Posted by Star-Crossed [Lion RP]

Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-08 10:10:55
The king is eager to betroth his heir so that the pride may be passed onto safe hands, with his own end coming near. But his heir- he seems to be in love with the idea of exploration, rather than taking up the mantle. The shamans have spoken of grave news, of a terrible future for the heir: if he doesn't grow up soon, he will forget who he is. What does this mean? What could possibly happen?

-Roleplayers of all skill levels are welcomed.
-Posts should be a minimum of 3 sentences, to avoid spamming the thread!
-Users may have one hybrid character. Cubs born later on can be hybrids if given permission.
-Lions can have any bases/markings/decor.
-Sub-males can breed, yadda yadda.
-Don't control the characters of other users.
-Use the OOC, this thread is only for roleplaying.
-Roleplay style is meant to be relaxed, don't feel rushed to post.
-Rank descriptions will be in the Character Sheet thread! c:
-Limited ranks: if you're inactive for 2 weeks without notifying us before, you will be removed and the rank will be reopened!!

Northern Pride
Royal Family:
King: Felix (Argus)
Queen: Tamu (Snini9)
Heir: Leonidas (Argus)
Royals (family):
-Saki (Dream Catchers)

-Earijae (Shatter)

Heir's Suitors:
-Tigerlily (LunarLion)
-Mala (Snini9)
-Taliyah (Shatter)
-Velvet (Lemonade)

-Michael (Dream Catchers)
-Okiro (Rachel)
-Flame (LunarLion)

Lead Huntress
-Deira (Rachel)

Huntresses (Unlimited)
-Rosie (Argus)
-Leah (LunarLion)
-Mchumba (Cold)

-Xena (Swifty)

Trainees (Unlimited)
-Slips (Swifty)

-Hanagasumi (Dream Catchers)

Mothers & Cubs

-Sinelmä (Meori)
-Zakhele (Argus)
-Vegas (Kat)


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Edited on 13/10/19 @ 09:07:59 by Argus [Clean Mandarin] (#66829)

Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-11 12:35:13
Zakhele| Outsider | Location: Outskirts| Mentions: Leah

The dappled scarlet male twitched an ear. If she was incapable of minding her own borders, she had to be relatively young, or at least a newer member of Felix's pride. Wandering past those markers was a hazardous move, considering that handful of outsiders might not be as..."civilized" as Zak considered himself to be. "Well, I'd recommend you lead with your eyes rather than your nose next time. You're lucky I know my manners." His posture could be described as nonchalant, with his shoulders relaxed and head held at a lower level. He had no interest in starting a quarrel, he only wished to continue on his way to the nearest watering hole to set up his temporary home...and take a ridiculously long nap.

Felix| King | Location: Camp| Mentions: Saki, Tamu, Flame

It would seem that the world was against him that morning, with almost everything trying to work its way underneath his skin. The king reminded himself to keep a level head, gritting his teeth when one of his daughters motioned to her belly with all possible smugness. Keep calm, Felix...your pride looks up to you, set a good example. He moved his visionaries away from Saki with a sharp inward breath, reminding himself that he was old. Surely, this wasn't the first time he was made a grandfather.

Returning his attention to the matters at hand, Felix forced the rising fur along his spine to lie flat. "Nothing, carry on with your typical morning routine." He ordered Flame before promptly dismissing the sub-male. The head male had been laying around far too much for his own liking, it was time that he got moving and accomplished his plans for the morning. Leonidas did throw a curve-ball into Felix's morning routine, but he'd shake it off.

Leonidas| King | Location: Outskirts| Mentions: None

The heir moved with fluid movements as he attempted to catch wind of prey, stalking smoothly over the dry savannah like how water easily flowed over and in between rock. While the father might consider his son a poor leader, there was no doubting that the heir was one with his surroundings, despite his hybrid ancestry and build. Even if this section of the land was beyond the borders of his pride, Leonidas knew it like the back of his paw, as he'd escaped from his father's daily lectures a myriad of times. The male was a natural born explorer, and he found it disappointing that his sire didn't realize that.

Moving across the landscape on inaudible paws, Leonidas continued to attempt to find his springbok herd, only to fail to find them anywhere nearby. It was quite peculiar- perhaps that had decided to rotate their grazing grounds, or maybe even a new outsider had moved in? It would come to no surprise, Leonidas was well aware that he and the Northern Pride weren't the only lions roaming around. He'd be foolish to think that he didn't share the world with anybody else.

He wasn't his father.

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-10-11 12:41:20
Tamu gently brushed her shoulder against Felix's trying to remind him to stay calm. He obviously wasn't having a good day and she didn't know how to help him. She gently nuzzled his mane, inhaling his strong scent with a smile.

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LunarLion (#186464)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-10-11 13:14:50
Flame tried to hide an exasperated expression but turned to Tigerlily nonetheless. "Let's get going." He said quietly, the young lioness nodded to Flame and the two walked away.

Leah rolled her eyes. "I never use my nose in tracking, I look at the ground for footprints, no one really ever bothers me, I hunt for a pride, do my job, serve my leader the king, do nothing else or I'd face a punishment, usually by the sub-male Flame." She muttered the part about her punishment.

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Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2019-10-11 13:40:11
Saki| Royal | Straight | Location: caml
saki licked her paws, now grooming herself. She kept at it for awhile then laid her head down, bout to take a nap

Michael | Sub-Male | Bisexual | Location: camp, bout to patrol
Michael got bored and decided to patrol another part of the territory, he passed the king to say where he was going but his greek words came out of his mouth instead "Πάω να περιπολούν τον βασιλιά μου" (I'm going to patrol my king) He doesn't really think when he speaks so sometimes he will speak his other language.

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Edited on 11/10/19 @ 13:41:02 by Dream Catchers (#95572)

Kitty (#139161)

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Posted on
2019-10-11 14:38:02

Vegas | Outcast | Location; Outskirts | Mentions; Leonidas

Vegas pauses, choking back on a chunk of meat while watching a pelt of black cross ahead on the horizon. She shifts, closing in on the ground and doing her best to hide behind the slim body infront of her, trying to turn red sides away from the stranger in case he'd managed to look about.

Though it didn't help she was a tad curious, he didn't look like any outcast from how his pelt shimmered, no sand or dirt, no infected wounds or scars. Vegas turned her head to look towards the pridelands, letting a sly wind brush her fur. After this she'd go test how close she would be able to get before violence set in.

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🐝Bumblewish (#159172)

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Posted on
2019-10-11 15:00:45
Xena|Scout|Straight|Outside Camp/Inside Camp|Mentions: Leonidas and Felix

Xena jumped down from her baobab lounge, bored. She missed her chance to stalk Leonidas for tips on exploring and nothing else. Xena doubted her own feelings as she padded into camp, looking for a job to do. However, the King, Felix, didn't look like he was interested in giving her orders. 'Like he helped anyways,' she thought with malice. 'The king couldn't even handle his own son!' She shook her head and sat a fair distance away, her tail curled around her paws.

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-10-11 20:24:00
Tamu gently brushed her shoulder against Felix's trying to remind him to stay calm. He obviously wasn't having a good day and she didn't know how to help him. She gently nuzzled his mane, inhaling his strong scent with a smile.

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🐝Bumblewish (#159172)

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Posted on
2019-10-11 20:30:14
Xena sighed, turning away from Felix, not wanting to test his temper. She trotted away looking to get out there and explore. She nearly bumped into Michael as her trotting turned into a sprint as she ran off.

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Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2019-10-11 22:14:27
Michael | Sub-Male | Bisexual | Location: Patrolling
After a lioness nearly bumped into him he looked at her and spoke his greek tongue, he was mostly speaking greek now a days guess he likes the language. But he knew no one understood his language. "κοιτάξτε πού πηγαίνετε" ( look where you are going)

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🐝Bumblewish (#159172)

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Posted on
2019-10-12 12:33:18
Xena skidded to a stop and turned around, dirt caking her paws. She would so clean that later. "Sorry?" she mewed to Michael, not quite knowing what he said. Then, she padded towards her baobab tree to clean her paws before trekking through uncharted land.

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Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2019-10-12 12:37:32
Michael | Sub-Male | Bisexual | Location: Patrolling
Michael watched her and shook his head as he figured she didn't understand him but he realized he was speaking greek. He coughed and spoke in English this time, his raspy but deep voice rung into the air "look where you are going" He said as he walked on by going out to patroll a different part than the west, which he already patrolled.

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Edited on 12/10/19 @ 12:47:47 by Dream Catchers (#95572)

Ennedi (#138981)

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Posted on
2019-10-12 20:16:36
Taliyah | Location; Nowhere specific, assume somewhere nearby the outskirts of camp
The felis trudged around aimlessly for a short while, chittering quietly to the little bird that sat on her back before she watched it flutter away to a tree nearby. Sniffing, she continued on her way, hopping over a small ditch surrounded by rocks that were lodged into the dirt. She halted and turned around to look at it. "Hm. This would make a good trap," she muttered, head raising to look at her surroundings.

A very small group of antelope had gathered to a patch of grass nearby, and with her plan set into stone, the female lowered herself to the ground and began to move around the herd, aiming to drive them to the ditch and end them there. That is, if they weren't smart enough to leap over. After finding a good position to startle them, she rolled her shoulders and shook her haunches.

Launching herself forwards with a harsh snarl, she sent four rushing in the opposite directions, while one remained mpving forward; towards the ditch. Yes, yes! Huffing with effort, Taliyah pushed herself right up onto the hooved animals hindquarters, and the terrifying thing stumbled once they reached the ditch, Taliyah trampling them as it did so. She rolled over too, but managed to hit a deep cut on the antelope's back leg and side. Jumping back onto her feet, she dug her claws into it's neck, raking them downwards until she was sure it wouldn't move voluntarily again. She sat back onto her furred butt after she was finished, panting lightly.

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Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-13 09:18:47
Leonidas| Heir | Location: Outskirts| Mentions: Vegas (indirectly)

He slowly became wrapped up in his own thoughts, pondering over the sudden shift of the herd, when suddenly the metallic scent of blood wafted past his flaring nostrils. Immediately the hybrid son paused, feeling his hackles raise in alarm and eyes narrow, jaws parting to attempt to pick up the scent of any lion. For several moments, Leonidas considered his actions, if he should run or face the stranger, but he ultimately shrugged the idea off. So what? Lions had to eat, and it wasn't like they were on pride territory, this was the outskirts.

The speckled male forced his ears backwards to make the message clear: if this lion was seeking violence, it wouldn't be a good idea to jump him. He was alert and prepared for a tussle if push came to shove, even if it wasn't exactly something he desired this early in the morning. The heir only wished for a good bite to eat, was that so hard to ask for anymore?

Huffing under his breath, he plodded along.

Felix| King | Location: Camp| Mentions: Tamu

The king rumbled his thanks underneath his breath for the queen's affectionate actions before dismissing her with a small flick of her tail. Soon, the huntresses would return with what would hopefully be a decent breakfast for the pride. For now, the king would busy himself with minor duties until he had his strength: repairing dens, entertaining cubs with stories, and what have you. He decided that today would be a good morning to begin with repairing the nursery.

Zakhele | Outsider | Location: Outskirts| Mentions: Leah

The striped lion twitched his whiskers as the lioness droned on about her duties. This was why he had since abandoned the idea of rejoining a pride, even if the work of a sub-male was minuscule. Zak's interests were elsewhere: exploring, chatting, and not being bossed around by a king. "Well, perhaps nobody bothers you now, but things change. You never know when a bad outsider might show his ugly face." The exhausted male began to move again, making his way past Leah with his golden dog in tow. He needed to set up his temporary camp for the day, so that he could take that long nap he was longing for. "Have fun with whatever it is you're doing."

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 09:20:31
Tamu nodded and slipped away as she was dismissed. She wandered around the camp, slightly bored

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Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 09:24:20
Saki| Royal | Straight | Location: in camp, laying down
Saki woke from the short lived nap she took and laid up, she began grooming herself and grooming at her belly, though she wasn't showing she knew there are cubs in there. she wondered how many she's going to have and what they are going to look like. She sighed and continued her grooming

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