Posted by | The Centre [Open] |
![]() Eden πΉβοΈπ Vit G1 Primal (#113650) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-22 18:39:09 |
Chat Thread------------------------------------------------------- The World ------------------------------------------------------- In a supernatural-dominated world, The United States had the most lax regulations on supernatural beings, causing most pure humans to have left for countries with stricter policies, such as Canada, which is human-only. In this world supernatural beings are known and have been a big part of history. Some countries (Most of eastern Europe) treat supernaturals as little better than animals, others have them as slaves (Africa), and others still regulate them like criminals, and lock them up for simply being born with certain powers (Western europe). Canada, of course, is a refuge for the puritans who believe humans are the superior species, and does not allow supernaturals within their borders. My character Avery runs a supernatural medical centre in Central City, Colorado. He has been around for quite a while, and had money to spare, so he founded the centre with help of his friend's hoard. It's a open, spacious building with adaptations for all manner of creatures. Avery often goes on runs to other countries to save supernatural beings in deplorable situations, with input from Steven, an unknown being with a third eye and the ability to see anything, anywhere in the world. Steven was dropped off by an interdimensional rift in Miami, one of the most active areas for random supernatural activity. Avery often goes undercover as human on these runs, and risks his life and freedom. (Ideally I would like a team here) He brings back as many supernaturals as he can, and rehabilitates them in the centre. There is a team of healers and counselors at the centre as well, but he feels personally responsible for many of the people he brings back. The friend mentioned earlier is a dragon. ------------------------------------------------------- The Centre ------------------------------------------------------- The Center is like a combination of Doctors Without Borders and the Mayo Clinic in this world, so any other place would have their own places- plus there are healers who can deal with most things in their town. So, location wise, I was thinking Salida, but logistically it would have to be somewhere like Central City, which is what I am going with. That's an hour's drive from Denver International Airport. All observations are from the road. There are portals, which take people to the centre and back. The centre is comprised of four buildings connected by tunnels- a skywalk and an underground tunnels- one filled with water so the creatures more comfortable in water can swim between the buildings should they choose. The buildings are connected because of the harsh winters. The buildings are arranged in an arc around the parking lot, with a small airstrip to the left of the buildings. the building closest to the airstrip is for international patients- those brought by Avery seeking asylum. (There is a lot of paperwork Avery [read: Avery's friend Leo] does to allow that.) The first two floors of building closest to the road is for general patients- the clinic. The two buildings in between have different specialties- One building is for intense healing: Trauma, Oncology, Neuropathology, the like. The other is more mentally oriented, they deal with depression, anxiety, multiple personality disorder, and any number of other mental issues, and are open twenty four hours a day and see - at last count- over one hundred patients a day. The building for international patients is somewhat of a mystery, no visitors aside from direct family are allowed and then they are usually not allowed past designated meeting rooms. There is another associated building in Denver itself that helps international patients get back on their feet in a completely different social structure. Any people who work there are carefully screened, and those who quit or retire are often bound under memory charms that are meant to protect patients and the supernaturals who work to help them. The doctors are a mix of healers and those with no healing power, but they all are trained. The buildings are all constructed with scent neutralizers, so as not to overwhelm the patients with enhanced senses- it can be a little disorienting, as the walls seem to absorb scents. Those are the technical details- now for the visual description. Driving up, there is very little to see on the highway, except the mountains trees, and snow, driving into the large parking lot there is a lot set aside for ambulances and trauma, just between the intense healing building and it's sister area in the clinic. A few doctors take shifts in the clinic trauma centre on a rotating basis. The other three buildings are respectively, five stories for international, four for intensive healing, and four for mental health. the buildings all look like a cross between grecian and modern architecture, supported by pillars. I can do descriptions for the second and third buildings if you need, but here's hoping we won't have much set in there. In central Denver, Upper East Side New York, and Los Angeles, there is a white building with a green cross on the front, and a tiled entryway with one person manning a desk. Just inside the door a portal shows the main lobby, with flashes of light flickering around the edges of the image. passing through the portal would feel like putting your hand in jello, but your entire body. Walking into (or being deposited by a portal into) the clinic building, you are greeted by a wide, open area five floors high, with balconies at each floor. There is a blue glass dome ceiling, letting the natural light in and refracting it. The building inside is white and grey, with Grecian style architecture. Pillars support each floor, each with a sconce that lights up as night falls. There are stairs to each floor, as well as elevators. To the right of the entrance is the waiting area, filled with comfortable chairs of various colors, and a small, set in pool that connects to the other buildings. Straight back is the general medicine, and to the left is injury and trauma. The clinic itself is about equal in capability to a hospital. The balcony above is lined with rooms- patients who made appointments are often seen there. Above that are the offices that keep the centre running, with scheduling and the like. ------------------------------------------------------- Species ------------------------------------------------------- Species in this world can be anything- even species with the same name can be different. For example, there could be werewolves that perpetually have wolf features and must turn on the full moon, or human-appearing werewolves that are only tempted to turn on the full moon, or anywhere in between. I have a few species worked out, for which the rules will never change: Changelings are the product of Fey Magic encountering a growing human soul. The more magic involved the more powerful the changeling will be. Modern genetic testing has proven that the changelings are genetically purely human, with any enhanced characteristics being the product of their magical influence. Faeries (Seelie) are the only species no longer found anywhere on earth. originally they lived in a separate realm and travelled back and forth between their home, and this world. Political issues arose, and the seelie sealed themselves off somewhere around the 1700's Dragons ; It is said they are as old as the earth and will die when it does. They used to be one, a hundred-headed dragon, each head with their own mind, named Ladon, but after failing to protect the tree of immortality, they were split in to a hundred different dragons. The main head, was cursed by the gods to be unable to interact with any of the other heads. Dragons cannot be killed. Ladon- the main head- knows this firsthand. The first few hundred years after he was separated he spent trying to die- until Avery got ahold of him. They meet up every few years for things now, and he was the one to help Avery found the Centre. So, dragons are always white, except Ladon, who has a red crest on his head. Ladon protests both their classification with the Eastern Ryuu and the Western Drako, preferring to be called a "Helenistic Drake" ------------------------------------------------------- Boring stuff (Rules) ------------------------------------------------------- -Respect Lioden Rules -No Godmodding -Follow your character's agenda, not your own. -This is a literate RP, full sentences please. - Clearly indicate what character you are roleplaying. - No Time-Travel (You can put an indicator as the first line of your post with your character's name. Indicate again if you switch characters.) -Have fun Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 26/12/17 @ 20:38:50 by Eden πΉ π₯Triple Rosette (#113650) |
Darkness (#102911)
Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-06 11:02:22 |
Andrea Giving a nod and a quick muttered 'Thank you, goodnight' - even though it wasn't that late - the Caster left the room and headed up in pursuit of the stairs and his room, utterly confused by what Avery meant about 'his son'. Maybe his mentor had a son?... Andrea couldn't see it, it just seemed impossible to him for a man like Avery to be a father. Anywho. The stairs part was easy. Finding his room however? Not so much. Avery might have brought wandering around up as a suggestion, but it turned out to be unavoidable. Andrea had the talent of getting lost anywhere; a witch he once travelled with joked about him having gotten lost in his mother's womb as well. It... Actually wasn't so implausible. At last, about an hour or so later, the Caster found a door that felt like it was the third on the left. There was no way for him to know, the claim had absolutely no grounds, but it felt like the sought door. Ungodly polite and cautious as usual, Andrea knocked on the door and asked "Is this the third door on the left?" but then didn't wait any confirmation and decided that was, indeed, the third door on the left, and barged inside in the form of a fuzzy sandy-tan cat in case someone was inside. I mean, cats are cute, no one would ever hurt a cat. (well I'm writing excessively, do we have a term for that?) ![]() Edited on 06/01/18 @ 11:04:49 by Darkness (#102911) |
Eden πΉπ₯π€G1 Dawn Vit (#116337) Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-06 12:32:46 |
(When I do it it's called word vomit, or 'my muse got the riding crop again') Steve Steve made a laughing noise that was reminiscent of a happy fox when Ari climbed up too, and closed all of his eyes. The being took a second to revel in the /warm/safe/content that he could feel, even without being an empath. He remembered when he was little, before he fell through the rift, his dad- or someone, he wasn't sure- in a warm, fluffy sweater and a lab coat, singing. Old memories. Leo Leo started purring, the vibrations enough to make the couch shake slightly. He was drifting off as the door opened. He hadn't registered the knocking- neither had Steve apparently. The door opened, revealing a Caster- shapeshifter? Leo startled, jumping up and shifting back as he registered the question. "You got the third door on the right." He said, hiding his surprise. "Did my athair- sorry - did Avery send you up here? The room across the hall has been empty, but I was going to talk to them tonight about someone moving in." Leo sounded a bit sheepish. ![]() |
o_leander (#114927)
Astral View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-06 14:31:13 |
~ARI~ The couch trembled slightly with the force of Leo's purring, causing little Ari to shake with it. However, he didn't mind it all that much, simply nestling deeper into Steve's side with a huff. When a sudden sound went off from the door, he sprung into motion; leaping to his paws with an alarmed hissing snarl, fur ruffled as he stared down at an intruding feline. The sandy cat didn't seem to mean any harm, but he had been taken by utter surprise. He felt immensely vulnerable for a moment, the feeling of safety vanishing like dew in the heat of the morning sun, burning it away. Breath coming in shallow gasps as the dhole-shifter crouched, flattening himself to the couch to calm himself, he tried to fluff up his russet pelt as much as possible to make him seem even slightly bigger than he really was. In a flash, the small canine would spin and dive behind Steve, wriggling into the small gap between his back and the couch, curling himself into a ball with a whine. ![]() |
Eden πΉβοΈπ Vit G1 Primal (#113650) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-06 15:35:20 |
Steve Steve re-positioned to allow Ari to hide in a small space between him, the back of the couch, and the arm of the couch. Ari seemed terrified, although Steve didn't see the harm in the small cat... or whatever. Reaching, Ari settled a hand on Ari's neck, meaning to calm the shifter. He opened his third eye, if only to look more intimidating, and looked at the small ginger tabby who seemed horribly outmatched by the terrified Dhole, and the startled and slightly defensive lion. Steve stayed quiet, letting Leo handle it. ![]() |
Darkness (#102911)
Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-07 23:01:24 |
(vomit it is then) Andrea Of course he had gotten the wrong room. Of course. Andrea wasn't even surprised by this. Although only getting on the wrong side of the hallway was an achievement. The tan tom-cat pulled his head back in a sort of equivalent to rolling his eyes and hissed a sigh, the best he could to sound unthreatening. Not like he didn't have the right to puff up. There were a lot of people in this room, but taking the form of a cat didn't give him the creature's atributes, so for now he had no idea just how many people made this sausage party; or even if it was a sausage party altogether. That does beg the question, if a girl joins a sausage party of four does it become a hot dog and three quarters party? Finally, the Caster skipped gracefully on his feline legs into the center of the room, letting his current form have the same fate as that of the python's; but instead of smoking out into the aether, the bits and pieces of flesh and bone stretched and rearranged to form Andrea's human-looking form. "Yes sorry to intrude, I was looking for my room. I'm Andrea, Avery Waite's apprentice." the man introduced himself with a shaky voice, more or less asking than claiming his name and identity. ![]() |
Eden πΉβοΈπ Vit G1 Primal (#113650) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-07 23:17:55 |
Leo Leo's eyebrows were making a very impressive attempt to escape into his hairline. "Athair took an apprentice? Well welcome I guess." Leo was equal parts shocked, dismayed, and confused. Shocked that his father took an apprentice without telling him, dismayed that he would have to work out something else for Ari, and confused at the fact the Caster didn't even seen to know what was going on. Right on cue, he heard Avery's voice projected to him. Leo, just a warning, some things happened, I'll give you the full story later, but there is a blind Caster who should be making his way to your floor at some point. I took him as an apprentice, so behave. Leo felt the connection break with relief. He never liked having his father in his head. Too weird. Leo stepped aside, a slight smile touching his lips. "Steve and I were getting aquatinted with a new... friend. I'm afraid you startled us." Steve Once he realized there was absolutely no danger, Steve continued to watch, pulling his legs up on the couch and lifting Ari out from behind him. He settled the shifter in his lap, running his fingers through Ari's fur soothingly. What are you thinking? Steve projected at Avery, and only got the mental equivalent of a shrug in response. ![]() |
Darkness (#102911)
Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-08 01:15:01 |
Andrea Registering Leo's words, the Caster backed off a few steps with his hands held up, apologetic in every feature of his being. "Oh God, I'm sorry then, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you in any way..." Andrea stuttered, instinctively huddling into a more compact and defensive stance. He wasn't usually that self-conscious or scared of strangers, but this time it seemed important; this new character, whatever his name was - unfortunately, Andrea had to refrain from trying to enter Leo's mind for several reasons - called Avery a title that seemed important. Wait... "You are... Avery Waite's son?" Andrea asked quite sheepishly, a tad more relaxed now. At last it was time to find out what this son business was all about. ![]() |
Eden πΉπ₯π€G1 Dawn Vit (#116337) Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-08 01:38:14 |
Leo Leo ruffled his hair. "Yeah... Oh, I'm being rude. Come in." He stepped aside, walking over to lean against the wall. "I'm Leo, a lion-shifter hybrid, Avery's son in the fact that he was about fifty percent responsible for raising me. I actually have very little idea who my biological parents are, I was at an orphanage, and brought to the United States where Ladon claimed me as his ward. Since Ladon and Avery are so close, Avery basically took on the role of second parent." Leo liked to put everything on the table right from the start. "Also in the room is Steven Carlson, our resident 'being with a third eye' and my brother in all but blood and paperwork, and Ari, a canid shifter, and new to the Centre." ![]() |
Darkness (#102911)
Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-08 07:54:19 |
Andrea Andrea stepped inside the room, not because he necessarily wanted to spend time with these new characters - he would've rather chosen his mentor's company, frankly - but because otherwise he would've been marked down as rude. However much reputation weighed in those times was unsure, but the Caster had been brought up in the culture of moral aesthetic. He waved awkwardly in the direction of the others, registering their identities, being the most interested in the lion shifter; also relieved that there were no blood bonds between Leo and Avery. That would've made things awkward. The Caster also appreciated how this man, who knew nothing about him and he knew nothing about, so openly spoke about himself; it was remarkable. Also notable was the way that Leo spoke. In short, Andrea instantly came to be very fond of his mentor's son. Feeling a shard of guilt bite at him, the Caster decided that he had to introduce himself in a more proper manner as well. He walked - rather unsteadily - over to the couch and sat down making himself comfortable as much as possible, which meant cross-legged like a shy schoolgirl at a sleepover. "It's an honor to meet you, Leo. Sir." The addition of 'sir' felt good next to Leo's name, it clicked melodically in Andrea's mind. He would keep calling Leo that. "Uh, as I said I'm Andrea... I'm... A Caster and I'm here to learn healing. And I guess I'm not very interesting and I don't even know why I brought myself up, I'm not a good subject at all..." the Caster gulped, following with a soft nervous cackle. (I'm vomiting again shit) ![]() Edited on 08/01/18 @ 07:55:59 by Darkness (#102911) |
o_leander (#114927)
Astral View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-08 17:04:31 |
~ARI~ The conversation bounced back and forth, and the canine found there was an uncomfortable tension in the air. Steve's hands had soon wrapped around hi thin body, lifting the dhole-shifter into his lap. Ari had been quick to sit up, rounded ears perking inquisitively. The new man claimed to be a Caster, yet he could shapeshift. Wrinkling his nose, the male breathed in Andrea's scent raptly, alert as he sized up a potential opponent. His mind was always whirring, analysing, storing away new information, memorising, thinking. With a critical eye, he scanned Andrea's physique, finding this new being to not be much of a physical fighter. However, he assumed the Caster had hidden talents up his sleeves. He was interested to listen to a new and unbeknownst to him snippet of Leo's life. A calculative honey gaze tracked the Caster as he tumbled his merry way over to the couch seating himself cross-legged. Blinking, he stepped off of Steve's lap, padding over to Andrea. Cautiously, he leaned closer, sniffing the seemingly clumsy young man. Deeming him safe, for the moment, the canine reared up, resting his paws on Andrea's shoulder. Looking him over, his ears twitched once before he shapeshifted into human form, pushing himself away from the Caster. Sitting in a position much like the other, he pulled his legs onto the couch, knees at his chest and arms wrapped around them. ![]() Edited on 08/01/18 @ 17:05:42 by Skye {TOASTTT} (#114927) |
Hawkmask (#41743)
Famous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-08 20:44:51 |
Nehema Trailing slowly along the skywalk, Nehema took her time getting to building four. No one was in sight when she opened the door with her free arm, glancing around curiously. She wasn't sure whether this building was restricted, based on how quiet it was, but she figured it was safe to check out anyway; her centre issued clothing ans name tag for easy ID marked her out as a patient as clearly as her injuries did, and the pheonix doubted they'd give her too hard a time because of it. The doors leading to the stairs, and then the garden had to be around there somewhere... The sound of voices down the hall distracted her, pausing her uneven step. They didn't sound like they were arguing... and the tones even didn't sound unfriendly. Nehema by choice usually avoided company, despite how much she really wanted it, but soon found her steps leading her to the voices. She slowed as the open door came into view, but didn't stop entirely until practically there. The pretty redhead glanced in the doorway, somewhat surprised to see it was much more like a dorm than a hospital room, then proceeded to observe the four men in the room. She opened her mouth to say something, but quite suddenly found she had no excuse for being there or saying anything, and so closed it again without a word, beginning to blush. This was why she avoided people. Some of it, anyway. ![]() |
Eden πΉπ₯π€G1 Dawn Vit (#116337) Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-08 20:51:26 |
(You both do the bolding speech thing. It it a thing I should do?) Leo Leo relaxed when Ari did, smiling lightly at the non-threatening looking Caster. He choked on a purr as Andrea spoke, the unfamiliar title putting him off balance for a second before he got himself back under reign. "You seem like an interesting subject to me." He said softly, almost suggestively as he looked up and over at Andrea. He didn't mean to flirt, it was just how it came out, honest. He reached over to put his hand on Ari's ankle, the easiest thing for him to reach, and made a note to get the other shifter a good pair of shoes. "Ladon is busy with a witch we- and by we I mean James- brought here a few weeks ago. He is the head of the Runners, just as Avery is the head of the Centre. There is one little problem I see forming right now- we don't have space for everyone. Ari, I was going to ask you to join us, the Runners. I think you'd be great actually. But the one free room was just given to Andrea here." Leo talked as he thought, with very little regard for how things would end up ![]() |
Eden πΉπ₯π€G1 Dawn Vit (#116337) Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-08 20:57:38 |
Steve Steve noticed the door closing, even as Leo focused on the two newcomers. He got up, tapping Leo on the shoulder twice, the signal for be back soon, before slipping out the door to see a phoenix- a patient. How in the name of all things angelic had a patient managed to wander so far? There were supposed to be locked doors. Several of them. Unless someone had left the staircase doors propped open to air things out, a probable occurrence. He reached for the girl, a question forming on his lips, eyes fixed intently on the patient. ![]() |
Darkness (#102911)
Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-08 22:53:30 |
(dunno. I do it so it's easier to see what's dialogue and what's not because I oftenly miss the " " thingies) Andrea However thankful the Caster found himself that someone was attempting to break the burdening tension in the room, he certainly wasn't expecting to be sniffed. And then literally mounted. The physical embodiment of the phrase "why though" was carved in his features, arched eyebrows in dismay and that slight tint of creeped out in every puzzled flutter of his eyes. He couldn't say that was the first time he was being sniffed by a dog, but he certainly didn't have much experience with such occurences either. After a while allowing the shifter to have his way, Andrea poked at the canide a couple of times, hoping not to hit the other's eyes; he was too tired now to cast a wave and see where each man stood. And then to top it all off, the sir Leo character made his own intervention that only served to fluster Andrea. The Caster couldn't hold himself but blush at the tone in which such an otherwise meaningless phrase was spoken; he could only hope that Leo didn't mean it to sound like that. "Well, I'm used to sleeping outside, so... I can make myself a tent or something. Ari can have the room. Or, I guess we could share it?..." The reason why Andrea left sharing the room as a second alternative was because he really didn't want to bother the shifter, who had shown to be rather defensive. ![]() Edited on 08/01/18 @ 23:41:41 by Darkness (#102911) |
q BlazeRed q (#27478)
![]() Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-09 01:28:07 |
Mhari Mhari nodded, "I don't doubt that he's strong. He has to be something for you to choose him as an apprentice." She commented with a small laugh, glancing around and enjoying the calming scents of the garden. "I just don't know if he likes me very much." Walking in on someone when they were having an important conversation wasn't exactly the best introduction, and Andrea had seemed a little upset. 'I should stop jumping to conclusions, he wouldn't hate me after just meeting me.' She thought to herself. Noticing that she was drifting off into her own thoughts, Mhari quickly snapped back into reality, twirling around to face Avery, "but enough about that. Tell me what you did while you were gone! Did anything interesting happen?" The smile was back on her lips once again. ![]() |