Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-07-17 23:14:08
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions: Snowecho, Mumblepaw|Location: Medicine cat den

Horsetail listed to Snowecho's words with interest, for a few moments the tom racked his brain. "Allergies maby..... or maybe just a cold, or....", Horsetail was stumped. A low grumble came from the tom in annoyance, he hated not knowing things. "For now, we should just take things one thing at a time", Horsetail said, slightly annoyed now at not knowing why Mumblepaw was ill.
"Let's first treat his sore throat and give him some mild herbs, in case he really does have some sort of cold. Then we should let him rest, maybe he just needs some rest", Horsetail said, thoughtfully looking over at the other medicine cat.

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Angie (#151211)

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Posted on
2018-07-17 23:28:32
Shrewflight - 25 moons - Warrior -30/30- Camp, clan territory - Mentions: Snowpaw, Softpaw

After a long trek, the three cats entered the camp unscathed; Shrewflight put her mouse on the pile of food, pleased that she had something, yet her pride felt a little wounded that it wasn't her catch. She motioned for the other two cats to do the same, and bid them ado, thanking them for their help and promising to give their mentors a good word for them.
Shrewflight looked around the camp, drinking it all in in fresh eyes; it was teeming with life, and yet no kits. She found that extremely odd out of such a huge community, but didn't question it; cats pick and choose when to have babies, and she certainly knew she wouldn't have any for quite some time.
Looking around, Shrew spotted her favorite nesting spot and made a beeline for it. She nestled down into it and found her worn out bluejay feather that she had carefully hidden; she nuzzled it and closed her eyes, breathing its scent in.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-17 23:52:18
Hawkpaw|9 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Outside Camp|Green Bandana on Neck| Mentor: Featherheart

Hawkpaw breathed heavily then sat back down. He looked around and saw it. His mother's ghostly figure standing across the river. She leaped into the water then swam out next to him. Hawkpaw felt his mother rub her head against him. "You have to let go of me." She meowed softly pulling away. Hawkpaw frowned, "I-I can't." He murmured looking at her. "You can. I'm not saying completely forget about me. I'm just saying stop blaming yourself. I've been watching you, ever since Vixenpaw's death you've been having nightmares." Hawkpaw looked to his mother. She was just a spirit but Hawkpaw could tell it was his mother. "But it is my fault, I didn't do anything." His mother rubbed her cheek against her son. "It's not, many cats die defending there Clan. I'm just glad I died a hero. I took that rouge down with me." Hawkpaw remembered the incident, very well. He played it in his head many times. He ducked his head. "I g-guess you right. It wasn't my fault." His mother smiled. "Then I can go." Hawkpaw felt his mother rub against him the walk away disappearing into the night. He flicked his tail forgetting all about him being sick. He looked to his paws. He stood up and walked back to camp feeling better.

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Sam (#142259)

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Posted on
2018-07-18 08:36:19
Snowpaw|7 moons|Apprentice|18/18 heath|Camp|
Snowpaw put her sparrow and mouse in the fresh kill pile rather proud of herself. She sits down in the warm sun taking in a deep breath of the warm air. She lays down in the sun. She sees Hawkpaw walk into the camp and she walks up to him. "Hi Hawkpaw!" She says nicely. "Whats up?" She asks. She looks at the older apprentice sweetly. She looks at the fresh kill pile. "You hungry?" She asks

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-18 08:54:22
Softpaw - 11 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Camp - Mentions: Alderpaw, open

Softpaw proudly padded towards the fresh kill pile with his rabbit, making sure to have a small round around camp before heading to the elder's den with it. "I brought you a rabbit, I caught it myself." He told the elders, settling down as he waited for them to reply. Hopefully bringing them a rabbit would earn him an exciting story, he loved listening to them. He may be 11 moons old, but he was never too old for a story from the elders. He hoped that Alderpaw had seen him parading the camp, he wanted to impress the other tom.

Snowecho - 23 moons - Medicine Cat - 29/30 - Medicine Cat Den - Mentions: Horsetail, Icepaw, Mumblepaw, Newtpaw

Snowecho gave a thoughtful nod to Horsetail's suggestion. "We should keep him here while he rests." He mentioned, sitting up. His wound from the rogue attack was practically healed by now. He felt like he could move more with ease now. "I'm a little worried that his apprenticeship will be delayed, he can't train like this." He would have to go talk to Willowstar or Sunstar about Mumblepaw. Thinking about it, he had noticed that Newtpaw had become more and more uncertain of his position as medicine cat apprentice. "We should have a chat with the leaders when we get the chance."

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-07-18 08:58:48
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Medicine Cat Den | Mentions: Snowecho / Horsetail

Mumblepaw's tufted ears would perk every once in a while when he heard the Snowecho and Horsetail speak, like he was listening to them carefully hoping they'd say something he'd like to hear. Medicine Cats know everything about sickness... Mumblepaw thought to himself reassuringly, talking to himself in his head seemed to be the only kind of talking he actually had enough strength for. The apprentice's ears would flick when he heard Horsetail say something about rest. Sleep... I can sleep right? Forget it... I'm going to sleep, leave me alone. The tom would let out an annoyed huff before turning his head slowly away from the group of Medicine Cats and closed his eyes. He always felt tired, but this was just crazy.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-07-18 09:26:34
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions: Snowecho, Mumblepaw|Location: Medicine Cat Den

Horsetail nodded his head solemnly, getting a glimpse of Snowecho's healing wound, as the other medicine cat moved, the sand colored tom narrowed his green-blue eyes. "Before you get some rest, we should put some more poultice on that. It seems to have almost healed, but with sick cats coming in we need to make sure that all of us are in good health", Horsetail commented, looking back at the ill apprentice the toms min started to wander.
First the flea and ticks and now this, what is Starclan planing? Maybe he and Snowecho should go and consult Starclan.

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Angie (#151211)

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Posted on
2018-07-18 09:33:25
Shrewflight - 25 moons - Warrior -30/30- Camp - Mentions: none

Shrewflight blinked her eyes open, her nap's grip loosening over her; she yawned and stretched, kneading the dirt with her paws as her tail curled up tightly before relaxing. Shrew straightened into a sitting position and looked around, her eyes adjusting to being awake yet again. Her favorite feather flutters by her foot, tickling her; without looking, she stamps it into her nest to hide it and leaves, deciding to take a walk around the camp.

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Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-07-18 12:43:16
Swallowpaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 Health | Camp | Mentions: Stormberry

Swallowpaw looked up, eyes wide and sparkling with excitement when she picked up Stormberry's scent as he neared the camp. She sprang to her paws and an idea came to her head. Perhaps if she snuck up on Stormberry he would see how well she was trained and that she would be able to become a warrior soon! She flicked her ears in Stormberry's direction as he entered camp and stalked around the edges of the camp, keeping the slight breeze moving from Stormberry to her. She crouched in the shadow of the larger cat, the tip of her fluffy tail flicking in excitement. In a sudden moverment, she sprang at Stormberry, practically bowling him over in her excitement.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-18 12:52:16
Please stick to your character's appearance as described in your application

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-07-18 15:12:28
Stormberry - 28 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - Camp - Mentions: Stripepaw, Swallowpaw

Stormberry listened closely to what Stripepaw had to say, glad at least that his original suspicions had been correct. "Well, I could possibly assess you if your mentor isn't around to do it..but then again, I should probably talk to Sunstar or Willowstar about it first. Until I can talk to them though, how would you like to come training with me, so I can see what you're made of? I want to go out as soon as I find-" The large tom found himself cut off by Swallowpaw's sneak attack, finding himself being bowled over by his eager apprentice. He laughed a little and playfully batted at the she-cat, before getting back to his paws and seeming as enthusiastic as ever. "Perfect timing, Swallowpaw! I was looking to take you out training now. I'm sure you wouldn't mind if Stripepaw comes along too, if he decides to?"

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Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-07-18 15:24:59
Swallowpaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 Health | Camp | Mentions: Stormberry, Stripepaw

Swallowpaw purred with excitement as she nuzzled her mentor's shoulder and batting gently back at him. "I wouldn't mind at all if Stripepaw came along!" She meowed, a hint of laughter in her tone. "I only hope he doesn't get in the way of my amaaaazing stalking skills!" Swallowpaw teased. "I hope you're ready for a challenge! Stormberry is the best mentor there is!" With that, she turned and began to bound towards the entrance of the camp. "Last one out of camp is a rotten fish face!" Swallowpaw cried as she burst through the bramble and juniper tunnel that led in and out of camp. The forest surrounded her and Swallowpaw's senses became more in tune with her wooded home. She heard many small rustles betraying the positions of small animals she hoped to bring home to camp.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-18 15:59:55
Sunstar, 24 Moons, Co-Leader, 37/40 HP, Camp, Mentions: Icepaw, Softpaw (Indirectly)

Sunstar padded into camp, a vole hanging from his jaws. With a pang of guilt, he noticed Softpaw heading into the elders den with food, and felt bad for leaving his apprentice alone for so long. He's leader, and such a terrible mentor! He'll talk to Softpaw as soon as he's done seeing Icepaw. He smiled at his clan mates, heading towards Icepaw as it looked like she was in the medicine cat den. He purred, hoping that would give away that he entered. He placed the vole by Icepaw, looking at her. "Hey, how are you feeling? I'm sorry I hadn't checked in sooner."
The certain smells of herbs tingled his nose, and a moment later he sneezed. Not only was he terrible at knowing which herb is which, but it looks like he's allergic to a few of them too. Thanks, Starclan.

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Angie (#151211)

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Posted on
2018-07-18 16:09:54
Shrewflight - 25 moons - Warrior -30/30- Camp - Mentions: Sunstar, Softpaw (indirectly)

With a start, Shrewflight watched Sunstar plod into the medicine cat den as she neared it. She was excited; she wanted to tell him about how well his apprentice had done hunting with her and Foxflame, but it seemed as though he was busy. She decided to politely wait outside the den, looking up at the sky as a leisurely distraction.
"I really hope he won't mind," She mumbled aloud, talking to a cloud. She shrugged. "If he does...I hope he doesn't mind much."

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-18 18:46:44
Stripepaw|11 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Camp|Mentions: Alderpaw, Mumblepaw, Open

Stripepaw watched the duputy get knocked over by the other apprentice, Swallowpaw. He couldn't help but laugh along. "Sure, why not. I think some training will be nice." He smiled. Stripepaw liked the she-cats enthusiasm. He couldn't help but laugh. He was just in the laughing mood. He ran after the apprentice, he wasn't gonna be a rotten fish. Nor was he gonna let her beat him. He was excited to train again.

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