Posted by Gathering Darkness- a multi species rp[open]

R] (#173231)

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Posted on
2019-08-31 05:54:23
There's something lurking in the dark.

The inhabitants of Fell have been living peacefully for centuries, thriving in the valley surrounded by sheer mountains. Nothing can get in through the mountains, and the ocean defends them from the south.
But something is gathering in the north.
That ravens that fly over the mountains bring back tales of plagues and death. Tensions begin to grow in the valley, and neighbors turn on eachother.
As The inhabitants of the valley start to panic, they turn to the Elders, a group of beings that have guided their path for the centuries they've lived in the valley. But when they go to seek the Elders, they are missing. (Or so they think)
What is coming, and what will happen to the peace?


Rules! Be nice and have fun!
You can have as many characters as you like, they can be any species, and there are no set rules for the groups they live in so it's a bit of a free for all.
This is a laid back rp! No posting requirements, time limits, no one will push you to reply, etc. We all have lives<3
intercharacter romance is allowed, but if one is not your character you must ask permission.
This is an lgbtq accepting rp! Please be nice.

OOC CHAT! Go here to discuss characters, RL, or anything!

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Edited on 03/10/19 @ 10:03:19 by LucifurFalling[CleanWith.Bast] (#173231)

Dilophosaur (#177674)

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Posted on
2019-09-13 19:21:56
Ofelia threw her head back as she moved in front of Lorcan. "Don't fret, centaur. She is leaving this place, perhaps she will take this lesson and guard her life with it." Ofelia knew she was terrified, thus didn't want the centaur to instigate further. "Leave her be for now."

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-09-13 19:32:22
As long as she stays away from my mate and my home, I will oblige" he said coldly."as soon as she come near, I will take action as I feel fit" he said

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Dilophosaur (#177674)

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Posted on
2019-09-13 22:00:37
She bowed her head to the centaur out of respect. "I understand that very well, centaur. But for now she has shown signs of wanting to hide away, but if she engages once more you are free to protect your home and your mate." Ofelia backed up, giving Lorcan some space.

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-09-13 22:03:47
Lorcan nodded, retrieving his arrow and bending his head towards Ofelia, his hand fisted over his heart. It was a sign of respect in his culture and almost every centaur did it. As he straightened up, he slipped his arrows back into the quiver, one still in his bow as he walked back towards his home.

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Dilophosaur (#177674)

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Posted on
2019-09-13 23:45:59
Ofelia watched him leave before turning to Tamiel. She wandered up to him and stood by his side, trying to help him to his feet the best she could. "You'll be alright, friend.. I'll stand by you until help arrives and I'll make sure the Leopon does not engage again."

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R] (#173231)

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Posted on
2019-09-14 00:40:04
Tamiel panted, leaning heavily against Ofelia's side. Rahm was coming, he could feel it, but he didn't want him to worry. If Rahm knew what had happened the leopon would be dead, no questions asked
With a look of extreme concentration, the tiger focused on his mangled wings. The golden smoke that had poured from his skin rose, collecting around the wounds and sealing them until they shimmered pale amber. The tiger sighed in hereof, shaking his head to clear it. The centaur with the bow had left, leaving the leopon crouched on the earth in front of them.
Blood was sprinkled on the moss like freckles.

Rahm careened over a hill, stumbling upon the bloodstained scene. Rage filled his mind-
"I'm fine!" Tamiel interjected, seeing where Rahms thoughts had strayed. "Honestly, rahm. I'm fine. "
Rahm bolted over, inspecting tamiel minutely, eyes occasionally sliding to the leopon prone on the ground. He found the golden gashes and snarled. "What happened?" He growled.

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Dilophosaur (#177674)

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Posted on
2019-09-14 01:08:51
Ofelia stiffened slightly, watching the cowering Leopon. "We had a run in.." Ofelia could somehow feel the dread of Tamiel of Rahm finding out about the Leopon. "With a lion, who was afraid of the oncoming plague against the valley. Fear turned to violence, I'm afraid -- but all is well now. Everyone is on edge, myself included, so I don't blame them for finding no other way to deal with the fear." Ofelia was ready to step in at a moment's notice to protect their once enemy in case the lie was seen through -- but simply because she wanted to keep the peace in these times. "Your.. friend? He put up a good fight.. By the looks of things he will be fine, he possesses a great power. As for the Leopon? She helped us, though she fears we may harm her next. We must let her go about her business, when a creature cowers, one must generally assume it's the end of the fight, or in this case, a good time to part ways with a creature who had helped."

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R] (#173231)

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Posted on
2019-09-14 01:33:43
Rahm knew the unicorn was lying. How could he not?
Tamiel knew he had figured it out and pushed one injured wing into his chest. "Don't even think about it," he warned, glaring. "I'm pissed, yes, but it. Is. Fine."
Rahm let a little rumble of anger escape his throat, but he restrained himself. Tamiel didn't want him to fight this creature, so he wouldn't.
"Fine," he said through clenched teeth. "Go on your way."

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Edited on 14/09/19 @ 01:34:14 by LucifurFalling[2gwither.augur] (#173231)

Dilophosaur (#177674)

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Posted on
2019-09-14 01:55:28
Ofelia definitely needed to up her lying game, but gave a huff. "..Perhaps it's best I don't stay? ..I could try to find my herd again, but they made it apparent they didn't want me around because of my supposed "hybrid" genetics." She shook her head slightly and moved from the pair. "Of course.. If you'd like me to."

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R] (#173231)

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Posted on
2019-09-14 02:32:57
Tamiel shook his head frantically- having another guest around would calm Rahm- eventually.
"No no no, you can stay! Rahm just gets... overprotective. I've had some run-ins with a leopon before and it didn't exactly go well, so he's a little trigger happy. Besides, we already have one person over." The tiger flicked his tail in the direction of the bungalow, where Quirr was no doubt wondering what had happened.

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🥝Uneven2ros (#182174)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-09-14 05:41:25
Libra, still pressed to the ground, stared up at their conversation, her heart still pounding. Would she have to kill them all now? How could she kill them all? She'd never dare challenge a centaur... but did that mean her fate was sealed? Would these animals truly say nothing about their encounter?

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-09-14 06:12:43
Lorca didn't return to his camp, but circled around and watched the Clearing where Tamil and Ofelia were, listening to their conversation from the depths of the forest. He was silent as he tried to go in noticed, a skill that he had learned from mala, the queen of staying still.

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Dilophosaur (#177674)

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Posted on
2019-09-14 06:58:13
Ofelia gave a nod. "Very well.. If you're offering, then I shall oblige." Ofelia then looked toward the Leopon. "Should we leave her here to her own devices? Or perhaps we could show her kindness..?" The mare slowly stepped toward her, not wanting to spook her, but testing to see if she was more stabilized than her earlier moment of fear driven attack.

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Edited on 14/09/19 @ 06:58:32 by Dilophosaur (#177674)

🥝Uneven2ros (#182174)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-09-14 07:03:37
"Back off," Libra hissed, still thinking of what move to make next. Panic flooded her mind as the animals circled around her.
"You.. You all keep your mouths shut, you understand?"

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Dilophosaur (#177674)

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Posted on
2019-09-14 07:08:04
Ofelia obliged, backing from the Leopon. "As I had stated previously, young one, I will not speak a word nor tell a soul... Though perhaps I am unable to vouch for others." Her voice was stern, yet sincere in an odd way. She truly would not speak a word to anyone who hadn't witnessed this encounter.

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