Posted by Star-Crossed [Lion RP]

Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-08 10:10:55
The king is eager to betroth his heir so that the pride may be passed onto safe hands, with his own end coming near. But his heir- he seems to be in love with the idea of exploration, rather than taking up the mantle. The shamans have spoken of grave news, of a terrible future for the heir: if he doesn't grow up soon, he will forget who he is. What does this mean? What could possibly happen?

-Roleplayers of all skill levels are welcomed.
-Posts should be a minimum of 3 sentences, to avoid spamming the thread!
-Users may have one hybrid character. Cubs born later on can be hybrids if given permission.
-Lions can have any bases/markings/decor.
-Sub-males can breed, yadda yadda.
-Don't control the characters of other users.
-Use the OOC, this thread is only for roleplaying.
-Roleplay style is meant to be relaxed, don't feel rushed to post.
-Rank descriptions will be in the Character Sheet thread! c:
-Limited ranks: if you're inactive for 2 weeks without notifying us before, you will be removed and the rank will be reopened!!

Northern Pride
Royal Family:
King: Felix (Argus)
Queen: Tamu (Snini9)
Heir: Leonidas (Argus)
Royals (family):
-Saki (Dream Catchers)

-Earijae (Shatter)

Heir's Suitors:
-Tigerlily (LunarLion)
-Mala (Snini9)
-Taliyah (Shatter)
-Velvet (Lemonade)

-Michael (Dream Catchers)
-Okiro (Rachel)
-Flame (LunarLion)

Lead Huntress
-Deira (Rachel)

Huntresses (Unlimited)
-Rosie (Argus)
-Leah (LunarLion)
-Mchumba (Cold)

-Xena (Swifty)

Trainees (Unlimited)
-Slips (Swifty)

-Hanagasumi (Dream Catchers)

Mothers & Cubs

-Sinelmä (Meori)
-Zakhele (Argus)
-Vegas (Kat)


Character Sheets

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Edited on 13/10/19 @ 09:07:59 by Argus [Clean Mandarin] (#66829)

LunarLion (#186464)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-10-13 09:33:39
Leah rolled her eyes then sped off after a nearby rabbit.

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🐝Bumblewish (#159172)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 11:49:30
Slips lifted his head from his large paws and let out a yawn. Drake, the fox, did so shortly after, his amber eyes sparkling. Then he padded out the spot where the trainees slept, with his foxy friend following, and glanced around to see what chores he could do. Noticing Felix, he darted towards the king, nearly tripping over his paws. "Hey Felix!" he greeted. "What are you up to?"

Xena climbed up the baobab and sat in the branches. The tree was just outside of camp and it was comfortable for a leopard, or at least a leopard hybrid. She sighed and cleaned her paws, her cucumber eyes scanning the ground for possible herds or outsiders. She wasn't about to slack off.

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Ennedi (#138981)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 12:19:50
Taliyah | Location; Heading into camp
Grunting lightly, the female held the now dead animal by its leg, dragging it unceremoniously back to camp to hopefully feed the others. She huffed, having to repeatedly shove the body forwards slightly so she wouldn't trip over it. "This better be enough, I'm so tired," She said, although it sounded like muffled gibberish from the way she was holding the leg.

Once she dragged it out and into the edges of camp, pushing aside some brush on the way in. Padding along the sand and past some bystanders who were chattering amongst themselves, and over to the general area where the food was laid out. Dropping the dead animal in place, she prodded at it a couple times before sauntering away, proud of her kill.
Taliyah laid down under the shade of a small tree, lying on her side and cleaning off her face and under her claws. She wasn't feeling particularly hungry, however she did feel a tiny rumble while she was licking off leftover traces of blood.

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Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-13 13:47:36
Zakhele | Outsider | Location: Outskirts| Mentions: Xena

With the lioness having left to chase a rabbit, Zakhele motioned to his jackal companion before plodding along, with his momentary stillness reminding him of how painful his paws were. The sooner I get to that watering hole, the better. The red lion could only hope that upon his arrival, there would be no confrontation in order to get his sleeping place. However, he wouldn't get his hopes up- it seemed that the pride lions welcomed themselves out of their typical borders. Typical.

He retraced his steps from his journey to this area years before, walking down a sandy path worn down be traveling herds that wished to quench their thirst. Zak would be nearing the watering hole soon, and finally, he'd be able to rest his tired head. He could practically taste the sweet, sweet sleep...

Something in a nearby tree caught his eye, and at first, he half-expected it to be a sleeping leopard. As he walked closer to the tree, he noticed that the feline in the baobab had lion-like features as well. A hybrid, it seemed? "Must have leopard blood- seldom do lions climb trees." Zak spoke as he continued to trudge down the worn path, heading towards his desired oasis.

Felix | King | Location: Camp| Mentions: Slips, Taliyah

The king was semi-shocked when the compact little trainee came racing over on paws that were far too big for his tiny stature. He had to practically bend over to address the little lion, who still seemed to be the size of an older cub. "Just repairing the nursery." Felix responded before picking his way past Slips, careful to not accidentally stumble over the adolescent who was stricken with dwarfism. In the king's mouth was a sizable branch, which he cautiously lifted to ensure that he didn't smack Slips in the face.

He placed it against the walls of the raggedy nursery, only to be distracted when he picked up the scent of fresh blood. Turning, the king's eyes seemed to light up when he realized that Taliyah was successful on her hunt. Finally- a suitor for his son that proved herself a decent huntress! He could be swayed by food, for certain. "Nice catch," the dominant male commented as he pranced closer to the dead animal, prepared to help himself to a few bites for breakfast.

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🐝Bumblewish (#159172)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 14:01:20

Slips nodded and glanced at Taliyah. "Wow!" he gasped. "I wonder if males could hunt like that...."


Xena narrowed her eyes at the outsider and after he left, she hopped down from the tree, her paws now clean, and entered camp to see if Felix was in a better mood. She spotted the king with that little dwarf lion, Slips, and a suitor, Taliyah. "I doubt you'd see many trying," she told the little lion. Her gaze then turned thoughtful. "Unless you were an outsider." She didn't mention the possibility of Leonidas being a hunter with his wanderlust for a good reason. "Also, Felix, I've spotted an outsider wandering close to camp," she reported to the king.


Slips was oblivious to the slightly bashing tone Xena had and nodded. "What about Leonidas?" he asked. "Seeing how long he remains outside camp," he began. "The heir has to have hunted for himself." Drake, meanwhile, was scratching his ear until Slips mentioned Leonidas and he froze, ears drooping.

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Edited on 13/10/19 @ 14:01:58 by Swiftykat (#159172)

Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 14:11:51
(will do my cub later on)
Elly & Mafia | Outsider | Bisexual | Location: walking about land
Elly walked with a normal pace despite being blind, she can sense her surroundings but occasionally her father, Mafia, would help her. As she walked a bear that was larger than the lioness walked by her guiding her, making sure she didnt bump into anything. He found a den up ahead and hopped it would be empty as he directed her to the direction of the den he sees.

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LunarLion (#186464)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-10-13 14:27:15
Flame and Tigerlily walked along side by side in a comforting silence. "I know you worry about the prince Tigerlily but you should never say it out loud to his father nor ever question the king." Flame said numbly. "I'm very forgetful of my memory Flame - I'm fairly sure that was the first time it happened."

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Ennedi (#138981)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 15:29:04
Taliyah - Earijae | Location; lounging under a tree in camp
She had finished up her brief grooming, now just patting her snout to make sure her whiskers were clean when she heard the king. Flicking both of her ears in acknowledgement and sitting up onto her haunches. Figuring he would or was about to help himself, and laid back down after a couple moments, continuing to sit around leisurely.

Earijae sauntered out into the dusty clearing shortly after Taliyah had relaxed, shaking his tail and back legs of some leaves and tiny seeds. Stifling a yawn, the young male saw his friends catch, but surprisingly he didn't immediately go to take a large bite out of it. Instead he just walked over to it and sniffed the animal's horns. He'd make use of them later once the carcass was finished off.

With a quick final inspection of them he hopped off to sit next to Taliyah under the shade, obnoxiously flopping onto her side to attempt to get her attention. All she did was huff, playfully smacking his head away. "I trust you not to snag my fur off again for your activities, yes?" She assumed, putting a paw around her neck just in case. All he did was snicker, getting off of her and sitting back up. "I'm done with that stuff, for now," He answered.

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Kitty (#139161)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 15:40:31

Vegas | Outcast | Location; Outskirts | Mentions; Leonidas

Vegas head rose, a gentle curiosity running over her features. His scent was faint, but she curious if it really was a pride running lion. Pulling a leg off to the side, trying to keep up with time as he began to prod away, Vegas finally- fully- stood, taking in a breath before barking out two rough words.

"You hungry?"

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[he/they/it] (#186699)

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Posted on
2019-10-16 08:12:48
Deira | Lead Huntress | Location: lounging on a sunny rock in camp | Mentions: n/a

The aging lioness woke up later than usual, wincing at the pain in her shoulder. She'd gotten kicked by a wildebeest on her last hunt, and it still hurt. However, she didn't think it was important enough to bother the shamans with, so she dealt with it. She'd gotten bruised during a lot of hunts; that was the nature of hunting.

She collapsed onto a sun-warmed rock, closing her eyes as the warmth radiated into her fur. This is wonderful...

Okiro | Sub Male | Location: in a tree| Mentions: n/a

Okiro had gone for a walk, kicking stones as he went. As much as he was glad to still have a place to stay, he wished he'd been born of a different status, like the foolish heir that spent all his time wandering. If he were the heir, he'd just choose the prettiest lioness and call it good - who wouldn't want to be king?

Crouching down, he leapt onto the lowest branch of a tree and sprawled out, ebony mane spiking up as he looked around.

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Ennedi (#138981)

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Posted on
2019-10-28 15:05:43
Taliyah - Earijae | Location; wandering around in camp
The two friends laid in the shade for a while, until the female half of the pair decided to go out again. What a restless one she is, Earijae rumbled. With a little shake of his rump after seeing her begin to wander off again, he wanted to find someone else to converse with. His snout turned to glance around the area. Maybe Deira would want to chat a little? He knew the older huntress wasn't to fond of his somewhat odd antics, but being in that damp den that smelled of herbs was boring when nobody was sick to ramble his thoughts to.

With a flick of his dark tail, he stood and began heading her way. "That shoulder bothering you again, huh?" He started, managing to catch the slight wince the lioness gave. Despite how most tried to keep their pain or emotions to themselves, the boy learned how to read lions like the clawscratch on the walls of his cave. It worked sometimes, but not always. He stopped at the foot of the rock she was lounging on, not wanting to come off as intrusive of any sort.

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