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Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-08-12 19:00:35
Spottedpaw -6moons -apprentice-15/18-Camp
Spottedpaw looks at Mumblepaw. She winces again. She could see the fire coming closer every second. She starts coughing. The smoke feels like it is everywhere. "Okay where is the entrance?" She couldn't think straight. Was everyone out already? "She starts limping in a random direction hoping that the entrance was somewhere around there. "Mumblepaw? Where is the entrance? " She starts to panic she can't really see anything through the fire and smoke. Why was StarClan doing This to them? Was StarClan angry? She felt as all the air was being squeezed out of her lungs.

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Edited on 12/08/18 @ 19:24:00 by Hermione2242 (#144944)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-12 19:15:35
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 16/18 | Camp | Mentions: Spottedpaw / Stripepaw

"Gaaah" He'd sighed. Spottedpaw look so determined to get him, looks like he had no choice but to go along. He'd rush after the she into the Medicine Den, He felt his soak fur bristle against the fire. "Great Starclan.." He groaned in pain, it seems the water hadn't help at all.. his side got burned in the process. At least I listened to Hawkpaw.. He sighed, glad that he actually heaved Hawkpaw's advice. "Stripepaw..? Spottedpaw..?" He let out a painful wheeze, he hated this already.

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Edited on 12/08/18 @ 19:22:49 by Komasan {Breeding Addict} (#147164)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-12 19:27:01
Hawkpaw|9 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Camp

Hawkpaw felt his paw get burned in the fire. He let out a yowl and fell back. He gasped for air. His lungs were full of smoke. Hawkpaw felt his vision become blurry. He couldn't see anything. The tom stood back up. They would have to evacuate camp. He ran over to Mumblepaw. "We have to get out of here, there is no way of stopping it." He meowed gasping for air. He coughed and looked to his paw. It was all red and puffy. He noticed it was the same paw that he had gotten cut. The fire hadn't done much damage but it had burned off some fur. The tom looked to Mumblepaw seeing double. The smoke was messing with his mind.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-12 19:35:48
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 16/18 | Camp | Mentions: Hawkpaw / Spottedpaw

Mumblepaw wheezed, he couldn't stand it anymore. At this point Stripepaw was as good as dead if he were in here. Mumblepaw didn't have much against Stripepaw.. in fact he had a mutual respect towards the tom. But he was not going to risk Spottedpaw's life any longer. "I'm sorry Spottedpaw but we have to leave, we'll die in here!" He let out a small hiss as he dragged the she, carefully pulling her out from den. He saw Hawkpaw near who was calling out to him. "Evacuate huh?" He shouted. He looked around, he was sure the Warriors would take care of this. Mumblepaw's only job was to grab his fellow Apprentices and evacuate. "Looks like we don't have much of a choice! Spottedpaw.." He looked back to the she. "I have to get you out of here.. you're injured. I promise I'll come back and look for Stripepaw if he isn't already outside Camp." He reassured.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-08-12 19:58:36
Lioncloud|59 Moons Old|Elder|Health 12/12|Mentions Directly: Sunstar|Mentions Indirectly: Snowecho, Duskflight, Swiftstrike, Stromberry|Location: Camp

Lioncloud had looked up, as Stormberry was being carried into the medicine cat den. The deputy had a strange scent on him that wreaked of burnt flesh, not another cat struck by lightning! The elder shook his large head in disbelief, what was Starclan doing?
First Swiftstrike, then Duskflight, and now even one of their deputies. Lioncloud got up, to help with Stromberry. The deputy was quite large and the elder could see that Snowecho was having difficulties carrying him into the med cat den. Before the large tom could make it very far through, a booming lightning strike lit up the camp. With wide eyes, Lioncloud looked outside. Fire! There was fire spreading in the camp. The large tom stood rooted to the spot for a few heartbeats, he was torn as to where to go. Should he help evacuate everyone to safety or help put out the fire?
Digging his claws into the dirt, Lioncloud made up his mind. As quickly as his old legs could carry him, the large tom headed over to Stormberry's side. He could see that the deputy was trying to move, the elder could also see that it was impossible. If only the other tom was a bit smaller, he could maybe drag him out.
Hearing the commotion outside rising, Lioncloud's mind razed. As paw steps reentered the den, the elder looked up, it was Snowecho and Sunstar. While the medicine cat grabbed Softpaw, Lioncloud pointed with his tail to Stormberry. He would definitely need Sunstar's help, if they wanted to get the deputy to safety. Not really caring if he sounded disrespectful to the leader, seriously he had known Sunstar since the tom had been a kit tumbling around in the nursery, Lioncloud called out, "Sunster! Take Stormberry's other side." Leaning down, the large elder pushed Stromberry up off the nest. He was only able to just hold the tom up, he could definitely not walk him to safety alone.

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-08-12 19:58:44
Spottedpaw -6moons -apprentice -14/18-Camp
Spottedpaw didn't feel like she could speak. She felt as she couldn't breath any more. She nods her head as Mumblepaw speaks. She starts to limp over to the entrance. There was two which lead to outside? She feels a searing pain on her shoulder. The stench of fur is getting even stronger. She turns to see her shoulder burning. She limps through a entrance scared of burning any other part of her body. She bumps her nose in a wall. Feeling everything searing in pain she gets up and heads through the other one. finally she is out of camp. Spottedpaw looks back to see if Mumblepaw and Hawkpaw are out yet.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-12 20:14:08
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 13/18 | Camp --> Outside Camp

Mumblepaw wheezed, his lungs were practically filled with smoke. He decided to suck it up and cough it out. The apprentice barely managed to slip out of the Medicine Den, but he did. His eyes were red and watery from the smoke and the fact that his eyes were tearing up only made it worse. He'd slowly limped and crawled his way to the Camp Entrance. He could see that Spottedpaw was already exiting, that was the only thing he cared about besides his current state. I refuse to die.. I'm not dying yet Starclan.. I still have so many things left to do.. He wheezed before collapsing to the cool ground. He did it, he got out of Camp. Spottedpaw was safe, he was sure Hawkpaw was coming, and if Stripepaw wasn't in Camp then he would've already fled. He got as many Apprentices as he could, it wasn't as much as he wanted but he tried. Mumblepaw just wanted to rest now. He looked around, where was Spottedpaw? "S-Spottedpaw..?" He wheezed, he didn't have the strength to get back up again. He just laid there, he then took in a deep breathe before passing out. Spottedpaw. He wheezed the she's name in his mind.

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Edited on 12/08/18 @ 20:31:25 by Komasan {Breeding Addict} (#147164)

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2018-08-12 20:23:53
Hollowfall | 26 Moons | Co-Deputy | 26/30 HP | Camp | Mentions: Featherheart / Earthquake / Spottedpaw, Mumblepaw, and Hawkpaw / Stormberry, Lioncloud, Sunstar, Snowecho

He heard Earthquake yell at him that they needed to make the flames die down and he nodded in understanding. Hollowfall rushed up to the fiery blaze and began scraping dirt on it. After he'd begun, he felt a burning sensation on his tail before realizing that he'd stuck it too close to the flames and it was now burned at the tip, about to be caught on fire. He let out a yelp of pain, drawing his tail closer to him, but none of them seemed to be able to calm the roaring, spreading fire. "Everyone! Evacuate the camp! Move now!" He yowled loudly, hoping he could be heard above the flames. He turned his head to Featherheart before he spoke, "Help get everyone out. If they breath in too much smoke, they will die," though at the end it turned more into a bout of coughing. His lungs ached for fresh air and it burned to take in breaths as he looked around, seeing the apprentices helping each other out, but then his gaze caught where Lioncloud, Snowecho, and Sunstar were struggling to carry Stormberry. It looked like they were managing just fine. Hollowfall spun on his paws, looking if there was someone who needed help before he went running off to someone's aid again.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-12 20:27:02
Hawkpaw|9 Moons|Apprentice|17/18 Health|Camp

Hawkpaw looked to Mumblepaw. "Let's go." He gasped and poked his head in the Medicine Den. It was filled with smoke. He felt his eyes water up. "I hate smoke." He meowed coughing again. He felt himself growing weaker. He wasn't getting enough oxygen. He saw Hollowfall. He walked towards the deputy but then felt his legs break. He fell to the ground his eyes closing. He passed out halfway to Hollowfall.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2018-08-12 20:31:08
Featherheart - 15 Moons - warrior - 30/30 Health -Camp -

Featherheart sprinted to Hawkpaw she picked him up and started to drag him out of camp.She had breathed in a ton of smoke already but she wasnt about to let Hawkpaw die.She set him outside camp then she went back for anyone else who needed help.Her lungs hated the smoke but her clanmates came first.The smoke was making it a little harder to see but she manged to look around for anyone who needed help

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 08:29:46
Earthquake|32 Moons|Warrior|30/30|Camp|Mentions: Snowball, Hollowfall, Brambleheart
Earthquake stopped digging, hearing Hollowfall demand to evacuate, realizing that their struggle to put out the fire was rather futile. He backed away, getting ready to leave camp, butting Snowball in the shoulder to usher her out "C'mon, we have to go..." Snowball hesitated at first "T-the camp..."she mewed. He pushed her again "We have to go." he insisted in the low tone. She gave in with a sigh and ran out the entrance, Earthquake following her. But something was settling into his pelt, telling him not to leave, there was something important.
"Brambleheart." he choked.
Snowball stared at him "Earth, you can't-" but he wasn't listening, he checked the warrior's den first "Brambleheart!" he yelled out.

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Edited on 13/08/18 @ 08:35:02 by Mellow Marshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

Kat (#101510)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 12:12:37
Lynxpaw | 8 Moons | Medicine Cat's Apprentice | 18/18 HP | Camp | Mentions: Snowecho, Horsetail, Icepaw (All indirect)

Lynxpaw trotted quickly through the territory, trying to stay under trees and bushes to avoid the rain. This weather was awful, but the herb store wouldn't refill itself. Her jaws were currently clamped over a mixture of lavender, dock leaves and what she hoped was coltsfoot... or it might be dandelions. She wasn't sure. As she drew closer to the camp, her eyes caught a flicker of orange light through the bushes. She had scented a smoky smell on her outing, and had been confused by it's source- until now. Shock and fear ran through her, a cold chill down her spine that felt utterly dreadful, and her trot sped up into a run as she sprinted towards the camp, leaving her collected herbs fluttering in the wind. Emerging near the camp entrance, she let out a small cry of horror at the growing flames, and already she could see some of her clanmates running about to help out others. She had to help them too, she decided, and darting through the smoke she ran for the Medicine Cats' den. Where was Snowecho, and what about Horsetail and Icepaw?

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 12:50:58
Icepaw -6moons -med cat apprentice -18/18-Camp
Icepaw looks around the den she starts to gather some herbs quickly. She starts coughing. Dropping the herbs. She has to get out. She starts running. She turns her good eye toward the fire outside the den. She feels like she can't breathe. She starts running out off the den when she sees Lynxpaw come in to the den. "What are you doing here?" She looks at Lynxpaw. She feels dizzy she starts swaying. She shakes her head. They had to get out . "You should be out of the camp already!" She feels panicked. Her voice is growing more and more frightened.

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Edited on 13/08/18 @ 12:53:52 by Hermione2242 (#144944)

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 13:46:30
Brambleheart | 14 Moons | Warrior | 24/30 HP | Camp | Mentions: Earthquake, Snowball

She had slept through most of the events that had happened, but she awoke when someone yowled her name from outside the den. Looking around with a spark of fear in her eyes, Brambleheart realized that smoke was strangling the air, flames licking at the top of the den itself. She squinted her eyes as she tried to see who had been calling her, though she warily began to pad out, instead of running and shaking the whole den, which would've caused smoldering twigs and leaves to descend down. She tried to answer in return but all she could manage to do was summon up a bout of coughing, which racked her body as she continued on. When she reached the entrance, she bolted outside and ran into Earthquake, completely knocking them both of them over, who she assumed had managed to wake her up. It felt like the smoke was crushing her lungs every time she inhaled. The tainted air was dealing it's damage on her as she tried to get up, her legs shaky from lack of oxygen.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 13:50:24
Featherheart - 15 Moons - warrior - 30/30 Health -Camp -

Featherheart could barely breathe now but still ran around camp helping cats.She ran to the nursery to make sure no one was in there.When she was satisfied that no one was in there she ran to the apprentice den next making sure no one was in there.Her legs were practically begging her to stop running but she didn't.Her lungs needed fresh air but that wasn't going to happen until everyone was out of camp.She then sprinted towards the.warriors den.

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