Posted by | The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD) | |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-04 04:47:56 |
Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866) |
🌸LightQueen🌊Ga laxy (#59203) Necromancer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-13 17:37:51 |
Lioncloud|60 Moons Old|Temporary/Co-Leader|Health 12/12|Mentions Directly: Softsong|Mentions Indirectly: All|Location: Camp ![]() |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-13 17:38:33 |
Rainpaw - 11 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Lynxpaw, Hawkpaw Rainpaw lead Lynxpaw to the elongated, heart-shaped dock leaves and picked one up. "This." She mumbled around the leaf. Her gaze slid past Lynxpaw to Stripecloud and she curled her tail in greeting. Putting down the leaf, she told Stripecloud a brief account of what had happened and how she had offered to help. She looked back to Lynxpaw for her response about the leaf. ![]() |
Kat (#101510)
Protector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-13 17:48:03 |
Lynxpaw | 10 Moons | Med. Cat App | 18/18 | Temp Camp | Mentions: Rainpaw, Hawkpaw Lynxpaw followed Rainpaw and watched her pick out the large dock leaves. Dock leaves... they were usually used for scratches, but they also helped wounds, although how she couldn't quite recall. "Yes, let's use them- you put a few over the big wounds, I'll take some for the nest." Passing Stripecloud, to whom she gave a polite greeting, she returned to the nest and added the leaves, arranging them neatly in a circle. It made the nest a lot bigger, and now she felt more confident about it. "Ok, the nest is ready. We need to move Hawkpaw onto it, but gently- we don't want to disturb the poultices. Once you're ready, we'll move him on the count of 3". ![]() |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-13 18:02:11 |
Rainpaw - 11 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Lynxpaw, Hawkpaw Rainpaw nodded and wriggled under Hawkpaw's back, letting Lynxpaw deal with his front since it had much more going on. She waited for the count of three and on three she slowly elevated him and teetered forward until she reached the nest. They laid him down and she watched Lynxpaw inspect Hawkpaw one last time. She backed up and watched, seeing if any further help was needed. ![]() |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-13 18:16:51 |
Rainpaw - 11 Moons - Apprentice - 18/18 Health - Temporary Camp - Mentions: Lynxpaw (ID), Stripecloud, Lioncloud (ID) After saying goodnight to Lynxpaw, Rainpaw padded outside with Stripecloud. "Hey," She said, she had just remembered Lioncloud's words and had flicked her tail at Stripecloud, "Shouldn't you be keeping vigil?" She chuckled. She was pretty tired as well, but she didn't want to rub it in by sleeping next to Stripecloud. Rainpaw suddenly realized she wouldn't get to sleep next to him until she became a warrior as well, the thought saddened her. She padded a few tail lengths to the side into a shadow and slowly fell asleep while seeing the soft silver fur glow in the moonlight. ![]() |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-13 19:30:42 |
Stripecloud|14 Moons|Warrior|30/30 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Rainpaw Stripecloud nodded and flicked his tail in goodbye. He walked over to a spot and sat down. The young warrior felt tired but he wanted to make it through one more night. It had been a couple day since he had slept but he was determined. The young tom didn't see any of the new warriors around him. He shrugged and kept his eyes open. He looked up to the sky seeing the stars. He then looked back in front of him letting out a yawn. He curled his tail around his paws and waited for morning. ![]() |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-13 21:46:45 |
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 30/30| Warriors| Camp| Mentions: Hawkpaw, Earthquake(ID), Lioncloud, Lynxpaw __________ (I didn’t realize Lioncloud, Earthquake, Clearsong AND Pebblesplash were all related XD) Pebblesplash nodded to Lioncloud, unable to say anything. Looking toward Lynxpaw, she padded over to him. “I can watch him tonight if you’d like,” she offered. Maybe if Pebblesplash could sit with him, and help in any way, her grief and self-blame would slowly leave her. She was grateful, however, for the support Earthquake and Lioncloud had given her. Pebblesplash smiles to herself, happy to have them in her family. ![]() |
Sage {G3 Mottled Pie Haze} (#85592) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-13 22:50:25 |
Wolfpaw | 12 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Temp Camp | Mentions: Clearsong, Willowstar, Rainpaw, Lynxpaw, Hawkpaw, Lioncloud The young tom’s ears twitched when he heard Clearsong say that they had arrived and glanced behind him when he heard him send Rainpaw over to help Lynxpaw with Hawkpaw. It took him a moment to find where the other apprentice was, but the moment he saw him, even at a distance, Wolfpaw could tell that he was in pretty bad shape. A shiver raced through him as he thought about it and turned his attention to Clearsong at his question. He carefully moved the moss and cobweb away to see that she was still bleeding, though only slightly less than before. “The only thing I can think of might be a little more cobwebs in case she doesn’t stop bleeding soon, but her other cuts don’t seem anywhere near as bad as this one. I’m not a medicine cat, so I can’t really say for sure. I’m just not sure how she got all of these to begin with.” Wolfpaw let out a small sigh and tried to take a moment to breathe. He still felt panicked over it, and when he thought about it, maybe even a little scared that he could’ve lost his sister had no one noticed either leader in their conditions. In a strange way, he felt like he should thank Rainpaw for being the first one to notice something was wrong, even though it wasn’t a sight anyone would have liked to see. He quietly stared down at Willowstar, losing himself in his thoughts for a bit until the sound of Lioncloud calling out to the cats that it was time for the new warriors to have their vigil and his recommendation of sleep. The young apprentice had dozed off earlier, so he didn’t feel up for sleeping anytime soon and planned to stay up, watching over his sister in the meantime. Seeing Clearsong nearby still, he turned slightly, deciding to ask the questions on his mind. “How do you think they got this way, Sunstar with his convulsing and Willowstar with her wounds? None of us would’ve ever thought to do them any harm like this, at least, that’s what I would like to think. Hopefully they wake up soon though. What will happen if they don’t though?” Realizing that he was about to start rambling, he quieted down, feeling bad that he might be bothering the temporary co-deputy if he asked too many questions. ![]() |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-14 00:10:39 |
Hawkpaw|12 Moons|Apprentice|2/18 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash, Lynxpaw Hawkpaw felt pain everywhere. His shoulder felt the most painful. He felt pain on his neck. He felt pain on his nose and he could smell, almost taste, blood. That awful ringing sound was still in his ears. He opened his eyes slightly. He opened them a bit more. Everything was blurry. Hawkpaw could see the shapes of two cats. His vision came back for a moment. In that moment he made out the cats, Pebblesplash and Lynxpaw. Hawkpaw shifted his position the pain making him groan. He closed his eyes wanting the pain to just go away. He felt his body start to relax making him a bit more comfortable but the pain was still there. His legs and tail didn't hurt at least. ![]() |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-14 04:11:25 |
Softsong | 14 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Lynxpaw(ID), Hawkpaw(ID), Stripecloud(ID), Lioncloud, Aldershade, Open! Softsong widened his eyes at the response, gaping at Hawkpaw for a few moments before shaking his head. He was grateful that the apprentice was still alive. He looked at the slightly younger cat, they had trained together for many moons. He glanced at Lynxpaw and relaxed, reassured that he was in good paws. He had a little herb knowledge himself, but was mostly familiar with the herbs Snowecho's mentor had used on him when he was little and suffering from his panic attacks more often. His black ears twitched when he heard Stripecloud's voice, about to open his mouth to reply when Lioncloud gave the order for him and the rest of the new warriors to hold their vigil. He shut his mouth and quickly padded to Aldershade and nudged him awake. Before the warrior could speak, he put his paw on his mouth to keep him silent. He then proceeded to silently nudge the taller warrior to his feet and brush his fur against his as they walked to the temporary camp's entrance to guard it. ![]() |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-14 06:35:56 |
Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Wolfpaw, Willowstar (ID), Sunstar(ID) Clearsong sat up after checking for any other notable wounds on Willowstar. He nodded, Wolfpaw had been right, there only seemed to be scratches aside from the one he was tending to. He looked to Wolfpaw and twitched his ears, "Honestly... I don't really know." His mind raced with possible solutions, but non seemed valid enough. "They all may have eaten something that's attacking them on the inside out... Or maybe they're all in a dream? I don't see that hurting them physically, however." Clearsong shook his head, racking his brain for clues. "I'm pretty sure none of us did this, though, Rainpaw noticed Sunstar having convulsions while they were happening, and this only happened to Willowstar after that. Besides I trust my clan mates, and I know that they wouldn't do this sort of thing." He flicked his tail once, dismissing the possibility. His gaze turned and rested on Sunstar, "Hopefully they wake up soon, it seems the longer they're in this sort of state, the more things start to happen. I couldn't imagine losing one of our leaders or medicine cats or deputies to whatever they're fighting." He turned his gaze back to Wolfpaw and laid his tail on the apprentice's shoulder, " I especially hope Willowstar wakes up for you, I know what it'd be like to lose someone like her." He thought of his mother and father, and his eyes clouded with old grief. (Insert melodramatic backstory of another cat dying, being taken away, or leaving) ![]() Edited on 14/10/18 @ 06:40:35 by 🎃 Swiftbreeze 🎃 (#140966) |
Kat (#101510)
Protector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-14 08:21:02 |
Lynxpaw | 10 Moons | Med. Cat App | 18/18 | Temp Camp | Mentions: Hawkpaw, Pebblesplash Having thanked Rainpaw for her help and agreeing to Pebblesplash's offer, Lynxpaw had retired to her nest for the night, settling into a deep but somewhat uneasy slumber. Only an hour or so passed until she woke up again, and being unable to fall asleep again she figured she might as well check up on Hawkpaw. Trotting across to Pebblesplash, she opened her mouth to ask if everything was ok- but it was suddenly interrupted by a low groan. Quickly she turned her attention to Hawkpaw, just in time to see his eyes shut again! "Hawkpaw? Hawkpaw, can you hear me?" she asked gently, hurrying to his side in case something was wrong. It never hurt too much to be extra careful about these things, after all. ![]() |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-14 09:24:35 |
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 30/30| Warrior| Camp| Mentions: Hawkpaw, Lynxpaw __________ Pebblesplash yawed,”He slept peacefully. No change in him, but he’s not... dying. I think? I’m not medicine cat.” She was tired. During the night, she hadn’t her own reflection. Could she have stopped the dog? What would Hawkpaw say? What did the Clan think? All good questions, but none to be answered immediately. “I can go hunting or gathering herbs for you if you—“ she cut off with another yawn. “Actually maybe a quick nap wouldn’t hurt,” Pebblesplash laughed to herself. ![]() |
Viper (#91328)
Good Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-14 14:15:47 |
Harepaw~11 moons?~Apprentice~18/18~Outside Camp/River~Mentions: Apprentices(ID), *OPEN* Harepaw looked around the 'camp', looking for a place to rest for the night. She wasn't sure if an apprentice den had been made, or any dens for that matter. She looked for the other apprentices. That would give her a sign at least. ![]() |
Sage {G3 Mottled Pie Haze} (#85592) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-14 14:41:48 |
Wolfpaw | 12 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Temp Camp | Mentions: Clearsong, Willowstar Wolfpaw quietly listened as the temporary deputy answered his questions and shared his thoughts on it. Hearing him say that he trusted his clanmates that they wouldnt think of harming any of the high ranked cats helped him feel more at ease and he could slowly feel his panic and fear drain away. “Whatever it is that they’re fighting, hopefully they get out of it okay, though I’m sure it won’t be without a few more incidents like this.” The young apprentice’s gaze shifted between both leaders then glanced up as he felt the tom’s tail rest on his shoulder. “Thanks, Clearsong. She’s the closest kin I have, so I’m not sure what I would do if she were gone. What I am sure of is that she wouldn’t want me moaping around like this though.” He sighed before letting out a quiet, yet forced laugh. ![]() |