Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-10-21 15:47:57

Lioncloud|60 Moons Old|Temporary/Co-Leader|Health 12/12|Mentions Directly: Earthquake |Mentions Indirectly: Rainpaw, Clearsong, Hollowfall, Pebblesplash|Location: Camp

The old tom nodded to his son, as he was glad to see that Earthquake looked better now. "Glad to see that I was able to help", Lioncloud said with a chuckle. Looking up, the old calico watched Earthquake leave in search of Honeyfrost. He was glad to see that his kit was feeling better now, a smile came to his lips again. If Lioncloud ever called Earthquake, 'Kit', outloud these days, he'd probably get a smack for it. Oh, how he missed the days when the earth colored tom was still a little kit, he used to be so cute. A slight sigh escaped the old tom, how much time has passed, since then?
Before he knew it, the old calico had come up to the unconscious cats. Noticing the distress, that the others cats where radiating, Lioncloud looked down at the unconscious cat. "What happened? Are they.....", Lioncloud trailed off, as his eyes fell on Hollowfall. Something seemed off, about the deputy. He was...., was he dead? The temporary leader stood there, staring down at the deputy. His eyes trailed off, to look at Rainpaw, as the apprentice spoke. So, the deputy really was dead then? How had this happened? What was going on in Starclan?

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-10-21 16:34:25
Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Pebblesplash, Lioncloud, Honeyfrost, Hollowfall

Clearsong stepped away from Pebblesplash and took a breath to meet the temporary leader and other deputy's gazes. When he looked up they had worried, curious expressions on their faces. "It's-It's Hollowfall." He said, gently curling his tail around Hollowfall's paw, "He died during the night." He closed his eyes and looked up at Starclan, the stars seemed dim-very dim. It looked as if the dark of night was swallowing the stars up. His pelt prickled with unease, "I feel like even the stars are darker than normal... You think they'd be brighter with all the new members they've gotten recently." He added dryly. He noticed that he had started to feel as if he were building a wall around him. He sighed, closing himself off might prevent him from having an outburst. He put a figuative lid on his emotions right then in there for the clan, if he was in despair, then what was the clan going to do. He suddenly growled, "I'm going hunting." However he made a mental note to stay close to the camp, but he would NOT fish, he shuddered. He stalked off.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-21 16:46:29

Snowecho | 26 Moons | Med. Cat | 4/30 | Starclan | Mentions: Stormberry, Horsetail, Open!

Snowecho raised his paw to make another attack, but was tackled down by the Dark Forest cat. He let out a screech as he felt claws slash at him. The wounds felt deep, too deep for just a light scratch. The weight of the bigger tom was lifted, a flash of tabby stripes and some white told him that it was Stormberry who had come to his rescue. His heart leapt with joy. Stormberry must truly care for him! He shifted his paws, managing to place them underneath himself and push himself up. As much as he wanted to stay and fight with Stormberry, he knew he would be of better use staying back and healing himself and others. He took in a shaky breath, backing away from the fight a little. A rush of adrenaline coursed through him and he was able to use the sudden strength to run back to where he had left his herbs. The deputy was obviously able to fight for himself, and right now he needed to stop the his bleeding.

Once he arrived back with his herbs he started cleaning his wounds. He looked around for Horsetail, he needed help with this. "Horsetail!?" He called, not able to see the cat in question. He had no idea what the other cat was up to, had he known, he would be running to him this very second. He trembled lightly, pressing cobweb to the worst of his injuries and picked up some marigold to chew. He chewed them into a poultice, leaned over to his belly and licked it in. He repeated the same process, but with goldenrod to help it heal better. There were scratches he could not reach, but he could tend to them later, the belly wound he had was more important, deeper.

His body in the real world replicated his injuries. Blood started leaking from his belly, scratches appeared on his muzzle, leg, and back.

Softsong | 14 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Temp Camp | Mentions: Aldershade, Open!

Softsong felt relieved when he saw the sun rise, letting himself take a luxurious stretch before shaking out his fur. He looked over at Aldershade after the nudge, nodding his head lightly. He looked forwards to talking to him after their vigil, it had felt like years! "Perhaps a little drink first." He mewed, licking his lips. He was about to lead him to the river when he heard the commotion from where the high ranks lay. He stared there for a while, but decided that they would only be in the way if they went over. If it got too crowded, Lynxpaw and Icepaw would be unable to do their jobs properly. He nuzzled Aldershade lightly and resumed leading the way to the bank of the river.

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Edited on 23/10/18 @ 03:04:34 by Balder(PUTP) (#117962)

path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-10-22 08:30:00
Spottedpaw-7 moons- 12/18-apprentice-river
Spottedpaw looks at Mumblepaw surprise in her eyes. He did look really tired. "You should have told me. Let's go find you a nest. I'm sure you're hungry I'll try to find some prey for both of us" She looked at him hoping he wouldn't reject the idea and want to do it himself. "I could also ask Icepaw for strengthening herbs. If you want." She did want to fuss over him like a kit but he fretted over her like a kit so now it was her turn.

Icepaw-7 moons-18/18-med apprentice-river
Icepaw looks around with her good eye hoping to find more herbs that are needed. She spotted marigold and daisy leaves. She carefully picks the stems and carries them back to the temporary medicine den. She slowly sorts through the herbs she has. They were so low on herbs. What happens when leaf-bare came? Will they be in their new camp by then? When will the leaders wake up? She shakes her head now was not the time for those questions. She needs to get nesting materials.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-10-22 09:29:39

Horsetail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 0/30

The dark sand colored tom’s cry of death rang through the dark StarClan forests. Horsetail was pinned underneath Stormfang, the Dark Forest Cats fangs were clamped tightly on Horsetails throat. The medicine cat gasped for breath, his life was fading. ”Please”, Horsetail said, pleading with Stormfang. Tears had started to stream down his face, as his eyes shivered and tried to find Stormfang’s eyes. ” P… ple…”, Horsetail could not finish, his voice was failing him, he no longer had any strength. Horsetail was dying.
The medicine cat looked into Stormfang’s face and…. and were those tears in the large tabby’s eyes? Had Stormfang come to his senses? Horsetail gasped for breath, as Stormfang stepped back. The grey tabby tom looked almost shocked, appalled at his own actions. ””, the tom said, stuttering. The Dark Forest Cat shakely stepped forward towards Horsetail again and leaned down. Instead of attacking Horsetail again, Stormfang touched his nose to the medicine cats cheek. ”I’m sorry”, Stormfang breathed into Horsetails ear. Leaning back, his blue eyes looked into the now dulling blue-green eyes of the cat he once hoped to call mate. ”Maybe…”, the grey tabby tom, wiped away some of his tears with his paw. ”Maybe one day, we can see each other again”, Stormfang said, hopefulness in his voice. Hearing the call of another Dark Forest Cat for Stormfang to return to the battle, the grey tabby tom stood up. Leaning over, the tom gave Horsetail’s cheek a kiss. ”Please forgive me”, the tom said, ”I still love you”, the muscular tom added. Looking up, Stormfang saw that most of the light had drained out of Horsetail’s eyes. Reaching up, he closed Horsetail’s eyes. A sad smile came to his face, as Stormfang’s blue eyes landed on the herb stuck behind Horsetail’s ear. It had stayed on, through the whole ordeal. Giving his former lover another look, Stormfang turned his back on Horsetail’s body and returned to the battlefield.

{Horsetail's Body in the real world}

As Horsetail dies in StarClan, his body starts to tremble. All of a sudden, the tom gasps and his eyes flies open. His body rolling onto his back. The tom stared for only two heartbeats, unseeing, into the sky. Then, Horsetail closes his eyes and his body rolls to the other side. Now his body lies, just as it does in StarClan.

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Kat (#101510)

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Posted on
2018-10-22 13:19:25
Lynxpaw | 10 Moons | Med. Cat App | 18/18 | Temp Camp | Mentions: Rainpaw, Hollowfall (ID), Horsetail (ID), Clearsong, Pebblesplash

Lynxpaw froze in place, eyes wide, dropping the stray herb she was returning to its pile. A sickly, cold feeling pierced her stomach, and after it came a familiar feeling: intense guilt. "D-dead?" she half-stuttered, half murmured, unable to meet Rainpaw's eyes. It didn't feel real. It couldn't be real.

Why didn't she check in on the unconscious cats more? Why didn't she take better care of them?
ʸᵒᵘʳ ᶠᵃᵘˡᵗ

All at once, her paws moved and Lynxpaw darted around Rainpaw, looking utterly horrified. Somewhere between sprinting and stumbling she blindly raced for where the higher ranking cats had been laid down, hoping- no, begging to see that Hollowfall was still just asleep. She could see Clearsong and Pebblesplash there, and quickly she slipped past them to run to the now still co-deputy.

He looked almost asleep... but he was stiff, and cold. So cold.
Iᴛ's ʏᴏᴜʀ ғᴀᴜʟᴛ

As she stared, a nearby gasp and a flash of movement startled her, and she looked on in surprise as Horsetail rolled over, staring upwards with an expression that filled Lynxpaw with dread. Time seemed to freeze... and then without a sound, the medicine cat rolled back onto his side and went still.

"No... No, NO NO NO!" Lynxpaw almost screamed, her voice shrill, her fears becoming all too real.

With the battle in Starclan unknown to her, all she had left to blame was herself. Maybe she hadn't tended to the cats enough, maybe they had some symptom she'd missed. Too little, too late.
Her anxieties closed in for the kill.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-10-22 15:27:33
Rainpaw | 12 Moons | Apprentice | 16/18 | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Lynxpaw, Hollowfall, Horsetail

Rainpaw stiffened as she heard Lynxpaw gasp. She had completely forgotten the anxiety that Lynxpaw had been showing for the past couple of days. Did she make a mistake? Maybe she should habe told Icepaw... "Wait! Lynx..." She shouted, chasing after the she cat. She stopped beside her as she sat next to Hollowfall and noticed Clearsong dash off into the woods in a temper. She watched as Lynxpaw trembled, then a movement and a gasp caught her eye. She saw Horsetail roll onto his back and onto his other side. She dashed after Lynxpaw, she was scared for the she-cat, not knowing how she may react. Then she heard Lynxpaw scream and her world suddenly came shattering down. Her friend had cracked, just the thing she was trying to prevent. "Lynxpaw..." Rainpaw brushed her tail over her friend's shoulder. "You couldn't have done anything more for them. They didnt show anything off before this." Her heart raced with panic as she tried to comfort her, however she pushed aside her own panic to help Lynxpaw. Even if she snapped at Rainpaw, she wouldn't hold it against her.

Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Temporary Camp | Mentions:

Clearsong had stalked off to the thunderpath where the old borders of Windclan and Shadowclan used to meet, a lesson he was taught was he was fairly newly apprenticed. He looked up and tasted the air for prey, favoring the Shadowclan border due to his mother, Quietshadow's, lineage. He dashed across the thunderpath and onto the soft, springy ground of pine needles and immediately scented pigeon. Slowly, he crouched and padded forward untilthe bird was in sight. He bunched his muscles to jump, however his bright orange fur stood out against the dark green undergrowth and the bird pelted up, letting out a loud alarm call. "Mouse dung!" He spat, slightly annoyed that his fur was so much like his father, Amberstone, and his grandfather, Lioncloud's. He wished his fur resembled his sister's, dark with gray speckles. Maybe then he wouldn't always be spotted.

Grumbling, he turned around, crinkling his nose as he dashed back across the thunderpath. Luckily the thunderpath wasn't used that often, however it wasn't disused, so cats were still told to be wary of it. A bright silver one flashed past as he thought that and he nodded his head before padding away. He decided to try the moor lands, padding up toward the top of the rise, he scented a rabbit. At first he crouched, however he quickly realized the lack of a point to doing so, so he let on a full on sprint after it hare. It was brown with flecks of white, no doubt shedding it's summer coat. He soon reached the rabbit before it made a sharp turn and left Clearsong gasping for air. He looked around, he was by a hollow, probably the sight of Windclan's old camp.

He turned to head back, however as he did, he scented dog. It was faint, so at first he figured it was stale, however it grew stronger around a bush and faded again. Padding forward, following the scent trail, Clearsong figured he was probably's following the same track when it headed off toward highstones and cut off abruptly at a puddle.

As he saw Fourtrees come into view again, he scented it again, albeit, just a trace, but it was definitely near camp, possibly carried on the wind. His pelt bristled as he debated on whether or not to get help, however he decided he wanted to stay away from camp a bit longer. He crept along the scent trail, it slowly grew stronger, until, once again, it ubruptly cut off under the smell of burning ash and smoke. He coughed, the fire had long gone out, but the scent lingered, and Clearsong decided not to put himself through that. He turned to head back to camp and he could have sworn he heard barking in the distance.
The barking of multiple dogs.
Almost like a pack...

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Edited on 22/10/18 @ 15:30:24 by 🎃 Swiftbreeze 🎃 (#140966)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-10-22 15:39:45
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 30/30| Warrior| Camp| Mentions: Rainpaw, Clearsong, Hollowfall, Hawkpaw, Horsetail, Lynxpaw
Pebblesplash turned her head.
“Horsetail too?” She asked hoarsely. Judging by Rainpaw and Lynxpaw’s looks, she guessed yes.
“StarClan is cruel...” Pebblesplash murmured, “Taking away these cats in our time of need.” She dug her claws into the earth.
“I’m going for a walk,” she hissed.

The RiverClan territory came into view. She inhaled the scent of it. Yes, Pebblesplash knew he clams were one now, but she loved to feel where her ancestors were from. Gazing at her reflection, she could see a unfamiliar face. Dead in the eyes, ungroomed facial fur. She scoffed and turned away and headed toward Fourtrees. The sky’s clouds darkened above her coldly as her anger fueled her paw steps. Most of all, Pebblesplash needed Hawkpaw, Clearsong, or someone to lean on now. She wailed into the day as her tears fell to the ground.

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Edited on 22/10/18 @ 15:40:05 by Hurri (#147819)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-22 16:46:44
Hawkpaw|12 Moons|Apprentice|4/18 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Highranks, Rainpaw, Lynxpaw

Hawkpaw looked up. Hollowfall was dead? He looked to Rainpaw. "Hollowfall is dead?" His voice cracked with grief. So many signs, too many it seemed. "Have you checked to other high ranks. Horsetail? Sunstar? Snowecho? Willowstar? Stormberry?" He tried to stand up forgetting about his wounds. He gave a sharp gasp laying back down. "Can't do that." He groaned and looked back to Rainpaw. He saw Lynxpaw dart out of the den.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-10-22 17:51:42
Earthquake|35 Moons|Health: 30/30|Temp. Co-Leader|Clan Border|Mentions: [ID: Horsetail, Hollowfall, Willowstar, Sunstar] Pebblesplash
Earthquake heaved a heavy sigh, a gray cloud had settled above camp once again. First Hollowfall and now Horsetail, his eyes shifted to Sunstar and Willowstar in disbelief if it ever were to come that they'd lose their most vital cats. His heart only sunk as Pebblesplash walked out of camp,"At times like this, I wouldn't be surprised if it started raining." he words coming out rather low and bittersweet. He followed Pebblesplash, knowing that she'd probably needed some comfort, it tore him to hear her cry so loudly.
Remembering what his father does for him, Earthquake understood what he needed to be for his niece.
He sat next to her with a solemn face, his pelt touching her own, almost breaking into tears as well.

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-10-22 18:28:41
Wolfpaw | 12 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Temp Camp/River | Mentions: Hollowfall, Horsetail, All Cats By the High Ranks, Willowstar

Wolfpaw stood there in silence as he heard the news of both Hollowfall and Horsetail, his worry over the other cats changing into a sense of numbness. He knew that if he had checked earlier, they could've found out about Hollowfall sooner and not have two blows hit them at once with what had just happened with Horsetail, so he felt like he was to blame, but he also realized that even if had had checked sooner, there probably was nothing he could've done to save the co-deputy's life. His gaze scanned over the surrounding cats and realized that there were quite a few and he was starting to feel cramped. Wolfpaw let out a small huff and decided that it would be easier to keep an eye on his sister if there was a little more space and where the mood wasnt so heavy. His favorite place was beside the river and he knew that she held a fondness for the river as well despite past event, so he figured he would move her over there. With the others panicking and mourning over the two cats, Wolfpaw gripped Willowstar's scruff with his teeth and carefully began to pull her away from the group until they were settled over in a grassy spot next to the river bank. He checked her over to see if any of her wounds opened up and the one on her lower throat seemed to still have a small trickle of blood, so he took some of the scrap moss that had clung to her fur from the nest she was in before and carefully placed it over it. The young apprentice let out a sigh and laid down beside her and rest his head on the calico female's side. "Hopefully you wake up soon. It's not the same around here with you gone."He mumbled through her thick fur.

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Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-10-22 18:54:27
Swallowfall | 14 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Temp Camp, River | Mentions: Hollowfall, Horsetail, Wolfpaw, Willowstar

Swallowfall shivered, shaking the morning dew from her long silvery fur. The night had been a long one, but her vigil was over. She rose shakily to her feet, heart thumping in her chest. "H-Hollowfall and Horsetail? Are dead?" Swallowfall whispered. "Please no, no, no, no..." She gouged deep scratches into the ground, her throat closing with sorrow. Letting out a mournful cry, Swallowfall turned to see a grief stricken Wolfpaw dragging Willowstar's body towards the riverbank. Her heart tugged toward the apprentice and she followed him on soft paws. The cold ground numbed her paws and it got chillier still as she got closer to the river. The water rushed by in an icy stream and she found Wolfpaw nestled next to the body of Willowstar. Swallowfall curled up on Wolfpaw's other side, exhaustion slowly creeping through her body. "You okay?" She said quietly.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-10-22 20:08:22
Mumblepaw | 12 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Temp Camp | Mentions: Spottedpaw / Horsetail / Hollowfall / And way to many other cats

Mumblepaw blinked as he heard Spottedpaw's suggestion. He was about to open his muzzle to protest, but instead gave sigh of defeat. 'She's right, I need to take better care of myself.' He scolded himself before turning his attention back to the she cat. "Alright." He groaned softly. Though as he got to his paws he noticed the somewhat large group of cats in the distance. 'What's that all about?' He mumbled to himself. "Hold on Spottedpaw. I want to check something out, I won't take long." He mewed to the she before padding over to the crowd that had formed. He squirmed his way through the crowd, muttering a few words in annoyance. As he moved along he could hear murmuring about a few cats passing. 'Starclan no...' Mumblepaw could feel the anxiety and worry beginning to rush though him.

"What's all the fuss about-" The tom grumbled as he finally reached the sight, it caught him off guard completely. There he saw Hollowfall and Horsetail, the both of them lifeless. Mumblepaw let out a terrified yelp. He hadn't seen a dead cat in a long while. "H-Horsetail-" He whispered in a shaky tone before looking away in utter disgust. He forced himself to walk towards the deceased medicine cat. He stared at Horsetail's lifeless body in silence as he felt the feeling of rage burn inside him like a wildfire. "Get back..." He mumbled quietly, his claws raking into the soil. "I said get back! Move, all of you right now!" He hissed at the crowd. "Get a hold of yourselves! We still have work to do don't we? We'll have to bury their bodies soon, we can't have dead, rotting bodies out in the open right? Let's do that and get back to work, increase the watch time on the surviving high ranks while we're at it!" He huffed in annoyance before turning his attention back to the bodies. The sight chipping away at his tough act, as well as his heart. 'I'm sorry, Horsetail. I should've apologized a long time ago... and Hollowfall... Spottedpaw's going to be devastated.' Mumblepaw sighed as he looked to his paws.

He had that feeling again. The feeling that glazed over the Clan as each other the high ranks went into an unconscious state, he felt that same feeling with these deaths. He had enough despair in his life. "I can't... I can't do this anymore! I hate this, all of it!" He screeched. "Get me out.. Somebody get me out of here!" Mumblepaw wailed as he ran away, fleeing out from the camp into the wilderness.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-22 20:29:20
Stripecloud|14 Moons|Warrior|30/30 Health|Temporary Camp|Mentions: Mumblepaw

Stripecloud woke up and just in time to hear Mumblepaw yell at everyone. Stripecloud let out a yawn and stood up to see the apprentice runoff. 'Better make sure he doesn't hurt himself.' Stripecloud thought before taking off after the tom. He knew he would get snapped at but he didn't care. There was a dog out there and many other things. Stripecloud couldn't bare to see another cat get hurt. He just couldn't. He didn't even know that cats were dying, yet.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-10-22 20:34:28
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 30/30| Warrior| Camp| Mention: Earthquake
Pebblesplash stifled her breath as she felt Earthquake’s presence. As he settled next to her, she wiped her face with her paw. The presence helped her relax, somehow.
“I’m sorry for running off... I just needed to walk...” she quietly looked at her paws. Pebblesplash knew in her heart she made a bad choice, even if her head hadn’t caught up yet. More tears streaked her face. Of all times to be emotional

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Edited on 22/10/18 @ 20:34:48 by Hurri (#147819)

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