Posted by | The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD) | |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-04 04:47:56 |
Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866) |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-14 15:02:59 |
Hawkpaw|12 Moons|Apprentice|2/18 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash, Lynxpaw Hawkpaw heard Lynxpaw's voice. He opened his eyes fully. His vision started coming back. He saw Pebblesplash looking a bit distressed. "P-pebblesplash?" He then looks over to Lynxpaw. "Yeah, I can hear you." He groaned flicking his tail. He gave a weak smile, "You all don't need to worry about me." He gave a sharp groan when he tried to move his shoulder. "What happened while I was asleep?" He asked trying to lift his head up. ![]() |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-14 17:29:20 |
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 30/30| Warriors| Camp| Mentions: Hawkpaw, Lynxpaw, Rainpaw __________ "Oh! Hawkpaw! Uh, not much... Sunstar apparently had a seizure...um, that's all? I've not been paying attention," she rambled off. "Lynxpaw and Rainpaw saved you! The dog is... off the territory apparently..." Pebblesplash trailed off. She nodded to Lynxpaw. "How was your rest?" she yawned again. "Sorry, I didn't get any sleep... last night." Pebblesplash waved her tail. "At least you're awake!" ![]() |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-14 18:40:14 |
Hawkpaw|12 Moons|Apprentice|2/18 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash Hawkpaw blinked. "Yeah, I guess. But didn't you also save my life?" He looked up to Pebblesplash feeling a small headache form in his head. He ignored it. "I mean you dragged me all the way here. If you hadn't, I would be dead right now." He felt pain in his neck when he moved it. "Why did I have to run in with a dog? Why did I have to run in with anything? My luck just must be so great." He murmured half to himself sarcastically. ![]() |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-14 18:46:10 |
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 30/30| Warriors| Camp| Mentions: Hawkpaw __________ Pebblesplash dipped her head. "I just dragged you back to camp. No offense, your luck is terrible. I mean, first the fire then the dog? That's rough." she licked her chest nervously. She cocked her head. "Would you like some fresh-kill?" she asked, "I could catch a fish for you right now!" she felt heat rising in her face. Why do I sound like such an idiot? ![]() |
Sage {G3 Mottled Pie Haze} (#85592) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-14 20:00:37 |
Willowstar | 35 Moons | Co-Leader | 8/40 |Starclan| Mentions: Starclan Cats Willowstar sat there for a few moments trying to catch her breath when a body dropped down beside her, causing her to jump a little in surprise. “This isn’t going too well.” A voice muttered next to her before her shoulder was lightly nudged. She turned her head and standing there was a familiar pelt that she hadn’t seen in moons. “Reedheart.” The female cast a small smile at her before narrowing her eyes at the sight of her son and former mate fighting. “Seems he’s still giving you trouble even now. I’m sorry about that.” “It’s not your fault, Reedheart. He made his choices and he is responsible for his own actions.” Reedheart shook her head, indicating that while it might be true, she still felt like she was to blame for how her mate turned out. “Thrushwillow isn’t going to be able to hold him off for much longer. You’re his current target of anger, so he’s not going to let you sit here and rest much longer.” The moment she said that, Thrushwillow was tossed aside and Troutsplash turned his rage filled eyes back on to her. Thankfully, her brother had been able to inflict a decent amount of damage to him before getting thrown aside, giving her a bit of hope on being able to handle him in her current state. The gray tom started to stalk towards her until he finally noticed her mother standing beside her, causing him to stop in his tracks, the rage in his eyes fading and replace with surprise and loneliness. “Reedheart, is that really you?” The short furred calico nudged her daughter up while keeping her attention on the Dark Forest tom standing before them, whispering in her ear as she got to her paws. “I hate to do this to you, truly, but we need to get rid of as many Dark Forest cats as possible if we want to get out of this alive. Your father is no exception to this as he has already proven that he will not hesitate to kill you or attack your brother here. I can keep his attention on me for as long as I can while you try and find yourself an opportunity.” Though she tried to keep herself expressionless, Willowstar could see the pain it caused her to tell her own kit to kill her father/her mother’s former mate. “I no longer see him as my father, and I will do everything in my power to protect my kin and clanmates from those who want to do the harm.” With that said, Willowstar cautiously took a few steps away and realized that Troutsplash currently had no interest in her and only had eyes for Reedheart. “So, this is where you ended up, Troutsplash. Can’t say that I’m surprised, however.” He flinched at her words and took a few paw steps forward. “I did what I did so we could be together here in Starclan, my love.” “By attempting to kill our kits? Did you honestly think I would’ve wanted that?” Reedheart said with a growl before reaching out and taking her claws against his muzzle. He stood there with a look of sadness and a small flicker of anger, but didn’t retaliate. “I trusted you to watch over them after I was gone and to be there to help raise Wolfpaw. You broke my trust and that’s not something I can ever forgive you for.” Willowstar quietly crept over to where Thrushwillow was laying and nudged his side with her nose. He let out a small wince and pushed himself up to his paws once again and looked over towards where their parents stood. “This will be our only chance. We either get rid of him now, or we end up being killed in the process, as I doubt he’ll let us go.” The two siblings whispered amongst each other for a few moments before preparing to attack. The wound on her belly ached, but that would mean nothing if she were killed. While their mother kept him distracted, Willowstar and Thrushwillow quietly made their way closer to the pair until they were close enough to pounce. Both cats exchanged a nod before Thrushwillow pounced onto Troutsplash, causing him to growl in surprise and anger as he was knocked over and slammed onto his side. Both toms were fairly sluggish with their moves due to the wounds they had inflicted on each other earlier, but they still had enough strength to give the other some trouble. The female leader raced to her brother’s side and put her weight down to help pin Troutsplash so he could no longer move. As he squirmed beneath them, one of his paws got free and raked between both Willowstar’s chest and neck before Reedheart came over and held down what the two siblings were unable to. “Reedheart, you aren’t going to let them do this, are you?” The long furred tom pleaded. “You were willing to kill our daughter and our other son. I see no reason in not allowing her to take her justice.” Their mother growled down to him before giving a small nod at her. Without another word, Willowstar bared her fangs and sunk them deep into her father’s neck, holding him there until she felt him go still and released him as his body turned into shadows and faded away. All three of them were silent as they stared down where Troutsplash had been moments before until Willowstar felt a small throb in her body, feeling like she was losing touch with the things around her. Reedheart noticed her odd behavior and spoke up after her daughter explained what she felt. “You’ve been away from your physical body for too long. If any of you remain here for much longer, none of you are going to be able to return back to your bodies or to your clanmates.” She wanted to ask if there was something any of them were able to do to prevent that, but she started to feel weak from the wounds she had received, both belly and lower neck wounds bothering her the most. If they fought for much longer, she didn’t believe she would be able to hold out. (Erased the first time, so I got to type this puppy out a second time :,) ) ![]() |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-14 20:28:45 |
Hawkpaw|12 Moons|Apprentice|3/18 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash Hawkpaw chuckled. "Sure, I haven't eaten in a while. My luck is just terrible. Thanks." He groaned smiling again. He laid his head carefully back on his paws. He let out a sigh curling his tail around his paws. He gave a yawn stretching his jaws. He felt like something was wrong with Pebblesplash, he just didn't know what. ![]() |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-14 20:43:11 |
Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Wolfpaw, Willowstar Clearsong nodded to Wolfpaw. "I know, but you really can't help it." He looked back to Willowstar and let his tail fall back down, the blood was slowing, but not fast enough he didn't think. He hoped she wouldn't loose too much blood. He decided to try and clean the cat up, it'd be no use if she were all bloody while being treated if-no... when she woke up. He started to rasp his tongue around the cuts, slowly her fur became its calico color once more. Just before he was about to groom her chest, he noticed red blood pooling. "Not again." He groaned before examining the wound for a moment. His eyes widened and he turned to Wolfpaw, "Wolfpaw..." He started, "This wasn't here before..." he parted the fur so Wolfpaw could see it better, "...and those are claw marks." He finished, panic started to bubble up in his chest, what was going on here? ![]() Edited on 15/10/18 @ 03:11:14 by 🎃 Swiftbreeze 🎃 (#140966) |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-14 20:48:41 |
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 30/30| Warriors| Camp| Mentions: Hawkpaw __________ Pebblesplash padded over to the river. She flicked her tail, intensely watching the surface of the water. There! a small trout swam by- large enough for one cat. Narrowing her eyes, she waited. And waited. After one more second, she flipped the fish onto the rocks and killed it. Iguess there’s a first time for everything Pebblesplash rarely caught a fish first try... it was a miracle she caught this one. She padded over to Hawkpaw. “Here!” She dropped it in front of him. “I hope you like fish...” ![]() |
Sage {G3 Mottled Pie Haze} (#85592) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-14 20:58:53 |
Wolfpaw | 12 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Temp Camp | Mentions: Clearsong, Willowstar “I guess so. I’ll just have to work hard to make up for it once she’s awake since everyone else seems to at least be doing something productive besides myself.” As he said that, he made sure to remind himself that it would be something he would do one way or another to make up for this time. He continued to hold the moss and cobwebs in place when he heard Clearsong say his name and held an uneasy expression when he stopped cleaning up around the wounds. The young tom was a bit confused until he saw him part the fur on his sister’s lower neck and noticed the fresh wound that had appeared there. The panic that he had felt earlier had started to come back and he grit his teeth in frustration as he wasn’t sure what was happening to her. “You’re right, that wasn’t there before, as I’m sure none of us would’ve missed that.” As he tried to keep himself composed, a thought crossed his mind and felt to share it. “Could this have something to do with the message that Sunstar had received some time ago? You know, the one about the Dark Forest planning an attack on Starclan? I didn’t give it much thought as I thought they really only got messages or had dreams over at the Highstomes, but it’s the only other thing I can think of right now that would make more sense.” ![]() |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-14 21:26:13 |
Hawkpaw|12 Moons|Apprentice|2/18 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash Hawkpaw looked at the fish in front of him. It was pretty big. "I do like fish but are you sure no one else needs it?" He lifted his head up looking to Pebblesplash. As hungry as he was, if someone else needed it he wouldn't take it. His stomach rumbled but he ignored it. He flicked his tail curling it tighter around his body. ![]() |
Kat (#101510)
Protector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-15 01:25:38 |
Lynxpaw | 10 Moons | Med. Cat App | 18/18 | Temp Camp | Mentions: Hawkpaw, Pebblesplash, OPEN Lynxpaw watched the two cats chatting, relieved that Hawkpaw was awake and talking. She had quietly retreated to the back of the medicine station while they talked, taking a stock check of herbs. She had used nearly all of their moss to tend to Hawkpaw, and made a mental note to ask a few warriors to assist in gathering more. Also badly depleted was their store of goldenrod and horsetail, crucial herbs for tending to wounds, and so she decided her plan for sunrise: check Hawkpaw's poultices, make sure nobody needed her before she left, and then head out to collect herbs. ![]() |
🌸LightQueen🌊Ga laxy (#59203) Necromancer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-15 16:13:38 |
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions Directly: none|Mentions Indirectly: none|Location: Starclan forest ![]() |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-15 16:15:50 |
Sunstar | 27 Moons | Co-Leader | 20/40 | [Starclan Battlefield] | Mentions: Clearsong, Wolfpaw, Willowstar (ID), Stormberry (ID), Snowecho (ID), Hollowfall, Starclan Cats Sunstar struggled to move, but he knew that he couldn't save anyone if he just stayed on the ground next to the tree. For a few moments, he closed his eyes to catch his breath, when suddenly.. He woke up in his body, but he couldn't move. Around him he saw all the other unconscious cats, but he saw a few awake. His heart warmed when he saw Wolfpaw and Clearsong sitting next to Willowstar. The leader struggled hard to get their attention, but for someone reason, it felt like a terrible pain. Blinked his eyes, wiggled his brain, but nothing. But then.. he finally caught Wolfpaw's gaze, and they make eye contact for a brief moment. Suddenly he was back in Starclan. The sound of fighting was calming down, but he could still hear screeches of pain and suffering. The tom pushed himself off the ground, making sure he took a deep breath, ignoring his screaming nose. He didn't know to help.. Everyone was his family, and that made it difficult. He watched as Willowstar took down.. who is that? her father? He looked familiar. It looked like they had a sad family reunion. A yowl of pain brought his focus to the middle of the battlefield, where Hollowfall was fighting off a pair of Dark Forest cats. Thistlestar was fighting as well, but he looked badly injured. His gaze went to Stormberry and Snowecho. Then to Hollowfall and Thistleclaw. Family, or blood? Just barely preventing himself from fighting off tears, Sunstar rushed off toward his brother and father, a flood of protectiveness for his real family overwhelming him. Just as he reached them, Thistlestar was thrown to the side by a huge tabby tom, who was then gunning for Hollowfall. Hollowfall yowled, knocking down the other cat before the tom pounded into his side, knocking them both to the ground. The tom lifted his claws and struck down on Hollowfall. "No!!" Sunstar wailed, leaping on top of the tom and shredding his claws down the back of the Dark Forest cat. They wrestle, until finally the leader slashed the enemies throat. The cat burst into shadows. "Hollowfall!" *** "One day, I'm going to be leader. I'm going to prove it." Hollowkit gave a lopsided grin, tackling Sunkit to the ground. Sunkit laughed, throwing back a few sheathed wacks at his brother's face. "Hollowkit, you know Thistlestar loves both of us just the same. I think he would be happy even if we were just loyal warriors." Hollowkit sighed. "Yeah, I guess so. But still, I'm going to try my hardest to try and impress him. One day.." Hollowkit collapsed on Sunkit, and they giggled as they curled up, waiting for their father to get back from patrol. *** Hollowfall coughed up blood, the huge slash on his belly showing that the odds were.. not in his favor. Sunstar cried beside his brother, wishing this weren't happening. Willing this to not be happening. His brother smiled up at him, like he wasn't even hurt. He lifted his paw up, touching it to Sunstar's chest. Thistlestar was on his way over, but Hollowfall continued to look directly into his brother's eyes. "One day, I'm going to be leader..." Sunstar felt his heart break, and watched as Hollowfall dispersed into tiny freckles of stardust, floating up into the sky. Thistlestar unsheathed his claws, enraged. He looked around the battlefield. "BROKENBONE!!!" He made a call, one that only leaders know. The call of immortal combat. A death battle. He thought he could finish it, and save the only son he had left. He looked up to the stars. "Hollowfall, if you're there. Please be with me. This is for you." Sunstar could only stare into the bloodstained starry grass, wishing nothing more that he could've traded places with his brother. A feeling gnawed at his stomach, and then his whole body. Oh no, he'd felt this before. They've been away from their bodies too long. If they don't go back soon.. May the universe help them. ((Yes everyone. Hollowfall is dead. A new deputy will be appointed once the high ranks have returned.. Obviously, since you don't know he's dead yet >:D buuuut if one of the cats were to check on the warmth of all the unconscious cats...)) ![]() |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-15 16:31:06 |
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 30/30| Warriors| Camp| Mentions: Hawkpaw __________ Pebblesplash rolled her eyes. "Honestly Hawkpaw, you are the one cat in this clan who is awake who needs to eat! I mean, look at yourself!" she meowed quickly. She nudged the fish closer. "If not for you, for me? Pleeeeeeaaaase?" she flopped over dramatically. "I can get Lynxpaw to prescribe it to you if you won't eat..." Pebblesplash tried to sound "threatening". ![]() |
🌸LightQueen🌊Ga laxy (#59203) Necromancer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-15 16:58:56 |
Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30 ![]() |