Posted by Nomads Of The Horizon | Roleplay Thread

Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-08-19 07:41:21

Nomads Of The Horizon
A wolf roleplay

The Rules

I. All LioDen Roleplay Rules apply.

II. No godmodding, powerplaying, gary/mary issues, etc.

III. Posts should be in third-person and past-tense, and players are expected to use correct spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation to the best of their abilities. At least a paragraph is required.

IV. We know that life can get in the way sometimes, but please, if you know beforehand that you won't be able to post for a while, let us all know! 

V. Fade to black when necessary. I suppose you all get it by now.

VI. Please be polite to everyone OOC. If there is any problem with other members of the roleplay, i would like you to let me or moderators know rather than creating something unnecessary.

VII. You cannot harm or kill another character without making the action an attempt. 

VIII. For the most part we are a realistic wolf roleplay; the only fantasy elements should be the characters’ “humanized” personalities and their ability to speak. This means no magical abilities, accessories, or unnatural physical traits (wings, horns, etc). 

IX. We encourage you to 'follow the current'; Not knowing what will happen makes the roleplay more interesting and fun, reason why we attempt to avoid OOC plotting. "Character A should meet Character B" is acceptable. "Character A and character B should become mates and start a pack" is not. 

X. There will be no formed packs at the beginning. These will be created throughout the roleplay, and to do so, a minimum of five wolves with a common goal assemble and claim a land as their territory. In order for the pack to be accepted, the player of the lead wolf should PM me to receive the pack creation form, and send it back will all the information needed. As for now, we believe that three packs would be a good maximum, though this can change in the future depending on how many members join. Also, please don't create packs right away. Your wolf should take their time to know who their pack-mates will be, to say the least.

XI. New Rule. Things made by man, such as buildings, roads, etc., are non-existent in the lands of Greylea, and there will be no interaction between wolves and humans. Please ignore any constructions that the references show.

XI. New Rule. Please put at the beginning of each post a 'header'. This is used to avoid confussion and to have a more organized post. Stating who your character is interacting with and their location is extremely important, also for the mentioned reasons. An example:

Name | Gender | Age | Location:

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Edited on 19/08/16 @ 14:42:45 by Legolas (#81091)

Raine [Mott
Stripe/Ros Dense] (#835)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-24 03:58:45

Ahtrek|Male|3 Years 7 Months|Wanderer| Eastern Plains
Mentions: Moon - Zerikos - Sparrow

Blood had now filled the air, and thus fueling his effort to get down there. His gaze narrowing to notice the silver-grey female slithered ahead of him with a quick trot to keep up with him, he had truly forgotten manners and lowered both ears slightly. " Sorry.. " He apologized for the lack of respect to her, he had given his name but didn't even bother to obtain hers. Then again his attention was drawn to something far more important, but still it didn't give him an excuse to be rude." Nice to meet you." His voice sounded more humble, getting to know Moon more made him feel a bit more at ease. Trust was finally building between the pair, although he wasn't sure if Moon had already trusted him from the get go.

Cries of pain were now audible, and that fueled even more of his lust. Gaining the advantage of coming closer, his ears remained in tuned with Moon's delicate voice. He paused briefly, enlarged yellow stones blinking for the first time in a minute, his gaze was so fixated to the east. The silhouette of a large hole formed between the crescent of tripping stones, forming a deathtrap for those who stumbled upon it so carelessly. His gaze returning to rest on Moon's backside, he had completely forgotten that it was not just him anymore. He had to be considerate of his new friend and actually communicate with another comrade." Well, if you are up for it, I'd like to investigate. Something is killing prey up there, if it is coyotes, we could easily scare them off. But I do smell wolf scents, this terrains belongs to no one.." He pushed a grunt towards the end of his sentence, his tail up-churning slightly into an acute raise, but not to show any dominance. " However.." He added. " If you'd like to catch your on meal, that is okay to. " He didn't want to engage in a possible fight for her sake, despite he had the muscle power and teeth to back his own self up.

Glaring sun-beamed orbs staring back to the small dip, the dust cloud had cleared but looking closely, Ahtrek could pinpoint an orangish figure, latching himself onto one of the elk from the rear. While a brownish pelt, dappled with black highlights rip a chunk from the elk's shoulder. His eyes darting back and forth between the walking sun ray and tree bark, as the two figures attempted to take down this herbivore. After staring profoundly for a minute or two, Ahtrek realized that these two figures were wolves.

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Edited on 24/08/16 @ 12:05:00 by Raine Tigress (#835)

Lost (#63441)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-24 05:18:53
Zeriko ‡ Male ‡ Loner ‡ 3 years 5 months ‡ Locaton: Eastern Plains ‡ Mentions: Sparrow - Ahtrek - Moon ‡ Status: Alert, irritated, exhausted

Zeriko's eyes widen with terror. “Dam, why now out of all times and places...” He hoped he was only sensing things.

'Wolves, nearby, to the west side of our location. Two different scents. Definitely not border patrol wolves from a pack. Loners....' Zeriko faced the direction where the scents were coming from. He spotted some figures, but it was no doubt, wolves. He gave out an uneasy sigh.

“And the devil dug us a pretty nice grave.” He stated once the elk stopped struggling as he loosen his grip to face the female. “These are the times when I wish a serpent came and swallow me whole.” His golden orbs narrowed at the fae's direction, her bloodstain pelt made his stomache ache with extreme hunger. “Lets eat as much as we can.”

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Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 06:46:57
Moon | Female | 3 Years, 7 Months | Wanderer | Eastern Plains | Mentions: Ahtrek, Zeriko, Sparrow

Moon narrowed her eyes in the direction of the other wolves, 'you go in, i'll hang back a bit. I can help you if they want to fight, or lure them away from their kill' she barks, wary of the new wolves. She lowered her tail, then stilled it. The she-wolf was alert now, she couldn't get her new friend killed, She acknowledged his respect with a smile and a nod, simple, because of her focus. She began to pad towards them, well, making a wide circle in their direction, getting as close as she could without getting close enough for them to bolt at her. She lowered her head with her ears pricked, trying to get some idea of the strange wolves' state. They looked pretty tired, looked like the elk gave a fight. The she-wolf mentally thanked the elk, if these wolves were hostile, they'd have more of a chance. She glanced back at Ahtrek, waiting for him to make a move towards the strange wolves.

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Rice (#70588)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-24 09:39:59
Name: Sparrow | Gender:Female | Age: Around 5 years | Location: Eastern Plains
Mentions: Zeriko,Moon,

Barely able to able to hear Zerkio over the blood rushing in her ears, Sparrow spat out the chunk of flesh she held in her teeth and twisted herself inn a way that she could easily bite into the elks windpipe without much trouble.
In collapsed beneath her, licking her maw, the she-wolf growled. "If they dare try to take this elk, I'll rip them limb from limb." Narrowing her eyes towards the approaching young brute she noticed another wolf behind him. great. she thought, her growl deepening to a snarl. two against two, who knew the wold could be so fair.

((i apologize fore replying so late, and shortness))

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Raine [Mott
Stripe/Ros Dense] (#835)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-24 10:36:41

Ahtrek|Male|3 Years 7 Months|Wanderer| Eastern Plains
Mentions: Moon - Zerikos - Sparrow

Ahtrek's posture stiffened with his tail held perpendicularly to the terrain. Yellow eyes eyeing down the two wolves; after gaining some distance was now independently portrayed as male and female. Mates? The charcoal male thought to himself before looking back at Moon, who decided to stay behind. A rigid shake of his cervical muscles, and his pelt twirled in rage." I don't intend on fighting today. " Ahtrek called back to her in a soft manly cue. He was simply just curious, although hunger was care-freely torturing him silently.. Taking a few steps closing, feeling the molten stones plunder under his large weight, he managed to catch into ears drop of one speaking; just finishing his sentence before the next added her remark. The large male dipped his head as if the threat were a silly joke. " You can try, but I don't think you would last my dear.." The brute commented in a humorous sensation, he didn't mean any harm. Orbs fused with yellow darting back and forth between the two, keeping his distance to easily escape but close enough to be in earshot. " I don't intend to take your meal.." He paused, his neck fur beginning to bristle ever so slightly. " We, were just curious to as of who or what disturbed the peace.." He fixated his gaze towards the sky, the sun's rays falling behind a thick cloud, giving a glorious amount of shade for the moment.

((Lol, all good.))

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Edited on 24/08/16 @ 17:37:09 by Raine Tigress (#835)

Ravenflare (#89598)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-08-24 11:25:40
Harley(Raven)|Female|3 Years|Loner|Location: Western Grasslands|Mentions: Gaya

"Err, okay." Raven said warily, taking a step forward. Although Raven felt like this wolf was telling the truth, she still kept herself ready in case she leaped out at her. "And why would you wake me up exactly? What I f i was one of those hostile wolves you're talking about?" she asked suspiciously, wanting to know a little bit more about this wolf. "And what's your name?" she asked before the she-wolf could answer her first question.

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Lumiere (#86771)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 12:36:07

Gaya | Female | 2 years, 1 months | Wanderer
Location: Western Grasslands | Mentions: Harley(Raven)

Gaya blinked, and didn't say anything for a moment. It was obvious this female was still suspicious of her, but Gaya was determined to change that. My name is Gaya, She said calmly, flicking her tail. She sat down to show she wasn't going to attack, and laid down her tail slowly on the soft grass. Every so often she sniffed the air for any chance of other wolves approaching. That.. wouldn't be good. And I woke you up to see if you were one of the hostile wolves. If you were, well, you're alone. I'm one of the fastest around, I could have outrun you. If you weren't, and I just walked away... That would be a little of a missed opportunity, wouldn't you think? She sighed. Let me be honest, She suddenly added. I'm not a strong wolf, I can only outrun you. Really, you shouldn't be scared of me. If anything, I'll just have annoyed you for waking you up from what was probably a very comfortable nap. At least you'd be warned, there are wolves around here that are not as friendly as I am.

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Ravenflare (#89598)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-08-24 12:51:39
Harley(Raven)|Female|3 Years|Loner|Location: Western Grasslands|Mentions: Gaya

"Hmm, I guess you're right." Raven said, looking the wolf known as Gaya up and down, not as suspicious as before. "To be honest, I'm not the strongest or fastest wolf around, but I'll be able to defend myself if i run into some hostile wolves." Raven lied about the last part, she was in no condition to fight. Because of her lack of knowledge of the wild, Raven would probably be the least skilled wolf a wild wolf would meet. "So umm," Raven sat down, "you're just passing by, or..."

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Lumiere (#86771)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 12:55:25

Gaya | Female | 2 years, 1 months | Wanderer
Location: Western Grasslands | Mentions: Harley(Raven)

Gaya shrugged as she looked around the meadows. I've been by these places many times. I left my pack when I was really young, so... She blushed slightly. I may know my surroundings, and the prey, but I didn't complete my training... She signed, then looked up again. So, I'm not a great fighter or hunter. Though I'm an awesome fisher! I've pretty much lived off small prey since I was... Gaya thought for a moment. It seemed so far away, the day she had left the pride, said goodbye to Ogaye, and hoped to find her sister. She never did. Wow, it must have been when I was one and a half years old, I've been out here a long time! Gaya seemd shocked. Time passed so quickly, and she wondered how her old pack were doing. Especially Ogaye. She couldn't care less if the pups she had grown up were wounded, or if the alphas had had more pups. She hated the bunch of them. Only Vixen, Scarlet, and Ogaye had truly understood her.

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Edited on 24/08/16 @ 19:56:28 by SierraLights (#86771)

Ravenflare (#89598)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-08-24 13:04:39
Harley(Raven)|Female|3 Years|Loner|Location: Western Grasslands|Mentions: Gaya

"Mmm, I can agree with you on that." Raven said, not being very specific. She didn't exactly want this wolf to know she had grown up in captivity. She nodded in agreement, "Yeah, sounds like a while. You don't exactly look like you're one and half any more. Must have been rough." She could only imagine the horrors that faced her growing up. "How'da survive all this while? With all the hostile wolves and what not?" "Oh, by the way, the name's Harley, but just call me Raven." She felt bad not introducing herself to Gaya after she introduced herself to Raven.

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Lumiere (#86771)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 13:09:51

Gaya | Female | 2 years, 1 months | Wanderer
Location: Western Grasslands | Mentions: Harley(Raven)

Gaya could tell the female, whom she learned was Harley or Raven, was holding back. However, she didn't press more. Oh, well, I didn't life with them around all the time. I come from really far away, so I just kept travelling through these territories. And then this one seemed really bountiful, such a shame they were claimed by the nastiest wolves around! Gaya looked around the grasslands. This ones pretty nice too, though. The river's good for fishing. Gaya threw a weird look at Raven. You must think its weird, huh? A wolf fishing, I sound like a cat. But, you know. I do what I need to to survive. Gaya stared at the gurgling water, the taste of her last meal still stuck on her tongue. Anyway, I come and go, a true wanderer. I don't really have a home anymore. Wilderness is. She grinned at the last part, drinking in the beauty of the meadows.

The sun beams were now barely visible, and darkness was settling in. A cold shiver ran down Gaya's back, and her muscles rippled. Her breath came in a soft, smoky wisp, and she realised how close winter was. Then, it would be harsh, unforgivable, but at least the wolves would have a slight advantage over their prey.

OOC: Trying to move time lol

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Edited on 24/08/16 @ 20:12:08 by SierraLights (#86771)

LunarLiones (#95755)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 13:41:03
Luma//Female//Southern Woodlands//Kairos

"I like that name,Kairos.And no,I mean,I did see that fight thing.I don't think they were a pack though,too greedy.Nope.Haven't seen a single pack."Luma said.She wasnt sure if there was a single wolf pack in the entire Woodlands.Luma later down and gnawed on the bone a bit.

"Wanna stick together?I can hunt,and fight.That fox is proof."Luma said.In the winter it was good to have another wolf with you,bring in more food.Although it did mean you needed more food.Kairos was small though.He looked well fed too.Luma resumed gnawing on her bone.

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Ravenflare (#89598)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-08-24 13:54:57
Harley(Raven)|Female|3 Years|Loner|Location: Western Grasslands|Mentions: Gaya

"Yeah," Raven looked around, "I can tell why wolves would want this land. It's so bountiful with prey and water." She took a breath, breathing in the scents of fall. Winter would be upon them soon. Maybe sticking with this wolf wouldn't be such a bad idea. Winters could be harsh, and it would be easier to track down and kill prey. More mouths to feed, but it was a small price to pay If they got good amounts of food.

Her attention was snapped back when Gaya told her that she must have thought she was weird to fish, just like a cat. Raven had never encountered a cat in person, but her parents spoke of them once in a while. "You're not weird," she assured her, "a wolf's gotta eat some how." She looked over at Gaya and saw her worried expression as well as the changing sky. "We should find shelter, it's getting dark."

OOC: Good idea (BTW, gotta get to bed soon)

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Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 17:01:30
Moon | Female | 3 Years, 7 Months | Wanderer | Eastern Plains | Mentions: Ahtrek, Zeriko, Sparrow

Moon nods at his words, and sighs. She didn't really want a fight, but she did want a meal. Oh well, she could go hunt a rat later. She raises her head and looks at Ahtrek, slides her ear back, and shifts her back paw a little further back, asking if they should leave. She shakes her fur, almost trying to get the stress of the situation out of it, then became alert once more. Her eyes didn't leave the pair of strange wolves except for the occasional glance at Ahtrek. Would these wolves attack?

(wow, short, sorry)

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Imperial Disease (#74494)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 20:31:22
*can't..fucking..gain.. MUSE!!* x.x screw my brain and call me Edgar Allen Poe. Lol.)

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