Posted by Star-Crossed [Lion RP]

Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-08 10:10:55
The king is eager to betroth his heir so that the pride may be passed onto safe hands, with his own end coming near. But his heir- he seems to be in love with the idea of exploration, rather than taking up the mantle. The shamans have spoken of grave news, of a terrible future for the heir: if he doesn't grow up soon, he will forget who he is. What does this mean? What could possibly happen?

-Roleplayers of all skill levels are welcomed.
-Posts should be a minimum of 3 sentences, to avoid spamming the thread!
-Users may have one hybrid character. Cubs born later on can be hybrids if given permission.
-Lions can have any bases/markings/decor.
-Sub-males can breed, yadda yadda.
-Don't control the characters of other users.
-Use the OOC, this thread is only for roleplaying.
-Roleplay style is meant to be relaxed, don't feel rushed to post.
-Rank descriptions will be in the Character Sheet thread! c:
-Limited ranks: if you're inactive for 2 weeks without notifying us before, you will be removed and the rank will be reopened!!

Northern Pride
Royal Family:
King: Felix (Argus)
Queen: Tamu (Snini9)
Heir: Leonidas (Argus)
Royals (family):
-Saki (Dream Catchers)

-Earijae (Shatter)

Heir's Suitors:
-Tigerlily (LunarLion)
-Mala (Snini9)
-Taliyah (Shatter)
-Velvet (Lemonade)

-Michael (Dream Catchers)
-Okiro (Rachel)
-Flame (LunarLion)

Lead Huntress
-Deira (Rachel)

Huntresses (Unlimited)
-Rosie (Argus)
-Leah (LunarLion)
-Mchumba (Cold)

-Xena (Swifty)

Trainees (Unlimited)
-Slips (Swifty)

-Hanagasumi (Dream Catchers)

Mothers & Cubs

-Sinelmä (Meori)
-Zakhele (Argus)
-Vegas (Kat)


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Edited on 13/10/19 @ 09:07:59 by Argus [Clean Mandarin] (#66829)

Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-08 15:46:33
Felix | King | Location: Camp | Mentions: Leonidas

It was dawn, and already the aging king noticed that his son had fled from camp to avoid the planned training his father had for him. The dusky male sighed, backing out of Leonidas' empty den to face camp, taking in the scene before him as he delved into his own troubling thoughts. Did his heir not realize the importance of learning how to lead the pride? Felix was still capable of holding himself in battle and keeping the pride in check, but surely his time would be soon. Slowly, the king sunk down to a sitting position with a disgruntled huff.

Rosie | Huntress | Location: Camp | Mentions: Felix, Open

The cotton candy colored feline was completely content with the idea of sleeping in well past sunrise, but movement hours before had disturbed her from her sleep. She had tried her best to fall back into her dreams, but she was incapable of doing so. Instead, she'd been resting on her back, staring sleepless up at the roof of the burrow the huntresses called their sleeping quarters. But now, the sun was continuing to climb up into the sky, tinting the horizon to be a pale pink, a cue that it was time for her to formally rise.

Shaking sleep and dust from her fur, Rosie padded out of the burrow to stretch in the great outdoors. Pale eyes sliding to a figure in the corner, she spotted Felix a distance off, looking troubled as ever. must've been Leonidas that she heard leaving just before dawn. It came as no surprise- the heir was talented at escaping at the most opportune of moments. She suspected that Felix would be asking the sub-males to go after him.

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Edited on 08/10/19 @ 15:48:32 by Argus [Clean Mandarin] (#66829)

Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2019-10-08 15:59:49
Michael | Sub-Male | Bisexual | Location: Patrolling
The Tsavo maned male padded swiftly as he was patrolling the west portion of the territory. Along with him was his sister, Hana, who seemed to wanted to go with him this time. He didn't mind it as it kept him company and he was able to watch her. Though she requested no talking as she wanted to enjoy being out, he was fine with that.

Hanagasumi| Brood-mother | Bisexual | Location: With Michael
Hana padded next to her brother keeping up with his pace. She went with him so she can get out of camp and get to know the land more and being on a patrol with her brother helped her ease her mind and it made her feel safe when he's in her site

Saki| Royal | Straight | Location: out of territory, hanging with a random male lion
Saki purred as she rubbed against this male lion she was hanging with, he seemed to like her enough. She laid and the two chatted for awhile, she had slipped away to go meet him before everyone had woken up.

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Edited on 08/10/19 @ 16:01:52 by Dream Catchers (#95572)

Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-08 16:48:14
Leonidas | Heir | Location: Savannah | Mentions: Open

He had left when the ground was still tinged with dew, and when the sky was yet to have the faintest traces of dawn. Leonidas was hoping to avoid the morning lectures his father had to offer, because frankly, it was too early for him to feel like tolerating all of that. The hybrid walked with confidence, snaking through the tall grass to find his entertainment for the day. He found the sunrises on days like these to be the most beautiful.

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Delinquent (#95362)

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Posted on
2019-10-09 06:03:14

Sinelmä | Outsider | Location: Camp | Mention(s): Rosie, Felix

Sinelmä had slunk into camp in the early hours of the morning, sleepily occupying the gnarled roots of an old acacia tree. Though offered a den of his own on multiple occasions, the male had politely declined, instead residing under the same old tree every time he visited. Despite being far from comfortable, he held a small fondness for the spot, though he would not mourn for it should it ever disappear.

As the sun arose from it's slumber, so did Sinelmä, groggily heaving himself onto his feet. Though most of him ached from his wearisome trek, he didn't allow himself a moment to pity his condition, instead taking it as a lesson to rest more during his travels. Ambling about the camp, Sinelmä could see movement beginning to stir inside the dens, and hear the quiet rustle of pridemembers starting to go about their day. Outside of one burrow sat a pinkish lioness, whom was instantly recognisable due to her unrivalled optimism and cheerful nature. Despite not living in the camp year-round, Sinelmä wasn't particularly forgetful, and could remember most of the pride by name once introduced. Though he'd never hung around Rosie all that much, there was little a time where he wasn't bombarded by words of her good deeds.

"Good morning, Rosie." Sinelmä called out quietly, slowly sauntering over to sit a small distance away. As much as he didn't want to appear cold or unwelcoming, he'd never get too close to anyone from Felix' pride, whether it be physically or emotionally. The male followed her line of sight, gaze landing on the troubled king. "I suppose Leonidas is still giving him grief?" Sinelmä suggested, not surprised if that was the case. They'd been bickering back and forth over the ownership of the throne for as long as he could remember, something which Sinelmä didn't want to get involved with.

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Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-09 13:04:43
Rosie | Huntress | Location: Camp | Mentions: Felix, Sinelmä

The strange male caused the young lioness to feel nervous from time to time, with how frequently he came and left the pride. Nonetheless, their king happily welcomed the outsider back every time, which came as no surprise. Considering how often the treasured heir escaped the grasp of his father, the pride needed all the sub-males it could possibly get, for the sake of patrolling and tracking the rapscallion down. She did worry about the heir from time to time, but her mind was so active and it caused her to be in an almost constant state of concern, for her own well-being and for that of the others.

That being said, she couldn't possibly fathom how Sinelmä managed to do it, leaving the pride 'n all. The world was vast, frightening, and likely felt incredibly empty when one was wandering the outskirts solo. To be fair, Rosie was a coward through and through- she was a massive cat terrified of creepy-crawlies. But still, nobody liked to be lonely, right?

Craning her neck, she glimpsed back at the approaching male at a rather awkward head angle, listening to the rational feline's input on the situation. "Good morning, Elm." There was no need for her to offer a physical smile with her maw, her eyes did all the smiling necessary. Although the sub-male appeared to be resolute with the idea of personal space, Rosie...well, to put it simply, she did not understand the definition of "personal bubble". While he seated himself a fair distance away, she scooted a hair closer regardless, returning her pastel visionaries to the reserved king of the pride.

She took in Sinelmä's comment and thought it over for several moments, paying attention to the details in the king's posture. "Of course, he wouldn't be 'Leonidas' if he wasn't giving Felix a hard time first thing in the morning. I'm sure he'll grow out of it, the sense of responsibility just hasn't sunk in yet, I suppose." Her tone was light-hearted and giddy as per usual, relieving like a breath of fresh air on a muggy day.

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-10-09 14:35:18
Tamu stretched as she left the den she shared with Felix, a content smile on her face. She flicked her gaze around the camp, searching for her mate. She smiled as she saw him, a pure rumbling in her chest as she made her was over."good morning, my love" she said, gently bumping her head into his shoulder before bruins her face in his mane and inhaling his comforting scent. "How'd you sleep?" She asked, her voice muffles by his mane

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Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-09 15:53:56
Felix | King | Location: Camp | Mentions: Tamu

The king flex his claws, observing them before placing his paw back on the ground and permitting his claws to sink into the dry earth. Why did parenthood have to be so difficult this time around? He had little to no issues with his previous cubs (especially since most of their mothers were around to help), so why did Leonidas have to be so different? Sighing out of frustration, he returned his Queen's affectionate greeting by bumping his forehead against hers. "I wish it could be a good morning." Felix spoke with that typical stoic ring to his tone, eyes flashing in the direction that held Leonidas' faint scent, likely where he exited camp earlier that morning.

Incapable of sitting any longer, the male stiffly rose to his paws in a semi-stretch, arching his long back. "But I slept good otherwise, how about you?" He allowed his tone to soften for his favored female, his lightly colored eyes gentle as they rested on her muscular form.

Zakhele | Outsider | Location: Outskirts | Mentions: Open

His paws hadn't felt so sore in moons- but who could blame them? He'd been trekking nonstop for days, and he could only wish for a good wink of sleep. Nonetheless, the popular outsider walked with some pep in his step, craning his broad cranberry head to peer over at his barking companion. "C'mon now, Hans, leave the insects alone! That's disgusting...even if you're hopelessly adorable." Zakhele's tone was warm with intense infection for the pup, observing as he pounced eagerly after fleeing winged creatures. Seeing the golden canine pop up and down over the waves of golden grass was amusing, but when he ate insects...well, it was disturbing.

The lion's companion turned and darted after his master so that the pair could resume their adventure at a steady pace. Zak was enthusiastic to catch up with Felix and the Northern Pride, as it had been nearly a year since his previous visit. The journey was perilous and long, so who could possibly blame him for taking so long?

Tough paws brushing past flattened grass, the male knew he was near the pride's borders. He wasn't welcomed into the pride as a member, but it never disturbed him- he was more of a merchant for them than anything else. He respected their borders, and so, Felix and his pridemates respected him as well.

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LunarLion (#186464)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-10-09 16:13:05
Leah exchanged a glance with one of the prince's suitors, she knew her as Tigerlily, a quiet lioness who doesn't like to talk much, the two parted ways just as fast as they met up, Leah passing by the fiery pelted male called Flame, neither spoke to the other for reasons unknown, Leah glaring at him as she passed, tension clinging to the air between them.

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-10-09 16:48:55
Ahh. He's gone again, isn't he" she said, realizing why the other male was so tense. She glanced towards where he'd gone. "Do you want me to go get try to talk to him?" She asked quietly

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LunarLion (#186464)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-10-09 16:54:29
As Leah was stalking along looking for prey she collided head first with a much bigger lion (Zak), she fell.

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Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2019-10-09 19:36:42
Michael & Hana| Sub-Male & Broodmother| Bisexual | Location: Patrolling, at camp now
they both entered camp after finishing up patrolling, hana moved to her spot in camp under a tree that's very close to the broomothers den, while michael hopped on a rock and laid down on it

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Edited on 09/10/19 @ 19:38:27 by Dream Catchers (#95572)

Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2019-10-09 19:47:49
random male| npc| Straight | Location: with saki
The male licked sakis cheek and spoke with a purred tone "Don't ya gotta get back before ur daddy notices?"

Saki| Royal | Straight | Location: out of territory, hanging with a random male lion
saki laid next to this male and sighs as she curled her tail on his "nah, he barely notices me, He's more focused on my half brother, so I can do whatever I want to at this point"

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Edited on 09/10/19 @ 19:54:31 by Dream Catchers (#95572)

Delinquent (#95362)

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Posted on
2019-10-10 11:28:41

Sinelmä | Outsider | Location: Camp | Mention(s): Rosie, Felix, Leonidas

Sinelmä pretended to be unaware of the way Rosie inched closer, obliging her this once, knowing all too well that making a fuss would only draw her determinedly closer. The male watched the king, contemplative. "Perhaps he should be more forgiving of his son," Sinelmä hummed thoughtfully, "I couldn't imagine being in the position he's in right now." Shifting from one leg to the other, he relieved the strain in his paws, which were tightly wound as a result of his travels. Truthfully, he'd detest being heir to a pride; it meant no freedom, constant worry, and having to follow a lot of rules. Sinelmä never wanted to be tied down to anything, lest an entire pride. "I think giving him a bit of time to clear his head is all he needs, or at least, it'll snub out his rebellious tendencies if Felix can loosen his grip a bit." Sinelmä answered honestly. He was pretty much the same way - if he was told not to do something, there was a high likelihood that he would.

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LunarLion (#186464)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-10-10 11:54:59
Tigerlily was walking along quietly, trying to figure out where the King's son went this time, he usually wandered off way too often and then usually Tigerlily went to find him without even being noticed.
She sighs. "Where did Leonidas go this time?... If he's in danger or trouble and I have to come back here and tell his father he got hurt then Felix might have my fur... Lord forbid that Felix's heir would be a wanderer and an explorer but noo, he just had to be that way, though not that I complain, I love traveling... I had been doing it since I was young." She murmured.

She walked up to Felix. "Greetings your majesty, I was wondering if you wanted me to find your son and have him return home." She said bowing her head to the king.

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-10-10 12:13:11
Tamu glanced at Tigerlily as she approached and asked the same question that she herself had asked. Her blue eyes watched the other female kindly and she lifted her head to glance around the rest of the camp

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