Posted by | Auctions MUST Have End Date |
![]() GamingGal (#18503) Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-25 07:48:15 |
I'm tired of seeing this popping up, and it seems to be an issue sometimes, so I have a suggestion. Mind you, I know there is a suggestion for an Auction House. This suggestion is for in case that isn't implemented (or as a stand-in until it is). With auctions right now, the seller has the right to do whatever they want. They can change the date, not set an end date, end it with no winner, all sorts of things. That shouldn't be so. I think the site needs to create more control over it, and below are rules that I feel should be added to the ToS: --Auctions MUST have an end date stated in the MAIN post. Once the end date is stated, there is a 24hr grace period to change it in case you typed the wrong date or something comes up in life. --If an edit is required, a "flag to edit" option will be available for use This will require a small bit of coding, but it would work a lot like the "Report" function. You will flag your post, and will be taken to a page where you have to state WHY you want to edit the auction. It will go to the mods where they can approve/deny it, and give a reason if needed. --If the end date lists a specific hour, it must be in LD time This will cut down on any potential confusion between time zones. --The seller cannot back out of an auction unless for a reason proven valid by a moderator Too many sellers are adding the clause of "I can end if it doesn't sell for enough!" and that's not how auctions work. An auction's starting bid should be the lowest amount you would be content with accepting. Being able to end it simply because you didn't like the price it reached by the end date is nothing but price gouging. --The seller may cancel the auction if there are no bids after 3 days of the auction being live. --There should be repercussions for refusing to pay/refusing to send items won If an auction runs to the end time and a winner is evident, the seller should be required to hand over the items/lions for the final bid price. On the other hand, the buyer should be required to stand buy their bid and not back out. If this cannot happen, the side who resigns should face some sort of punishment, be it a warning or something. --The seller would have a 7-10 day grace period to send the item once the auction ends since life is a thing and we shouldn't punish people for having lives. --If a bidder decides to withdraw, they MUST tell the seller The bidder should not be allowed to withdraw from an auction unless they tell the seller. If the seller is not informed, the bid is still considered valid. ------------------------------- Thoughts? NOTE: this thread has been edited to reflex the ideas and feelings I was receiving from others. Although it differs from the original, the main concept I was focused on is still there. |
ClockKey (#74714)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-27 18:52:52 |
So...What happens if they immediately make a post on the thread with the actual stuff and then just put 'Auction below' in the actual thread? What then? I'm surprised I hadn't thought of this till now :o ![]() |
GamingGal (#18503)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-27 18:54:13 |
ClockKey -- Please read the main post. The person couldn't just post the items/things in the main thread then the details in the first comment. They HAVE to have the details in the main thread otherwise the auction is invalid. Lunacy -- You mention the Trading Center; perhaps the auctions could be posted there and the forms could be a recoded version of the TC trade forms? ![]() Edited on 28/12/15 @ 01:59:20 by GamingGal [LHL] (#18503) |
Devour (#18971)
![]() Famous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-27 18:58:41 |
If we're going for realistic standards, We would have a a third party auctioning off our stuff, no? As a personal auction where the owner is auctioning things off, there will be emotions attached to the money. Sometimes I do not know how much a cub/item is worth, so I am not sure how low I should set the starting bid. If it is a gamble for the owners, it should also be a gamble for the buyers. If there are rules to an auction, I evaluate them before I decide to bid. I do believe it should be common courtesy for rules of auctions to be stated BEFORE bidding begins, however, we do not live in a perfect world. There will still be people who will try to pull things on buyers. I still find this very impractical. Imagine all of the problems this might bring as well as frustrations. A better suggestion could be Auction Templates? Where you can pick between making your own auction and a template-based, where the template allows you to fill in an auction date, minimum price? Heck! maybe it could give you stats on the economy of the items being sold for and give you an estimation of pricing range. Just an idea, though. ![]() |
Devour (#18971)
![]() Famous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-27 18:58:54 |
Curses, my internet posted twice. ![]() Edited on 28/12/15 @ 01:59:36 by Silas (#18971) |
GamingGal (#18503)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-27 19:07:43 |
Silas -- You don't have to go through a third party, no. It's done now simply because it takes away all the issues that we are currently facing what with withdrawing of items and whatnot. If you don't know how much something is worth, do some research on it. Search other threads or the TC. If nothing pops up, set the price at what you value it. If no one bids, then you know to price lower. If people bid, then you win because you're getting the price you valued it at. The buyer shouldn't have to gamble with if the seller will actually sell. With auctions in real life, there are reserve prices (which would be like a starting bid, the lowest you would happily accept). If your auction has not met the reserve price, you can cancel without issue. If you want to end the auction and it has met the reserve price, you are still obligated to declare that bidder the winner. Again with the rules and people not being obligated, when you are selling something, those rules NEED to be in place beforehand. ![]() |
Devour (#18971)
![]() Famous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-27 19:14:06 |
I still do not see how this would benefit an Owner? It seems to only benefit buyers, which would make people very unhappy if they were to try to auction anything off. If we're trying to get moderators active with this sort of thing, then that means it should be heavily monitored. In the same case, Lioden is not responsible for members selling lions without the trading center or auctioning them off. If that's the case, then why should we make them responsible? It's our job as both the buyer and seller to understand the chances of auctions and sales. ![]() |
GamingGal (#18503)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-27 19:24:23 |
The owner doesn't always need to benefit. You keep siding with the owner, but you're leaving the buyer out in the snow. You're saying that this is hindering the owner in what they can do, the suggestion that they have to set end dates and whatnot. But it hinders the buyer exponentially if all that is left up in the air. The only time I would even SLIGHTLY see it as okay for an owner to change the end date or end it prematurely is if there was some sort of fine (which is a real thing in real life, such as ebay auctions). We might have to get more moderators, but the selling practices of auctions needs to be more closely moderated. I do think that perhaps having an auction form in the TC would be a good middle ground. We could require auctions only be made in the TC, which would require all the main post details. ![]() |
Devour (#18971)
![]() Famous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-27 19:27:18 |
I think that the buyers are taking a chance when they auction. What are they to lose? A potential lion? At least they aren't losing their money. I think it's not very fair towards the owners, because they have every right to pull their lions out. It is their property; they feed the lions and bred them. Yeah, it is crappy when someone pulls out, but that is the chance you take when you bid. ![]() |
NegCol (#71390)
Merciful View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-27 19:47:28 |
:: butts in :: I consider buyers who pull their auctions just as bad as auction winners who won't pay. I think that auctions here at lioden would work at lot better, and cut down on a lot of the aggravation I've seen around, by banning both behaviors. Yeah, it is crappy when someone pulls out, but that is the chance you take when you bid. It certainly is crappy. It's a waste of time (especially for auctions that go a week or more) and I might have passed on other opportunities knowing I was the high bidder in an auction. I've never bid in an auction where the buyer had then refused to sell, but if it happened I would definitely avoid any of their sale/auction threads in the future just as I wouldn't accept any bids from a non-payer winner. ![]() Edited on 28/12/15 @ 02:48:02 by NegCol (Resolute Stud; IRIS) (#71390) |
GamingGal (#18503)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-27 19:50:50 |
Karim & ClockKey -- Please keep discussion to that of the topic ONLY. ![]() |
Quivuq (#17512)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-27 19:58:32 |
'The owner doesnt always need a benefit' But isnt that the point of an auction really? The owner selling their property for a benefit to them, be it items, currency, or other lions even. Personally if this was implemented I would never auction my lions off in a thread I'd almost feel cheated even. That lioness I put in an auction belongs to me until given to someone else. i should not be forced to give her up if after looking at her I decide yea, she is pretty and id like to keep her. But with this I wouldnt be allowed to do that without being slammed down for it. When it comes to auctions yes I'm risking it, but the buyer isnt really risking much. What risking falling in love with a lioness only to not get it? there will likely be another just like her. But as the seller I'd now not only be risking a beautiful lioness but also I could be losing out on money if I don't know how much she is worth until after the 24 hour period. Basically you'd be screwing over new players who might get that fancy mottled lion and think 'eh shes only worth 500sb' until they finish the auction and learn her real worth. 'If no one bids, then you know to price lower.' But by this threads point I can't. I'd have a item or lion sitting for a long time without being able to change the price because I cannot edit my own thread. Honestly at this point all it is is an auction house in typing but much harder to work with. I'd much prefer an auction house where you can look at other auctions before setting something up, which would help new players who might not think to hop in the TC and search for things. If any of this doesn't make sense, I'm sorry but its late and I just wanted to get my thoughts out there. ![]() |
ClockKey (#74714)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-27 19:59:50 |
Fine, Fine. Though, We are kind of discussing the actual topic, Talkig about its supports. :u I respect you not wanting clutter though, I can relate. :T ![]() |
Devour (#18971)
![]() Famous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-27 20:00:29 |
GamingGal (#18503)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-27 20:05:13 |
Quivuq -- The buyer is risking missing out on other buying chances. Say you bid 5GB on a lion, but you only have that 5GB. While waiting for that auction to end, you find something you want to buy, but you cannot afford it cause you have currency promised in an auction. If the owner cancels the auction, then you lost out on the lion and potentially the item you wanted as well. Tying up currency is a hindrance/risk to the buyer. If you don't know the worth of something, don't put in AB and let the buyers bid and decide the worth that way. If it doesn't get high enough for you, then who's fault is that for not setting a SB you thought was fair? Just because the seller owns the item/lion doesn't mean they should be allowed to randomly end auctions and change details willy nilly. I would love an auction house, actually, and I hope they create one or at least use the TC layout to work one in that way. I'm going to edit the main thread now to change the thinking of this thread. Seeing as what everyone is saying, I want to focus mainly on end date. ![]() |
Quivuq (#17512)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-27 20:08:26 |
I don't understand, don't put an AB if you dont know? But in your main post it clearly says: The following information is mandatory for auctions and must be in the FIRST/MAIN post: - image/link to lion/items involved - starting bid - minimum increase - autobuy - ending time You're also saying we are ignoring the buyers and only thinking of the sellers, but are you not doing the same thing but the other way around. I as a seller would feel as though I have no rights to anything but buyers do. ![]() |