Posted by Auctions MUST Have End Date

GamingGal (#18503)

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Posted on
2015-12-25 07:48:15
I'm tired of seeing this popping up, and it seems to be an issue sometimes, so I have a suggestion. Mind you, I know there is a suggestion for an Auction House. This suggestion is for in case that isn't implemented (or as a stand-in until it is).

With auctions right now, the seller has the right to do whatever they want. They can change the date, not set an end date, end it with no winner, all sorts of things. That shouldn't be so. I think the site needs to create more control over it, and below are rules that I feel should be added to the ToS:

--Auctions MUST have an end date stated in the MAIN post.
Once the end date is stated, there is a 24hr grace period to change it in case you typed the wrong date or something comes up in life.

--If an edit is required, a "flag to edit" option will be available for use
This will require a small bit of coding, but it would work a lot like the "Report" function. You will flag your post, and will be taken to a page where you have to state WHY you want to edit the auction. It will go to the mods where they can approve/deny it, and give a reason if needed.

--If the end date lists a specific hour, it must be in LD time
This will cut down on any potential confusion between time zones.

--The seller cannot back out of an auction unless for a reason proven valid by a moderator
Too many sellers are adding the clause of "I can end if it doesn't sell for enough!" and that's not how auctions work. An auction's starting bid should be the lowest amount you would be content with accepting. Being able to end it simply because you didn't like the price it reached by the end date is nothing but price gouging.
--The seller may cancel the auction if there are no bids after 3 days of the auction being live.

--There should be repercussions for refusing to pay/refusing to send items won
If an auction runs to the end time and a winner is evident, the seller should be required to hand over the items/lions for the final bid price. On the other hand, the buyer should be required to stand buy their bid and not back out. If this cannot happen, the side who resigns should face some sort of punishment, be it a warning or something.
--The seller would have a 7-10 day grace period to send the item once the auction ends since life is a thing and we shouldn't punish people for having lives.

--If a bidder decides to withdraw, they MUST tell the seller
The bidder should not be allowed to withdraw from an auction unless they tell the seller. If the seller is not informed, the bid is still considered valid.



NOTE: this thread has been edited to reflex the ideas and feelings I was receiving from others. Although it differs from the original, the main concept I was focused on is still there.

This suggestion has 24 supports and 64 NO supports.

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Edited on 29/12/15 @ 00:30:40 by GamingGal [LHL] (#18503)

Meskhenet (#23995)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 03:57:50
I support your suggestion!!!

I agree with most of your original auction principles, and I'm surprised that most members don't use them. As, in my opinon, they are the basics of establishing auctions.

However, on the last point, I feel that the bidder shouldn't have to receive permission from the auctioneer to remove their offer. But, I do agree that the auctioneer should be informed about the bidder removing their offer to prevent confusion if the auction is held in the forums.

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Edited on 28/12/15 @ 10:58:29 by Meskhenet (#23995)

Blossom Witch (Clean
Ferus) (#6408)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2015-12-28 05:59:18
Am not relly sure about this, but I dont support or support.

I have always set an end date . I have also put in my actution "I can cancle if I don't like the bid or if its high enough." But I have never done it actual, I have always went through with the end date and even if it wasnt high enough I still sold it the bidder.

But my problem is what if I wanted to swicth my autobuy lower then it is? I did that with an auction of mine, I don't want to go through the hassle of going to mod to beable to so.

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☥ Falcon [Side] (#28737)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 07:04:36
Please remember to keep things respectful on the forums. <3

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 07:09:20
Well I would support except for the 24-hour grace period. The end date should still be allowed to be changed. What if something comes up in life after the grace period? For now, no support.

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Kenzii[G3 Clean
Ferus] (#49358)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2015-12-28 07:20:59
No support for many reasons mentioned. I will be the first to admit that I am one of those who may cancel auctions, but let me explain.
1) I myself don't know the value for a certain item or lion. Before you tell me to ask, realize and believe me when I say that I do. I've asked many a time for an idea of what something is worth. Looking it up on branches or TC isn't always reliable as those people may not know the true value as well and the few times Ive asked in chat rooms...very people know or don't answer at all.
2) Such is during events, but many people start auctioning the same thing, and people lose interest in certain auctions for whatever reason. Currently dealing with this one, though I am trying to suffer through it though I am not exactly happy. >.>
I was one of the first few to auction the Jolly Pose, and my sb and ab were about the same as the others...I will admit, not waiting was bad on my part. But now, these auctions are everywhere, and due to a comment someone made on mine, no one is bothering to even look it seems.
3) Anyone who holds an auction is going to try and get as much out of it as they can, so I myself don't see why cancelling the auction due to not enough bidding is a bad thing. It's happened to me enough, you deal with it and move on, especially because you literally did not lose any money or items from it....all you wasted was the few seconds it took each time to bid.
4) My time on here is not guaranteed. I would HATE to put an end date to be punished because something popped up and I couldn't get on.
IN all honesty, yes there are people who do auctions all the wrong ways...but...I myself have never been scammed from an auction, and I don't know who has. Plus >.> I don't get enough bids on auctions anyway even when I should but I can't do anything about it. If you think about it, that is another reason why some people set the starting price so low. Every time Ive started a bid too high, I've had whiners and no one would bid. Set it low...people tend to bid more from what I've noticed.

Sorry but what you have suggested is just too extreme in my opinion.

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Edited on 28/12/15 @ 14:22:24 by Kat (#49358)

GamingGal (#18503)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 14:35:18
Lady -- I don't see why people do they whole "I can change if I don't like the bid" thing. As I've stated numerous times, the starting bid should be the lowest you would accept for your item. Even if the starting bid is a bit higher, it still ensures that you will be happy with the sell price. I don't see the point of setting it lower because you are potentially setting yourself up for failure and disappointment. The lower price will attract people who want to buy something at a lower price than average, meaning they have a higher chance of not continuing to bid when the price actually gets closer to what you want. If you want to switch the AB lower than it is, I don't see the problem with contacting a mod to okay the change. After all, an auction is concrete and contractual from conception. Or just don't set the AB so high. People tend to set it super high to encourage bidding, but if that's what you want just set no AB. Or set it at an amount you would be most happiest if you want to encourage the chance of your auction ending sooner than you posted.

Falcon -- Thank you <3

Simba -- I'm not saying the seller would be punished if they cannot be online on the end date to send out the item(s). Perhaps there could be a week grace period or some such after the end that the owner has to send the item? I understand life gets in the way and I don't think we should punish people for having lives outside of LD. But I don't want the end date to be able to be changed. Having that as an option allows people to change it if the bidding isn't high enough close to their end date, and that's not okay.

Kat -- I have seen your threads, and, honestly, they are one of the reasons I want this rule. Not saying you scam people, but you exhibit all the things that an auction shouldn't be. As I said, anywhere you look, an auction is looked at as a contract. The seller cannot just randomly change their mind to not sell, even if they have emotional attachment or something. If they are allowed to end early and not sell, there is generally penalties in the form of a small fee or suspension from being allowed to hold auctions for an amount of time. End dates can also not be changed unless some significant reason is given. Allow me to address your listed points:

1) If you don't know the value of an item, set the starting bid at what you would like to get from it, generally pricing towards the lower end you'd be happy with. Don't set it below the least you would accept because then you're setting yourself up for disappointment and attracting the wrong type of people. That, or accept that you are gambling by setting it really low and acknowledge that you just might not get what you'd like for it.

2) As I stated, auctions are gambles on the seller's part. You may or may not hit the jackpot. If you do, awesome. If you don't, that sucks, but that's the risk you take in putting the price in the buyer's hands. Market's come and go for things. Simply because you aren't getting the price/interest you want doesn't mean you should be able to end it and screw over the people who bid.

3) There is a difference between holding an auction and price gouging. If you hold an auction and set the price lowest to draw attention then cancel because the price didn't climb like you wanted, that's price gouging. If you set the price at what you would least accept and content yourself with what you get from there, that's an auction. The buyer isn't losing anything, no, but it's extremely bad salesmanship and ethics. It's allowing people to say "oops, actually, there is no winner cause I actually don't want to sell because oops looks like I priced it less than others and I want to redo this to make more because monies!!1!1!!"

4) As I just stated, you would not be punished for not being online on the end date to send out the item. There would be a grace period of a week or so for you to send it. People have lives and we shouldn't punish them for that.


New things always seem extreme, but allowing bad sales behavior is pretty extreme, too.

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Kenzii[G3 Clean
Ferus] (#49358)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2015-12-28 15:29:57
I didn't say I was perfect, but what I do in my auctions I have learned from watching many people auction and to be honest, you are the first person I have seen complain. But no I won't accept a loss on something I KNOW I could get more on, though this doesn't mean I'm trying to get top price. If you don't like it, just don't bid.
Again, as you aren't paying anything beforehand, you aren't truly losing anything but maybe time. I've bid on tons of auctions where the person cancelled or something happened but I didn't lose anything.

As to your contract remark, we set up the terms when we set up the auction. Some people fail to do so yes, BUT by bidding, you agree to those terms. Again, don't like the terms??? Don't bid.

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 16:10:53
Oh okay, I see now. Changing to support.

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ClockKey (#74714)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 16:13:39
No support. Made up my mind. I agree with Kat.

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GamingGal (#18503)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 16:20:13
Kat -- Why would you even post an auction with an SB lower than you would accept? If you KNOW you can get more, set a SB that would be in the range of what you KNOW you can get. Don't shove the responsibility of raising the price onto the bidders. It's your job as the auctioneer to know the value of things and price accordingly. And, technically, by all auction standards in real life, you are "paying" beforehand. What I mean is, you bid an amount and you MUST have that amount on you at all times in case the auction ends with you winning. This means it's locking your funds, which is keeping you from having those funds available for other purchases. By not having an end date, the auctioneer is subjecting the bidder to uncertainty, and that risk shouldn't be there. Don't shame the bidder for wanting certainty. As to the whole "don't like it, don't bid" that is bad salesmanship. You're basically giving a big middle finger to those who simply want an end date, which isn't much to ask considering ALL AUCTIONS HAVE END DATES. It's part of what makes them auctions, you know.

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 16:22:50
I support. It seems like a reasonable idea. After all, that is a real issue. Who knows what could happen? I've also recently seen Auctions where it was something like "I'll end it when I see a price I want" or something.

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Kenzii[G3 Clean
Ferus] (#49358)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2015-12-28 16:34:48
I've said it before, new people, and people who have been away do not know how high they can go. I'd rather go too low than too high. And maybe I'm just super laid back, but if someone realizes that they want to spend that "locked" gb on something else, go for it, I don't care. I've had that happen before too. Sure I can agree to put an end date. But don't lock down the system too tight. I play this game because it's so laid back, but I lose interest the more they lock things down. I won't fully support until there are some things removed, such as any repercussions or inability to edit after 24 hours.

Plus, if someone wanted to know an end date, they could simply message me, it's not that hard. Sometimes I post yes to get a simple interest check...and yes I do say that I can cancel at any time, but I rarely do.

Fine post an end date, but don't make it any harder on me or others auction my hard earned items and lions as I see fit. :P

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Kimiko Kyuuketsuki (#32476)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 16:37:02
I don't support for reasons stated if this were done for the forms, but if there was an official auction feature in the TC then I would support every bit of it.

I just don't like the idea of not being to edit my own posts, along with other points made. I'm sorry.

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GamingGal (#18503)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 16:43:42
Kat -- I adjusted one of the points to include that the auctioneer can cancel the auction if it receives no bids after 3 days of being live. This would give those who valued it too high a chance to close and reconsider their starting bid. And if someone wants to know the end date, why should they have to message you. As the buyer/bidder, they are the one offering you money in exchange for something, so you as the seller should be doing everything you can to aid in this transaction happening, including listing an end date for all to see, not just the one who messages you.

Kimi -- I understand! I would love to have an auction feature in the TC, but this (I think) would be easier than having to code in a whole new thing. We could have a subsection for auctions where these rules are mandated and regulated by mods. I've seen it work on other sites without a hitch, so theory says it would work here as well. The not being able to edit the MAIN auction post is just to stop the changing of end dates and such.

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4576346 (#34312)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 16:54:31
Supporting! While I do agree that some points are a little harsh (the 24-hr thing that pretty much everyone brought up), I also think Lioden Auctions are kind of a shitshow atm, especially with how little responsibility auctioneers take for their auctions. Can't handle it, then just stick it on your branch or in trades for a set price and stop fucking over potential buyers tbqh.

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