Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 18:28:07
Icepaw-6 moons -med cat apprentice -18/18- Camp
Icepaw let out yowl out of pure grief. She had failed! She felt awful. She wasn't fast enough with the herbs. It was all her fault. She would have rather died. How could StarClan do this! Icepaw let out another grief stricken wail.

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Sam (#142259)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 18:28:30
Snowpaw |7 moons|Apprentice|18/18 heath|Currently in camp|Need mentor|OPEN|
Snowpaw almost crumbled. BasilLeaf. She was still out there. With that rouge that killed Vixenpaw! What if we lost two cat's? Snowpaw started breathing harder. We can't loose two. no. No. NO. NO! Snowpaw wanted to be mad at starclan but couldn't because she knew they couldn't control the rouge. Snowpaw wanted to let the rouge die in the most painful way possible.

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Sam (#142259)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 18:31:04
Snowpaw |7 moons|Apprentice|18/18 heath|Currently in camp|Need mentor|OPEN|
"Icepaw?" Snowpaw says. "BasilLeaf..." Her voice trails off. She knew Icepaw would know that she was still out there. Snowpaw tried her best not to cry. Not BasilLeaf too. can't loose them both. Not to one rouge who kills for no reason. Why would any one DO that?

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Silverflame (#115706)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-06 18:33:49
Foxpaw -6 moons - Apprentice - 18/18 - Camp - Mentions: Featherheart, Vixenpaw

Foxpaw looked at Featherheart blankly. "Vixenpaw," her voice cracked. "She died." Vixenpaw and her had been denmates for the past 3 moons. Foxpaw never thought she'd go to StarClan so soon. She shook her head trying to clear it. "What happened!" She snarled to no one in particular. "We need to track down whoever did this and.." she trailed of angrily.

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🏳️‍🌈 Egg (#139116)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 18:34:27
Nightwatcher | 20 Moons| Warrior| 30/30 Health| In Camp| Flowering foxglove branch tucked in ear|

Nightwatcher couldn’t handle the grief anymore. Anymore crying and she would go mad. She turned, and walked out the den, and out of camp heading no place in particular. The she cat pointed her wide gaze towards the sky, letting out a shaky sigh.

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Edited on 06/07/18 @ 18:36:56 by lunarnyx (#139116)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-06 18:34:27
Snowecho - 23 moons - Medicine cat - Clan territory, border - Mentions: Mumblepaw

Snowecho shook his head to get out of his train of thought, turning to look at Mumblepaw. His heart bled with sympathy for the young cat and he wrapped his tail over his back. "She didn't make it." He murmured quietly. "If you want to go back to grieve, I understand." He added, turning his gaze towards the sky. He let out a low, sad moan. He simply felt too much to be able to sort them all out at once. But one dominating the most was rage, and a feeling of betrayal.

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path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 18:34:48
Icepaw-6 moons- med cat apprentice -18/18-Camp
Icepaw turns to Snowpaw. Icepaws eyes were red and puffy from crying. "Snowpaw I failed Vixenpaw she died! I feel so bad. I wasn't fast enough with the herbs and my paws where shaky. I -" Icepaws breaks off crying again as she remember the large pool of blood.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 18:36:17
HorseTail|20 Moons Old|Co Medicine Cat|Heath 30/30|Mentions: Open|Location: Camp

Horsetail looked down in shock, as he felt the life leave the young cat. 'No!!!' Horsetails legs shook, he was not able to stand any more. Sitting down, the med cat stared down at the lifeless body of the young cat before him. She was dead, such a young life. Why?
Feeling Newtpaw beside him, Horsetail wanted to say something, but before he could Icepaws yowl rang through the den. Getting to his paws, the tom walked over to the she-cat. Pressing his side to the she-cats, the tom let out a low calming purr. Looking up, the tom realized that Snowecho had run out. Letting his eyes rest on Newtpaw, the med cat scold. He hatted to do this, but a leader needed to know. "Newtpaw", not sure if he had gotten the apprentices attention he repeated, "Newtpaw, I need you to go and get one of the leaders." Getting to his paws, Horsetail gave Icepaw a small lick on the head. It was her first death, he understood that she was shocked. Moving over to the body, Horsetail leaned down and pressed his nose gently into the small cats neck, he was saying his goodbyes and checking to see if she was really gone. There was no pulse, the dark sand colored tom straightened up and looked around.

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Edited on 06/07/18 @ 18:38:56 by {~LightQueen~} [WCU] (#59203)

Sam (#142259)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 18:38:59
Snowpaw |7 moons|Apprentice|18/18 heath|Currently in camp|Need mentor|OPEN|
"Icepaw... You didn't fail her. You did your best." Snowpaw says trying not to sob. Icepaw needed to feel better. "Listen Icepaw, you did your best. Everyone dies. Maybe she died early but it wan't your fault. It was that rouges." Snowpaw says trying her best to be soothing. "Icepaw..." Snowpaw says dropping to a whisper so only Icepaw can hear, "BasilLeaf. She's still out there."

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Pumpkin (#77192)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 18:40:20
Newtpaw ~ 6 moons ~ Medicine Cat Apprentice ~ 18/18 Health ~ Location: Camp ~ Mentions: Horsetail, Icepaw, Snowecho, Vixenpaw, Willowstar, Sunstar
A sound jolted him from his shocked state. He wasn't sure if he would be able to carry himself to the leader's den, but he nodded. Standing to his paws, he walked out of the den and past all of the others that surrounded it. He felt numb and cold. Quickly, he made it to the leader's den and spotted Willowstar. "Willowstar." He said, his voice reflecting the numbness he felt from the shock of witnessing the death. "Vixenpaw . . . she'd gone." He informed.

((Gotta go for a little bit))

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Edited on 06/07/18 @ 18:42:44 by Dys (#77192)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-07-06 18:41:03
Mumblepaw | 9 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Clan Territory | Mentions: Snowecho

Dead? The word would echo inside Mumble's head. It got louder and louder, and then... stopped. He looked down at his paws then back to Snowecho. "She died...? I.. I didn't think she'd... just like that? I didn't.. even say goodbye to her.. I just.." Mumble was at lost for words. He felt like something broke inside of him, like something died. "I see.." He'd manage to pull himself together. "I..I'm going to have to have some time on my own.. I'm sure you do as well." He'd turn away from the tom. "But.. I just want to let you know that, you did all you could and Vixenpaw would appreciate every second you spended on helping her." He'd smile slightly at Snowecho brefore running back to camp.

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Moonshadow {WCU} (#144182)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 18:41:07
Iceclaw|14 moons|Warrior|30/30 health| In camp
Iceclaw fell to the ground, sobbing. He didn't protect Vixenpaw enough, if he had done that, Vixenpaw would not have died! He never thought this would happen, why did this happen to her?
Vixenpaw was just a apprentice, with lots to learn and a long life to enjoy! Why did you let this happen, StarClan? Why didn't you help Vixenpaw?!
And basilleaf was still out there, somewhere. Perhaps lost.

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Edited on 06/07/18 @ 18:45:13 by Moonshadow (#144182)

path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 18:41:20
Icepaw-6 moons - med cat apprentice -18/18-Camp
Icepaw feels Horsetail warm pelt rub against her fur. Feeling a little comforted she calms down a little.Feeling him leave she feels his rough tongue lick her head. On shaky legs she goes and pushes her nose into Vixenpaws soft fur.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-06 18:41:55
Hawkpaw|8 Moons| Apprentice| 18/18 Health|No Mentor|Leaving Camp|Faded Green Bandana On Neck

Hawkpaw wanted to cry. Vixenpaw was dead. She was so close to surviving. He walked to the camp entrance dragging his feet on the ground. He shook his head trying to shake away the tears. He turned and he swore he saw Vixenpaw's spirit dancing around. "At least she's happy." He muttered. He walked out of camp. He didn't care if he was breaking a rule he just needed to get away.

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Bloodblossom (#131214)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-06 18:42:42
Briarsong - 19 Moons - Warrior - 30/30 Health - In Camp

Seeing Newtpaw arrive only to be met with Vixenpaws body was a devastating sight. Briarsong slunk forward and rubbed her chin across Vixenpaws head before backing up to sit with her tail curled around her paws. A chill crawled through her pelt at the sight of the young cats' blood beginning to stain her cooling fur. Anger began to bubble in the she-cats stomach leaving an acidic taste in her mouth. What kind of cat would do such a thing to an apprentice in the least?

Standing from her spot she lightly stepped around Vixenpaw's body and got a grip on her scruff as she attempted to drag her fallen clan-mate to the center of camp, but with her limbs shaking she only managed to drag the apprentice so far...

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Edited on 06/07/18 @ 18:45:58 by Briarsong (#131214)

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