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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-08-11 18:31:22
Swallowpaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | 17/18 Health | Camp | Mentions: Stormberry, Sunstar, Snowecho

Swallowpaw followed Snowecho to the medicine den, trying to assist where she could. When Stormberry was settled into Snowecho's nest she licked his head, trying to be as comforting as possible. "I'll get out of your way I guess." She said when she realized just how cramped it was in the medicine den. As she emerged into the pouring rain a large crack of thunder sounded and a blaze of lightning sparked into the camp, setting the fresh kill pile ablaze. Her fur stood on end and Swallowpaw's eyes widened. Yowling an alarm, she lept into the camp and moved quickly towards the flames. She kicked dirt frantically onto the pile, embers whirling around her. The fire hissed in the rain but showed no signs of stopping. "Help me!" She cried, still trying to shove dirt over the flames, licking ever closer. Swallowpaw winced in the heat but persisted.

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Edited on 11/08/18 @ 18:46:53 by StarryEyedKitty{WCU} (#121897)

Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-08-11 18:43:28
Snowball|27 Moons|Warrior|30/30|Camp|Mentions: Earthquake, Hollowfall
Snowball, hearing her name being called, pushed an entranced Earthquake "C'mon we have to help." Earthquake got on his paws "Yeah...okay." he said breathless before taking off, Snowball right behind him. Soot and ash already settling on her pelt, she struggled to breath exiting camp and clearing the smoke. "Here!" she stopped and began scraping moss off the nearest tree.
Racing back to camp, she threw into the roaring flames only for it burn immediately. "It's not enough..." Earthquake whispered Hollowfall! We have to choke the flames!" he yelled over the ever growing fire. Turning his back to it, he dug into the earth and shot dirt onto it with his hind legs. Snowball joined in, throwing dirt onto it as well.

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Edited on 11/08/18 @ 19:12:36 by Mellow Marshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-08-11 18:52:40
Willowstar - 32 Moons - Leader - 40/40 HP - Camp - Mentions: Mumblepaw, Alderpaw, Wolfpaw, Hollowfall, Earthquake, Snowball

Willowstar blinked at the tone he gave her, a little shocked that he would raise his voice and hiss at her, and her tail gave a slight twitch in response. Before she could say anything, her eyes drifted towards who she noticed was Alderpaw as he looked like he was about to dash out of the camp. Worried for her apprentice, she considered calling him over, but she saw Wolfpaw pad out of the medicine cat den a moment later. Thankfully, her gaze caught hers and she motioned her head in the direction of Alderpaw. She could tell he was confused for a minute before a look of realization covered his face and he gave a nod before quickly padding after him.

With a breath of relief, she made a note to thank her younger brother once he got back and turned her attention back to Mumblepaw. While it could be seen as disrespectful for the time he used, she could easily note his frustration and found it fairly difficult to snap back on him when she could tell he was miserable being stuck in camp. Willowstar studied the apprentice for a moment, thinking over possible solutions. “So that’s what this is all about, isn’t it? While your tone isn’t the most pleasant, it’s easy to see how frustrated you are. I have taken a notice how rarely I’ve seen your mentor with you and it has me a bit concerned. If I don’t see your mentor take any initiation in your training anytime soon, I will consider finding you a new mentor that’ll help you with your training. For now, I’d personally rather keep everyone in the clan here in the camp unless they’re out for hunting or for patrols until these storms are over. However, while Duskflight is out of commission, I decided to let take Wolfpaw out from time to time when I’m not working with Alderpaw. If you want, you’re welcome to join Wolfpaw and I when we go out. I know it doesn’t make up for a lack of a mentor, but it’s the best I can do right now with most of the warriors having apprentices of their own or those currently injured. Of course, i’ll leave that decision up to you.”

The ground rumbled beneath her paws and a loud crack sounded in her ears, causing the calico female to flinch as she remembered the lightning strike she had witnessed before. Her attention quickly turned towards the freshkill pile as it erupted into flames and rapidly grew. Her fur fluffed up and she turned to Mumblepaw, shielding him from any possible embers. “Mumblepaw, I want you to find the other apprentices and gather them up. If the flames spread any further, I want you to let them know to head to the river. This is me giving you all permission to leave the camp without your mentors and to cross the river if need be.” With that, she made her way back into the rain, and raced over to the others trying to put out the fire. “If this rain doesn’t help keep this at bay, we might have to evacuate the camp.” She warned them. “For now, we should continue to kick up dirt at it and toss wet moss onto it to help kill the flames.” Willowstar then raised her voice for everyone to hear around her. “Those who aren’t putting out the fire, help evacuate the sick or injured from the medicine cat den and start bringing them to the river!”

Wolfpaw - 9 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 HP - Camp - Mentions: Willowstar, Alderpaw

Deciding that he would be in the way if he stayed in the medicine cat den any longer, Wolfpaw made his way out of the den, casting a glance back at his injured mentor and giving himself a reminder to come back and check on him once everything calmed down. As he stepped out, his eyes met with his elder sister’s and was confused when she motioned towards Alderpaw. He wasn’t sure what she wanted him to do until the fluffy tom noticed he seemed a little off. Willowstar must’ve noticed it too if she was telling him to go over to him. He gave her a quick nod and padded after him, trying to catch up as he saw him zip out of the camp entrance. Wolfpaw picked up his pace and called out to the older apprentice. “Alderpaw, wait up!”

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Edited on 11/08/18 @ 19:23:25 by -:{~|Lady Vitaliya|~}:- {WCU} (#85592)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-11 19:46:24
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp --> Apprentice Den | Mentions: Willowstar / Hawkpaw

Mumblepaw gave a defeated huff. He just wanted to know his punishment and go sulk in his nest already. Though his ears would perk when Willowstar offered to take him out with Wolfpaw sometime. "I'll think about it.." He mumbled quietly. All of sudden he heard a loud 'CRASH' enter camp as well as the ground beneath him shake violently, it nearly knocked him off balanced. Mumblepaw closed his eyes ready for his body to fall against something. When he opened them he saw Willowstar blocking something, almost like she was protecting him of something. He'd give out a quick blink of shock as Willowstar said something about flames, he could only assume there was a fire happening somewhere in or near Camp. "G-Got it." He gave a small nod as he watched her race off. His mind immediately thought of Spottedpaw as well as Hawkpaw. Before he knew it his paws were already racing towards the Apprentice Den.

Mumblepaw was running faster than he had ever before, his paws weren't as fast on the ground as they were in the water but this was an emergency. The tom raced into the entrance of the Apprentice Den, he was coughing and wheezing from the lack of air, but there was no time to stop and take breaks. He searched the Den for the sleeping cat and ran over wasting no time. "H-Hawkpaw!" He called to the sleeping tom. "Hawkpaw, wake up! There's a fire in Camp, I need your help to gather the other Apprentices!" He shook the cat violently. He had no time for heavy sleepers and he was so worried about Spottedpaw's safety that he could care less about Hawkpaw wanting to sleep.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-11 20:36:15
Hawkpaw|9 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Apprentice Den|Green Bandana on Neck

Hawkpaw opened his eyes letting out a yawn. "What?" He asked standing up. Then he could smell the smoke. He ran out of the den and saw a fire. He noticed that the rain seemed to stop but he could feel some every now and then. He saw some other cats trying to put it out. He looked bad to the Apprentice's Den. "Thanks." He yelled hoping the tom could hear him. He ran out of the den and felt the heat. It burned and he yowled trying to get away. His clumsy paws seemed to have another idea and he ended up tripping. He saw that the fire only seemed to be growing. He gasped for air trying to figure out which way to go. His heart raced and his mid was panicking. He went one way. 'Nope, go another way.' He couldn't figure out where to go. He decided to run into the Medicine Den to make sure everyone was out of there first. Stripepaw seemed to be having trouble standing up. Hawkpaw ran over to see the tom gasping for air.

Stripepaw|11 Moons|Apprentice|10/18 Health|Medicine Den

Stripepaw felt Hawkpaw's pelt touch his. The tom seemed to be trying to help him up. With his help Stripepaw finally got up his shoulder searing with pain. He gasped for air his heart seemed to be slowing down. He coughed trying to get the smoke out of his lungs. "No you go help put out the fire." He managed to gasp looking to the tom's fearful eyes. He wished he could tell him that everything would be okay but he wasn't so sure himself. He watched the Apprentice race towards the burning flame and grabbing wet moss. Stripepaw felt his legs break as he fell back to the ground. The grey tom hadn't stood up in a while and forgot how stiff his limbs were. He would just have to wait. He felt so useless though.

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Hourai [WCU] (#115472)

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Posted on
2018-08-11 22:04:11
Duskflight | 25 moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Open

Duskflight awoke to the camp in flames. He'd been completely unconscious as he was recovering from the lightning strike, and he had just awoken to yet another strike. He got up and felt that he had sufficient strength, though he was absurdly hungry.

How long have I been out for? he thought.

He ran out of the medicine cat den and looked at the fire. It burned his eyes to look at, and though it was some distance away from him, it still burned him.

He looked at the dark, ominous clouds that hovered above the camp, wondering why StarClan was so harsh. He then sprinted towards the river, ignoring the looks of shock and confusion at his sudden recovery. However, after bringing back two mouthfuls of moss, his exhaustion from hunger overtook him. He drank some water at the river, but he hadn't sated his hunger.

"Someone…save me…" he gasped.

Foxflame | 16 moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Duskflight, Open

As the fourth bolt of lightning struck, Foxflame's ears were deafened, and he awoke immediately. He saw the fire that had suddenly erupted in camp. The scene bothered him. This was not going to restore the cats' faith in StarClan.

Foxflame yowled at the cats that were still in the den with him to assist him, and he sprinted to the river, trying to grab as much moss as he could.

Suddenly, he saw Duskflight, who looked starved and ready to die. He punted his nose with his forepaw.

"'Tis mouse-brained for you to assist now. You've only just recovered—should you not rest and eat? Go back to the medicine cat den. I shall hunt for you, though I hate the scent of fish."

Saying this, he once more headed for the river, where he looked in the water for any signs of fish. Though he hated the taste of fish, he knew how to go about catching one from his interactions with the warriors when he was an apprentice. He saw a fish and promptly scooped it up, biting into its body. He spat it out in disgust, and then, when he was certain it was dead, he carried it with him and left it by Duskflight.

"Eat," he commanded.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-12 06:39:35
Stripepaw|11 Moons|Apprentice |10/18 Health|Medicine Den

Stripepaw felt the heat of the fire. He coughed and tried to stand up. He needed to get to the river. He stood up but with much effort. He looked behind him and saw that he looked very skinny. He ignored this and limped out of the den. He saw the flame which seemed to only grow bigger. Dispite him being so far away he still felt the heat burn him. He just needed to get to the river. Stripepaw looked around camp wondering if there was anything he could do.

Hawkpaw|9 Moons|Apprentice|10/18 Health|Camp

Hawkpaw ran to a nearby tree and dug up some moss. He quickly took it and soaked it in the river. He ran back in the camp and threw it in only to see it melt away. He painted feeling the heat touch his pelt. He coughed breathing some smoke. The young tom ran out of camp once again. He collected as much moss as he could from trees nearby. He soaked the mouthful into water and made sure it was dripping wet. He ran back to camp and threw it in. It sizzled but Hawkpaw started thinking that they might have to evacuate. He didn't know for sure though, maybe they would get really lucky.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-12 07:21:04
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Apprentice Den --> Camp | Mentions: Hawkpaw

Mumblepaw left out a small huff. So much for helping me find everyone else.. He grumbled though he let out a small 'hff' when he heard Hawkpaw's thanks. He look towards the corners of the Apprentice Den where his bundles were maybe there was some moss he had packed in one of them? He quickly trotted towards the corner as he violently opened up every bundle, he was disappointed when he found only one of his bundles carried a somewhat small patch of moss.. It's better than nothing. He reassured himself as he grabbed the moss and ran out of Camp to the nearest lake he could get to. Without thinking the apprentice would jump into the water with the small moss patch in his jaws, the tom would rush back to Camp wheezing slightly. The soaked cat would look over to Hawkpaw, rushing over to the cat. "Tell me Hawkpaw!" He'd shout. "What's the survival rate of a soaked cat jumping into a fire?" He yowl to the fellow apprentice, Hawkpaw must've thought he was out of his mind.

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-08-12 13:17:25
Stormberry - 28 moons - Co-Deputy - 13/30 health - Medicine cat den - Mentions: Sunstar, Swallowpaw, Snowecho, open!

Stormberry strained to see Sunstar properly, feeling his breath against his ear, but not being able to hear anything he said. He managed to clench his teeth as he was taken onto the leader's back, but there was nothing that reassured him more than the feel of his mate's fur against his own. He closed his eyes and tried to focus more on the comfort the surrounding cats gave him rather than the pain, and he managed to let out a small squeak when he felt Swallowpaw lick his head. Once he was safe in the medicine cat den, his mind was able to move from the initial fear and panic he felt from the strike, to thoughts about recovery, and what the future held for him. His sight seemed to slowly be getting better, and as he rested more and was tended to by Snowecho, the original shock and pain that had stopped him from moving at all was starting to let up a bit. But would his hearing come back? He didn't know what had happened to his ears, but it must have been the loud noise the thunder made that was causing his current deafness. In this state, he wouldn't be able to hear what Snowecho thought his future would be like - would he even be able to stay a deputy? Would he be well enough to even see Swallowpaw's warrior assessment? As these thoughts rushed through his head, an instantly recognisable scent - one he had become ever more fearful of since the strike - crept in. Was that fire? He couldn't hear any cats calling out in alarm, and his attempts to move himself around properly were still futile. How could he possibly run away from a fire in this state?

Alderpaw - 11 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 health - Clan territory - Mentions: Wolfpaw

Alderpaw ran as fast as his legs would take him through the forest, finding a strange comfort in being able to stretch his legs like this and be out of camp - even in such terrible weather and circumstances. He wasn't planning on stopping, at least not until he heard Wolfpaw's voice call out his name behind him. He slowed down to a stop and looked over his shoulder, flattening his ears and lashing his long tail. He didn't want to end up snapping at any cat while he felt so vulnerable and unstable, but he had no choice to respond to the other apprentice. "What did you follow me for?" He asked, catching his breath a little. "I'm not going back to camp, if that's what you want." He added, the thought of seeing the pain and chaos in camp again making his stomach twist.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-12 15:28:00
Snowecho - 23 moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Camp - Mentions: Stormberry, Sunstar, Softpaw, Open!

Snowecho perked up when he heard all the commotion outside. He scented the fire and looked around the medicine cat den. Duskflight had already left, and he had not seen Swiftstrike. He had seen Stripepaw leave, so that only left Stormberry and Softpaw. He could not move them alone, so was grateful that he had Sunstar. "We need to get them out of here, I think I heard Willowstar said to bring the injured to the river." He mewed. His tail flicked nervously. What about his herbs? It had taken him a long time to gather them, and they could be lost to the fire. He picked up Softpaw by the scruff, trying to manoeuvre the unresponsive apprentice onto his back. While the quick heartbeats against his shoulder was unnerving, it was a good and clear sign that Softpaw was very much still alive.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-12 16:46:03
Stripepaw|11 Moons|Apprentice|10/18 Health|Camp

Stripepaw shook his head. No matter how he felt about it he was injured. He felt some rain splash onto his pelt. He limped as fast as he could out of camp. He His armored paw barely touched the ground as he made it to the river. He took deep breaths of fresh air and dunked his head in the river without thinking. He pulled his head out feeling refreshed. He laid down looking around.

Hawkpaw|9 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Camp

Hawkpaw looked to Mumblepaw with surprise. "Probably a 10% chance that you will survive. So I wouldn't jump if I were you." He meowed looking around for more moss. He panted heavily. He felt so tired from running back and forth. "Maybe shake the water onto the fire." He meowed looking to the older tom.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-12 18:07:38
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions: Hawkpaw / Spottedpaw

The apprentice's eyes would narrow. That's not very high at all.. Mumblepaw thought to himself, his face showed a clear face of shock. "Hmm, yes shaking out the water would be the more intelligent option, I just thought jumping into it would be more effective.." He sighed, then he paused. He forgot he was suppose to get the other apprentices. Foxdung! He hissed to himself, his mind immediately thinking of Spottedpaw. "S-Spottedpaw! Hawkpaw have you seen Spottedpaw?" He asked in panic. "Nnn forget it, I've wasted enough time!" He let out a muffled hiss, the moss still in his jaws. The apprentice was preparing to run off though he looked back at Hawkpaw. "Take this." He huffed throwing the soaked moss to the fellow apprentice. After that he ran off to the other parts of Camp. "Spottedpaw!" He'd shout for the she, how could he forget about her at a time like this? I'm a total mousebrain! He scolded himself.

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-08-12 18:26:47
Spottedpaw -6moons -apprentice -17/18-Camp
Spottedpaw was halfway to the medicine den when she hears a loud crash. She looks as an orange flame arises. It's coming toward her. She stands there frozen in fear. The fire comes closer to her. She turns to run but it is to late. The fire scorched her tail and some of her flank. She yowls in pain. She starts limping toward the entrance of the camp entrance the smell of burnt fur in her nose. Then she remembers Stripepaw! She had to get him. She starts limping toward the medicine den when she hears her name it was Mumblepaw. "I'm right here Mumblepaw!" She winces in pain as she feels a horrible pain in her flank.

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Edited on 12/08/18 @ 18:31:09 by Hermione2242 (#144944)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-12 18:43:37
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions: Spottedpaw

Mumblepaw would look back and forth then he heard someone call to him, he look over to the direction where he saw Spottedpaw, she seemed to be quiet injured. He'd race towards the she. "Spottedpaw.. you're injured." He gave a sad huff. I shouldn't have told her to go to the Medicine Den He hissed to himself. He didn't have time to help her with her wounds, and she could barely walk. "I- I have to get you away from here..." He mewed to her while trying to help the she stand, evacuating her seemed like the best idea for now. "Keeping you here would only put you in more danger." He huffed.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-12 18:57:37
Hawkpaw|9 Moons|Apprentice|18/18 Health|Camp

Hawkpaw caught the moss and threw it into the fire. The fire just ate it up. He really hoped StarClan wasn't punishing them. He saw Mumblepaw run over to Spottedpaw. He ran out of camp and grabbed more moss. As much as he could. He ran to the river and dunked all the moss in. Then he jumped in. He grabbed all the moss again and ran back to camp. He threw the moss in and shook his pelt sending water flying. Why was StarClan doing this.

Stripepaw|11 Moons|Apprentice|10/18 Health|Outside Camp

Stripepaw looked to the sky. "Why are you doing this? What did we do?" He yowled aloud in rage. "First you almost kill three cats then you start a fire?" He hissed. What was the use of their ancestors if they weren't gonna help them. Stripepaw looked to his paws with a sigh. He had only questioned StarClan once before and that was when his brother had died. He didn't even know if the cats existed sometimes. If they did why would stuff like this happen? But he had to believe that his brother had went somewhere. But sometimes he had to question the great and powerful StarClan. He felt his heart fill with rage.

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