Posted by Welcome to Hogwarts!

Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-06 01:04:40

Welcome To HogwartsAs you walk home from school you look around to see other kids playing and having fun. As you aproch your house you see an old looking owl sitting on the pparch with an old envollop. The owl let it go adn flew away to god knows where. You grab it adn opened it up slowly reading it through it read.:

Dear Mr/Ms. [Surname],
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.


~My word is law
~Don't beg
~Don't kill of an oc tat doesnt belong to you
~Don't yell at someone who makes a mstake not everyone knows harry potter front to back.

Teachers and head master
~Meghan Caesar (Charms)

First years

Second years


Third years

Fourth years

Fith years
~Alexander "Alex" Hurtz
~Iris wells (werewolf and animagu)
Sixth years
Sventh years

First years

Second years


Third years

Fourth years

Fith years
Sixth years
~Ozias Fotakis. (animagus)

Sventh years

First years
~Gardenia (Dia for short) Nyree Leighton

Second years


Third years

Fourth years

Fith years
~ Constantine Babbitt
~Echo Sanchez
Sixth years
~Clover Duke
Sventh years

First years
~Nanaco Longclaw

Second years


Third years

Fourth years

Fith years
~Celandine (Cei) Raisani
~Sam welch (Making animagu potion!)
~Jasper Montgomery.
Sixth years
Sventh years
~Noah Daniels

Character Sheets

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Edited on 09/05/19 @ 10:00:10 by greenapple (#127393)

Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-29 13:01:39
Sorry im in class so they are really short!//

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Delinquent (#95362)

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Posted on
2019-04-29 14:00:52
Constantine straightened himself up, looking at the Gryffindor in a nonchalant manner. For a moment, he thought about dismissing the introduction entirely, for the first impression had already been made. However, the small remainder of social etiquette he had remembered lingered in the back of his mind, and just this once, he humoured it. Constantine lazily leaned to meet Iris' hand, giving it a firm shake, before abruptly dropping it like he had been burned. Though pureblood himself, he thought it silly to announce his status aloud, for what did it matter? Besides, it made many people uncomfortable when mentioned - and, although Constantine did like to torment people, he wasn't about to be as cruel as to taunt them for their blood status. "Constantine Babbitt," He replied, forcing a polite smile, "And it's none of your business as to what my blood status is." He replied quite curtly. The Hufflepuff placed his hand back onto his knee, drumming his fingers against the fabric. Constantine wasn't quite sure what to make of this student, considering she seemed to recite everything like she'd been told what to say.

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-29 14:07:20
Iris looked down at his fingers and closed her eyes, she was confused about what to do now and tried to think back to what her mother had taught her but normally people would stat their blood status "Alright" she said slowly. Her own hand was now becoming clammy "So uh do you um know when we start leaving" she asked shyly now. Her green eyes still rested on the Hufflepuffs knee.

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✾Gala✾ (#66561)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-04-30 12:30:25


【 Standing with her suitcase in front like a little shield, Celandine was momentarily frozen in place; the murmur of sound outside dulled even further compared to the ensuing argument Cei could hear form inside the cabin she previously been contemplating on whether to enter or not. Her decision had been made for her, she realized bemusedly, clutching the cat carrier as there was a thud on the glass door, eliciting a hiss from within. It wasn't in her best personal interests to interfere with whatever was going on- as a Slytherin, it was imperative that there must be some sort of personal benefit from solving other people's problems- and as stealthily as she could Cei edged backwards, feeling for another glass door, wordlessly moving to push it open and step inside. She wasn't willing to walk to the back of the train for an empty cabin, as it would mean potentially entering the line of sight of whoever was putting up so much of a fuss inside the one she was trying to avoid.

Smoothly, the girl slid the cabin door shut, and then mentally prepared herself to turn around with a bit of a sigh; she hoisted her cat-carrier to her chest and collectedly looked over her shoulder. She apparently walked in on a sort of awkward conversation between some Hufflepuff and another girl she recognized as belonging to Gryffindor; seeing that neither of them were of her own house, Cei relaxed a little- it was much less important what those of other houses thought of her, as she didn't have to deal with them for most of the year.

"Mmm," she hummed, setting her suitcase under the seat in the corner of the cabin and made herself comfortable, nudging Murphy's carrier gently to the side with a foot. She curled up against the cool velvet wall, one ankle on the other knee, closing her eyes and drawing her chequered scarf up over her nose. "Don't mind me, carry on... Simply trying to escape being hospitalized. The usual."】


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Delinquent (#95362)

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Posted on
2019-04-30 12:50:23
“Hm,” Constantine hummed, glancing out of the window once more, “I’m not sure as to when we depart.” He replied truthfully, despite having taken this exact same train ride multiple times before. It was never in his interest to keep watch of the time, however the last remaining students seemed to trickle from the platform and onto the train, suggesting that they’d be well on their way soon enough. “I suppose we’ll find out when the train starts moving.” Constantine added unhelpfully, turning his gaze back to Iris.

He could hear a scuffle breaking out a few cabins down, accompanied by a brief fit of yelling. The Hufflepuff made to get out of his seat, to storm over to the source of the noise and tell them to knock it off (for trouble was no fun when he wasn’t involved), but quickly lounged back into his seat after a student came through the door to the cabin. “And you are?” Constantine asked, rather snappily, but only because his impatience to leave was beginning to get the better of him. The Hufflepuff’s attention lingered on the cat-carrier, softening the frown carved into his face, but he easily steeled himself again, locking eyes with the Slytherin to show he was waiting for an answer.

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Edited on 30/04/19 @ 12:50:53 by Snufkin (#95362)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-04-30 13:33:48

Ozias Fotakis |17 | Male | Ravenclaw | Sixth Year
Mentions: Sam, Noah

Upon entering the train Ozias had planned to do what he typically did every year on the way to Hogwarts, hole himself up in one of the compartments, completely ignore his fellow students and bury his nose in a book or stare out the window at the rapidly passing landscape until it stopped. Things started out quite normal...that was until the sound of arguing erupted from the cabin behind him, making it utterly impossible to get any reading done. A hand rose to rub at his temple, a dull headache already beginning to form. The other two people occupying the seats opposite him shifted uncomfortably as the yelling increased and grew more threatening in nature, their eyes darting toward him almost expectantly every now and then.

He kept waiting for someone to move, do something, but the hallway remained empty. Sighing in exasperation, Ozias supposed if he really wanted something done he would have to do it himself. Swinging his cabin door open, swift strides quickly brought him to Noah and Sam's compartment, his eyes trailing over the anxious house elf who'd been locked outside. Trying the handle, he found the door lodged shut and his eyes narrowed. "Gentleman, you're making quite a ruckus," he called sharply, pulling out his own wand and uttering a spell he hoped would undo the curse on the door so he could pry it open. "What seems to be the problem? I'm sure we can settle this like civilized wizards, surely?"


Jasper Montgomery | 16 | Slytherin | Fifth Year
Mentions: Iris, Celandine, Constantine

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Vincent asked for the umpteenth time, his blue-green gaze brimming with concern. Jasper rolled his eyes, reaching out to ruffle his twin's neatly combed hair until it was an untidy mess that more closely resembled his own, much to Vincent's dismay. "You worry too much. I'll be fine," Jasper reassured him as Vincent made an attempt at smoothing his hair back into place, the train horn going off and summoning the students still lingering on the platform inside. "That's my cue. I'll see you at Christmas," he added, accepting a hug from his brother before gathering his things and following the last students on board.

His eyes scanned each cabin as he passed them, a small smirk pulling at the edges of his mouth as he heard locks click or saw the teens inside shrink back as if hoping he wouldn't notice them. 'Ah, it's good to be back.' A sudden commotion in one particular cabin caused him to pause. Now that sounded interesting, but it seemed someone had already beat him to the scene. He debated whether or not to assist, or possibly make matters worse, but he'd tangled with Ozias before and learned the hard way the other boy could be downright vicious if you pissed him off enough. Concluding he wasn't ready to nurse a bloody nose or a black eye quite this early in the year, he edged around him, winking at the disgruntled sixth-year who sent a wary glance his way as he passed.

It didn't take long before he heard much quieter, calmer voices coming from another cabin a little further down and decided that's where he'd be spending the train ride, flinging the door open quite abruptly. "Sup nerds," he greeted a little too cheerfully before plopping down on the nearest empty seat, making himself comfortable.

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✾Gala✾ (#66561)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-04-30 13:46:59


【 Celandine's first natural response to the Hufflepuff's question was "A unicorn, why do you ask?" but refrained; instead, she gave a slow blink; the girl was feeling very lenient today, having escaped any sort of harassment so far." I'm Celandine. There was some kind of fight going on in one of the cabins; I didn't want to lose my nose, so I ended up here. No need to snap, my man."

She was about to continue- or at least wait for an answer- when the sliding door was jerked open, cutting her off mid-thought. Celandine hastily moved the cat-carrier out of the way, abandoning her cool pretense with an impatient huff as the newcomer settled down as if they owned the place. " 'Sup nerds."

Ever so discreetly, Cei folded up her legs onto her seat, with Murphy's carrier now securely by her side where it would hopefully stay uninterrupted; with a sinking feeling, she recognized this particular individual as one from her own house, and realized that the ride may become potentially difficult. Drawing her scarf back up, she answered with a monotone "Mhm," not deigning to give the question a proper answer or even an in-character 'the sky', and promptly switched her gaze to the window- the universal sign of ignoring others. Dimly the Slytherin wondered how crowded it was going to get at this rate.】


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Edited on 30/04/19 @ 13:48:03 by ✾Gala✾ (#66561)

Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-30 15:15:11
Iris looked up at the guy who ever so rudely called her a nerd "Hello ugly" she hissed. Her hand shot forward "Im Iris Wells pur-" she stopped herself remembering how it went down last time "Just Iris," she said swiftly. He eyes now traveled to the floor once again "Heh yeah um is anyone handling that fight" she asked trying to bring the attention anywhere else. She pulled her hand back second guessing her self and it shot up to her hair doing a nervous tick she does sometimes. She started to twirl her brown locks.

Iris looked over at the annoyed Hufflepuff and smiled at his sarcasm. She started to itch the back of her arm, her head had been pounding for a few days since her shift was in less then three days, she closed her eyes trying to ease the pain a bit.

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Edited on 30/04/19 @ 15:17:19 by greenapple (#127393)

Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-30 15:22:15
Noah looked at the door, he saw a Ravenclaw who was also in his seventh year "We are" he growled "Were acting like who our parents or even our grandparents were" he looked back at Sam and smirked, "Yeah I know who your family is and who they belong to."

His evil smirk didnt leave his face when he dropped Sam and picked up the book shoving it into his chest.

Sam looked down at the book in his chest, he could feel his face heating up "My family doesn't belong to anyone" he tried to say but it came out in a raspy whisper. He fumbled for his backpack and pulled it in front of him shoving the book inside "Were all good" he called out to the boy on the other side. Sam tried to stand but his legs felt like rubber.

(Damn school)

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-04-30 22:55:56

Ozias Fotakis |17 | Male | Ravenclaw | Sixth Year
Mentions: Sam, Noah

The look on Ozias' face suggested he didn't believe for a second the quarrel had been resolved, all this talk of families leaving him feeling uneasy. He didn't know enough about either of them to understand what that meant. What he did know was Noah had a huge tendency for assholery and he wasn't comfortable leaving the slightly younger Sam alone with him. "You better come with me," he addressed Sam, finally managing to slide the door open. He couldn't force him to leave of course, but he didn't see why he'd want to stick around either.


Jasper Montgomery | 16 | Slytherin | Fifth Year
Mentions: Iris, Celandine, Constantine

Ordinarily, Celandine's clear dismissal would have encouraged Jasper to pester her specifically, but luckily for her, Iris was currently the most interesting person in the room, if only because she had the audacity to insult him. He seemed more amused than anything else, snickering softly. She began to introduce herself before cutting it short and he raised an eyebrow. It didn't take a genius to figure out what she was going to say. It was a pretty common thing in Slytherin to introduce one's self with their blood status, but this girl wore a Gryffindor uniform. How peculiar.

"Jasper," he replied in turn. "Good old fashioned half-blood at your service." Her hand pulled back before he could shake it, but he didn't appear overly bothered by the fact. As she quickly switched the subject, inquiring after the fight he shrugged. "Saw a guy from Ravenclaw trying to smooth things over." Considering the yelling seemed to have stopped he supposed things must have calmed down.

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-05-01 04:48:02
Sam looked up at the much larger Noah and slid out of the now hot from tension cabin. He had his half-closed suitcase its hand but it was difficult getting that through the door "Need someone to fight your own battles don't you" Noah sneered from behind him. Sams' hands tightened about the handle as he sucked in air to keep him calm. "There was no battle in the first place," Sam said bravely.

Sam looked down at the half-dressed house elf who had his hands in his head and was had tears running down his face "Im going to be set free for this, I cant be set freee" he cried. Sam looked down knowing it was wis fault "Hey just say a student was being a jackass and made you"
Iris nodded slowly before looking out the window, not actually looking at Jasper gave her a bit more bravery, that awkward introduction knocked down her ego a ton. "So are you going to sit down or what," she asked in a hurry "The train should be leaving soon" her hand laid in her lap fiddling on ther own as she watched the kids outside slowly lower on levels. She watched as her older brothers spilled on to the train and sucked in deep breathes they didnt see her.

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Delinquent (#93594)

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Posted on
2019-05-01 08:14:14
Constantine winced at the conversation between Iris and Jasper, cringing at the childish insults they'd exchanged with each other, yet all the same finding it difficult not to laugh at the immaturity of it. The Hufflepuff attempted to mask his mirth, placing a hand over his mouth as if in thought, though the way his eyes smiled with him gave it away. He recognised that Celandine had somewhat removed herself from the conversation, and gave her a pitying look, before turning to the new arrival he assumed had scared her off.

"All the better," Constantine agreed, "I don't think it's good to be cooped up in this cabin for too long." He mused, shoving his hands back into his pockets. The Hufflepuff wasn't keen on the idea of being restrained to the train - he wanted to be outside, running free and possibly causing more than a fair amount of mischief in his wake. Furthermore, he wasn't sure what to make of the people he was sharing his space with. Celandine was quiet enough to get along with, and Iris had been beginning to make a half decent conversation, but Jasper was harder to place. Though he hadn't actually done anything wrong, Constantine felt apprehensive at his arrival - not intimidated, but certainly not as comfortable as he had been with the other two students.

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✾Gala✾ (#66561)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-05-01 23:03:59


【 Being in the same house- and indeed the same year- as Jasper had allowed her to feel less threat from his presence than apathy, as though she was sure they hadn't interacted before she had heard enough stories to keep herself at a distance. Celandine was used to long rides with people who weren't the easiest to deal with- though that doesn't mean I like the thought any better, she mused, idly sticking a finger into the pasty carrier by her side, feeling a furry head come over to rub against it and mewl a query for treats.

The girl's chocolate-brown eyes flicked over to Iris, feeling somewhat sympathetic for the Gryffindor girl who had dared to insult him; she generally looked lost and confused (in her eyes) and now that she'd managed (though could it be called an insult? he didn't seem to care) she'd now been made a target of. In doing so she happened to catch the Hufflepuff boy's look of pity, and judging that it was for not having the best of people in her grade, Cei winced in agreement. Perhaps the ride wasn't going to be so long after all. 】


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Edited on 01/05/19 @ 23:38:59 by ✾Gala✾ (#66561)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-05-01 23:33:03

Ozias Fotakis |17 | Male | Ravenclaw | Sixth Year
Mentions: Sam, Noah

Ozias was relieved to find Sam didn't have any protests concerning abandoning his former seat and pushed the door open as wide as the frame would allow, moving aside so Sam had more room for his luggage. Even then he seemed to still be having trouble with it to the point Ozias grabbed one end of it to help him maneuver the suitcase through the doorway. A withering glance was sent Noah's way when he continued to goad the younger Slytherin and it took a great deal of restraint to hold his tongue. People like him were better left ignored.

The house elf's blatant distress saw his gaze drift elsewhere awkwardly once Sam finally exited the cabin. "If it will help your case, I can attest to this as well. It's not exactly a lie. Now come along, both of you. The train will be leaving soon and we don't want to be caught in the hallway once it starts moving." Leading them back to his own cabin, Ozias ushered Sam and his house-elf inside, the other two students still seated within moving aside to make room with widened eyes.


Jasper Montgomery | 16 | Slytherin | Fifth Year
Mentions: Iris, Celandine, Constantine

"Where you been, girl? I am sitting," Jasper responded, stretching over to tap her knee as proof. Her lack of notice could probably be forgiven considering she hadn't looked at him since he'd arrived, but it wouldn't stop him from calling her out on it. Constantine's barely contained mirth over the exchange of insults and introductions saw Jasper hold his gaze for an uncomfortably long moment, but Iris' sharp intake of breath drew his attention back to her before long, causing him to stand again slightly so he could lean closer to the window, curious what suddenly had her so tense.

He caught a brief glimpse of some boys entering the train, but it wasn't long enough to tell who they were. "Who're they?" He inquired, sounding quite nosy. "They giving you trouble? Want me to teach 'em a lesson?" It seemed that in the short time they'd known each other, despite the wry remark she'd greeted him with, Jasper had decided he liked her. The soft mew of Celandine's cat saw his gaze drift toward the feline and his eyes seemed to brighten, his offer to beat up some guys he didn't even know the names of temporarily forgotten. "Cute baby. What's their name?"

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✾Gala✾ (#66561)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-05-02 00:09:59


【 Celandine blinked, turning her head away from the window when she realized that she was being addressed; out of all things, she hadn't been expecting an enquiry after the cat, though it did a great deal to improve her mood as asking after one's pet often does; she straightened up from her slouch, monochrome scarf falling away from her face.

"Ah, that's Murphy," she said, voice a smidge more inviting, "We got him from a rescue when he was a year old, he's a Ragdoll type- y'know, the one that goes limp when you hold 'em." Cei bent over the carrier a little, tapping the net so that the cat would come forwards; obediently a mild-looking grey furry face came into view, blue eyes glittering in the sunlight coming from the train window and whiskers twitching with curiosity. In a show of confidence the cat mewled again, directed somewhere in Jasper's general direction; accordingly with his breed he was much more lax around strangers than his owner.

Now a bit more wary of his reaction, Celandine asked, "So you like cats?". Her glasses tipped forwards as she inclined her head, and she propped them back up with a finger; shows that I shouldn't be so judgemental, she reprimanded herself internally. For somebody who prided themselves on their , she sure did lack the tact that was meant to go along with them. 】


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