Posted by The Centre [Open]

Eden πŸŒΉβ„οΈπŸ’™
Vit G1 Primal (#113650)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-22 18:39:09

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------------------------------------------------------- The World -------------------------------------------------------
In a supernatural-dominated world, The United States had the most lax regulations on supernatural beings, causing most pure humans to have left for countries with stricter policies, such as Canada, which is human-only. In this world supernatural beings are known and have been a big part of history. Some countries (Most of eastern Europe) treat supernaturals as little better than animals, others have them as slaves (Africa), and others still regulate them like criminals, and lock them up for simply being born with certain powers (Western europe). Canada, of course, is a refuge for the puritans who believe humans are the superior species, and does not allow supernaturals within their borders.

My character Avery runs a supernatural medical centre in Central City, Colorado. He has been around for quite a while, and had money to spare, so he founded the centre with help of his friend's hoard. It's a open, spacious building with adaptations for all manner of creatures. Avery often goes on runs to other countries to save supernatural beings in deplorable situations, with input from Steven, an unknown being with a third eye and the ability to see anything, anywhere in the world. Steven was dropped off by an interdimensional rift in Miami, one of the most active areas for random supernatural activity. Avery often goes undercover as human on these runs, and risks his life and freedom. (Ideally I would like a team here) He brings back as many supernaturals as he can, and rehabilitates them in the centre. There is a team of healers and counselors at the centre as well, but he feels personally responsible for many of the people he brings back.

The friend mentioned earlier is a dragon.

------------------------------------------------------- The Centre -------------------------------------------------------
The Center is like a combination of Doctors Without Borders and the Mayo Clinic in this world, so any other place would have their own places- plus there are healers who can deal with most things in their town.

So, location wise, I was thinking Salida, but logistically it would have to be somewhere like Central City, which is what I am going with. That's an hour's drive from Denver International Airport. All observations are from the road. There are portals, which take people to the centre and back.

The centre is comprised of four buildings connected by tunnels- a skywalk and an underground tunnels- one filled with water so the creatures more comfortable in water can swim between the buildings should they choose. The buildings are connected because of the harsh winters.

The buildings are arranged in an arc around the parking lot, with a small airstrip to the left of the buildings. the building closest to the airstrip is for international patients- those brought by Avery seeking asylum. (There is a lot of paperwork Avery [read: Avery's friend Leo] does to allow that.) The first two floors of building closest to the road is for general patients- the clinic. The two buildings in between have different specialties- One building is for intense healing: Trauma, Oncology, Neuropathology, the like. The other is more mentally oriented, they deal with depression, anxiety, multiple personality disorder, and any number of other mental issues, and are open twenty four hours a day and see - at last count- over one hundred patients a day.

The building for international patients is somewhat of a mystery, no visitors aside from direct family are allowed and then they are usually not allowed past designated meeting rooms. There is another associated building in Denver itself that helps international patients get back on their feet in a completely different social structure. Any people who work there are carefully screened, and those who quit or retire are often bound under memory charms that are meant to protect patients and the supernaturals who work to help them.

The doctors are a mix of healers and those with no healing power, but they all are trained.

The buildings are all constructed with scent neutralizers, so as not to overwhelm the patients with enhanced senses- it can be a little disorienting, as the walls seem to absorb scents.

Those are the technical details- now for the visual description.

Driving up, there is very little to see on the highway, except the mountains trees, and snow, driving into the large parking lot there is a lot set aside for ambulances and trauma, just between the intense healing building and it's sister area in the clinic. A few doctors take shifts in the clinic trauma centre on a rotating basis. The other three buildings are respectively, five stories for international, four for intensive healing, and four for mental health. the buildings all look like a cross between grecian and modern architecture, supported by pillars. I can do descriptions for the second and third buildings if you need, but here's hoping we won't have much set in there.

In central Denver, Upper East Side New York, and Los Angeles, there is a white building with a green cross on the front, and a tiled entryway with one person manning a desk. Just inside the door a portal shows the main lobby, with flashes of light flickering around the edges of the image. passing through the portal would feel like putting your hand in jello, but your entire body.

Walking into (or being deposited by a portal into) the clinic building, you are greeted by a wide, open area five floors high, with balconies at each floor. There is a blue glass dome ceiling, letting the natural light in and refracting it. The building inside is white and grey, with Grecian style architecture. Pillars support each floor, each with a sconce that lights up as night falls. There are stairs to each floor, as well as elevators. To the right of the entrance is the waiting area, filled with comfortable chairs of various colors, and a small, set in pool that connects to the other buildings. Straight back is the general medicine, and to the left is injury and trauma. The clinic itself is about equal in capability to a hospital. The balcony above is lined with rooms- patients who made appointments are often seen there. Above that are the offices that keep the centre running, with scheduling and the like.

------------------------------------------------------- Species -------------------------------------------------------
Species in this world can be anything- even species with the same name can be different. For example, there could be werewolves that perpetually have wolf features and must turn on the full moon, or human-appearing werewolves that are only tempted to turn on the full moon, or anywhere in between.

I have a few species worked out, for which the rules will never change:

Changelings are the product of Fey Magic encountering a growing human soul. The more magic involved the more powerful the changeling will be. Modern genetic testing has proven that the changelings are genetically purely human, with any enhanced characteristics being the product of their magical influence.

Faeries (Seelie) are the only species no longer found anywhere on earth. originally they lived in a separate realm and travelled back and forth between their home, and this world. Political issues arose, and the seelie sealed themselves off somewhere around the 1700's

Dragons ; It is said they are as old as the earth and will die when it does. They used to be one, a hundred-headed dragon, each head with their own mind, named Ladon, but after failing to protect the tree of immortality, they were split in to a hundred different dragons. The main head, was cursed by the gods to be unable to interact with any of the other heads. Dragons cannot be killed. Ladon- the main head- knows this firsthand. The first few hundred years after he was separated he spent trying to die- until Avery got ahold of him. They meet up every few years for things now, and he was the one to help Avery found the Centre. So, dragons are always white, except Ladon, who has a red crest on his head. Ladon protests both their classification with the Eastern Ryuu and the Western Drako, preferring to be called a "Helenistic Drake"
------------------------------------------------------- Boring stuff (Rules) -------------------------------------------------------

-Respect Lioden Rules
-No Godmodding
-Follow your character's agenda, not your own.
-This is a literate RP, full sentences please.
- Clearly indicate what character you are roleplaying.
- No Time-Travel
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-Have fun

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Edited on 26/12/17 @ 20:38:50 by Eden 🌹 πŸ”₯Triple Rosette (#113650)

Eden πŸŒΉβ„οΈπŸ’™
Vit G1 Primal (#113650)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-01 16:23:29

Steve had stopped tapping in the wake of that statement, and Leo re-focused on Ari, who was dozing. Leo noticed he was fighting falling asleep, and he reclined his seat so he could reach Ari, and gentle smoothed the fur between his fluffy ears. "It's okay, you can rest. For now, I can promise you, that you are completely safe. I will protect you." He continued petting Ari, hoping it was soothing. He wanted to wait until Ari had been around for a while, gotten a good night's sleep and met Avery, before he asked if he would stick around.


Steve focused on the road, knowing they were barely five minutes out from the Centre. He rolled his eyes. Leo just wants an excuse to show off his strength and carry Ari to the spare room. He thought, exasperated.

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2018-01-01 18:19:15

The small canid startled as a hand softly stroked between his ears. The bronze audits rotated before falling to the sides as his honey gaze darted up to meet Leo's before his eyelids fluttered closed. Listening to his hushed words, he pushed his cranium against the other shifter's hand. A yawn stretched his maw, tongue lolling out for a moment before he emitted a contentedly hum and curled up. The soothing sensation of fingers twining in his pelt gently lowered him into a much-needed sleep. His flanks slowly rose and fell with each slow breath.

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Darkness (#102911)

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Posted on
2018-01-02 04:43:26

Avery sparked up in a nimb of blue in Andrea's vision; the Caster flinched as from a rough outline, blurred out and unclear, the healer's silhouette became clear and bright standing before him. A feeling of vertige washed upon Andrea, causing him to stop his aura-tracing charm and return into darkness, settling only to sensing Avery. At least now he felt steady on his feet without feeling like throwing up.

The Caster rose up into a straighter stance, attentive, and gave a nod. "Of course, Avery Waite." Andrea grinned with soft eyes but a rather coldly civil tone; he just couldn't help smiling with all the attention he was getting and the one giving him that attention, but he still had to keep a neutral stance to his mentor. "What ever do you need cleared?"

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Eden πŸŒΉβ„οΈπŸ’™
Vit G1 Primal (#113650)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-02 11:14:51

"You would be surprised." Avery took Andrea's arm, leading him to the fourth building, and into the Runners lounge. Once in the room he tapped the back of the couch, and projected the layout of the room. Avery was rather used to working with blind people, most of whom were more graceful navigators than a lot of sighted people, but until he was sure Andrea was one of those people, he would try to do his best to accommodate. "Sit down, this could take a while." He grabbed a couple bottles of water out of the fridge, handing one to Andrea, before sitting down himself. "So, straight to the heart- do you want a formal apprenticeship?" If he did, there would be a lot of negotiation to decide what would be taught, length of the apprenticeship, and terms. If he didn't then things would be a lot easier right off the bat, but he would be unable to prove he had been trained as a healer at all.

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Eden πŸŒΉβ„οΈπŸ’™
Vit G1 Primal (#113650)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-02 11:29:03

True enough, they pulled into the Centre's parking lot not even two minutes after Ari had fallen asleep. Leo climbed out of the car, careful not to wake the sleeping shifter, and took off his coat, wrapping the other shifter in it for two reasons- it kept Ari warmer and it blocked the scents of the Centre from waking him up. Ari was easy enough to carry, shifted as he was, and Leo easily brought him through the side door of building four, heading for the living area. He was not expecting his father to be there with a Caster, but weirder things had happened, and Avery barely raised his eyebrows at his son carrying a sleeping canid up to the spare rooms they kept for Runners. We will talk later. Leo heard Avery's voice and cringed slightly, making his way up the stairs to the empty room across from his, and laying the still sleeping shifter on the bed. Leo had a lot of practice and even more luck at keeping people asleep when he wanted them to be. They had yet to test whether it was magic or not. Leo left Ari to sleep, Leo's coat still draped over him.

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Darkness (#102911)

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Posted on
2018-01-03 04:02:35

But the Caster wasn't surprised. He sat down on the couch cross-legged, making himself comfortable with complete casual spirit, and accepted the bottle of water before setting it aside. He didn't need it, even a sip of water would only lead to him emptying the bottle in a few seconds and appearing nervous and unstable.
"You're quite cold and formal, Avery Waite." Andrea noted after pondering on his mentor to-be for a few moments. He spoke in a very neutral and rather hushed tone somehow, almost absentminded. "That reminds me of someone... Have we met before?"

The Caster brushed his claim off immediately however, at last returning to their discussion and giving in to taking a mouthful of water. "I seek to learn healing so that my knowledge may serve myself and others alike; therefore, I want to learn everything. So yes, I want a formal apprenticeship. Even if it takes me centuries to master healing, as long as you bear with me as your apprentice... I shall follow your mentoring. Heck, I literally don't have a life outside study anyway, what do you think I was doing in Montana?"

Thing is Andrea held such a speech under the pressuring feeling of hypocrisy from being so formal and was now chugging down on his water to drown the feeling of his whole world spinning. He didn't usually speak so openly and so... Well, so much before anyone, let alone an imposing figure the likes of Avery. And yet, the Caster still held an unreadable expression.

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Eden 🌹πŸ”₯🀍G1
Dawn Vit (#116337)

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Posted on
2018-01-03 10:59:04

Avery smiled, and shook his head. "I've lived a long time, and travelled to many places, not all of which I remember. You may have met me, although I do not recall you." He shook his head. "I am slow to break formality. As an apprentice you will be around enough to see me as I am with my friends and family, but for now, that is how things will be." He made a gesture with his hand. "You have answered many of the questions I would have asked. As such..." He reached out, touching the back of Andrea's left wrist, the traditional place for a mark of healing apprenticeship. An outline of a vine trailed around Andrea's wrist, clearly marking him as an apprentice. "I accept you as an apprentice. Lessons begin at dawn tomorrow." The vine brightened for a second, before dimming.

The swings between formal and casual made Avery feel more fond towards the Caster, and he softened his expression. "May I ask something?" He had kept his tone neutral, giving away none of his thoughts, or any indication to what the question may be.

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Darkness (#102911)

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Posted on
2018-01-03 13:16:27

"Well then, breaking your formality is a top goal on my list." the Caster chuckled, his nose scrunched up just slightly in a very particular way for him. He reached his hand to touch the mark on his other wrist; despite there not being any physical feeling of the vine, the mark was still bound with sentiment. Andrea had never been under any mentor, if you don't count himself, that is.

Feeling relaxed by the rather warm atmosphere that had settled between them, Andrea took up to his feet and began pacing around, once again falling into a more formal and respectful stance, weary and a tad anxious of the question to come. Nonetheless, he accepted being asked anything Avery so desired quite politely.

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Eden 🌹πŸ”₯🀍G1
Dawn Vit (#116337)

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Posted on
2018-01-03 13:50:36

Avery's wings swept the floor behind him as he stood, and crossed the room to where Andrea was pacing, and covered the Caster's eyes with his hand. "How did this happen? I can find out on my own, but I would like to hear it from you." He used his telekinesis to freeze Andrea in place for a second, not for any purpose, just because he could, partially as a warning. Removing his hand, he relocated it to Andrea's shoulder, spreading his wings to span the room. He was curious, and he was also not sure why the Caster had never had them healed. There was almost no eye injury a master healer could not heal, as eyes were soft tissue. Difficult, almost impossible to heal for a novice though.

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2018-01-03 19:13:46

It was quite some time later when young Ari finally awoke. Feeling rather refreshed, the canine blinked blearily, a yawn parting his maw briefly. A startled yelp escaped him as he cast his win gaze around in a panic. Where was he? Where was Leo? Digging his claws into the plush surface beneath him, he took a moment to calm his bristling pelt. The sleek dhole-shifter rose to his dainty paws with soothing alike to unsteadiness, padding over the soft material cautiously. Sniffing the air, he could detect relatively fresh scents of Leo.

After leaping off the bed and scouting out the room, he shapeshifted back into human form in order to turn the knob and quietly crack open the door. Peering out, he glanced round to check the coast was clear before reverting back to his primal form. The lithe dhole slipped over the threshold, trotting down the hall alertly, tail puffed up and lips twitching, occasionally flashing his ivories.

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Eden πŸŒΉβ„οΈπŸ’™
Vit G1 Primal (#113650)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-03 19:44:15

Steve and Leo had been in Leo's room, waiting for Ari to wake up. Steve was on a tablet, moving around patient rooms and helping people figure out what was where when they inevitably lost track of anything. They had been each doing their own thing for almost three hours before Ari woke up.

Seeing Ari wake up, Steve made a flicking motion at Leo, who was making use of an exposed support beam to work out, one hand gripping the beam near the floor, the other hand higher up, his back touching the beam as he held himself sideways, legs straight out, toes pointed, completely parallel to the floor. He's been holding himself like that for two minutes, and Steve couldn't help being impressed because technically Leo's species wasn't stronger than a human. Leo had just trained long enough.

Realizing Leo hadn't noticed him, Steve cleared his throat. "Leo. Ari is poking his nose in the hallway, he looks a bit freaked. Maybe you should have left our door open."


Leo lowered himself gracefully, setting his now bare feet to the wooden floor, and walking over to the door. He was a little out of breath, having been doing various exercises with the support beam, and when he opened the door he took a second to lean against the frame. "We are over here."

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2018-01-03 20:33:06

A familiar voice made his rounded russet audits twitch. Freezing, he spun around to see Leo leaning against a doorframe. Sweat shone on his exposed skin, muscles strained and more prominent than usual. It was all he could do to keep his jaw from dropping. Swallowing, he wagged his fox-like tail, bounding over to Leo. Rubbing against his leg with a jovial hum, the canine stepped past him and into his room.

Glancing around in awe, he briefly wondered why humans would build such intricate dens. He quickly brushed off the thought, however. The answer was obvious. Humans could often live in large family groups, even with those not related to themselves. They were also varying sizes, often on the bigger scale, so they needed places to live that would accomodate their size. Humans didn't move from their home range often, so they built exquisite structures over their lifetimes in one spot.

Catching sight of Steve, he chirped at him in greeting, before setting about to scout out every nook and cranny of this room, too.

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Eden 🌹πŸ”₯🀍G1
Dawn Vit (#116337)

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Posted on
2018-01-03 20:44:11

Leo blinked in surprise as Ari brushed against him before darting around his den. Flat. Whatever. There was a small kitchenette, with a fridge, stove, and sink, spare cupboards, and an open area occupied by a couch. There was a sliding screen concealing his bed, and only one other door in the entire space, which led to the bathroom. Steve was sprawled on the aforementioned couch, tablet forgotten as the russet canid explored the space. Leo quietly shifted into lion form, his claws sheathed to make him completely silent. He watched in amusement as Ari poked around, and relaxed, knowing there was no trouble for Ari to get into. He left trouble in Steve's room.


Steve chirped back, a sound not meant for human vocal chords, but Leo didn't bat an eye. The blonde closed his eyes, pulling open the storage space in the couch to retrieve a laser pointer. He raised his eyebrows at Leo, who glared back.

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Edited on 03/01/18 @ 20:45:30 by Eden {Side} Mlem (#116337)

o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2018-01-03 22:11:14

The feline scent that seemed to always excrete from Leo's being strengthened. The canid whipped around, coming face-to-face with the lion form of the man that made his chest tingle and heart pound. Tail waving, he yipped and prowled around the other shifter. Crouching behind him, he emitted a flurry of shrill whistles as he pounced on the lion. Clinging onto Leo's back, he pulled himself into a more steady position, attempting to bowl the much larger shifter over. Gently nipping at the feline's scruff, the canine huffed and rolled off, easily dislodged by the massive beast.

Laying on his bronze-furred flank, the dhole-shifter huffed, letting his tongue loll out the side of his parted maw. Stretching out, his fluffy tail thumped contentedly against the ground. Noticing Steve moving around and retrieving something, he raised his narrow cranium slightly, ears flicking curiously in his direction as the three-eyed blonde brandished a small cylindrical device.

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Edited on 04/01/18 @ 00:58:39 by Skye {TOASTTT} (#114927)

Darkness (#102911)

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Posted on
2018-01-04 00:06:24

Andrea's being stiffened, partly in response to his pacing being halted so unexpectedly, and partly to his mentor's words. "I was expecting you to ask that." he sighed, the sound somehow oddly amused, and much clearer and more haunting than before. The Caster placed one of his hands atop his mentor's and gripped onto it briefly; his grasp was cold however, unusually so. "There are very bad people in this world, Avery Waite. People so mad and so ungreatful that they turn cruel. People who love you for a second then throw you out the instance they find out that you're just a little different. People who cut destinies short for no reason."

Repressed at first, images began to flash on the Caster's mind; he cursed his inability to smother them and stay before his mentor and model as composed inside as he was outside, to no avail of course. Finally, Andrea figured Avery would at least wonder why he never had his eyes healed by anyone; he spun around facing his mentor and brushed the man's hand off of his shoulder with a casual backhand move. "The world is a hideous and despiseable place, Avery Waite. And I don't want to see it anymore."

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Edited on 04/01/18 @ 00:46:11 by Darkness (#102911)

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