose a life. This event is timed. The event began 7/18 and will end 8/1. ![]() Edited on 18/07/18 @ 23:23:59 by Quake™ [WCU] (#69866) |
Angie (#151211)
Remarkable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-19 00:02:56 |
Shrewflight - 25 moons - Warrior -30/30- Camp, clan territory - Mentions: Foxflame, Sunstar Shrewflight gasped in alarm, Foxflame's fur hitting the dirt with a soft *thud* as lightning arced across the sky. "Starclan, Foxflame, you couldn't have timed that any better." She tried to lighten the mood with a joke, but became concerned when he didn't at least huff in response; it appeared he was out cold from utter exhaustion. Fear coursed through her suddenly, and her previous anxiety of bothering their leader went out of her mind; she dragged Foxflame into the medicine den as quickly as she could, unsure of if they could help him but not wanting him to be rained on, and said shrilly, "Sunstar! The fox is out in the clearing where the rabbits like to feed. Foxflame was hunting with me earlier and came back from an apparent run in." She nosed Foxflame's ear gently, if only to illustrate her point. "Please, what should we do? Do you think it'll come here once this storm gets stronger and try to kick someone out of their den? Should we take precautions?" Her fur bristled in anticipation, unsure what to do; her only and first friend on the floor unconscious, a possible threat looming, and Starclan, this storm now? She didn't know how to process it all at once; she needed guidance. She knew they all would. ![]() |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-19 01:34:56 |
Sunstar, 24 Moons, Co-Leader, 37/40 HP, Camp, Mentions: Icepaw, Shrewflight, Foxflame, Willowstar Sunstar's ear went up when he suddenly heard Shrewflight talking to him. He apologized to Icepaw, promising to come back later, and stepped outside. After taking everything in, he nodded in understanding. "We'll have to send a party out in the morning to chase the fox off the territory. We can't have it around, especially when it looks like this storm is going to stay a while. What happened to Foxflame?" He looked back into the medicine den. "Icepaw, when you have a moment can you check on Foxflame? I think he's just passed out from exhaustion. Shrewflight, could you go get him some soaked moss to drink from?" He took a breath. "I'll report this all to Willowstar, so we can decide what to do from here. Especially since the fox won't leave of its own free will." Sunstar took Foxflame by the scruff, dragging him into the medicine cat den. He looked over at Snowecho's nest and thought, Might as well, he can get mad at me later. He heaved the warrior into the nest, nodding in satisfaction. Now he had to go find Willowstar and inform her of everything going on. ![]() |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-19 05:31:12 |
Snowecho - 23 moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Medicine Cat Den - Mentions: Horsetail, Icepaw, Sunstar Snowecho glanced at the wound left by the rogue, it was basically fully healed. "Maybe as a precaution, it was a while ago and it seems to be fully healed." He replied. He appreciated Horsetail's concern. He flicked an ear as he heard a sneeze, turning his head to see Sunstar. "Talking about the Sun." He murmured, whiskers quivering as he held back a laugh at his own joke. He was thinking he would care for the sick and injured cats now, then sleep for a bit before his walk with Stormberry under the moonlit sky. Oh the deputy would look so dashing under the silver light. Assuming there would be a moon to cast the silver light that was. Clouds had been gathering at an alarming rate, and the sudden rumbling made the medicine cat sure there was a storm heading their way. "Mumblepaw fell asleep, I'll have a look at Foxflame." Snowecho insisted, watching as Sunstar dragged Foxflame into his nest. Could have waited for me to fetch Softpaw, he would have fixed a nest up in no time. He thought crossly. Softpaw - 11 moons - Apprentices - 18/18 - Camp - Mentions: Sunstar, Foxflame, Stormberry(Indirectly), Swallowpaw(Indirectly), open Softpaw sat patiently for a few more heartbeats, then a snore told him that the elders were asleep. He flattened his ears and gave a soft nervous laugh, then backed out of the elder's den. "Maybe later." He called quietly, hoping not to disturb the resting cats. He looked around camp for something to do, then spotted Sunstar enter. He got excited for a couple of heartbeats, then he felt his heart sink. If he resumed his training, he would become a warrior. If he became a warrior, he would be in more danger. He shook his head, trying to think positively. If he became a warrior, he could have a mate. He could have someone to love him and be there with him. He nodded to himself, that was good motivation. He looked back to the camp entrance, but Sunstar was gone! He recoiled in shock, then, after witnessing one of the deputies getting his butt kicked by an apprentice, he noticed Sunstar by the medicine cat den. He tilted his head in confusion, why was Foxflame unconscious? He rushed over, concerned. ![]() |
Teddy (#117922)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-19 06:03:53 |
Stormberry - 28 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - Camp ---> Clan territory - Mentions: Stripepaw, Swallowpaw Stormberry was pleased to see Swallowpaw and Stripepaw's enthusiasm, and it helped him to forget many of the worries that had been troubling him recently, at least for now. He purred with delight at the praise from Swallowpaw, and gestured for Stripepaw to follow them as he raced after the she-cat. As he ran back into the forest with the two apprentices, he noticed the sky darkening above, and wondered if there would be a storm soon. "I hope we don't get caught out in the rain, that would be a tragedy." He mused, padding along towards the sandy hollow. "Let's practice some hunting first, then maybe we can practice some battle training at the sandy hollow." He mewed, slowing down with the idea to encourage the two apprentices to scent the air for prey. "What can you smell, Stripepaw?" He asked, curious to see how skilled the young tom actually was. Alderpaw - 11 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 health - Camp - Mentions: Softpaw Alderpaw perked up a bit when he saw cats coming back into camp, especially when he laid his eyes on Softpaw. He was surprised to see such an impressive catch in his jaws, and he now wished that he would have been able to go along. He was tempted to go out of camp on his own, but he knew it was against the rules, and he would rather deal with his boredom and frustration rather than any punishment he would be given for breaking the rules. He had wanted to go over to the other apprentice, but now he seemed busy, and he flicked his tail in annoyance. Still, he might as well check out what all the fuss was about. He got to his paws and made his way over towards the medicine cat den to see what was going on, ![]() |
🌸LightQueen🌊Ga laxy (#59203) Necromancer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-19 06:23:18 |
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Snowecho, Icepaw|Mentions Indirectly: Foxflame, Sunstar|Location: Medicin Cat Den "Well, you can never be too careful", Horsetail told the other tom. Leaning forward, Horsetail took another look at Mumblepaw, just to make sure that the apprentice was really asleep. Satisfied, the dark sand colored tom gave Snowecho a nod. Glancing out of the medicine cats den, as Sunstar came in with Foxflame, the tom noticed how dark it had gotten. The air had also cooled, 'A storm?', Horsetail wondered. As if in answer, there was a loud rumble and a flash of lightning light up the darkening skies. A low rumble came from Horsetail, where had this storm come from, it was so nice out just a little while ago. Looking over his shoulder at Icepaw, the medicine cat decided. Glancing back over at the white and gray tom next to him, Horsetail said, "I think I'll take Icepaw out, to make some rounds. I'm sure the elders will be complaining about this weather", Horsetail said, a slight smile tugging at the side of his mouth. Since Mumblepaw already fell asleep, he'll just prepare the herbs Icepaw was fetching for when the apprentice wakes up again. Giving Snowecho a nod, as he left, Horetail headed for the herb store. "Icepaw!", Horsetail said, to get the apprentices attention, "Mumblepaw fell asleep, so we'll just prepare the herbs for when he wakes up again. After we are done with that I want to go over to the elders den, they'll probably be complaining about this suddenly cooling weather", the sand colored tom told the young she-cat. ![]() Edited on 19/07/18 @ 06:28:29 by {~LightQueen~} [WCU] (#59203) |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-19 07:16:47 |
Hawkpaw|9 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Camp|Green Bandana on Neck "Oh, well they did catch the rouge. I'm sure he won't be bothering us for a while." He meowed. Hawkpaw let out a sigh sitting next to Snowpaw. "My mother visited me last night, form StarClan. She told me to stop blaming myself for her death. I-I guess it wasn't my fault that we got ambushed by those rouges." He meowed looking to his paws. He hadn't really told anyone about his mother's death but he knew he had to let it out. He couldn't just keep locking away his feelings. Hawkpaw saw that the sky was darkening, a storm was coming. ![]() |
Denebola (#121897)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-19 08:00:05 |
Swallowpaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 Health | Clan Territory | Mentions: Stormberry, Stripepaw (indirectly) Swallowpaw loped through the forest with great enthusiasm but the thought of rain dampened her mood slightly. If it rained, she'd catch a cold for sure due to her long fur. It held water so she would be soaked until next greenleaf! As Stormberry slowed, Swallowpaw turned and stopped, waiting for instruction. She nodded in agreement at Stormberry's suggestion of hunting first then battle training. When he asked Stripepaw to scent the air, Swallowpaw too opened her mouth and breathed deeply. She caught whiffs of mouse, vole, and the occasional sparrow. Another underlying smell, however, was the far-off scent of a fox. Most likely the one that had visited the territory recently. ![]() |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-19 08:10:24 |
Stripepaw|11 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Camp|Mentions: Alderpaw, Swallowpaw, Open Stripepaw looked around sniffing the air. He opened his mouth slightly tasting it. "There are some mice around, a can smell some vole." He stopped when he caught a whiff of fox. "And some fox," He muttered, "it's very faint but it's there." He looked around for Swallowpaw. He turned and saw her. She was on his blind side. He looked back to Stormberry. "I can also smell some squirrel." He meowed still tasting the air. ![]() |
Denebola (#121897)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-19 08:16:07 |
Please do not have a member of Starclan visit your cat unless you are a leader, medicine cat, or it has been approved by an admin! ![]() Edited on 19/07/18 @ 08:19:38 by StarryEyedKitty{WCU} (#121897) |
Sam (#142259)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-19 08:26:47 |
Snowpaw|7 moons|Apprentice|18/18 heath|Camp territory| Snowpaw nods. "Hey," She says. She knows how he feels. Blaming ones self for someone's death. She knew the feeling of gilt. She knew. She sighs. She looks at the apprentice. "if... if you want to, well, talk abut it..." She says hoping not to make him feel bad. She hopes she didn't just make him relive his mother's death. She hopes. "I'm here for you." She mumbles ![]() |