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Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-07-24 18:32:03
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Medicine Cat Den

Mumblepaw would look down at the thyme Horsetail had place down. He'd chew on the leaves softly before looking around at the stocks of herbs around the den. How come he hadn't noticed this before, it was outstanding! Though it most certainly wasn't in his right to do so Mumblepaw somewhat wanted to make his own little herb bundle for Swiftstrike. Maybe he could give it to Snowecho? He'd look over at Horsetail for a moment before padding over to the herbs. Swiftstrike got struck by surprise, so he must be in great shock. Thyme would be good for that, chamomile aswell. With all the smoke he inhaled his throat must be in great pain, some honey will do fine. Could it be possible that Swiftstrike has burns, does lightning even do that? Should I place comfrey in anyway? Maybe I'll put two poppy seeds in for good measures. He'd think while wrapping the herbs together before looking down at it. He had mixed feelings about actually keeping it, he was no true Medicine Cat after all. But he still had some pride in it. "On second thought.. I shouldn't.." He'd huff while staring at his bundle.

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Sam (#142259)

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Posted on
2018-07-24 18:33:24
Swiftstrike|27 Moons|warrior|1/30 Health|outside of Camp|
Swiftstrike hated that his apprentice, the one he was suppose tp be converting, was converting him. He didn't show any of this, he didn't;t want to hurt Harepaw's feelings, and he didn't have much control of his expressions. He did, however, like the touch she did on his nose. It felt like the little warmth left. He tried to smile but couldn't. He just started at her, not able to do anything else.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-24 18:39:51
Snowecho - 23 moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Clan Territory, Camp - Mentions: Stormberry, Swiftstrike, Harepaw, Horsetail, Mumblepaw, Stripepaw Open!

Snowecho walked close by Stormberry, keeping himself alert of their surroundings as they walked through the forest. He flinched every now and then when flashes of lighting lit up the sky and forest. Once he could see camp, he ran ahead a little, just to make sure the herbs they needed were ready. He knew Harepaw and Stormberry would keep a close eye on Swiftstrike, the tom was in safe paws. He did not look around camp after he entered, just headed for the medicine cat den and disappeared inside. He was relieved to see Horsetail already finding herbs. He noticed Mumblepaw there as well, along with Stripepaw. Though something was off with Stripepaw... Had he moved since he left? He hoped not, as that could possibly cause the apprentice to make his shoulder worse than it already was.

Softpaw - 11 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Camp - Mentions: Icepaw

Softpaw flinched whenever he heard the cracks and rumbles of thunder. He still laid in his nest, scared out of his mind, and in desperate need of some soothing herbs. He heard paw steps approaching the apprentice den and dared to look up from his nest. He saw Icepaw, guessing she was probably looking for Snowpaw. He guessed the two were half-sisters, as there was a moon between them. "I-Icepaw?" He called shakily, his voice laced with fear. He was almost certain that his fear scent could be smelled from the other side of their territory.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-07-24 18:50:01
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: Mumblepaw, Snowecho|Mentions Indirectly: Stripepaw, Swiftstrike|Location: Medicine cat den

The sand colored tom had walked over to Stripepaw again, just to make sure that the apprentice had taken the herbs, when Horestail's ears suddenly started burning. Well not really his ears, it was more like his nose was sending a warning signal to his brain. Letting his blue-green eyes wander around the den, he wondered where Mumblepaw had gone off to.
Spotting a tail tip disappearing into the herb store, Horsetails rage built. Walking to the entrance, he looked inside. Mumblepaw was gathering herbs, what was the apprentice thinking? But before Horsetail could walk in a tell the young cat off, he noticed what herbs he was gathering. That was Honey, Comfrey, and Poppy Seeds! He was packing herbs for Swiftstrike. Walking in, much calmer now, Horsetail said, "Poppy would not be so good, it would make him too sleepy, for now at least, we would need Swiftstrike to stay awake too tell us when something hurt."
Before he could praise the young warrior apprentice for knowing that these herbs would help Swiftstrike, he smelled Snowecho coming in. Turning quickly on his heels, the medicine cat headed out to meet the other tom. "How is Swiftstrike? I have already prepared Thyme, Honey, and Dandelion leaves and a nest for him. I could not think of much else too add", Horsetail said, looking passed Snowecho to see if he could spot Swiftstrike.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-07-24 18:59:08
Harepaw~8 moons~Apprentice~18/18~Camp~Mentions: Swiftstrike, Mumblepaw, Stripepaw, Snowecho, Horsetail, Stormberry, *OPEN*
The she cat stayed by her mentors side until the entrance to the cat, where she wouldn't be able to fit. But she kept close behind the warriors, her for brushing against the warriors that carried him. She was quickly by his side again when they came into camp. She was relieved to see Horstail come their way. She looked back at Swiftstrike and gave him another touch of her nose.

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-07-24 19:00:32
Icepaw-6 moons-med cat apprentice-18/18-Camp
Icepaw looks at Softpaw relieved that there was at least a cat here that could answer her questions." Softpaw! What happened?" Why is there so much fear-scent throughout the whole camp. She flicked her tail she really wanted to shake the water out of her fur but, she didn't want to get Softpaw all wet. He looked scared out of his mind. Maybe she should get him some thyme. Yes she would do that to calm his mind. She would have to ask Snowecho to make sure that thyme was the right herb.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-07-24 19:06:11
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Medicine Cat Den

Mumblepaw's ears would perk when he heard Horsetail begin to speak. He was expecting to get told off, scolded for doing what he was doing. But instead he got a calmer response from the tom. 'What's this?' He'd look over at the cat as he began explaining why he shouldn't be putting in poppy seeds. "I see.. I'll put them away then." He'd pick up the two poppy seeds he had and put the back where they should be. He'd watch Horsetail trot over to Snowecho. As for Snowecho, Mumblepaw didn't think he'd be as forgiving. His heart was racing as his instincts drove him into panic. He'd hide the bundle under his tail, though it was still quite visible.

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-07-24 19:12:14
Willowstar - 32 Moons - Leader - 40/40 HP - Camp/River - Mentions: Newtpaw, Wolfpaw, Duskflight

Moments after she finished speaking, a loud crack echoed in her ears and she could feel the ground rumble beneath her paws. Her eyes narrowed and knew that it was something that she should check out. “Pardon me, Newtpaw. I’ll be back soon. I didn’t like the sound or feel of that so I’m going to check and make sure everything is alright.” She offered him a smile before quickly trotting out of the leaders den. Her nose twitched as she tried to catch any scents that may indicate any danger, but she didn’t have too much luck due to the rain picking up and starting to wash away the scent around the camp. Scanning over the camp, she noticed quite a few cats missing and wasn’t sure whether they were out training, on a patrol, or off doing their own thing.

As she thought it over, the scenery around her caused some unpleasant memories to stir and she gave a quick shake of her head to try and push them away. It wasn’t a way how she wanted to remember her late brother and littermate. At the thought of her brother, something passed through her mind and she turned to see if she could spot who she was looking for. It was then she realized that she had overheard the fluffy tom go out earlier and figured that he might still be out there. Though it wasn’t a common occurrence, it wouldn’t be the first time lightning had stuck the area and from past occurrences, she figured that it had to have been a lightning bolt and the thunder the caused the ground to rumble. Thoughts about her brothers plaguing her mind, she couldn’t sit still and let her younger brother stay out in the storm with how it was, and with that, she turned tail and swiftly made her way out of the camp.

Thankfully, the forest had enough cover to preserve a good portion of the scents and it wasn’t long before she picked up both Wolfpaw and Duskflight’s. The female leader kept a fast pace as she hurried after the scents and realized that it was leading her to the river. The realization caused her to feel cold, and not from the fact that her pelt was wet. It would give her a chance to see if the storm could cause the river to flood at all, and if that were the case, then she could have cats stay away from it. As her mind drifted, she finally stumbled upon both toms and felt relieved when everything seemed fine. Willowstar dipped her head in both greeting and apologetically to them. “Apologies for disturbing the both of you. I hate to cut the training session short, but due to lightning striking so close to the camp, i’d feel better if everyone returned back to the camp to make sure everyone is alright.”

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-24 19:16:35
Snowecho - 23 moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Medicine Cat Den - Mentions: Horsetail, Mumblepaw, Stripepaw(ID), Icepaw(ID), Swiftstrike (ID) Open!

Snowecho nodded as Horsetail listed the herbs he had prepared, thinking a bit harder. "We could add some chamomile, for strength." He mewed, turning to look at the camp entrance through the crack in the big stone that was the medicine cat den. He pushed his nose through the ferns that grew close to the entrance. "He's conscious, Stormberry is carrying him back." He informed, turning back and getting some moss to soak in the tiny pool close to the herb store, where he spotted Mumblepaw. He noticed the herbs right away, but was too worried and stressed about Swiftstrike and Stripepaw to care. "Just make sure you know which herbs you're taking. You're not a trained medicine cat, or an apprentice of ours." He warned, though not sounding like he was scolding him. He soaked the moss, then padded back to the nest that was prepared for Swiftstrike. "Have you seen Icepaw?" He asked, turning to Horsetail.

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Edited on 24/07/18 @ 20:51:09 by Andy-tired-af (WCU) (#117962)

path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-07-24 19:28:20
Icepaw-6 moons-med cat apprentice-18/18-Camp
Icepaw felt like she was wasting time waiting for the scared apprentice to answer. "Well I'm going to get you some thyme. It will help you feel more calm." She starts backing out of the apprentices den. She walks fast over to the medicine cat den. Not wanting to get her fur drenched even more. She walks into the medicine den. "Hey Snowecho... Is everything all right? There is fear-scent everywhere and ......Well you see I went out of the den and found that Softpaw is in need of thyme. But, before that do you need help with anything?" She looks at him hoping that he would allow her to get the thyme first. Softpaw looked like he really needed it.

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-07-24 19:28:20

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Edited on 24/07/18 @ 19:31:41 by Hermione2242 (#144944)

Sam (#142259)

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Posted on
2018-07-24 19:29:55
Swiftstrike | 27 Moons |Warrior | 1/30 | camp
Swiftstrike watched the medicine cats talking he wanted to say that he was fine. He took a deep breath. He knew they needed him to stay awake. He wanted to stay awake, holding on to what life he had left. He wished he hadn't gotten out of bed today, none of this would be happening. Bad luck, the thinks, if I were anywhere else I would be fine. He still couldn't hear what other cats were saying unless they were in his face, but he could tell the ringing had faded at bit, the rain sounded loader.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-07-24 19:36:17
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Medicine Cat Den

Mumblepaw would listen carefully to the warnings Snowecho gave him as he watched the tom soak moss. He was in a bit of shock when he didn't get much of a scolding from him either. But there was a smoked cat, aswell as one with a possible permanent injury, so of course they didn't have much time for a nosey Apprentice. He'd look at his bundle to double check the herbs he'd gotten. 'Honey, comfrey.. I put away the poppy seeds, Snowecho and Horsetail seem to have the thyme and chamomile covered..' He'd scan through his little pile. 'Wait, I was worried over honey and comfrey? Really?' He'd hiss to himself, though maybe he should've been worried. Who knows, maybe too much honey and comfrey could kill you like poppy seeds can? He'd give a small huff.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-24 19:42:24
Stripepaw|11 Moons|Apprentice|6/18 Health|Medicine Den

Stripepaw ate the bundle. It didn't taste too bad but that didn't mean he liked it. He shivered again as he looked out in the storm. He started feeling a bit calmer but still a bit nervous. He swallowed the Dandelion and waited for it to work it's magic. He felt the pain in his shoulder start to hurt less. He was glad that herbs always worked fast in his body.

Hawkpaw|9 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Clan Territory|Green Bandana on Neck

Hawkpaw saw the fear in Snowpaw's eyes. They were the same fear that shown in his bright green eyes. He knew he needed to be strong, for Snowpaw. Hawkpaw touched his nose to Snowpaw. "It'll be okay, once the storm passes we will go back to camp." He pulled away and tucked his prey away. They could be in here a while and he didn't want to go eating the prey. Hawkpaw shivered again and started licking his ruffled fur. He looked back to Snowpaw. "I wish I were in camp too." He admitted. "Let's change the subject, how have you been? Despite the storm?" He asked smiling. He wanted to get to know the apprentice better. Maybe this was his chance.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-24 19:43:00
Sunstar - 24 moons - Co-Leader - 40/40 HP - Territory - Mentions: Softpaw, Willowstar (Indirectly)

Sunstar wasn't surprised that Softpaw went immediately to his den when they arrived back at camp, so he proceeded to head to the leaders den to take cover from the rain. He curled up, licking his side to clean his fur. After he looked better, he shoved his nose in his fur, and took a big sigh. Maybe Willowstar will be showing up soon. He wanted to rid his mind of all the problems that they have right now, and deal with them in the morning.
He heard faint noises of cats out in the clearing, but couldn't make out any words. Not bothering to care anymore at this point, Sunstar closed his eyes, willing for sleep to come.

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