Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-10-25 13:38:45
Rainpaw | 12 Moons | Apprentice | 16/18 | Thunderclan Territory | Mentions: Lynxpaw

Rainpaw felt tired, but adrenaline kept her moving. She made it across the stepping stones and saw Lynxpaw make it across safely as well. With Lynxpaw at her side, they dashed across the old Riverclan territory. Glancing back, she saw the dog hesitate before jumping into the water and fight the current.
They couldn't fight it: Rainpaw wasn't yet a warrior, and Lynxpaw wasn't old enough to know all the battle moves a medicine cat needed to defend herself. They would die if they didn't thnk of something fast!
Suddenly an old story popped into her mind with the same situation. She remembered Lioncloud telling it to her as a kit. Many moons ago, a leader named Bluestar gave up her last life defending her clan from a pack of dogs. She had run to the gorge and flung the dogs over, she had gone with protecting her deputy, Firestar. Maybe if she tweaked it... She smirked, adrenaline rushing to her as she had a plan.
"Try... get to gorge... you know story.... let's give a try." She wanted to save her breath, but told Lynxpaw her plan in those short gasps. She knew this was the only way they could survive without help.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-10-25 15:02:58
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 30/30| Warrior| Camp| Mentions: Earthquake
Pebblesplash lunged at the dog, aiming for its stomach as Earthquake had said to. She desperately clawed at it, trying to distract the dog from her uncle.
“Let him go you mange pelt!” She yowled. A muffled snarl came from the dog, as it felt both attacks from the cats. Pebblesplash spat at it, and but its leg.
Just let go, please she thought anxiously, or go after me, just let Earthquake live!.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-10-25 19:10:44
Mumblepaw | 12 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Thunderclan Territory | Mentions: Stripecloud

Mumblepaw would run as fast as his paws would let him. He wasn't completely sure where he was yet, but he didn't care. The apprentice let out a tired wheeze before stopping. "This... is exactly why I hate land-!" He grumbled. "I bet I could swim in water for moons without end, moons...!" Mumblepaw complained aloud. He then took in a deep breathe, relaying on his hearing and sight to figure out where he was. He recognized it as Thunderclan's old territory when he watched his surroundings. Though he could also hear the sound of water rushing not too far from where he was. Could he be near Riverclan's old territory too? He wondered if he was near stepping stones. He sniffed around, the faint scents filling his nose. He could smell a clanmate ever so slightly. Mumblepaw followed the scent, soon spotting a running gray pelted figure not too far into the distance. "It's not him. It's not him." He mumbled in slight hope, but it was definitely Stripecloud. The apprentice groaned at the sight of the warrior. "For Starclan's sake- Stripecloud!" He shouted at the tom. "You always manage to be the largest pain in my tail! Get back to Camp you overgrown toad!" He let out an irritated yowl, his tail flicking in annoyance. Mumblepaw's ear perked as he soon heard another sound, was that barking? "What in Starclan's name?" He muttered in confusion. Could Stripecloud hear it too?

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-10-25 20:10:37
Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Honeyfrost, Lioncloud, Icepaw, Wolfpaw, Softsong

Clearsong nodded his head to Honeyfrost and Lioncloud, scanning the camp to take in who was present. "Icepaw! Watch over the high ranks, please?" He said, "Softsong, I want you and Wolfpaw to join me to search Thunderclan, Honeyfrost and her group can try Windclan. If we find a scent trail, we know what to do." He nodded to the gray apprentice by the river after saying that, "I'll get Wolfpaw."
Clearsong padded over by the river and got Wolfpaw's attention. "Hey, mind if Icepaw watches over Willowstar and we go on patrol to find some cats away from clan?" He said almost apologetically, he knew the young cat didn't want to leave his sister, but it would benefit him if he was distracted for a bit.

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Edited on 25/10/18 @ 20:15:17 by 🎃 Swiftbreeze (Bast)🎃 (#140966)

Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-10-26 03:43:18
Swallowfall | 14 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Temp Camp, River | Mentions: Wolfpaw, Clearsong

"I'd be lying if I said I was okay, but I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." Swallowfall replied, her voice thick with emotion. She was trying to be strong for her clanmate but it was difficult when such devastating events occurred. She nuzzled Wolfpaw's cheek gently and continued, "Don't worry too much, I'm sure Willowstar will wake up fine...she's too strong for that." The reassurance was for herself too as much as anything, but saying the words didn't make the clan's predicament any less dire. She lay with Wolfpaw and Willowstar's body quietly, trying to be as comforting a presence as she could muster when Clearsong walked over. He asked if Icepaw could watch Willow while they went on patrol and then waited for Wolfpaw's reply. Swallowfall cleared her throat, a bit indignantly before saying, "Um, may I accompany you on patrol or is there anything I can help with?"

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-10-26 04:13:55
Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Swallowfall, Honeyfrost, Wolfpaw

Cearsong looked over as Swallowfall asked to join. "Oh erm," He started, embarrassed that he hadn't mentioned her as well. "I think Honeyfrost is also looking for cats to patrol with her, would you mind joining her group?" He licked his chest in embarassment, "Sorry about that. I just wanted to get going as soon as possible in case the cats are in danger. We only know about the dog the new cat killed and he wasn't the biggest dog I've ever seen. I'm afraid of someone being seriously injured by a bigger dog. Report back to camp if you need backup." He swished his tail once to show he was finished and nodded to Swallowfall.

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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-10-26 16:16:53
Wolfpaw | 12 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Temp Camp/River | Mentions: Swallowfall, Clearsong, Willowstar

The young tom let out a small hum as he listened to the female warrior share her thoughts and slightly nodded his head with a faint smile. “You’re right. She’ll wake up one of these days and whatever caused this to happen to her, she won’t let this keep her away from any of us. That goes for Sunstar, Stormberry, and Snowecho.” He then turned his head and lightly headbutted her shoulder in return. “Also, i’ll believe you, but if it ever gets to be too much, don’t force yourself to be strong. Having someone to talk to when you’re feeling down or overwhelmed is always a nice thing to have, regardless of what it is.” Wolfpaw felt himself relax and was grateful for Swallowfall’s presence and her words.

His ears twitched as he heard pawsteps approach them and his attention turned to who he noticed was Clearsong. As soon as the tom asked if Icepaw could watch over his sister while he went out on a patrol, he almost immediately protested. He had nothing against the medicine cat apprentice in the slightest, but he felt incredibly uneasy leaving Willowstar’s side after already seeing the two larger wounds that she had and couldn’t believe that another one couldn’t appear in the time he was gone. He considered asking Swallowfall if she could possibly watch over her, but then Clearsong suggested she could go on a patrol with Honeyfrost, so he scratched that idea and sighed. The fluffy silver tom knew he couldn’t sit around in the temporary camp all the time and he figured he may as well be useful, so he let out a sigh. “Alright, but Willowstar is staying right here in this same spot and I don’t want that stranger anywhere near her.”

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-10-26 16:23:56
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 30/30| Warrior| Camp| Mentions: Earthquake
(Forgive me if this incorrect: but I haven’t check Discord lately so i might begin screwing up... we need an OOC chat on Lioden)
Pebblesplash shrieked louder, biting down on its leg. It let it a howl of pain, releasing her uncle. She spat at it, almost asking it to come back. Of course it did. She flattened her ears, hissing. She lunged at it, digging her claws into its muzzle. It shook her off, and she landed on her back with a thud. The breath was knocked out of her. Pebblesplash shut her eyes, and when she opened them again the dog was over her, it’s slobbering jaws closer to her then she’d like.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-10-26 17:56:03
Harepaw~11 Moons ~Apprentice~18/18~Forest~Mentions: Pebblesplash, Earthquake, *OPEN*

Harepaw heard a ruckus in the distance. Probably more dogs she grimly assumed. She would be correct. There was no time for the apprentice to think, before her paws took her racing through the forest in the direction of the noise, of danger. It was time to be a warrior first, and think second. Her clan is in danger, and she had trained for the past 5 hard long months for moments like these. She burst into the scene, watching as Pebblesplash got tossed through the air by the dog, landing on her back. Earthquake didn't look to be in good shape either. She launched herself at the dog. Her claws and teeth sticking into the beasts flesh firmly, as her claws worked to rake at his shoulder, while her jaws clenched on to the bottom of his neck, toward the back and by the shoulder.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-10-26 18:53:31
Sunstar | 27 Moons | Co-Leader | 22/40 | [Starclan] | Mentions: Snowecho, Stormberry, Horsetail, Willowstar

Sunstar shook his head, trying to clear his sight. He couldn't believe his brother just died before his eyes. He looked to his father, not sure what to do.
Thistlestar stood up tall, ignoring his obvious injuries. Brokenbone suddenly lost interest in Stormberry, heading towards the father and son.
"You're going to pay for killing my son, Brokenbone." Thistlestar said, full of grief. Sunstar looked over toward Stormberry, making sure he was alright. When he saw Snowecho injured, he thought it would be best to go check on him. He ran off, catching up to Snowecho as the medicine cat was collecting up herbs. "Are you okay?"
He kept his eye on the battlefield, scanning the scenery. His eyes landed on Horsetail, who was lying on the ground over in the trees. In an instant he was alarmed, and shoved Snowecho. "It's Horsetail! He's injured- you need to go help him, now!"
His allegiance was being put to the test. He looked from Horsetail, to Stormberry, to his father. He ran over to his mate, abandoning all the feelings he had before. Sure, everyone has made mistakes. Even Sunstar has made mistakes that he hasn't told a soul yet. Everything will come out eventually, in time.
He saw Willowstar standing with her family, and didn't want to intrude. Though moments later all the starry and shadow cats were in a circle, watching as Brokenbone and Thistlestar begin to face off.
Sunstar turned to his mate, whispering in his ear, "We can win. No one has beaten my father. And Stormberry.. I forgive you. I hope it's not too late to say that. It's just.. time feels like it's running out, and I don't want to leave us on bad terms. If I did.. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. I love you too much."

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-10-26 21:02:53
Harepaw~11 Moons ~Apprentice~2/18~Forest~Mentions: Pebblesplash, Earthquake, *OPEN*
The dog shook under her grasp. She knew she would need to lead it away from the other two, so they could be helped. She caught the glimpse of a tree not far away that offered a branch low enough to keep the dogs attention, but a fox length too high for it to reach her. She reluctantly let go of the dog, blood stoning her paws and muzzle, and the crimson blood stained the dogs pelt brilliantly. She needed to head for the tree, and quickly as the dog had grown madder. She slashed the dog on one of its front legs as she went running by and it worked, it worked too well. She could feel it's hot breath on her pelt as she ran for the tree. As soon as she could she jumped for the tree, she did. She needed the upper hand again and as soon as possible. She tried to comb the tree, but the dog latched in to her tail and tugged. She whirled around with a hits, and slashed at the dog's face leaving marks from just below its large brown eye to just before its whiskers. It howled in pain, letting her tail go. She landed on her feet, roughly, a shooting pain going up her back right leg. She stumbled for a second. That second was all the dog needed. It grasped her in its rotten kill smelling mouth and it began to shake her from side to side. Her body jolting directions as the dog shook her mercilessly. Whether it had been by choice, accident, or by the chance the slobber made her too hard to hold on to, she left the dogs mouth. Flying a few fox leaps away into bushes with a hardy thud. Pain shot through the she cat. She couldn't tell you what didn't hurt and what did at this point, or who's blood was whos. Her eyes hung half open as she lay there, breathing heavily. She could hear the dog approaching her. I... am not.... dying like this. She heaved herself to her feet, shaking, as her body screamed and protested for her to lay there. She limped, hobbled, and stumbled to a hole under a tree where the roots have begun to become exposed thanks to erosion over many many many moons and cats. She pulled herself under, the cold wet dirt clogging up her paws by time she was under, and just in time. The flea bitten mouse brain of a dog barely missed its chance, and frantically snarled and dug at the roots. She laid there, breathing heavily, with her eye lids half sunk, listening to the dogs frantic panick to get in here to kill her. She flopped her head on the ground, tired. The tiredest she had felt, and silently prayed to Starclan that somehow she would make it out of this. That her clan mates would rescue her. That at least if she dies here today that her clan and clan mates will be spared. The dimly light hole slowly became brighter as the dog made ground at getting to her. She laid there waiting for what Starclan had decided

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Edited on 27/10/18 @ 12:33:21 by Viper (#91328)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-10-26 21:13:17
Pebblesplash|15 moons| 30/30| Warrior| Moor/Woods|Mentions: Earthquake, Harepaw
Pebblesplash felt dimly aware of blood running all around her. The dog, Earthquake, herself- and Harepaw. The she-cat had joined the battle and led the dog away from them. Her. Struggling to her feet, she hissed as her back and legs nearly gave out under her. She looked over to Earthquake, who wasn’t faring to bad.
“I’ll be back,” she whispered. She quickly limped-ran in Harepaw’s direction. Pebblesplash could feel her senses becoming fuzzy, shaking her head, she pushed on. The dog’s frantic yelling grew louder. It was barking at a tree root dumb dog. Someone’s hiding there, mouse-brain! she told herself. Taking a deep breath, she let out a loud yowl, begging for the dog’s attention. The brute paused, looking in her direction. Pebblesplash staggered melodramatically, pretending- well, maybe not- to screech in pain. The dog’s throaty growl sounded again. She hissed at it, staying on her feet.
“Come at me, flea pelt!”

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-10-26 22:32:51
Earthquake|35 Moons|Health: 10/30|Temp. Co-Leader|Clan Border|Mentions: Pebblesplash, Harepaw
Earthquake tumbled, his body flung from the dog, and landing on his side, air was pushed from his lungs.
Angry barking pounded his already roaring with blood ears, his mind was in a daze but he couldn't give out, not now. He watched in terror as the brute lunged at Harepaw, nearly snapping down on the apprentice, instinct ordered he get up and fight.
"I-I can't!" his body screamed at him to stop, his heart leaping in his chest.
He nearly choked as Harepaw was caught by the dog, but managed to escape under the roots of a tree.
"I'll be back."
His eyes shifted to Pebblesplash, "no..." he watched with wide eyes as she attracted the dog's attention. He couldn't let this happen, "DO SOMETHING!" his mind roared in his ears.
Struggling to his feet and gasping for air, he gained what strength he had left and mindlessly launched himself at the dog's throat. He attacked sporadically, clawing and digging into the soft purchase he clung to.
Thick black claws skinned pink flesh, blood flew, blinding him, and a howl of agony echoed throughout the canopy.
Earthquake didn't know what happened next, all he knew was that he was covered in dog blood and said body was nothing but a heap of slobber and stinking fur. A puddle of blood was starting to collect under the deep gash of the dog, it began wheezing it's last breaths before him, whining as it's eyes turned dull. "It was over."
Earthquake collapsed, stars clouding his vision as his heart still beat in his ears, he got back up, despite the protest from his aching legs. He let out air he didn't realize he was holding in, "I-is everyone alright?" he himself was in bad shape, but his niece and Harepaw mattered more, he could get healed later.

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Edited on 27/10/18 @ 12:54:20 by 🎃Mellow Marshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-10-27 03:59:14
Harepaw~11 Moons ~Apprentice~2/18~Forest~Mentions: Pebblesplash, Earthquake, *OPEN*
The dogs digging and yapping made her head pound. The annoying yapping and frantic digging and snarling stopped for a second, and Harepaw could hear the sound of a yowl that sounded familiar. She hoped it was only an act, and not for real. She heard Pebblesplash taunt the dog, and she heaved a sigh of relief. The sounds of cats fighting echoed in the hole she lay in, before it all went silent. The dog had been slain. She silently thanked Starclan. "I-is everyone alright?" Earthquake called. She fought to keep her eyes open, before forcing her shaking body to stand. Or at least try to. She dragged, walked, stumbled, and crawled toward the hole the dog had made bigger. Her body shook with every move she made, utterly exhausted and beaten. Her mind a battle of laying down or climbing out of this hole. Her senses had gone numb as her head battle and her shaking body made it to the lip of the whole. Her legs gave out finally, like a kits first time trying to walk. She panted heavily with pain. Her mind screamed at her body and her to get up, to keep going. Her leg felt heavy, like she had trudge through mud and had mud packed on her making her double in weight. She reached for the light through the hole, before her paw flopped on the ground. She hopped someone would see her paw, and help her, as she couldn't move anymore, not for a while at least-that's if her wounds didn't get to her first.

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Edited on 27/10/18 @ 12:31:22 by Viper (#91328)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-10-27 06:33:43
Clearsong | 15 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Temporary Camp | Mentions: Wolfpaw,.Swallowfall, Softsong, Honeyfrost

"That's fine, Wolfpaw, as long as she can be seen from camp. Let's get going you two." He stood and padded over to Honeyfrost, who was talking to a cat. "Hey, I brought Swallowfall for your patrol. I don't want to take too many cats and leave you empty pawed." He looked over to Softsong, who was talking to Aldershade. "Hey, Softsong!" He called to the tom again, "Come over here, it's about time we went looking for the cats outside camp. Starclan help them if the dogs found them while we were chatting!"

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