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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-08-11 14:34:22
Snowball|27 Moons|Warrior|30/30|Camp|Mentions: Brambleheart, Earthquake, Indirectly: Willowstar, Stormberry, Sunstar
Snowball scanned the camp frantically, her eyes wider than quarters and her heart going a million miles a minute. Her eyes stopped on Willowstar, seeing that the great she-cat was watching something as well, as she followed her gaze a solemn feeling filled her chest as she realized what happened. "Guys..." she softly mewed to Earthquake and Brambleheart "Stormberry..."
The sky, although ominous and dark, shed at bit of light just enough to focus on the vibrant deputy. Earthquake, making his way slowly over, stopped short and watched. Snowball knew that Earthquake in some way, may have been close to Sunstar, sometimes even overhead him talking about being deputy one time himself. She stepped beside him, still aware that his fur was full of static and watched the others surrounding Stormberry.

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Edited on 11/08/18 @ 14:39:04 by Mellow Marshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-08-11 14:50:48
Willowstar - 32 Moons - Leader - 40/40 HP - Camp - Mentions: Mumblepaw

Once he replied, she gave a small dip of her head and then used her tail to motion for him to follow her. Since she figured it would be easier for her to talk with him if she didn’t have anyone coming over and getting involved, she padded over towards the leaders den and sat down underneath a ledge blocking the rain. Most cats would be taking shelter from rain or be out in the forest fairly sheltered from it, so it would be a fair opportunity to hear the young apprentice out. Once settled down, she remained silent for a moment, thinking over her words before speaking up. “Mumblepaw, I’ve heard a few complaints on your behavior recently. I’d rather hear from you what’s going on and hear your side of things before coming to any decisions.”

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-11 15:10:24
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions: Willowstar

The apprentice gave a small huff as he began to follow behind Willowstar. He shuttered a bit as he felt cold raindrops fall onto his fur. He wasn't a fan of storms, but he did love the feeling of soft raindrops fall onto his fur. He was glad the storms were calming down though, now he won't have to worry about taking too much time grooming his pelt. He'd give a small huff after they finally came to their destination. The apprentice would sit as he listening to Willowstar speak of the compliants she had received about him. "Well there isn't much to explain.." He gave a small 'hff'. "I've been having behavioral problems and putting my anger on others, simple as that." He'd mew emotionlessly. That was just it, no need for any explanation.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-11 15:17:37
Snowecho - 23 moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Camp - Mentions: Stormberry, Sunstar, Softpaw, Stripepaw, Open!

Snowecho looked towards Stripepaw when he heard his call, changing his mind quickly about sending Sunstar. "Take Stormberry instead." He instructed the leader, a really tiny part of him feeling rather good about commanding one of the Clan leaders. Carefully sliding Stormberry off his back, the white tom made his way back to the medicine cat den. His heart twisted at the sight of the apprentice on his belly, unresponsive to what was going on around him. Thyme. He would need thyme for the shock. Maybe he could give him some juniper berries to calm down, and some chamomile to soothe him later on. He scurried to the back of the den and searched for thyme for Softpaw. The medicine cat's heart sank. They only had enough thyme for one cat.

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Edited on 11/08/18 @ 15:51:52 by Andy-tired-af (WCU) (#117962)

Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-08-11 16:17:30
Willowstar - 32 Moons - Leader - 40/40 HP - Camp - Mentions: Mumblepaw

“Oh? Is that right? While it may not be productive, instead of inflicting your anger on others, maybe there is a better way to get your anger out. Your clanmates are your clanmates and you’ll need them in the future. If you end up angering the others, that puts a strain on the trust your clanmates have for you. Without that mutual trust, it’ll cause more issues once you’re a warrior.” She cast a glance at the smaller tom, wondering if he would listen to her advice or discard it. The choice was up to him, but as long as she was one of the leaders, she would do her best to try and have everyone live peacefully.

“Now, besides that, I’ve also heard that you’ve been handling herbs in the medicine cat den while you’re just a warrior apprentice. I’m curious to hear how you’ve learned as much as you do about herbs. If you want to continue handling herbs, there is an opening for medicine cat apprentices. All you need to do is say the word and I can have you change from your warrior apprenticeship and I’ll have a talk with Horsetail and Snowecho.” She mewed while looking away, her attention scanning over the camp and checking out the status of the rain.

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-08-11 16:56:30
Stormberry - 28 moons - Co-Deputy - 11/30 health - Camp - Mentions: Snowecho, Sunstar, Swallowpaw, open!

Stormberry found himself drifting in and out of reality and unconsciousness for some time, his body twitching and shaking uncontrollably. Suddenly, his eyes shot open, but he struggled to see anything other than small flashes of light and shadows. He was struck with fear at how little control he had over the situation, over his own body. He struggled to move still, could only take shallow breaths and close his eyes tight in an attempt to cope with the searing pain that flowed through his whole body. Is this what his brothers felt when they died? Did StarClan want him to suffer the same pain he put them through? His mind overloaded with thoughts, he wanted to cry out in agony when he was moved by a cat whose scent he recognised as Snowecho's. Though, the presence of the medicine cat comforted his mind - at least, it did, until he found himself sliding from the younger cat's back. He could only open his eyes in disbelief as Snowecho's scent got further away - but to his relief, he could still sense Sunstar by his side - clearly he had made the right choice, it seemed to him. He also sensed Swallowpaw, and he felt confident that the two cats could take care of him now that he needed them. The deputy certainly loved being the center of attention, after all, and this time he really did feel like he deserved it, especially in a time of such pain and fear. He could only hope he would be taken to a nest and away from the continuing storm as soon as possible.

Alderpaw - 11 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 health - Camp - Mentions: Softpaw (indirectly), Willowstar (indirectly), open!

Alderpaw was shaken into awareness by a deafening crack of thunder in the camp, and from the ensuing chaos, he could tell that yet another cat had been struck by lightning. From his position in the camp, he couldn't see Softpaw, and it seemed like Willowstar was busy. He didn't want to see another lightning victim, and he didn't want to deal with the fear of his Clanmates either. Accept the fact that you're a coward, do what you do best - just run away, he thought. Not too long ago, he would have been more fearful of the consequences of leaving camp by himself to run when he was scared, but it almost seemed like StarClan was striking down the Clan, cat by cat, and he gave in. Letting his long legs take him, he launched himself out of the camp entrance, with the aim of getting as far away from camp as possible.

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Edited on 12/08/18 @ 12:40:29 by Ash [WCU] (#117922)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-08-11 17:13:15
Sunstar - 24 Moons - Leader - 40/40HP - Camp - Mentions: Softpaw, Snowecho, Stormberry

Sunstar growled in frustration, not liking being told what to do by Snowecho. He had a point though, and the leader would do whatever he had to in order to prevent anything else from happening to Stormberry. He leaned down and whispered in Stormberry's ear,

"I'm going to try my best to gently move you to the medicine den. Please forgive me if I make the pain worse, my love."

He nudged his nose under Stormberry's stomach, heaving the tom onto his strong back.
He grunted to Snowecho,

"You better fix my deputy up good. He better make a full recovery. Or.. or.. or else."

A few tears fell down his cheeks, and he could help but cry as he carried his mate to the medicine cat den. He was losing a lot of his faith, and probably even some of his reality. If this was what every day was going to be like, he'd rather just take Stormberry and go off and find a new life. They didn't deserve this. As he made his way to the den, he saw an almost unconscious Softpaw on the ground. Everything in him wanted to stop, it was his apprentice, but he had to take care of the deputy that was already unconscious on his back.

Shame on Starclan for abandoning us in our time of need, he thought to himself. If you all just want to run free up in your little heaven, so be it. But I will not give thanks to you anymore. I won't praise you for the good things that happen in my life. I won't teach my kits who you are. If I do, they'll know that you abandoned us.

As he got into the medicine cat den, he had to squeeze his way past everyone else, as the den was already crowded. He

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Edited on 11/08/18 @ 17:16:18 by Quake™ [WCU] (#69866)

Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2018-08-11 17:20:12
Featherheart - 15 Moons - warrior - 30/30 Health -Camp -

Featherheart stared up at the sky.Why were all these cats getting hurt?Was jt a punishment from Starclan?Or had Starclan abandoned them?She thought about this a lot now.Her ears were now flat against her head upon thinking that Starclan HAD abandoned them.Her tail went from side to side she was getting frustrated.She sat there looking at the sky before looking around camp.Did anyone else think Starclan abandoned them?Or that Starclan might be punishing them?

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-11 17:24:33
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions: Willowstar

Mumblepaw gave an upset huff. "What else am I going to put my anger out on? I've barely been outside Camp, my mentor is too busy to train me." He'd grumble. "W-What's the point of having a mentor if he won't bother to teach me anything?" He snapped. "I just- I just really want to sink my claws into the fresh soil outside of this cramped, depressing place. I'm tired of seeing everyone hurt and helpless, it makes me want to attack something, a-anything! I want my independence already!" He shout. "I don't want to be limited to the Camp forever, it's not fair! Hawkpaw and Spottedpaw get to go out and train, why can't I?" He'd give a small hiss. He'd calm himself before sitting back down and staring at his paws, not daring to look at Willowstar. Was he even allowed to snap at a leader? There had to be some type of punishment for that. Nnn, now you've done it.. He hissed to himself.

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Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2018-08-11 17:49:14
Brambleheart | 14 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 HP | Mentions: Earthquake, Snowball, Stormberry, Sunstar, Foxflame, Swiftstrike (ID), Duskflight (ID)

Brambleheart had skidded to a stop in the camp, seeing the sight before them after hearing Snowball's trembling mews. She was surprised to see Stormberry's pelt, smoking and crackling with static electricity as Sunstar was nearby, a group of cats carrying him into the medicine den. She noticed the two other cats who had accompanied her step forward, but she backed up a few paces. First Swiftstrike, then Duskflight, and now Stormberry? Why was StarClan punishing them? Surely they had been nothing but faithful? These questions kept resurfacing in her mind as she padded over to the warriors den, wanting to get out of the open clearing and take some time to let the news sink in thoroughly. She saw Foxflame's sleeping form in a nearby nest to her own as she laid down, tucking her paws underneath her and her tail near her stomach as she looked out of the entrance, an anxious knot forming in her stomach as she wondered who would be the next to be claimed by this dreadful storm.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-08-11 18:01:05
ATTENTION: You hear a sickening crack as thunder streaks across the sky, hitting the middle of camp! Fire sparks up from the ground, and starts to devour the fresh kill pile! The fire starts spreading!

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Edited on 11/08/18 @ 18:03:51 by Quake™ [WCU] (#69866)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-11 18:09:30
Snowecho - 23 moons - Medicine Cat - 30/30 - Camp - Mentions: Stormberry, Sunstar, Softpaw, Open!

Snowecho had no time to give Softpaw the herb, seeing as Sunstar had already carried Stormberry inside. He quickly gestured towards his own nest. "He can sleep there, I'll have his herbs ready soon." He mewed, a tiny sliver of panic in his voice. There was not enough thyme for both Softpaw and Stormberry. He looked to his supplies. Various combinations of herbs popped into his mind, one combination would have a similar effect to thyme. He shook his head and looked apologetically in Softpaw's direction before taking the thyme over to Stormberry. Just as it seemed the apprentice was starting to recover, another loud crack of thunder sent him back into a possibly worse state. Snowecho was almost at a loss as to what he should do. He felt overwhelmed, but he knew he had to keep his head calm and focus on Stormberry. "Sunstar, can you give some poppy seeds to Softpaw?" He asked, oblivious to the fire.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-08-11 18:16:16
Earthquake |32 Moons|Warrior|30/30|Camp|Mentions: Willowstar, Snowball, Sunstar (Indirectly)
A flash of light and a loud crash sounded, almost too close. "Get back!" he yelled as Snowball flinched and retreated behind him. His mouth agape as fire crackled and burned the fresh-kill pile to cinders. "Starclan, why?" Smoke engulfed the air and made Earthquake's eyes watery, he couldn't take his eyes away from the sight. As heart wrenching as it was, he couldn't bring himself to believe it. Snowball prodded his side "Earth...w-what are we gonna do?" He tore away his gaze, turning to Willowstar under the rock outcrop, his confusion and anguish in his eyes. He thought of Sunstar, the leaders must be really taking a toll...

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Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2018-08-11 18:22:25
Hollowfall | 26 Moons | Co-Deputy | 30/30 HP | Camp | Mentions: Earthquake, Snowball, Brambleheart (ID), Sunstar (ID), Stormberry (ID), Willowstar (ID)

Hollowfall was woken from where he had been sleeping when Brambleheart had stepped on his tail. As he opened his mouth to say something, a loud clap of thunder and a flash of light was emitted from the middle of the camp for a split second. He got to his paws and raced outside, seeing the fresh-kill pile up a blazing inferno. "Earthquake, Snowball! Run and grab some wet moss! Quickly!" He ordered, the smoke burning inside of his lungs as he yelled, trying to keep the situation under control while Sunstar was with Stormberry and he couldn't find Willowstar. "Everyone else, stay clear and get inside your dens! We need the warriors to try and quell the flames!"

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2018-08-11 18:25:56
Featherheart - 15 Moons - warrior - 30/30 Health -Camp -

Featherheart looked at Hollowfall then at the flames.Starclan is punishing us she thought.She was going to do her best to help but everyone needed to stay calm.Her ears perked to make sure everyone was calm.Her tail went from side to side again.The flames reflected in her eyes she watched then for a second.They were going to need help she ran over to Hollowfall but she stayed calm."What should i do?"She asked in a calm voice

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