Posted by | Star-Crossed [Lion RP] |
![]() Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-08 10:10:55 |
The king is eager to betroth his heir so that the pride may be passed onto safe hands, with his own end coming near. But his heir- he seems to be in love with the idea of exploration, rather than taking up the mantle. The shamans have spoken of grave news, of a terrible future for the heir: if he doesn't grow up soon, he will forget who he is. What does this mean? What could possibly happen? Rules: -Roleplayers of all skill levels are welcomed. -Posts should be a minimum of 3 sentences, to avoid spamming the thread! -Users may have one hybrid character. Cubs born later on can be hybrids if given permission. -Lions can have any bases/markings/decor. -Sub-males can breed, yadda yadda. -Don't control the characters of other users. -Use the OOC, this thread is only for roleplaying. -Roleplay style is meant to be relaxed, don't feel rushed to post. -Rank descriptions will be in the Character Sheet thread! c: -Limited ranks: if you're inactive for 2 weeks without notifying us before, you will be removed and the rank will be reopened!! Northern Pride Royal Family: King: Felix (Argus) Queen: Tamu (Snini9) Heir: Leonidas (Argus) Royals (family): -Saki (Dream Catchers) - Shamans: -Earijae (Shatter) - Heir's Suitors: -Tigerlily (LunarLion) -Mala (Snini9) -Taliyah (Shatter) -Velvet (Lemonade) - Sub-Males -Michael (Dream Catchers) -Okiro (Rachel) -Flame (LunarLion) Lead Huntress -Deira (Rachel) Huntresses (Unlimited) -Rosie (Argus) -Leah (LunarLion) -Mchumba (Cold) - Scouts -Xena (Swifty) - - Trainees (Unlimited) -Slips (Swifty) - - Broodmothers -Hanagasumi (Dream Catchers) - - Mothers & Cubs - - Outsiders: -Sinelmä (Meori) -Zakhele (Argus) -Vegas (Kat) - - OOC THREAD: Click Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 13/10/19 @ 09:07:59 by Argus [Clean Mandarin] (#66829) |
LunarLion (#186464)
Aztec Knight View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-10 12:21:52 |
Tigerlily's gold/yellow eyes landed on queen Tamu. "Greetings my lady." She said softly, she was always so polite, softly speaking, never daring to challenge his majesty the king or that of her ladyship the queen, she was always so nice to everyone, never raising her voice, patient, and a good listener, she held the queen in high regards. ![]() |
Snini9 [Semi- Hiatus-stressed] (#154479) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-10 12:23:32 |
Greetings Tigerlily" Tamu said with a smile, her attention slipping to a bird that landed on her shoulder. She smiled, obviously knowing the bird ![]() |
LunarLion (#186464)
Aztec Knight View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-10 12:30:51 |
Tigerlily spoke softly as to not disturb the bird. "I'm guessing that is another of your avian companions?" ![]() |
Snini9 [Semi- Hiatus-stressed] (#154479) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-10 12:35:08 |
Tamu shrugged."she is not my usual companion, and to Ben honest, I haven the seen her in a while." She said."usually in companionless, but apparently not right now."she said ![]() |
LunarLion (#186464)
Aztec Knight View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-10 13:01:41 |
"When I used to hunt before I became one of your son's suitors, I found that my best companion when hunting during the early parts of the morning was the rising sun and the soft whispering breeze." Tigerlily said blushing a bit. ![]() |
Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-10 13:34:09 |
Rosie | Huntress | Location: Camp | Mentions: Felix, Sinelmä She listened to the male thoughtfully, head tilted to the slightest angle as she considered his words, whilst thinking over several other matters at the same time. Did Elm ever get lonely, travelling by himself without a companion to talk to? She was certain he'd seen a handful of amazing sights, and likely had quite a few tall tales to tell, but Rosie could never be that independent. The lioness was shamelessly tied to the pride, and even thought it was embarrassing when others taunted her for it, she had no choice in the matter. Everyone had to face their fears at one point or another, but Rosie...hers were endless in amount. Once more, the huntress glimpsed back over at the troubled king, who had been joined by his queen and seemed to be discussing the matter. "But they all go through that rebellious stage, don't they? I mean, I was never like that, but I'm also not...a 'dude'." It felt odd, having such a word roll off the tongue, but it amused her at the same time. It was evident by the way in which she crinkled her nose as she said 'dude', with a short giggle following the comment. Did they ever really refer to each other that way, all of the sub-males? Felix | King | Location: Camp | Mentions: Tamu, Tigerlily The leading male twitched his tail as Tamu mentioned going after the heir. He parted his jaws to respond to the queen, only to find one of his son's suitors coming near. He dipped his fur-framed head in greeting to the approaching feline before deciding to answer them both, kill two birds with one stone. "I don't think going after Leonidas is necessary...it usually only makes him more crabby. He'll cool off and return with his own time." He directed them both with a heavy sigh. Zakhele| Outsider | Location: Outskirts| Mentions: Leah He had his focus on his paws as he tromped along, thinking his next move over quite carefully. It would be wise to set up his temporary personal quarters around the nearest body of water, to provide him with a constant supply. But at the same time, that would run the risk of having unwelcomed reptile visitors. While Zak continued to walk with his gaze on his paws, he heard the yaps of his jackal companion suddenly intensify out of alarm and protection. ![]() Edited on 10/10/19 @ 19:29:55 by Argus [Clean Mandarin] (#66829) |
LunarLion (#186464)
Aztec Knight View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-10 13:46:54 |
(Leah just collided with Zak.) Tigerlily sighs. "Where do you think Leonidas got such a taste for wandering? What if he never settles down?" She questions anxiously. ![]() |
Snini9 [Semi- Hiatus-stressed] (#154479) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-10 18:30:57 |
Dream Catchers (#95572)
![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-10 19:28:16 |
Saki| Royal | Straight | Location: out of territory, wandering saki got up and shook herself off, she said her fair wells to the male and walked off. She didn't go back to the pride yet and wondered around. As she walked she noticed a sweet aura coming off her and almost knew it was her heat. She flicked her tail and continued walking, eventually a male came up to her and sniffed her. She looked at him and it was a tigon that looked exactly like a tiger, she let a purr out at looking him over. The two hung out a bit and eventually she would let him. She laid down and he stood over her *fade to black* *unfade* Saki| Royal | Straight | Location: heading back to camp..at camp After the deed was done Saki rubbed against the male and left, her heat scent still lingering but it was fading away. She headed back to camp and eventually got there. She walked inside the pride and looked over seeing her father with other members, she guessed it was about her half brother. She found her normal spot and laid down, it was a spot where the sun usually beans down at and that's where she likes to lay, to sun bathe and it was comfortable there. ![]() |
Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-10 19:42:49 |
Zakhele| Outsider | Location: Outskirts| Mentions: Leah Zak had been glancing over his shoulder to shoot his canine companion a confused glance when he felt something collide with his stout frame. The red male stopped in his tracks, pausing to think over the situation before backpedaling to give himself some distance from his stranger. After a while, he registered her scent: a pridelander. "It's unwise for pride lionesses to wander alone outside the pride borders." With a flick of his tail, Zakhele called off Hans' alarm bark, eyes narrowed as they settled on Leah. Felix| King | Location: Camp| Mentions: Tamu, Tigerlily, Saki The king's eyes seemed to narrow when Tigerlily asked her question, his gaze sharp and relenting. She was walking on thin ice, bringing up a topic such as the heir's heritage. Not only was it a tender spot for Leonidas, but for his father as well. His moments spent with the female tigon hung over him like a cloud of heavy guilt, raining on his parade whenever he set his eyes upon his son. "That's not a matter we'll be discussing." His response towards the suitor was in a lone, dangerous tone. No, Tigerlily hadn't directly asked him about Leonidas' mother, but it was evident that the wanderlust didn't come from Felix. It had to be from the tigon mother. Turning his head with a sharp snap of his skull, the king noticed one of his late daughters entering camp. Goodness, did all of his children welcome themselves to gallivanting across the savannah, with no regard to possible dangers? His jaw tightened, but he held back any sharp remarks. Saki was an adult now, she was capable of making her own decisions. Leonidas |Heir| Location: Outskirts| Mentions: None The future successor found pleasure in watching the sun rise over the tall golden grass, while he perched himself atop a cool gray boulder. He enjoyed the simple moments in life like these, and frankly, he thought his father ought to as well. Sure, Felix was old and had seen the sun rise and set countless times, but did he ever appreciate it? It was unlikely. The king had his mind so wrapped around the future and his own personal plans that he forgot to focus on the present. In a smooth leap, the hybrid dismounted the rock and proceeded to stalk through the tall grass. He had gone without his breakfast, and he was starting to itch for a good burst of excitement. Some sort of minor prey would do perfectly well, perhaps a small ungulate like a springbok...if he could catch one of the fast creatures. However, who needed blinding speed when you were built for stealth and ambush hunting? With a confident yet small grin, Leonidas crept forward to seek out his prey, which would hopefully be his breakfast for the morning. ![]() |
Dream Catchers (#95572)
![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-10 19:45:45 |
Saki| Royal | Straight | Location: camp she felt someone look at her and she turned her head and saw her father, she winked at him and gave a sly smirk, she then turned her face to her belly to give him a little hint ![]() |
Snini9 [Semi- Hiatus-stressed] (#154479) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-10 19:55:56 |
Tamu pinned her eats at Tigerlillys comment. That was not a safe topic, that she knew for sure and from experience. She'd brought it up once, soon after she was taken as Felix mate. She had been stupid then. She knew not to talk about Felix past relations, but she knew not everybody shared her wisdom. She gently tapped her tail to Felix him, trying to subtly calm him down a little. ![]() |
KAKAVASHA | 2.4k G1 Ennedi (#138981) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-10 20:07:53 |
Taliyah | Location; Nowehere specific, assume not too far from camp The young felis grunted, feverishly licking at her neck to loosen a knot that had found its way into her fur from an earlier tussle. After a couple more licks, she eventually gave up, figuring it would loosen up naturally after a short bit. Standing, she stretched her back legs and figured going out for a run wouldn't be too bad an idea. She'd probably be able to find something to bring back too. Dismissing herself from the group of younger adolescents she was lounging around with, she trudged off with a tiny spring in her step. Brushing her face against the tall grass with her eyes shut, she sniffed out some nearby game. Instead she found a tiny bird, chirping lightly as he sat on a branch that hung close to her snout. How cute. Her head tilted and she stretched her neck to sniff it, right her flicking in its respective directions. "Well hello, flying one," she greeted it quietly. The bird chirped once before it hopped off the tree and onto her shoulder. Alroght then, new bird buddy! Her nose wriggled as she jogged off in a random direction, now with a tiny companion on her. At this point in time, she could be hear muttering her plans for the day to the bird as if it were listening. ![]() |
Kitty (#139161)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-10 21:14:43 |
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LunarLion (#186464)
Aztec Knight View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-11 03:54:38 |
Leah looked up. "I was tracking... I never really pay attention to how far away I go..." She said apologetically. Flame walked over towards the king, queen, and Tigerlily. "Anything wrong here sir?" He asked the king. ![]() |