Posted by [FEB] In-game Sexual Art Toggle

Firenkyo 🌼 (#128989)

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Posted on
2023-01-09 20:54:43
So, February has a lot of sexual art. For many users, it is awkward, uncomfortable, and/or disturbing to see. I am proposing an in-game toggle that just removes the art from these encounters but keeps the text. So, for instance, the mating achromatic and melanistic lion decor would just show the explore biome background and no character art, but would still show the usual text and options.

I am aware that there is a tutorial on the wiki ( to block the sexual images. However, many other users probably are not, and it is not stated on any event posts or on the event page. This method also requires an extension to be downloaded, and will not work on mobile. I know several lioden players, myself included, that play on mobile and would really like to stop seeing all that. Yes, this game is 16+, and no genitalia is shown, but users can still feel uncomfortable with it.

There are already in-game toggles for a variety of things, like pregnant images, custom decor on lions, and of course the marking censor. There is also the opportunity to opt out of the event entirely, but seeing as not all of the encounters are sexual and the event is a major money maker for players I don't think it's a valid option for people just interested in losing the sexual art.

To restate - a toggle, perhaps on the event page or on your user profile, that gives the option to remove sexual images from explore encounters. If not that, a link to the wiki page about blocking images would be nice on the news post or event page.

I'm not sure how difficult this idea would be to implement, but I think it might be a good thing to think on for future Feb events!

Additional suggestions!

From Lunarmoon - the mating encounter is hidden behind a bush
From Taevali - the mating encounter is replaced by a black screen or a nsfw warning to prevent the player from skipping over the encounter by accident
From Fern [side] - this toggle or another one would also block out extreme gore like that seen in the March event

To restate, this would be a TOGGLE, so users that prefer the explore to be the same would simply not turn the toggle on. It would not affect their gameplay in any way.

This suggestion has 726 supports and 98 NO supports.

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Edited on 21/02/23 @ 18:58:03 by Firenkyo 🌼 (#128989)

[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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Posted on
2024-01-14 10:29:08
"Slippery slope" and "it will set a precident arguments" leave a bad taste in my mouth. It feels like a way to pressure people into conformity and silence through implying they will inconvenience others by wishing their discomfort acknowledged.

Folks using the "curate your own online experience" argument seem to forget that having easily accessible *tools* at your disposable is for curating your own online experience. Twitter and Tumblr contain the ability to blacklist content. This is not a new and revolutionary concept. If anything, Lioden's age is showing by not having blacklists.

Furthermore, expecting individuals to download and use a third party tool is a bit much. Not everyone has the know-how to use third party extensions to change how a site functions, and expecting people to learn this - and potentially download something malicious because they *don't* know what they're doing - feels like it comes from a place of a lack of empathy.

A lot of players here who have voiced their concerns have not only done so in very sound arguments, but a number of them also come from a minority that's used to being swept under the rug - asexual crowd. They've fought for inclusion for decades and usually get treated like a burden. Their discomforts are valid too.

I've also seen a number of folks here talk about using LD on mobile and actual parents who worry about their kids seeing it.

These people *are* trying to curate their online experience, but lack the tools. This is a request to give them the tools. This is not infringing upon anyone's experience or rights and opt-in is optional and will not negatively impact those who don't need it or want it.

But just because you won't benefit from an optional feature doesn't mean that we can't be empathetic toward those who will.

tl;dr support and i will continue supporting these.

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Edited on 14/01/24 @ 10:31:17 by [♰] Yharnam (#112370)

InTheEnd (#229422)

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Posted on
2024-01-14 10:35:49
I absolutely support it! February is one of my favorite events on here but those parts always make me uncomfortable. I also play Lioden a lot in public and the February content is super tricky to hide, haha. A toggleable button would be awesome!
It could also just be a me issue but I think those images are a bit out of place compared to how cute and wholesome the other encounters are. At first, you see the sweet chilling lions in the pool and then BAM something straight out of a documentary. When I first saw the dwarf lions I thought they were playing and needed a good half minute to process what I was seeing
I'm also a sucker for dark/gorey/eldritch imagery but I also want a toggleable button for the poaching event, the whole thing is super overwhelming for me.

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g1 ambro VESSO (#244875)

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Posted on
2024-01-14 10:36:00
This game still has minors, completely refusing to offer something to block images with a sexual depiction (although inhuman, it is STILL sexual implications) is... very weird.

Showing phobias and disturbing images isnt illegal...

Showing a minor images with sexual implications.. is.

Although personally Feb images do not bother me, nor do any other, it is still decently odd that a group of adults is not offering a toggle for sexual images on a game which minors play.

THAT is the difference between the feb disturbing images and the others. This one is... completely unethical, when speaking in a manner of adult making it, and letting minors see it.

P.S: i am in NO WAY accusing the Admins & Devs of grooming or anything of the sort, i am just very seriously stating how a Toggle isnt just a preference, it is a need in this context.

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Edited on 14/01/24 @ 10:37:58 by 🦎Eli🦎G1Magpie|4ros (#244875)

TEᖇS (#412633)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-01-14 15:27:20
I agree with Eli. While I'm not bothered by them personally, its still kinda fuckin weird (I can't remember if I already replied to this thread lol)

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𐂂 Neon Genesis
𐂂 (#164933)

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Posted on
2024-01-15 06:43:28
Disagree with you there, Eli, sorry. The game is 16+ because minors in the US are now AoC and the site won't get into major legal trouble for something with fictional sexual implications. Has the same 'pass' as the higher YA novels. Obviously this doesn't adhere to other countries, but US servers = follows US laws and it's not illegal, lol. Plus, I do want to say that there is some sort of pararagraph regarding consenting to see that content when you sign up.

Don't accuse the site of doing anything illegal, keep parroting that and that's how everyone gets fucked over.

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g1 ambro VESSO (#244875)

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Posted on
2024-01-15 07:00:59
Even if its not illegal

IN SOME COUNTRIES, it is here.

Its still... REALLY weird to refuse a toggle for sexual imagery to minors and others. Idgaf if its not technically illegal its weird and in my opinion very unethical.

Especially when there arent always 3rd party things that can block those. This is a pretty darn serious topic.

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𐂂 Neon Genesis
𐂂 (#164933)

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Posted on
2024-01-15 07:06:42
The site has no obligation to account for the laws in countries where their servers aren't hosted. And you consented to seeing that content when you made your account. That makes it neither illegal nor immoral nor unethical.

You may see it as icky, and want a way to block it, and that's fair. HOWEVER, the site and devs are not even remotely in the wrong here, and you need to understand that. It is perfectly fair of them to expect people to use 3rd party tools to avoid things they dislike.

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123heaven (#108477)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-01-15 07:12:37
"The site has no obligation to account for the laws in countries where their servers aren't hosted." yet #164933's argument is about the US, while the bottom of every page states that Lioden is registered in England & Wales ...

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g1 ambro VESSO (#244875)

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Posted on
2024-01-15 07:26:12
Although not obligated by law, something that is "unethical" stays with the fact it is adults letting children see sexual images. Unethical isnt only lied to laws, its also just with moral and personal visions. And i think its wrong to not have an in-game option. (Especially since THIRD PARTY TOOLS DONT EXIST ON MOBILE, which is a very used platform for all ages of lioden players.)

Devs arent required to put a toggle..

But holy shit they should.

It is very weird that someone, xylax, who i respect greatly by the way, drew animals mating, in itself thats alright. But it isnt alright to a lot of people, and borderline forcing people to, accepting the site's condition or not, see them if they want to participate in the event.

Yes, you can accept the site's conditions is something that doesnt bound lioden to laws directly according the events on february... A minor's agreement barely, if at all, counts in this. I am in no way someone who knows all the laws of every country, but i am pretty sure that for this to be valid, a tutoring adult needs to agree to it.... and i cannot remember if lioden asks for this. Which means any minor on the game probably agreed to seeing sexual imagery without a tutor's agreement. TECHNICALLY, not illegal... right?

Yes, ill agree, not illegal... but pretty weird you cant deny that.

And once again, i do not care, nor get bothered about february's imagery. But i AM bothered by the lack of tools to block these.

Thank you.

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Fraekinn [Cons Cimm
Ocey] (#57572)

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Posted on
2024-01-15 07:34:24
@QuantumRacoon - you're also seeming to forget kids like to lie on the internet. I have known players to admit in discords etc to being underage as they play. Someone I knew (who is now older than 16 and can play the game so no point reporting or I would have) was 13 when they joined Lioden back in 2015/16. Thirteen. There have been even younger players banned to my knowledge - but unless they admit to it on the site its very hard to prove!

Its not like Lioden asks for ID upon joining, if I remember correctly (and bare in mind I joined 9 years ago) its just a checkbox someone has to tick to say they're over 16 🤷‍♀️

I am also an english player, where Lioden is registered, and there are many many laws about content like this - I can actually picture getting held up by police for a concerned chat if they saw some of the explore encounters if I was to explore in public.

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Edited on 15/01/24 @ 07:35:17 by Fraekinn [FullBO6xSeal] (#57572)

skye | 🌱 quad ros (#320259)

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Posted on
2024-01-15 07:45:13
@Fraekinn - EXACTLY - I know someone who joined at ten. TEN. They're permanently suspended now, but like . . . that can mess with your mind.

EDIT: Even as an adult, I am uncomfortable. This needs to be implemented just for people who don't feel comfortable. It doesn't matter if it's not illegal in the US. IMO it's not even that hard to just put a toggle or smth

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Edited on 15/01/24 @ 07:47:25 by Skye Wolfe [She/Her AUTISTIC] (#320259)

Fraekinn [Cons Cimm
Ocey] (#57572)

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Posted on
2024-01-15 07:49:14
Good lord, 10!
It does happen, especially with the rise of lioden TikTokers. I imagine if Feb art ends up on Tiktok there could be some very uncomfortable questions being asked too.

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𐂂 Neon Genesis
𐂂 (#164933)

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Posted on
2024-01-15 08:01:54
Fraekinn - it's not the site's fault that a kid lied. I have an 18+ Twitter account locked to only accounts labelled as being above 18. Guess what? Just as I'm not accountable for a 12 year old lying and seeing that account, Lioden isn't accountable for users lying on here.

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Fraekinn [Cons Cimm
Ocey] (#57572)

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Posted on
2024-01-15 08:04:07
But they're still exposed to the content and thus the lawsuits should a parent see the Feb content surely? Like, 11 months of the year its "cute lion sim!" then one month its horny depravity.

We're asking for a toggle, if you wanna look at lions mating thats on you and I'll try not to judge - but a lot of us don't, so I am not sure why you're getting your pants in a twist?

Its a toggle and wouldn't affect you in any way.

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g1 ambro VESSO (#244875)

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Posted on
2024-01-15 08:06:46
All these points are indeed fair. I didnt want to bring up people who lie and say they are 16+, but i myself have experienced people being under 16 admitting it off-site (a past member of my clan was 13-14 when they admitted it.)

I did not ever find this kind of imagery as a child, but i did find certain writings when i was 9. NINE. And it messed me up quite a bit to a point where i myself do not know where i am (i am probably somewhere on the ace spectrum) and seriously, i dont even want to know what these images could do to a literal child.

I know lioden isnt responsible for this, im not saying they are. But at least an option would potentially make this less likely to happen/better

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