Posted by | Auctions MUST Have End Date |
![]() GamingGal (#18503) Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2015-12-25 07:48:15 |
I'm tired of seeing this popping up, and it seems to be an issue sometimes, so I have a suggestion. Mind you, I know there is a suggestion for an Auction House. This suggestion is for in case that isn't implemented (or as a stand-in until it is). With auctions right now, the seller has the right to do whatever they want. They can change the date, not set an end date, end it with no winner, all sorts of things. That shouldn't be so. I think the site needs to create more control over it, and below are rules that I feel should be added to the ToS: --Auctions MUST have an end date stated in the MAIN post. Once the end date is stated, there is a 24hr grace period to change it in case you typed the wrong date or something comes up in life. --If an edit is required, a "flag to edit" option will be available for use This will require a small bit of coding, but it would work a lot like the "Report" function. You will flag your post, and will be taken to a page where you have to state WHY you want to edit the auction. It will go to the mods where they can approve/deny it, and give a reason if needed. --If the end date lists a specific hour, it must be in LD time This will cut down on any potential confusion between time zones. --The seller cannot back out of an auction unless for a reason proven valid by a moderator Too many sellers are adding the clause of "I can end if it doesn't sell for enough!" and that's not how auctions work. An auction's starting bid should be the lowest amount you would be content with accepting. Being able to end it simply because you didn't like the price it reached by the end date is nothing but price gouging. --The seller may cancel the auction if there are no bids after 3 days of the auction being live. --There should be repercussions for refusing to pay/refusing to send items won If an auction runs to the end time and a winner is evident, the seller should be required to hand over the items/lions for the final bid price. On the other hand, the buyer should be required to stand buy their bid and not back out. If this cannot happen, the side who resigns should face some sort of punishment, be it a warning or something. --The seller would have a 7-10 day grace period to send the item once the auction ends since life is a thing and we shouldn't punish people for having lives. --If a bidder decides to withdraw, they MUST tell the seller The bidder should not be allowed to withdraw from an auction unless they tell the seller. If the seller is not informed, the bid is still considered valid. ------------------------------- Thoughts? NOTE: this thread has been edited to reflex the ideas and feelings I was receiving from others. Although it differs from the original, the main concept I was focused on is still there. |
Darjeeling (#25389)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-03-14 01:17:14 |
If you really want to base this off of real auctions and want to prevent people from backing out of their auctions if the price is not high enough, why not add a reserve to your idea? In real auctions starting bids are almost never set to the lowest amount the seller would accept because that prevents bidding wars from occurring. Instead, they set the starting bid low and have a reserve set, the amount of which isn't made known to those buying. The reserve is actually the lowest amount the seller will sell for, and if it's not met the item doesn't go to the highest bidder. I think that would resolve a lot of those issues here ![]() |