Posted by Welcome to Hogwarts!

Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-06 01:04:40

Welcome To HogwartsAs you walk home from school you look around to see other kids playing and having fun. As you aproch your house you see an old looking owl sitting on the pparch with an old envollop. The owl let it go adn flew away to god knows where. You grab it adn opened it up slowly reading it through it read.:

Dear Mr/Ms. [Surname],
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.


~My word is law
~Don't beg
~Don't kill of an oc tat doesnt belong to you
~Don't yell at someone who makes a mstake not everyone knows harry potter front to back.

Teachers and head master
~Meghan Caesar (Charms)

First years

Second years


Third years

Fourth years

Fith years
~Alexander "Alex" Hurtz
~Iris wells (werewolf and animagu)
Sixth years
Sventh years

First years

Second years


Third years

Fourth years

Fith years
Sixth years
~Ozias Fotakis. (animagus)

Sventh years

First years
~Gardenia (Dia for short) Nyree Leighton

Second years


Third years

Fourth years

Fith years
~ Constantine Babbitt
~Echo Sanchez
Sixth years
~Clover Duke
Sventh years

First years
~Nanaco Longclaw

Second years


Third years

Fourth years

Fith years
~Celandine (Cei) Raisani
~Sam welch (Making animagu potion!)
~Jasper Montgomery.
Sixth years
Sventh years
~Noah Daniels

Character Sheets

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Edited on 09/05/19 @ 10:00:10 by greenapple (#127393)

Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-28 00:26:33
Alright, then its settled tomorrow morning we will start with them getting on the train!

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Delinquent (#95362)

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Posted on
2019-04-28 08:15:51
Agreed - boarding the train allows everyone to interact, whereas the day before boarding just leaves us with a bunch of people RP'ing with themselves.

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-28 18:13:03
Alright we may start now!

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-28 18:20:54
Iris let out a small huff as she walked through the wall on to Platform nine and three quarters. She looked around to see it already buzzing with new life. First years were kissing their parents goodbye and crying while seventh years were trying to get away from their parents. She looked back at her own who had just appeared in tow to her brother. Her mother was a tall woman with brown hair that was always up in a tight bun, her face probably was pretty before she grew old, it was now littered with wrinkles, her eyes were piercing blue, a blue like a diamond that could cut through anything. Her hands were tucked neatly in front of her green sundress. Her father, on the other hand, was handsome, or so she had been told by the countless people she overheard her mother talking to. He had neat combed black hair, not a wrinkle in sight, his eyes were a calm green. He normally wore suits to keep a well-known profile. She looked down into a puddle that had formed from last night rain and stare at her boring features and frowned. "And remember to keep an eye on that sister of yours" She heard her mother hiss into her brother's ear "We don't need her turning out like her uncles"

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-28 18:26:01
Noah grabbed his suitcase and swiftly walked over to the train with great pride. Being in his last year of Hogwarts most of the people on the train knew him "Mr. Daniels" someone hissed from inside the train. A small house elf came waddling out, he went by the name rance "I hope you learned your lesson of starting fights on the train" he growled. Last year on the way to Hogwarts Noah started the first fight of the year when a fourth year dropped food in Noah's lap "Cant promise anything ole Rance" He grumbled handing his luggage to the old elf "Imma look around and please place this in the third cabin" he said turning and taking his leave into the pool of bodies.

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-28 18:28:28
Sam fell down to his knees as he swiftly tried to pick up his lost belongings, his suitcase had fallen apart when hi overweight owl decided that she had enough flying. "You really need to lose weight" he grumbled as he picked up the books he didnt want people to see. (This one short cause im walking my puppers"

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Delinquent (#95362)

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Posted on
2019-04-28 23:34:34
Constantine begrudgingly waved his parents goodbye - he loved them, of course, but he wasn’t a first year needing to be waved off anymore. Stepping into the train, he took the first cabin, gleeful that it had been empty. Whilst it meant he was definitely going to have company sooner or later, it also meant he’d be one of the first to get off of the train when it arrived. After placing his belongings in the overhead compartment, Constantine took a seat near the window, watching the scuffle of children outside. It was quite the comedy, he noticed: people running into each other, dropping things on the platform, first years frantic to rid themselves of their clingy parents.

Tightly folding his arms across his chest, Constantine focused intently on the floor. He was bored, immediately, and hadn’t brought anything to quell it. Rifling through his pockets, the Hufflepuff’s search for something to do came up empty, save for a few sweet wrappers and dog treats that he’d forgotten to take out. Sinking in his seat, Constantine peered back out of the window, not really wanting company, but at the same time, at least it’d give him something to occupy the journey.

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-29 08:51:10
Iris whipped around glaring at her evil women of a mother "They were not that bad" she growled and narrowed her emerald green eyes. "They made you a dog" her mother screeched in horror. Iris let a rough growlmfill her throat as she whipped back aroud and stomped her way to the train "Three days" she kept mumbling as she walked onto the old train she remebered so well from her past years.

The Gryffiondor looked around and spotted someone sitting in the first cabin, she sucked in a shallow breathe when she relized it was a Hufflepuff. Knowing that Huffle puffs were know to be friendly people she opened the door silently and fell into the hard seat crossing her small arms and staring out the window. She watched as a fith year hurried to pick up his belongings. She shook her head "Oculus Reparo" she whispered and flicked her wand. She watched as the suitcase gave a quick pop and it was fixed and looked brand new "Wish I could use that on my troll of a mother" she growled. The young gryffiondor had not been feeling well due to th approching full moon so she was sour to many people, but her mother had really pushed her buttons on the comment she made about her uncles.

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-29 08:56:14
Sam looked down at his now mended suitcase "Thank god" he muttered but his curiosity got the best of him he looked up to see who had done it. His eyes met with a girl sitting in the train and he shook his head, knowing whos niece she was he knew not to go even a foot within her reach. He quickly folded the rest of his clothes shoving them inside of his suitcase and running to the train door trying to zip it. As he reached the door he noticed that the house elf on board was rather angry "Hello could you please direct me to cabin 2" he asked knowing house elves loved helping others "Sir I am only on here to serve a delinquent so I am sorry to decline your request" he growled.

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✾Gala✾ (#66561)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-04-29 09:52:55


【 Cei moved smoothly through the crowd, ducking her head as someone's escaping owl whizzed past, barely missing her by an inch; her ebony leather suitcase was trailing along behind her with the flap hidden and sealed with Spellotape (just to be ultra-sure), and the cat-carrier was bumping uncomfortably against her hip as she was jostled over and again by bystanders of all shapes and sizes. "Excuse me," she muttered darkly, dodging an angry first-year's flailing arms as they themselves tried to extricate themself from their parent's grip. "Watch your bloody fists, won't you? I don't need a broken nose on my first day of term..."

The platform was almost louder than usual. Celandine winced in sympathy as some girl faced down what seemed to be her mother, gingerly stepping over someone else's fallen suitcase and grabbing the rails on the side of the train doors with her free hand to swing herself inside. She had no friends or family waiting for her at the station, so it was in her best interests to simply get on as fast as possible and find an empty cabin in order to avoid any kind of awkward interaction. Dust motes glittered in the air, catching the sunlight, and the train was rocking faintly with the motion of hundreds of students clambering inside for a seat. The babble of outer noise had been muted to a softer murmur.

Hoisting her carrier up to keep them from slipping out of her grip, she wheeled her suitcase through the train as if it was a stroller, trying to surreptitiously peer through the glass sliding doors to judge whether or not any of them were empty; to Celandine's disappointment, the only close one with the least amount of other human beings in it seemed to be the one being argued over by some boy and another creature (was that a house-elf?).

Unsure of what path she was meant to take, the girl stood around awkwardly near them, waiting for them to stop bickering; it was more appealing to simply put up with someone else than having to walk the length of the train to the very back for an empty cabin.】


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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-29 11:12:40
Sam shook his head and growled a bit "Then I will sit in cabin 3 with this 'delinquent'" His face was now blotched with small redness, all he wanted to do was find a cabin, sit down and start working out how he was going to do a potion. He had already planned the place and was settled on the second floor in an out of orders bathroom which had been haunted by a girl who seemed a bit obsessed with death.

"Sir must not, the delinquent has a tendency to fight," The elf said as his voice suddenly got a bit squeakier. Sam looked behind him and saw a girl before turning to the small elf and noted how his clothes were just a simple pillowcase with holes in them "Would your master please to hear you arguing with one of his students" Sam slyly whispered. The elf went paler than before, he stepped out of the way quickly to let Sam go through.

Same was normally really nice to the house elves, seeing as his own had practically raised him. His father was almost always gone doing work, his father worked with dragons and had his own place in the ministry of magic where they would find injured dragons and bring them back to care for them till they were better then they would be set loose again, Sam could tell his father wanted him to follow in his footsteps but Sam always wanted to be an Auror since he had heard his father talking to one.

Sams mother was out of the picture since he had turned six, she had gone insane and tried to bring the death eaters together again but was caught shortly after when she said it was the Wells family who was trying to, that why he had tried hard to stay clear of there daughter Iris. Sam pushed open cabin threes door and saw the guys suitcase. He pushed it to the side and laid down on one of the cushioned benches and pulled out his book as he started to read.

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-29 11:19:52
Noah got bored quickly after he tripped a small girl, he had to admit the girl was running to catch her brother and had not seen Noah walking into her way. Though he could not see how such a small girl could not see a 6'6 man walking in front of her. He watched as the girl's mother grabbed her arm and pulled her away in a hurry shooting death glares at Noah. He glared back "Bloody hell" he muttered.

Noah walked around and noticed that the first years were all hanging to their parents and the parent's faces were drenched in tears. He shook his head not knowing why they would want to stay with such dreadful blubbering things, he knew that because his family was distant he did not get other but this was just crazy.

He decided to head back to the train and lay back in his cabin. He was fond of seeing people staying clear of the third cabin but he noticed something hanging in the frame and frowned, he pushed the doors open to see a younger boy lounging where he would have sat "Out" he growled grabbing the boys stuff, which piled out of the old tattered suitcase "'Hey watch it" the male said jumping up and catching a book. Before Noah could read it Sam tucked it behind him "Show me it"

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Delinquent (#95362)

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Posted on
2019-04-29 11:38:17
Constantine found his attention drawn to the person preoccupying the seat opposite him, not attentive enough to realise their presence until they had sat down. A Gryffindor, by the looks of it, although she was far more quiet than the average student from that house. He briefly wondered why, until he realised he didn't exactly care. A few uneasy moments passed, with either of them saying little in terms of conversation. The Hufflepuff absentmindedly crossed one leg over the other to stop it from jittering impatiently, rolling his eyes at the use of magic, since he'd quite enjoyed watching the boy scramble to pick up his things amidst the wave of students.

"What a lovely introduction," He drawled, resting an elbow on the thin sill of the window, "But I don't think I'm interested much in the state of one's mother." Constantine added unsympathetically. Though he was capable of it, Constantine didn't much feel like being comforting, for the Gryffindor's troubles were largely unimportant to him. After all, there wasn't a point in insulting somebody who wasn't present (though Constantine would argue that the term 'troll' wasn't an insult), and besides, the topic did dampen his mood considerably. "She's not here to hear you, so why bother?" He queried, mostly uninterested, but partly wanting to elicit a reaction out of the girl.

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-29 12:57:42
Iris looked over at the Hufflepuff he eyes were narrowed into slits, she shook her head and cursed at herself in her mind. He had done nothing wrong and was just stating the truth "Your right I guess" she growled facing him. She outstretched her short arm and put on a tight smile like what he mom does when she meets people she doesn't know. "Hello Im Iris Wells, pure blood" she stated like she was reading from a note card. Her mother told her always to stat your blood status when meeting someone.

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-29 13:01:20
Sam looked down at his lap as Noah reached over and snatched the book from behind him. Noahs face went from mad to even madder "Why do you come in here with a book likely to get you kicked out of Hogwarts" he yelled, towering over Sam, Sam coward off a bit. "Sir don't do anything to the young boy" The house elf stuttered trying to open the door. Noah snatched up his wand and put a lock curse on the door, he reached down and grabbed the collar of Sams robes.

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