Posted by [JUNE] Adjust Shop Prices [+411/-14]

jester ☘️ (#187561)

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Posted on
2023-06-03 16:27:54
To put it frankly, the prices associated with the June event are absolutely ludicrous. A single base applicator costs 400KB, but there's 5 in the shops. Let's say you're incredibly productive and you manage 100KB a day (an unrealistic goal for most players), you'll only manage 3,000KB in the month. If you spend that all on bases, that's 7 bases. And that's assuming you buy no decor, and you always manage exactly 100 every single day.

To actually show you how impossible this is, I'm going to do some math real quick. Scary, I know. Let's say that someone doesn't sleep, at all, the entire month of June. They are on nothing but Lioden the entire time, but don't use Roasted Lambs, and they use 11 Energy Bars a day (the 9 full ones you get per day + the daily bonus + hyperactive + enclave boost). We're also going to assume someone gets a Snake Encounter for every step they take in explore, and they win every single one, and they use every single KB they get on bases.
They earn 220KB a day, 6160 for the month. That's a total of 15 base apps, for no sleeping, just continuously playing Lioden, under ideal conditions in explore. "But Jester, what about the quests?" Daily quests boosts them up from 15 base apps to 16, as you only get 10KB per day from them, and you can only do 28 of them for the month. This means that, as of 2024, when the new base apps are added to the June shop, you cannot get 1 of each base by swapping between Gods. You will not be able to by earning 220KB a day.

Now, to do the math with sleeping, we're going to take 8 hours away from that, for a total of 16 hours a day. Adding in what we did earlier, that's about 7.5 energy bars a day. Under the same ideal conditions, and doing nothing but Lioden when you're awake, that's 4,350KB, or 10 apps. Even adding in the extra 280KB you get from daily quests, that’s 11 base apps for the entire month. Doing nothing but Lioden and sleeping, and only spending your KB on base applicators. With this, you can't even get one of each base app that's currently in the shop.

These numbers are also only for one account, but also in ideal conditions where you get an encounter every step, win every battle, and spend no other energy on breeding/stud requests. For less than ideal conditions, these numbers would drop dramatically. AKA, these numbers are physically impossible. I've found some of the highest earners in June to only be averaging about 100KB a day, if that. That's only 2800KB a day, or just 7 base applicators for the entire month. For context, I bought seven Spicy Ice apps from December, and that's not even all I got.

That means for each base app in the shop, if you do nothing but sleeping and playing Lioden, no taking breaks, no stopping to eat, no anything, you can only get 2 the entire month. To take a month with comparable base applicator values, like February with the Cherry Blossom base, you can get more than DOUBLE that amount and still have enough event currency left over to do some decor shopping.

It's just ridiculous that bases cost this much with the amount of them that are now tied to the month, and are required for breeding rare and pretty popular combos as well.

Another potential option is to drastically increase the amount of KB provided by each snake, up to around 10KB a battle, like the October Night Creatures provide. That would make grinding June actually worth it, and not just a slog sandwiched between two battle heavy months that leads to extreme burnout. Though, to be honest, I think both should be implemented together, especially now that they have two shops that use KB, and plan to increase both shops loads every year.

No real changes in the amount of KB that I've noticed. All the new encounters seem to be quest locked and with no information about them on the wiki, I can't really see if their numbers are any different. From what I've noticed with the quests I've gotten, it doesn't appear to be so. In fact, both the find a cultist encounter and the find a boat encounter don't even reward KB, just a +50EXP and a quest completion.

This suggestion has 615 supports and 19 NO supports.

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Edited on 24/06/23 @ 06:57:57 by jester 🏳️‍🌈 (#187561)

lend (#139333)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-06-08 15:52:37
@🌺Luna🌺G3 Daisy Primal🌺

the snake are rare and op. there are two many times where I miss three times in a row or snake gives me 22 then 17 then 19 damage and Anubis never helps I lose about half the battles

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Jellyfish G4 (#177429)

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Posted on
2023-06-09 22:18:41
Full support. I'm doing my best this event, but man even exploring in the lvl 1 zone the snake fights are tough. I'm a casual player, and even doing my best to explore and do fights ect, I've only gotten about ~300 KB across both accounts. Over six-seven days of rolling over and doing my best to be active. :(
As much as I'd like to try to min-max things, June is always really busy for me, which sucks because I really like all of the decors and the bases in this month

So it'd be really nice if the prices were dropped/drops per snake increased/more passive stuff that doesn't involve repetitive battles over and over and over-
(EDIT: I've only been encountering snakes every ~20 energy or so lately :(, to the point where I spent three energy bars and barely got 7/10 snakes since I don't win 100% of the time)

Something like in the feb/march events could be nice? Help another lion fight snakes or clean out temples ect every fifteen/20min

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Edited on 11/06/23 @ 10:08:56 by Silvery|Clean Daedal G3 (#177429)

[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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Posted on
2023-06-10 06:32:19
The big ticket items this month are applicators and the canopic jelly. ideally, the apps shouldnt be more than double the price of the next big ticket item

if there was one shop, itd be fine

but this is an equal spread of apps across each shop

i previously said that i firmly believe the price of apps needs dropped. no higher than 250 to 300 KB. 400 is absurd for the amount of content that gets pumped into this month.

but after looking at the sheer amount of effort im putting in to try and afford what i want, no. i think 200 KB per app is honestly absolutely fair. youre still gunna have to work your butt off to get a number of things, but now you wont be no-lifing

these prices worked when this month was new. it's not anymore, so it needs an adjustment. thanks for making this suggestion.

and: i know the mods said theyre hoping this will be a decent source of KB, but ill see how i feel once i can actually get it open. lets hope the rubble quests arent dailies or the amount of time you could be losing clearing rubble isnt good

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king crow | g1 lilac
spotted (#64045)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-06-10 14:24:38
full support. especially with a BRAND NEW SHOP being added that uses the same currency, there's needs to be an overhaul...

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beastmx (side) (#62031)

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Posted on
2023-06-10 21:40:14
seconding non-battle explore encounters that give KB alongside snake adjustments, like maybe with the event-related flavor text eg "You groan, stepping onto embers. The chasm must have exploded recently, leaving dust and small embers everywhere. A small beetle scuttles up your leg to escape the destruction. You got 1 Khepri Beetle!" (bolding my addition)

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Scorpioness (#225561)

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Posted on
2023-06-12 01:58:48
Full support, this event is way too grindy. I'm currently studying and I'm lucky if I make +30 kb on my main cuz I had to freeze my side account due to lack of time.
The prices need to be reduced, I know that you get applicator at the of the quest, but the slow grind, rng and, from what not only I noticed, the tweaked encounter rate for the enemies you need to beat for the quest is atrocious, like I'm lucky if I get the beat 20 enemies or 10 slithering minions quest...
There shouldn't be any encounter rate tweaking for the quest like that! These lions and hyenas/felines/canids cannot suddenly become S rare enemy when you take a quest! I mean come on, these are the regular common enemies in almost every biom, how can they dissapear! Even snake doesn't tweak the encounter rate!

To addition to the other suggestions in this topic, I propose that there should be yet another way gaining kb, maybe somewhere 3-7kb from some ushabti mini-quests you could do once a day, maybe something like gathering or exchanging herbs for the incense, small amount of food (2-3 uses) or just mini-quest where you help ushabti clean the temple with some flavor text (that would require small amount of energy and maybe small rate of dropping a common item).

Another idea is that the snake temple could use some mini-quest or service where snake ushabti can offer boosted snake encounter rate or energy for either chaos snake scales or snake items like snake scent, i think that they would care a little about the less dangerous slithering minions since they care about the dropped chaos snake scales

And as mentioned earlier... Event lore encounters! I get that the deities mainly stay in their temple, but I would like to see some deity taking a walk to assess the situation or even some mention about the deities with destroyed temples or some encounters where you lion feel that this is all familiar in some way (with some kb and item drop)

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Astraea (#418426)

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Posted on
2023-06-12 17:51:37
Is it me or did these "new" quests unlocked by opening up the mini-shrine become even harder than the old ones? Failed 3 so far after burning like 5 energy bars and was only able to complete one. And the only rewards for taking a full day to unlock the mini-shrine and bind 5 new snakes were... like 2 rewards inside the mini-shrine that we still have to buy with the same, already limited currency

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just_a_jinx (#434993)

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Posted on
2023-06-12 18:23:10
i support! kb is so hard to get.

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Thalia Jr (#364412)

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Posted on
2023-06-12 18:29:00
I have never supported something so HARD in MY LIFE. I was SUPER excited for this event, as i LOVE all the bases and actually a lot of the decor too (and im not much of a decor person). I have almost lost all faith to get anything I really want from this event now due to how stupidly hard it is to get KB.

If they want to just have event encounters with the snakes- fine. Make them drop more KB or better yet, LOWER THE SHOP PRICES??? Its just insane to me that an item that can literally bring back the dead cost substantially less than a BASE. APP.

I am doing a fair amount of grinding, using a roasted lamb every other day, about the same amount of grinding i did for february. I have a job, go to college, and quite frankly cant be on all day every day. Yet in february, one of the most popular months, and an event that has quite a LOT of apps, i managed to get almost 2 of every app in that shop PLUS decor. And those apps werent entirely cheap either, but they were a reachable goal.

This event?? You cant have any reachable goals. They dont exist. I fully wanted to get at least one of every base app from this month. SIKE. I literally barely have enough for 2 apps right now and its already halfway thru the month. Its honestly underwhelming and disappointing.

Really hope lioden gods read and listen to us on this, because dude bffr

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[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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Posted on
2023-06-12 20:26:46
I'd like to come back to comment that due to RL being draining, I'm barely able to participate in this event much. I roll, burn my two energy bars, do my god quest, and then... I'm exhausted.

Even sitting at the computer is hard. In other months, this minimum activity could at least net me a bit. I'm having to settle for a canopic jelly and some backgrounds. I really wanted Velvet applicators but I'm just too tired. 400 feels like a nightmare to reach. In other events, I have to choose between apps and decors, but its never this bad. And they usually have a supplemental way to get currency.

People compare this month to February and that's very accurate. But even February's prices are nowhere near as insane.

The worst part, is I doubt this will be noticed this year.
Or next.
Or the year after that.

Every single time someone makes these suggestions to fix a monthly event, it's almost never listened to, and we're left with a jank event for years.

Good luck. I really hope I'm wrong.

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HomicidalHound (#229343)

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Posted on
2023-06-13 10:50:19
This event is very brutal, especially to new players with lower stat kings. Support

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Tharkenta [G1 20x
Rosette] (#160101)

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Posted on
2023-06-13 11:07:27
No support, sorry.
Just because you can buy multiple apps with your event currency in other months, it doesn't mean your supposed to do that every month. We will get the new story base apps every year in the shops, so should we also reduce the KB price very year, so everyone can buy all the apps every year? Just decide for 1 or 2 apps. You don't have to buy all of them. This reads like you feel forced to buy all the apps.

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₭łⱤr₳Ⱨ (#193538)

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Posted on
2023-06-13 11:14:48
as of writing this, i'm barely below 400kb, and have not even bought a single shop item. this is total kb, while having 2 accs. i'll be lucky if i can get two apps this year.

in other months, grinding for currency is very rewarding, but in june one has to grind to barely get what is normal in all other months.

while i'm happy for those who can afford to grind this month, the later half of the year has so many high value events, that grinding june ontop of that, is just too much for many.

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Romana (#14743)

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Posted on
2023-06-13 12:09:10
As someone lucky enough to come back every few hours and grind the crap out of this game… this event was a major letdown. I’ve been anticipating this event since coming back in December. I’ve spent GB to get an Egyptian themed king on my side account because I just couldn’t wait for June.

And. The. Grinding. F*cking. Sucks.

The bases are overpriced - 4 times the equivalent of March, which also had combo bases like Nacre and Ivory for sale. And a lot easier time finding currency. I didn’t have any problem with Laharu’s quests or grinding my way through the circuits in May. I don’t even want all the bases this month. (Aesthetically some of their colors and the combos are… not my cup of tea.)

This month? Snakes WAY overpowered. Quests arbitrarily hard. I used up my energy boosts for the day. Have been using up my energy for the last 7 hours. And I’ve still only found 2 damn cultists on my main

I saw a comment on another thread that if a player had been new to the game this month… then they wouldn’t have continued playing. I see why. I’as someone who used to love logging in every day, this event above all others has made be tired and resentful of a game I’ve paid real money toward. I’m gritting my teeth to hang on for the quests in July but for August and beyond… I think I need a long break. And events like this don’t make me wanna come back

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Edited on 13/06/23 @ 12:10:26 by Romana (#14743)

[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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Posted on
2023-06-13 12:11:13
Tharkenta [13x Ros|G1] (#160101) :: If you read the comments, some people aren't able to get one app, because of a combination of price, drop rate, and how hard the snakes are to fight.

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Edited on 13/06/23 @ 12:11:33 by [♰] Yharnam (#112370)

Memory Used: 659.27 KB - Queries: 2 - Query Time: 0.00062 - Total Time: 0.00600s