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![]() Priz (#127393) ![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-06 01:04:40 |
Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 09/05/19 @ 10:00:10 by greenapple (#127393) |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-02 04:53:24 |
Sam looked up at Ozias "Thanks" he said quietly. He had sat down by the cabin door so he was watching Noah's cabin like a hawk. Sam hands felt their way into his bag and closed around the book Noah got so bad. 'Im going to have to be a bit more careful about this' he made the note in his head. He let out a small breathe of relief that had some of his small blonde locks flying when he felt the train give a small jerk "Guess was off" he said in a small tone. The house elf looked around the cabin in amazement and had not stopped thanking, apologizing and yelling at them to "Sirs should not have used magic" he squeaked "Thank you though" Sam didnt let his eyes leave Noah cabin door afraid he would be back out any second. ![]() |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-02 04:57:29 |
Iris' eyes went huge when she realized she was being very rude "Sorry" she muttered. Her face had grown bright red and hot when he had made the comment about her four brothers "Please don't" she whispered, it came more as a rasp. She looked away from the window and saw them pass the cabin door, she met the eyes of one who just sneered. Trying to ignore him she looked over at the cat on the girl's lap and smiled "My cat is somewhere" she said trying to drag the conversation somewhere friendlier and not about her "He always gets away at the worst time." Her eyes examined the soft cat on the lap and smiled, she wanted to know what the cat wanted to say and made a note to find out. ![]() |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-03 05:56:27 |
Noah looks out the window and watches as people start to disappear, he watches as little brother and sisters run after the train with wet, hot tears running down there faces. He shakes his head as things start popping back into his head "stop it Noah" he muttered to himself as he shakes his head a bit. ![]() |
Delinquent (#95362)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-03 09:06:52 |
Constantine watched as the cat came into view, watching it with a slight interest. Sure, it was no mythical creature, but he appreciated it all the same, especially considering he so very rarely got to see a cat outside of Hogwarts. They didn't get along with the crups, and all that. The Hufflepuff picked a few stray hairs from the fabric of his clothing, being careful to mind the bat that had tucked itself away in the inside pocket of his robe, to preoccupy his fidgeting. ![]() |
kkb (#122294)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-03 10:49:49 |
Meadow sighed as she looked out the window. She had already been to Hogwarts many times but every time it gets exiting. She smiled and bought a chocolate frog of the trolly, the card was Albus Dumbledore. She smiled at the card before looking back outside the window. ![]() |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-03 11:03:28 |
Noah looks around the small cabin and shivers "Damn I thought it was supposed to be summer" he growls as he stands up, his tall frame was always an obstacle as he hits his head on everything. The Slytherin bends down a bit so his head barely reaches the ceiling and walks around the small table in the middle of the cabin. He reaches down and grabs something out of his bag, to be revealed was new robes for his school. As his family was extremely wealthy he always got new robes each year. He put a locking charm on the door and pulled the velvet curtains closed. He began to strip down into nothing but his briefs. Laying the robes onto the small seats he pulled out dress pants and pulled them on, one leg at a time. Next was his robes. Finally, all dressed he undid the charms and peeked outside of his cabin to see Sam staring right at it. He sneered and narrowed his eyes before stopping some lady with a cart "Hello ma'am" he said politely. She looked up at him and smiled "Ah if it isn't Mr. Daniels" she laughed. "Oh his Ruthie I was wondering it you could empty this whole cart an d drop the sweets off at that cabin over there," he said pointing to Sams' face. Ruthie looked a bit skeptical and nodded. He said his goodbyes and closed the door again. ![]() |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-03 11:08:20 |
Sam backed away from the door when he saw Noah pointing at hi "Trouble" he said quietly to the guy in the cabin with him. He sat down on the small seats and watched the house elf looking around in amazement "Us house-elves have always been told to stay away from people with such named titles unless theyare out masters" he squeaked loudly as he looked over at Sam. Sam looked at his hand "Could we forget about who I belong to" he muttered, the house elf got the memo and scurried over onto the seat "We may, only if you tell me why you didnt listen to my warning" he huffed "You could have gotten really hurt you know that" Sam nods and starts to ick at his nail when they heard a soft knock. In came the lady sweets and all, Sam looked over them in amazement "Bloody hell" he breathed. The house elf, who Sam was guessing was either hiding or passed out because he could feel him shivering into his side. ![]() |
Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-04 11:31:27 |
Ozias Fotakis |17 | Male | Ravenclaw | Sixth Year ![]() Edited on 04/05/19 @ 11:32:42 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076) |
casu consulto (#78689)
Hateful View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-04 13:42:02 |
"Damn." The low, emphatic curse left Benjamin's lips as the train lurched into motion. It was moving - and he didn't have a seat. The situation posed a host of problems - the most immediate being that he was trying to drag a pretty hefty trunk with one hand and to not drop an indignant looking owl in a cage with the other. It left him with limited options when it came to keeping himself steady… and Benji really, really didn't want to start the school year with the dubious notoriety that came from being the kid who fell over on the train. That sort of humiliation could only be earned by some foolish first year, surely. He was past that. Maybe. Circumstances had conspired against him… If by 'circumstances' one meant family members - or, specifically, younger family members who had insisted on being allowed to wave him off. Their enthusiastic farewell had resulted in boarding the train at the last moment and now… this. Benji peered into the nearest compartment, noting (as he had with several before) that it was occupied. He'd resigned himself to having to share but he had some limits. A social pariah? That would have been fine. Two students who had clearly missed one another a LOT over the summer and seemed intent on 'catching up'? Nope. Even the thought of camping out in the aisle was preferable to that. He eyed his trunk and wondered, fleetingly, if it would make for a comfortable enough seat for the duration… The owl in the cage gave a melancholy hoot and sent a reproachful look up at Benji. He ignored it. He didn't need to be guilt-tripped by an over-expressive owl. "Maybe the next one…" he muttered to himself, more in hope than in actual belief. Dragging rather than carrying the trunk now, he managed to accidentally jostle the cage and was rewarded with a shrill shriek of seeming outrage. "Oh, simmer down…" Benji snarled quietly, under his breath. "At least you've got the perch to sit on." At this rate he'd be on his feet pacing back and forth for the entire journey so his sympathy for his feathered companion was thin on the ground. ![]() |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-04 18:45:14 |
iris looked down at her hands and shrugged "She likes running around" she muttered. A large grey maine coon came striding in. It looked like a smaller lynx, "Speak of the devil" she laughed a bit. The large cat jumped up onto her lap "Hello" she cooed hugging the cat "His name is peeves, cause the ghost at Hogwarts" ![]() |
❃Gala❃ (Side) (#174161)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-04 20:46:49 |
✾✾✾ 【Cei could think of quite a few responses to the question "Who doesn't?", though she felt as if that would be unnecessary and a bit too divulging of herself; instead, she chose to listen intently to Jasper talk animatedly about himself, her head tipped to one side. It felt odd holding a civil conversation with someone who wasn't the same gender as herself for once, as if she'd stepped on a landmine out of daring which turned out to be ultimately harmless. "You got lucky," she commented on his story about the amiable stray he'd befriended. "There's an entire clan of cats living at our old house, and one we managed to tame bit my little sister; we had to get her tested for rabies, and the whole thing nearly ended with him-"" she tapped the pasty carrier, enticing a soft miaow from Murphy, "-winding up in the pound." The young witch thought for a split second about adding some more, fingers drumming the top of the plastic, when Iris said something about her own cat; as if summoned, the aforementioned creature strolled inside the cabin from a crack in the door, jumping up to the Gryffindor's lap. Celandine- who had folded her legs under herself at this point, criss-cross style- was tempted to ask if it was part wildcat judging from its size, but refrained and chose to stay quiet; she wasn't humble enough to admit that she was less comfortable talking to a Gryffindor, if only out of (most probably) undeserved stigma. Her cat tucked its paws underneath itself, giving off the impression of a great ball of snowy fluff, colourpoint tail flicking once before settling by his side; it was hard to tell what he was thinking, though his bluebell eyes were trained on the newcomer in feline interest. He didn't move further, except for a turn of his ear towards the cabin door- it was most probably some sort of sound he'd heard from the hallway, and eventually decided it was of no consequence for the moment.】 ✾✾✾ ![]() Edited on 04/05/19 @ 22:35:08 by ✾Gala✾ (#66561) |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-04 21:55:12 |
Iris looked up at Cei and watched how she had eyed her cat. Feeling a bit self-conscious she pulled her cat more to her stomach. His soft fur warming her cold hands, she still remembered the day she had found him, it was the week before she had started Hogwarts, her parents thinking she would wind up in Slytherin they let her keep him. The day was a bit dark and drabby, the cool rain had finally passed them and the warm summer sun should be coming out any second. As Iris walked through the dewy fields back in the direction of her family's house, it was a day after a full moon so she had been away for a bit. Her eyes caught another pair of eyes, they stared at each other for a bit till a tall scrawny cat came out. Iris bent down and petted peeves and smiled. She loved thinking of that day and how she thought he would hurt her but all he wanted was food. "I also have a dog, he's a wolf-dog breed named James after my uncles best friend" she stated shyly "He stays with me when I" she stopped and looked at the ground remembering that her mother always told her to keep quiet about it "walk" she tries to patch it up but it had been a clear lie. ![]() |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-04 22:04:20 |
Sam looked over at Ozias, his eyes seemed to glaze over "Famous death eaters" he sighed "after the battle at Hogwarts the death eater sign was shot up all over the world, well that was my family" his arm shot to the back of his neck "My dad was never involved, I bet he didnt even know my mother was part of them" he wanted to be in the Hogwarts library or his room but he was here explaining his family. "When dad found out about her he freaked and started putting locks all around my room, and somehow a chain lock went bad and bound me and m mother together" He lifted up his cotton filled shirt to show a large scar that traveled all around his torso. His hair had fallen into his face as he examined it like he had many times before. "Then my mother shot the sign up again and that ministry came and took her to Azkaban, I became a head newspaper thing and my dad became wealthy" He pulled down his shirt and let his hand fumble to tuck it into his sweater before zipping it up and looking at the sleeping house elf. He shook his head and sighed "Not a great thing to be famous for" ![]() |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-06 11:16:08 |
Noah backed up into the cabin and reached overhead where he had kept his things. He reached into his bag and fumbled for a bit till his hand enclosed around a thin stick that was 12 inches long and made of ash, with a unicorn hair core. He smiled and pulled his hand out to look over the beauty. He sat down on the seat and watched as the small viney parts looked to be moving, he brought it closer to his face and watched them before pulling back and looking across from him getting a really dumb idea. He stuck his wand out and thought of the happiest day of his life. Surprisingly it had been the day his mother had passed and left him all alone. She was laying in the hospital bed staring up at him when she whispered "I see you" those were her last words before she died and he had so much anger that it suddenly turned happy. He was confused but then realized that all he ever wanted was for his mother to be proud of him. With his arm out he started to mumble the words until he was barely above a whisper "expecto patronum" he looked around and saw nothing. He said it a bit louder this time "expecto patronum" a small silver stream came out. At last on his final time a stags head poked through but disappeared quickly. ![]() |
Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-09 10:23:52 |