Posted by Welcome to Hogwarts!

Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-06 01:04:40

Welcome To HogwartsAs you walk home from school you look around to see other kids playing and having fun. As you aproch your house you see an old looking owl sitting on the pparch with an old envollop. The owl let it go adn flew away to god knows where. You grab it adn opened it up slowly reading it through it read.:

Dear Mr/Ms. [Surname],
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.


~My word is law
~Don't beg
~Don't kill of an oc tat doesnt belong to you
~Don't yell at someone who makes a mstake not everyone knows harry potter front to back.

Teachers and head master
~Meghan Caesar (Charms)

First years

Second years


Third years

Fourth years

Fith years
~Alexander "Alex" Hurtz
~Iris wells (werewolf and animagu)
Sixth years
Sventh years

First years

Second years


Third years

Fourth years

Fith years
Sixth years
~Ozias Fotakis. (animagus)

Sventh years

First years
~Gardenia (Dia for short) Nyree Leighton

Second years


Third years

Fourth years

Fith years
~ Constantine Babbitt
~Echo Sanchez
Sixth years
~Clover Duke
Sventh years

First years
~Nanaco Longclaw

Second years


Third years

Fourth years

Fith years
~Celandine (Cei) Raisani
~Sam welch (Making animagu potion!)
~Jasper Montgomery.
Sixth years
Sventh years
~Noah Daniels

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Edited on 09/05/19 @ 10:00:10 by greenapple (#127393)

Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-05-09 10:57:43
(What do you need?)

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-05-09 13:52:58
noting so are they going onto the train?)

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-05-09 16:09:25
Echo was looking down at her small barn owl who slept in the small cage she had gotten for him just before they had left,her brown eyes narrowed as she looked outside the window. Letting out a soft huff she stood up going to find someone to talk to or give candy . Echo looked down at gremlin and smiled " I'll be back soon " she whispered to him before leaving the cabin to look for someone to talk to. Forgetting that her hair was down and tangled she put it up into a net slick bun and smiled to herself

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-05-09 22:50:47
Noah looked around and huffed as he set his wand down on the small table that separated the two seats. His hair fell into his face covering his two blue orbs. He knew he needed a hair cut but never got around to it. His father was always somewhere while his mother had not been in the 'Picture' for a while. A small hoot came from his suitcase, his face suddenly brightened as he slid down to the floor and threw it open, he had enchanted it with the Capacious extremis charm so there was an extraordinary amount of space in it. A small brown barn owl shot out of the case.

The owl was clearly unhappy with where it had been for the past few hours. Still upset it rested her self out of Noahs reach. "Aw Grace common" he laughed "There was plenty of room and food in there to keep you happy" he scooted forward in the small seat and outstretched his hand trying to get her to forgive him, he was met with a playfully bite as the owl took flight staying out of his reach.

Noah jumped up and tried to catch Grace, this had always been a small game they would play when he was sad or she had been in an extremely playful mood. He knew if anyone walked by he would probably either look like a nut job or a large man baby thing having the time of his life. In this small moment, he forgot about all his worries and focused on catching that bloody owl. His hand caught Graces small foot and he pulled her from the sky, she had now settled into nuzzling into his coat he had been wearing.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-05-10 04:07:48
Echo huffed and went back to her cabin letting gremlin out to stretch his wings. Sitting down she pulled her knees to her chest and let the small barn owl lay on her head. Gremlin was trying to cheer her up at least she thought he was but than realized he was trying to get into her pockets to get to the candy,giggling she gave him a small mouse and put him back into the cage so she could at least have a little shut eye.

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-05-10 11:06:02
Noah's hand traveled down the small owls back, he could feel her doing a weird owl purr "would you want to fly the rest of the way" he asked knowing the train ride only took about three hours and they were about an hour into it. The owl looked up at him in a confused way and he pointed to the window. Finally realizing what he was saying Grace jumped out of his lap and took a sudden flight in the cramped cabin. She was going into and excited frenzy over not having the window open at that second. She starts hooting as loudly as she possibly can.

Standing up an annoyed Noah pushed down on the window, it was a bit tighter then he wanted so he bent down and grabbed his wand "Aberto" he muttered. The window popped open "and I was told that only works on doors" he laughed and turned and looked at Grace. She was getting ready to take flight and dive out the open window "I'll keep it open so if you get tired" He looks back at the window just I time to watch his small barn owl dive through it. A smile played across his lips as he watches her match the train speed but slowly and surely falls back.

He looks back at the cabin door, his face seems to drop when he realizes other than the ghost peeves he has no friends. The old Slytherin frowns as he sits back down in the tiny seat and lays down on it "There a hundred bottles of butterbeer on the wall take one down pass it around there are 99 bottles of butterbeer on the wall." he rolls onto the hard ground and open up his suitcase again. Peering down into the perfectly customized closet he had made inside he smiles. He knew he was a powerful wizard and this being his last year he was going to prove it by getting A's in all his classes and throwing the biggest going away party for himself. Even bigger than the Weasley twins that were always being talked about like they were some legends.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-05-10 13:27:46
Hey green are you okay?)

Echo had woken up and yawned " Did i fall asleep Gremlin?" she asked the owl wo had just been sitting on her hip. It hooted as if saying yes,smiling Echo ruffled his feathers and gave him a kiss on the head . " Oh my little Gremlin " she cooed

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-05-10 13:31:21
Noah reached over and grabbed his wand and started whispering spells, bubbles were now popping up everywhere and some even seeping under the door into the hall.

Yeah im all good))

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-05-10 13:34:30
my dog is a god..he just threw a ball into the air)

Standing up she put her small barn owl on her arm making sure to secure him before walking out into the hallway,only to get a bubble pooped in her face. Gremlin reached out a claw and popped one before looking shook.

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casu consulto (#78689)

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Posted on
2019-05-10 13:51:48
Dropping the trunk with a soft thud Benji perched on the edge of it and lowered the owl cage onto the floor beside him. He weathered the reproachful look from the occupent and pointedly ignored the restless shuffling. It wasn't the best way to spend the journey but he supposed that it wasn't the worst either. Unless the witch with the trolley came by again he'd probably escape causing serious obstruction anyway.

Lifting a hand to try and rub some of the knotted tension from the back of his neck Benji was wondering how easy it would be to retrieve his school robes from inside his trunk before actually reaching the school when a bubble floated by. He blinked, hard, but the bubble remained so it was definitely real and not a figment of his imagination. There was nothing too strange in it - really. Actually, a bubble (or a few, as he soon realised) was harmless enough. But it did make him curious. He pushed himself to his feet and moved over to the door that seemed to be... emitting the bubbles. In doing so he became aware that the bubbles had another puzzled observer also - Benji lifted his eyebrows slightly as he looked in Echo's direction in shared curiosity, but he kept quiet as he peered into the cabin to seek out the source.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-05-10 13:55:20
Echo kept walking towards the bubbles gigging when gremlin would hide in her hair or at least try to

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-05-10 17:20:25
Noah started trying different spells, some made the bubbles different colors and others had water shooting out of his wand. His face wrenched its self into a wicked smirk when he started shooting sparks out of the tip of his wand. He sat up all the way and put a small enchantment on a book he brought which he threw under the cabin door and it started sing reading itself.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-05-10 17:24:06
Knocking on Noah's cabin door she smiled " Your gonna get someone in the eye with those bubbles " she said through the door, Gremlin hooted in agreement

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-05-10 17:30:32
Noah shot up and his face went emotionless again "Did it ever occur to you that what Im trying to do" he asked. He knew he should be nicer to people but words always seem to fail him. He also knew his lack in loving ability came from the not so great home he grew up in, death eaters never made the best parents. He stood up and wiped his hands on his pants sneaking his wand back into his front pocket.

The Slytherin walked up to the door and threw it open "Im guessing you didnt hear what happened what I did to the other fifth-year earlier" he asked and crossed his arms. He heard a hoot from behind and looked to see Grace his owl flying through the window and diving into the suitcase.

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-05-10 17:33:42
Echo leaned up against the door " I mean i usual don't care about what other people do sooo" she shrugged smirking digging into her pocket she grabbed but a sucker and shoved it into her mouth,her hair was all frizzy from sleeping before hand . Gremlin tilted his small head at Grace " What's your name Bubble boy?" she asked

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