Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-12-31 19:26:07
Earthquake|38 Moons|Health:30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions:[D] Willowstar, [ID] Pebblesplash, Clearsong
Earthquake watched stricken as Pebblesplash fleed from camp, he turned hoping he might catch up but Willowstar's voice rang out and he froze in place. He prickled as eyes made their way to his pelt, he searched for Clearsong, the young tom barely to stand up on his own.
He opened his maw without a second thought, clearing his throat.
"My apologies Willowstar." he dipped his head, not making eye contact with the disgruntled leader "It was my fault, if anyone is going to be punished let it be me. I...I need to be more responsible for me and my family."
Earthquake didn't exactly mean what he said, but he certainly wouldn't let Clearsong or Pebblesplash take the blame. Something clearly was wrong with Clearsong and poor Pebblesplash couldn't get in contact with her brother.
"Not on account with Slateleaf."
Even when he uttered the name it riled him up, something venomous behind it's meaning.
"but what?"
He sent a worried glance at Clearsong, before staring back at Willowstar, praying to Starclan the she-cat would spare his kin.

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Edited on 31/12/18 @ 20:04:19 by MuletideMarshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-12-31 20:28:46


Mumblepaw | 14 Moons | Medicine Cat Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions: Horsetail, Creekpaw, Mosspaw, Raindrop, Willowstar (ID)

Mumblepaw paused, as he realized he had just blurted out the very thing he wanted to keep quiet about, it wasn't helping that Horsetail began to laugh. "I-It's not my fault the meeting was announced while I was trying to sleep!" The tom spat, stomping his paw into the snowy earth. He then began to listen in as the sandy tom explained that Snowecho would be his mentor. 'Great, I get the amnesiac..' He murmured to himself, though he knew Snowecho was a good cat and he was excited that the white tom would be teaching him. Mumblepaw blinked as Horsetail turned his head to look elsewhere, looking his head towards the same direction, seeing a group of apprentice, he saw a tail leave camp.. he couldn't make out who it was though. He felt Horsetail's tail tap on his shoulder before watching him make his way over to the group, Mumblepaw quickly followed behind. "...What happened?" He asked the group of cats. His ears perked as he suddenly heard Willowstar speak up, turning his attention to the leader. Mumblepaw's ears flattened at the she's words.. he felt guilty for not paying better attention, for how rude and disrespectful he was being. Mumblepaw looked to his paws, he was in all honesty hurt, but Willowstar was right. He wanted to apologize to her, perhaps after the meeting.

(Image to come soon)
Whorlpaw | 8 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions: Raindrop, Horsetail, Creekpaw, Mosspaw, Willowstar (ID)

Whorlpaw paused as she heard a voice, a soft one. It was Raindrop's. The warrior then helped her to stand, and after a bit Whrolpaw was on her paws again. "...Thanks." She sighed, shaking the snow from her pelt. 'Quietshadow! I'm not done with you... just you wait.' The she-cat's eye twitched, she couldn't wait for the older warrior to come back, hoping Willowstar and Sunstar would scold her, and if not Whorlpaw could always curse her out about it. Whorlpaw turned her attention back to Raindrop as she told her and the others not to worry about Quietshadow. She then glanced at her fellow apprentices. "Forget about her Mosspaw." She huffed, turning to Creekpaw as she joked about Quietshadow's grumpiness before reassuring Mosspaw as well. She could see Horsetail making his way over with Mumblepaw right behind. "...Well, if you think a snow-covered coat is alright, I'm doing just fine." Whorlpaw snorted. She then paused as Willowstar began to speak, the leader's words were colder than the snow she had fell in. He ears started to flatten as she looked to her fellow apprentices. "...Harsh." The apprentice murmured.

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Edited on 31/12/18 @ 20:32:12 by 「Komasan」 (#147164)

Venomous Flames (#152150)

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Posted on
2018-12-31 20:47:00

Honeyfrost|36 moons| 30/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Clearsong/Slateleaf, Earthquake, Pebblesplash, Quietshadow, Willowstar, Harefeather

Honeyfrost's lips curled in anger as Slateleaf began to explain her motives. She opened her mouth to scream that she had no right, no right to do anything, but Slateleaf had already slip away, leaving Clearsong gasping for air and collapsed on the ground. She watched with disdain as Quietshadow began to slip away and stumbled back as Pebblesplash pushed past her, running away from camp and to Starclan knows where. She started to go after her but she turned back to Harefeather and Clearsong, ready to move him to a more comfortable spot if he needed. "Nonsense," she said. "You need to rest and think. We should go someplace quiet so your mind will be clear."

She stopped.

"As clear as a mind can be with that mangepelt in you."

She started to help Clearsong up, before Willowstar began to speak. Anger began to fill Honeyfrost's core and her hackles began to raise. She turned to both Clearsong and Earthquake as they began to apologize. She let out a loud growl as she stared Willowstar in the eyes. "No!" she yelled.

"No, don't apologize, you two. What happened just now was none of your control and you shouldn't apologize for something you couldn't stop. The one who should be apologizing is you, Willowstar, for being so high and mighty that you choose not to see that this family is suffering horribly. Clearsong is clearly not ok," she pointed to the tom with her tail, "yet, you choose not to help and instead, yell at him for letting something happen to him that he has no control over!"

Her voice began raising in volume until she began screeching at the leader.

"You say you're disappointed in this clan for falling apart while you fell asleep for three moons, doing Starclan knows what and letting that dungfaced maggotpelted rat into our home, who starved and injured us to the point where we couldn't fight back in fear of hurting on another! And when you did finally wake up and saw what he was doing to us, what did you?! You let him stay with us! You let him eat with us! You left him alone with us!"

She was causing a bigger scene than Slateleaf ever was. At this point she didn't care. This was what needed to said.

"And now, you're getting angry at us for trying to fix the mess you refuse to help clean up?! Is that what being a leader is?! Sitting on your bums and twiddling your paws and hope that the problem of the clan just fix themselves?! Letting strangers into the clan and just letting them make themselves home?! If that's what is is, them I'm glad I'm a warrior! Because I'm doing more to help than you ever did! Starclan can eat maggots as far as I'm concerned! My clanmate is in trouble and if you're not going to do anything to help, then I will!"

She shook with anger, hissing curses at the leader. She turned back around, her tail lashing wildly behind her as she began to lead Clearsong to the warriors den. She stopped and turn her head over her shoulder, her normally gleaming amber eyes holding nothing but cold hatred.

"Just know, I've had my act together for moons. All of us have. The only one who doesn't is you." she spat, nothing but venom in her voice. She turned around and walked into the warriors den, the shadow concealing her golden coat until nothing was seen

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Edited on 31/12/18 @ 22:59:50 by Venomous Flames {WCU} (#152150)

A'whisker (#113302)

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Posted on
2018-12-31 21:11:43

Mosspaw | 10 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 |Camp | Mentions: Whorlpaw, Creekpaw, Raindrop, Horsetail, Mumblepaw (D), Willowstar, Honeyfrost, Quietshadow (ID)

Mosspaw watched Raindrop pull Whorlpaw out of the snowdrift, feeling amusement bubble up inside him in spite of what had just occured. He flashed the younger apprentice a grateful smile when she addressed him, then returned his gaze to Creekpaw, a laugh escaping him at her jest. "I hope warrior duties won't turn me into that." He gave a mockingly-disappointed shake of his head, then sat up a little straighter and nodded to Horsetail and Mumblepaw when they approached. "I'll live." He said with in a wry voice in response to Horsetail's question.

The grey-and-white tom let out a gusty sigh after a moment, and gave one snow-melt-and-mud covered paw a flick. A faintly disgusted expression passed across his face. Ugh. He could practically feel the slush seeping into his fur. His eyes wandered back to Whorlpaw, who had fared much worse than he when it came to being covered in snow, and the smile returned briefly to his features.

It faded quickly, however, when Willowstar began to speak. He could tell just from her voice that she was furious, glaring down at the assembled clan from her perch. The apprentice flattened his ears at the sharp reprimand, feeling a twist of guilt. He glanced across the crowd curiously when he heard Honeyfrost's raised voice ring out, cutting off a few apologies from those who had been causing the most commotion. His eyes grew round as the warrior lashed out at Willowstar, speaking words meant to slice like claws, bite like teeth. He hardly dared to take a breath lest he draw the ire of the incandescently furious she-cat. Honeyfrost went on and on, voice rising in volume, as if a dam had finally burst and all of the anger and resentment she had been keeping inside was pouring out in a flood of heated words. The silence afterwards was deafening to his ears.

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Edited on 01/01/19 @ 13:18:34 by Khajiit Has Wares (#113302)

ray (#56776)

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Posted on
2018-12-31 21:41:26

Creekpaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions Horsetail, l Mosspaw, Whorlpaw [d]; Honeyfrost, Mumblepaw, Willowstar [i/d]

Creekpaw kept quiet for a while as cats began flooding over towards them. She only broke her silence to answer her half-brother’s question with a grin. ”Of course I’m alright, Horsetail. How about you?” The tabby sat down, adjusting herself comfortably before taking note of Mumblepaw’s arrival, giving only a nod as greeting.

She snapped her attention forward as Willowstar’s voice rung through camp. Creekpaw grumbled, but shut her mouth. After hearing Honeyfrost’s loud protest, the tabby chuckled in amusement. Anyone who had that kind of courage to stand up to authority like that earned her respect.

(short oopsie)

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-12-31 22:16:20


Sunstar | 29 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | [Camp] | Mentions: Willowstar, Clearsong, Honeyfrost, Everyone

Sunstar looked back at Willow as she let off her steam. He didn't want to release all of the stress and anxiety he had right now, and he knew that he had to back up Willow. The clan was being inconsiderate and disrespectful of the high ranks just getting back. And all of a sudden half of the clan was related? What is going on here?
As fights broke out, he immediately let the rush of anger pulsed through his veins. He jumped down from the High rock, going up to the faces of his clanmates with a look of sheer death. He stopped right in front of Clearsong. His gaze pierced through Clearsong's eyes, and he swished his tail to the side.
He didn't say anything to the tom, and instead turned toward Honeyfrost.
Sunstar growled at her words, though inflicted pain on him physically. He felt the hurt of her words penetrate him, making him vulnerable. He showed his teeth, and hissed at her.
Right then, everything made sense. They were gone so long.. not because they were sleeping. They must have been in Starclan. How else would their bodies still be preserved? Sure he was hungry, and lost a little bit of weight.. but most of the exhaustion is coming from his head. His head.. was just done. With everything.
Concentrate. Your clan needs you to lay down the rules.
"How dare you. All your life in this clan, leading up to this one single moment where you lose yourself? You should be ashamed. Call yourself a clan cat when all you're doing is complaining like a kittypet. You expected us to leave of our own doing? We were ripped from our consciousness. We couldn't do anything to come back to our bodies. We didn't know and still don't know who Glade is, and none of you seemed to give us a good explanation of why there are so many new cats here. It's like you all turned into a pack of rogues while we were gone.
Yet you still want to call us out? You want us to come here and clean up your messes, like usual.. since you can't solve anything yourselves but through fighting each other and wreaking havoc. Earthquake is too good for you."
He looked over at his best friend. Somehow, saying is made him feel guilt. But he shoved it back down, deep so he wouldn't have to worry about it.
"I think you'll realize what you're missing when you don't have it..
Honeyfrost. I am casting you out of the United Clans. You have until dawn to leave."

He turned tail and went straight back up to the High rock, avoiding contact with Honeyfrost.
He looked around the clan, knowing they would want answers as to what was happening. "I understand you all have many questions, and not many answers. Right now, we're trying to catch up with everyone and make sure we know everything that happened while we were supposedly gone. In order for us to do our jobs, we need you to go back to the way things were. Get patrols going, hunters sent out to get you all fed. We see that some of you have been making sacrifices, and we acknowledge and understand. We've been through as much pain and confusion as you."
He took a breath. His heart was heavy for having to lay down the law.
"We can't go down this path of darkness. Must we lose our way now? We need to raise each other up, not tear each other down."
Sunstar went silent. He was done with his rage. It contaminated his heart.
"Now. Let us continue with the clan meeting. Olivekit. Please step forward. We understand you're ready to become an apprentice. We are going to give you Aldershade as your mentor. Please touch noses."
He then look out at the crowd. "Glade will be dealt with immediately. Any other new clan cats must visit the leaders den to explain why you're here."
He expected Willowstar to finish the clan meeting.
He looked over at Honeyfrost. If she wasn't gone by dawn.. he would have a few warriors drive her off of the territory. She could come back as soon as she learned to appreciate her clan, and the members within.. especially the ones who held the most burden.

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Edited on 31/12/18 @ 22:19:39 by Quake™ (#69866)

Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-12-31 23:17:18
Earthquake|38 Moons|Health:30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Sunstar, Honeyfrost
Earthquake was wide eyed as Honeyfrost nearly steamed with anger, he never knew she had it in her. The sweet she-cat had an icy interior he almost never saw until now, but Earthquake knew Sunstar. The fiery tom would certainly give a piece of his mind, and he swore he felt a wave of heat as he jumped from his high perch.
Earthquake couldn't help but feel a surge of hostility, his pupils turning thin as he hissed in her face.
He loved Honeyfrost dearly, and supported Sunstar with every fiber of his being. It twisted him to witness those he truly cared about bash heads, it didn't help either when Sunstar spared him a look of sorrow.
In a way, both sides were right; the leaders had been keeping something from them and as a result it made the clan distant. His family was hurting, yet Sunstar and Willowstar seemed nonchalant on ever taking notice. It had been himself, Pebblesplash and recently Honeyfrost's efforts to try and bring the family back together.
And I can't even do that right... he berated himself.
Yet this wasn't the time or place to try and overthrow the leaders, the argument could've been civil had they had just waited after the ceremony.
However Earthquake didn't get to pick sides, Sunstar's next statement making his blood run cold.
"I am casting you out of the United Clans. You have until dawn to leave."
Earthquake got on his feet, his world suddenly stopped and before he knew it, he was standing over Sunstar, staring him down with slits in his eyes.
He muscles screamed for him to strike, his thick black claws flexing under his massive paws, but he never made a move, he couldn't bring himself to, he could never hurt Sunstar.
In a rather gruff voice he uttered low "If she goes I go with her.

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Edited on 31/12/18 @ 23:24:50 by MuletideMarshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-31 23:48:02


Stripecloud|16 moons|30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Raindrop, Willowstar, Sunstar, Honeyfrost(ID), Aldershade(ID)

Stripecloud sighed looking over at the apprentices. 'Was I ever like that? Probably.' He thought standing up and following Raindrop. He let out a small sneeze flicking his ear. He sat down by the apprentices watching Raindrop deal with them. 'Well, what am I supposed to do about it? I don't know, talk to them.' Stripecloud was gonna talk but Willowstar spoke, her voice was laced with ice. Stripecloud had never heard anything like it. The tom looked over to Raindrop his eyes glazed with a bit of fear. He then heard her talk about disrespecting StarClan and he narrowed his eyes. "StarClan? what has StarClan ever done for us?" He muttered under his breath not caring what StarClan wanted. The Honeyfrost spoke up. When she was finished Stripecloud stared at her with disbelief. He may not believe in StarClan, but he did believe in respecting his leader. Stripecloud let out another sneeze. Sunstar spoke up, anger layered his voice. Stripecloud looked over to Honeyfrost as he heard the words. She was getting kicked out of the Clan? Stripecloud looked at his paws. He didn't want to draw attention to himself. He flattened his ears against his head. He looked over at Raindrop his expression unreadable. He sighed and looked over at Aldershade. The warrior was getting an apprentice. 'Good for him.' Stripecloud smiled thinking the warrior deserved it.

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Edited on 01/01/19 @ 12:44:05 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2019-01-01 12:32:39

Harefeather~13 Moons~Warrior~18/18~Camp~Mentions: Clearsong, Sunstar (ID), Willowstar (ID), Earthquake (ID), Honeyfrost (ID), *OPEN*

Harefeather didn't agree with the tom's reluctance to go to his nest, but she understood why. She laid her tail across the tom's back as he laid on the ground next to her. Willowstar's venomous yowls stung the she-cats pelt with guilt in shame. Harefeather dropped her ears and her head slightly as she let the venomous words burn her pelt more. She's right. How could I be so disrespectful to the new apprentice, while everyone was respectful for both of her ceremonies. She gaze a guilty glance at the soon-to-be apprentice. She simmered in her guilt as Willowstar finished her venomous onslaught at them. Shock rippled through her pelt when Honeyfrost shot back at the female leader with her own venomous words, very out of character for the she-cat. She does have a point. Both leaders don't seem to care about Clearsong, or that he's suffering-or his family. And when Glade was leader, and how he was able to stay. Or Quietshadow, But they're Clearsongs family too. But we have seemed to care more about the new comers than our own leaders. Harefeather's head began to pound as words swirled around her in a tornado of emotions that only she could feel. But our leader's words are part of the warrior code too. Are they leading us away from the code? No, they follow the code. Her heart began to race in her chest, and her breathing became troubled. She failed to notice Sunstar leap down from the High Rock. A flash of anger burnt her pelt when he accused her, and the clan, of behaving like rogues while they were unconscious. She lost some respect for her leader in that moment. I am not a rouge, I am a Warrior! She screamed in her head, the tornado of emotions threatened to topple her over as her head whirled more. A sharp intense feeling pierced through her, like an Ice Tail (Icicle) pierced through her core as Sunstar's words pierced through the tornado, and rung in her ears, "Casting you out of the United Clans." Shock held her in it's grip, as she sat still. Fear and guilt wrestling deep in her stomach, twisting it into knots. Starclan can't be happy with us right now! Oh, stop being mouse brained! Starclan doesn't care, or none of this would've happened to use in the past leaves*. Or they just don't care... Harefeather was pulled from her thoughts, when Earthquake stated he would leave with Honeyfrost if she was exiled. Harefeather felt stuck in mud where she sat. She lost respect for her leaders, and doesn't want to be around them for now; the angry and judging stares of her clanmates made her pelt hot, and her stomach twist more, and Clear... She looked over her shoulder as Honeyfrost continued to lead Clearsong to his nest. She wanted to run to his side and help him, he's her friend, her only friend it seems at the moment, but he caused all this...You can't blame him. Tears welled in her eyes, as she slowly turned her head forward again, but stayed looking at the ground in shame. Go to him; he needs you! I can't go to him...the clan hates me enough as it is...He'll hate you more... She dug her claws into the cold hard ground as hard as she could. Clearsong, please forgive me...please... She forced herself to blink tell the welled tears went away, but they still managed to sit on the bottom of her eyes, no matter how hard she tried to get them to leave. She was alone in the clan, and felt the weight of it crushing her.

Blossomheart~22 moons~Warrior~29/30~Makeshift camp~Mentions: Honeyfrost (ID), Aldershade (ID) *OPEN*

Blossomheart sat still as the onslaught of words was exchanged between both leaders and Honeyfrost. She was shocked when Sunstar exclaimed her exile from the clans, making her look back at the group of quarreling cats. She watched cautiously as Sunstar walked back to highrock. Her pelt could feel the thick, deafening silence the hung in the cold morning air, making everyone tense. She gave a soft smile, but was admittedly sad, when Aldershade was named the mentor. There's still kits that will need mentors soon enough. She reminded herself.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-01-01 13:18:42

Pebblesplash|20 moons| 28/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Clearsong, Earthquake, Honeyfrost (D), all (ID)

Pebblesplash took a deep breath. She couldn't stay out here. It was a ceremony, for StarClan's sake, and she had ran out on it. She had to return home. Standing up, she started to pick her way back to camp. She watched the pine trees thin out until the temporary camp was visible.
"You have until dawn...." someone's voice could be heard carrying through the faint breeze. Pebblesplash broke into a run. Emerging back at camp, it was a sight to behold.
Honeyfrost, Earthquake, and Clearsong all stood together. Harefeather was off to the side, along with the apprentices and Raindrop and Stripecloud. Earthquake was angrily speaking to the leaders. Clearsong-- the real one, she hoped-- looked apologetic. Honeyfrost looked... different. But shock was what dominated most cats. She inhaled, and stepped back into camp.
What... happened?

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-01 14:10:03


Hawkstrike|14 Moons|Warrior|30/30 Health|Camp|Mentions: Sunstar, WIllowstar(ID)

Hawkstrike flattened his ears at all the commotion. He shrunk down away from the crowd. He didn't want to be anywhere near all the drama. Willowstar and Sunstar were med like 100%. He hated it. All the yelling, all the fighting, everything that was going on. He wanted to screech for the clan to stop but he wasn't brave. He was a coward. 'Tell them how you feel, they are kicking a cat out of the Clan for speaking her voice. Speaking how she feels. Tell them you coward! I-I can't, I might get kicked out. Well, Hawkpaw. It's Hawkstrike! Then be a warrior and tell the leaders how you feel!' Hawkstrike stood up his eyes narrowed. "Sunstar! Why are you kicking Honeyfrost out of the Clan? She was speaking her voice! Why should she get kicked out for that? The Clan doesn't need cats getting kicked out of it right now. It just doesn't." He didn't care if Aldershade was getting an apprentice. He was speaking his voice, he was being heard. 'There ya go Hawkstike, your a warrior now. Shut up.'

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Edited on 01/01/19 @ 14:12:00 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2019-01-01 17:03:06
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Willowstar | 37 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | Camp | Mentions: Honeyfrost, Sunstar, Earthquake, Hawkstrike, Everyone

Hearing a few apologies throughout the cats, she felt herself start to calm a little, but it ended up not lasting for long. Her fur pricked when she heard Honeyfrost start to tear into them, it clear that she was holding nothing back as she hissed at them. She could feel her anger continue to bubble the more she spoke and her tail lashed furiously behind her. 'We've only been awake for a few days and are expected to have this mess suddenly cleaned up? A mess that has gone on for about three moons, nonetheless? These cats must be out of their minds!' She thought to herself, trying to understand in what world that could actually happen. She was starting to reach her limit and as soon as she saw the female warrior turn to go leave, she felt her paws itch to go after her and give her a piece of her mind, but was surprised to see Sunstar jump off the Highrock and do what she had originally planned. Hearing the orange tom share their thoughts slowly had the female calico cool off, and take a breath. Snapping in a fit of anger wasn't the right way to go and she realized that. Keeping a level head and thinking of every possible reason and explanation was her way of going about things. As she listened to Sunstar continue to speak, the words 'casting out' caught her attention and she looked down at each cat, gauging their reaction to the other leader's decision. In a time like this, the clan needed unity and trust, not those who did as they pleased, acted like nothing they did played a part in how things turned out, or blamed others for the end result. She still felt a bit of anger in her, but she had cooled down enough and had no objections to her fellow leader's choice. Willowstar continued to remain silent, even as she heard Earthquake speak up that he would be joining Honeyfrost in her exile. Though she knew the tom was a good asset to the clan and usually had a knack for helping keep others in control, she also had noticed that both cats seemed to have a fondness for one another, so she wasn't too surprised by his decision. Just about every cat in the clearing was quiet, and as she went to speak up, she glanced over at Hawkstrike, one of the newly named warriors, as he spoke about his objection to the female warrior's exile.

Willowstar's talking flicked at his words and turned her focus to him. "We are speaking our voices too, and yet, instead of calmly handling the situation, you all explode and turn the blame to us." The fluffy calico then turns her attention to all cats in the clearing, her voice calm, yet sharp. "Sunstar is right. We didn't leave by choice, and nor would we have suddenly abandoned the clan without so much as word. You all assume we know the answers and can handle everything in an instant, but it seems that you all forget that we are cats just like you. We dont know all the answers and we cant solve these problems that have been going on in the three moons we were gone within the very few days that we have been awake. We dont have special powers and we arent some miracle workers who can fix all your problems in an instant. You don't understand that we are still trying to learn everything that has happened while we've been away, are trying to figure out how we can regain our missing memories, and learn more about and try to handle Glade. 'Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.' Would you rather we just turn Glade away were he can freely roam around and possibly cause more damage? Keeping him close until we come to a solution is our safest bet right now, and you all need to understand that. As for Clearsong, we havent forgotten about him either. We know very little about what is going on with him as well, yet none of you seem to feel the need to come and help explain things to use while we're trying to juggle the rest of the issues we have. We could've possibly been able to handle whatever was just happening with him after the clan meeting once we got through passing out the rest of the mentor, but instead, we had to deal with another outburst. We planned on announcing Clearsong on becoming a new mentor, hoping to possibly help on his current situation, but because this took a turn, then I would like to apologize to our apprentices on this not being as special of an event that I would've liked. Clearsong would be taking on Whorlpaw, Softsong would be gaining Mosspaw, Swallowfall would be getting Cricketpaw, Creekpaw would be getting Sunstar as her mentor, and I would be taking on Puddlepaw."

After letting out a sigh, the female leader remained silent for a moment so the apprentices had a time to gather who their new mentors were before continuing on. "You all dont seem to get that we're trying our best with the limited information that we have. Each of you are biased and split on what has happened that we have a hard time getting what has happened out of any of you. There have been a small select few who has been of big help towards us and has managed to keep neutral, and I really do appreciate it. With all that's going on, we're supposed to be a unit and trust one another. You say you're clan cats, but instead of just complaining about what's happening, then why dont you actually do something about it? We can't do anything or help if we dont know anything. You make it seem like we're the ones keeping things from you all, but none of you are actually being active and trying to help us out. It's just the two of us, yet you all are putting the pressure on us to pop out a miracle. Lioncloud and Hollowfall are dead, yet only one of you has actually come to me and spoken to me about it. How I see it, none of you had the courage to tell your own leader the truth when he has spoken about him numerous times." The moment it was out of her mouth, she froze, instantly regretting letting the moment and trying to get the clan to understand reason get to her. She had no plans on telling her friend about Hollowfall until after the clan meeting when they went on their walk to catch up on things. The female leader turned to the orange tom with guilt, sadness, and apology in her eyes. "I'm truly sorry, Sunstar. This isn't how I wanted to tell you. This is the news that I was saving for when the meeting was finished so you could handle this away from viewing eyes."

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2019-01-01 17:58:31


Sunstar | 29 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | [Camp/Thunderpath] | Mentions: Willowstar, Everyone

Sunstar refused to make eye contact with anyone while Willowstar was speaking, allowing her time to express her frustration and be upset with the clan. Well.. not necessarily upset. She sounded disappointed.
What are we going to do, Willow.. it feels like the whole world is against us. My mate isn't even here to help since he's trying to protect my brother's daughter. When can the evil, hatred, and despair just end? Why can't we have a peaceful sunrise without any bickering, or whining, or hurting clanmates? And why are we even asking Starclan for help anymore.. they've fallen. They're not nearly as mighty as they were. They might as well be as miserable as us. So who do we have.. who do we have.
He totally had to agree with her concerning Glade. That's why they put him in the elder's den for a reason! No one can say they weren't making an effort to fix things up. What does this clan expect, Firestar himself as a leader? But yet.. the mighty ancestor was nothing but a legend. And legends always die.
The orange tom felt heat on his neck when Willow announced his new apprentice. Creekpaw. That's a pretty name. Perhaps he'll be able to teach someone who values this clan and everyone in it. Someone who will be greater than their fears, or greater than their hate. Perhaps he will show her how to be like Stormberry. A gentle giant. The thought brought a tiny smile to his face, and left a little warm spot in the middle of his chest.
The moment he felt that warmth, it evaporated like ice being held above a flame. "Lioncloud and Hollowfall are dead"...
The words echo through his mind. Like a drop of water landing on a calm pond, creating thousands of ripples within seconds. Sunstar looked up and over at Willowstar, and his heart stopped beating.

*** "One day, I'm going to be leader. I'm going to prove it." Hollowkit gave a lopsided grin, tackling Sunkit to the ground. Sunkit laughed, throwing back a few sheathed wacks at his brother's face.
"Hollowkit, you know Thistlestar loves both of us just the same. I think he would be happy even if we were just loyal warriors." Hollowkit sighed. "Yeah, I guess so. But still, I'm going to try my hardest to try and impress him. One day.."
Hollowkit collapsed on Sunkit, and they giggled as they curled up, waiting for their father to get back from patrol. ***

Sunstar looked at Willowstar, but he saw right through her. How could she keep this from him? After all they had been through, and she never told him that his brother was dead? What kind of friend would even do that? And these clanmates..
He looked out into the crowd, as "tears" were streaming down his face. They knew this whole time? Hollowfall has been dead? For how long.. no. This can't be true.
His claws unsheathed. But you know it's true. It has to be true, with everyone looking at you with guilt and pity. You should run and never come back. See.. they don't want you here. The only thing clan has ever done to you is bring you pain and suffering. And yet this whole time you've been fighting for them, and fighting their battles for them. No wonder you're a wreck. You're too busy protecting everyone else that you don't even save the ones that mean the most to you.
Sunstar jumped down from the High rock, releasing an ungodly sound of anguish. The entire clan could hear it, perhaps even Glade and his mate. But he didn't care.
His brother died, and he never got the chance to say sorry. How did he die..

***Sunflare walked up to his father Thistlestar, the whole clan surrounding them. Hollowfall was beside sitting near the High rock, a glaze across his eyes. This was supposed to be his brother's day.. but Thistlestar didn't deem him worthy of being a leader.
The sun shined brightly upon the clan, showing that Starclan was indeed proud of this moment. His friend Willow was beside him, who had just been crowned the first co-leader of the United Clans. His heart beat wildly as his father exclaimed his leader name. They had just arrived back home from the Moonstone, and were formally recognized as leaders for the first time. Sunstar looked over at his brother, who had a look of utter sadness in his gaze, and he ignored it. He turned to his friends, cheering as he promised that the clan would forever be in good hands.***

The co-leader left the camp without another word, his paws pounding into the ground as he didn't look back. He didn't hiss, he didn't release any of his feelings. He bottled it up, and kept running. And once he was tired of running, he kept running. He made it to the Thunderpath, where he collapsed and sat near the edge of the black ground.
Do it.
He ignored it.
You know you want to. You know you can't do this without him. You'll never be the same. You'll never be the same to Stormberry, you'll..
The kits. Hollowfall died and his kits will have to live without a father. What sick higher beings would rip a father from his kits?
That's why you're still here. Give them the life that Hollowfall dreamed of for them.

After a round of silence, Sunstar breathed out.


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Edited on 01/01/19 @ 17:59:06 by Quake™ (#69866)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-01-01 21:00:11

Pebblesplash|20 moons| 28/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Willowstar, Sunstar, Honeyfrost, Earthquake

Pebblesplash stiffled a gasp. Honeyfrost... exiled? She dug her claws into the ground. This was not right. Then Sunstar left camp. After finding out his brother was dead. So he can leave camp for a family crisis, but the rest of us can't?!? Pebblesplash padded up to the rock, and glared at Willowstar.
"Why would you and Sunstar do this? Honeyfrost, according to what I heard, spoke her mind! And you KICK HER OUT?!?!" she was yelling now. Screw diplomacy, this wasn't right.
"And you shame us for leaving camp, and you co-leader just bolted. For the the same reason. We both are having famly struggles. When Honeyfrost said what you were doing is wrong, you didn't listen. You two are not ready to take over this clan yet. You haven't handled Glade, who is my uncle apparently, and don't know who is alive or dead. Lioncloud died. I haven't stopped to grieve my grandkin yet. Then Slateleaf appears, AND IS ALSO MY GRANDKIN. On my MOTHER'S side. Judging by how my pelt is, I inherited more of her then I wish. I could be a psychopath like Slateleaf or a coward like Quietshadow. I left because I needed to think. So sorry it was in the middle of a clan meeting. I hope you sort things out soon, or I know more of us will go with Honeyfrost and Earthquake."

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Edited on 01/01/19 @ 21:00:54 by •Hurri• (#147819)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-01-01 21:10:41


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Health: 30/30|Mentions Directly: Creekpaw, Whorlepaw, Mosspaw, Mumblepaw, Pebblesplash|Mentions Indirectly: Willowstar, Sunstar, All, Honeyfrost|Location: Camp

Horsetail nodded his head, at the apprentices responses. "Well, if it's only some snow, I think you'll be fine", the medicine cat told Whorlpaw, with a slight chuckle. Reaching over with his paw, he dislodged some snow stuck to the apprentice's shoulder. Glancing over to his half-sister, he gave her a nod, "I'm fine." His ear twitched, as he heard Willowstar's voice, his golden eyes focused on the leaders now.
She was right, the clan had fallen apart. Looking over, his gaze swept over the rest of the clan. As the leaders spoke, the medicine cat shuffled. He was the first one awake, he should've tried to hold the clan together. Horsetail looked to the ground, maybe he could've done something. A bit caught up in his little pity party, he only noticed the announcement about Honeyfrost, when he heard outrage coming from some of the cats around him. Honeyfrost, exiled? Horsetail looked to the she-cat, she was furious which was understandable. Was this really a wise decision? Horsetail turned to look back up at the leaders, as they continued.
As Willowstar announced the new mentor and apprentice pairs, the medicine cat looked over at the apprentices close to him. He was glad for them, although some of the warriors were young, it would hopefully do all some good. A smile of happiness and pride came to Horsetail's face, as Creekpaw was assigned to Sunstar himself. Leaning over, Horsetail gave his little sister a lick on the ear. "Congratulations", the tom said, "To all of you", Horsetail added, looking to Whorlepaw, Mosspaw, and Mumblepaw. He was happy for them. Leaning back again, he watched as the apprentices went to meet their mentors.
Horsetail looked up at Willowstar again, as the co-leader continued. So she had found out, who had told Willowstar? If he did not have his paws full with injured and malnourished cats the past few days, he would've liked to tell both leaders himself. His golden eyes moving to Sunstar, he watched the leaders face. Wait... did Sunstar not know? The gold colored tom's face had turned into shock. Standing up, Horsetail wanted to jump forward and tell the leader what had happened, how his brother had died. Sunstar was too quick though, so Horsetail could only watch as the tom jumped off the high rock and head out of camp. Horsetail took a few steps forward, with his unnatural golden eyes, he could still somewhat follow the leaders prograss.
The medicine cats ears lay flat, as a loud and sudden outraged cry reached his ears. Looking over, he spotted that Pebbesplash had returned. The normally relatively even tempered medicine cat had, had enough. Eyes narrowed and tail lashing, the medicine cat walked over to the she-cat. "That is quite enough!", Horsetail said. The sand colored tom's voice was not raised, but there was a finality to his tone. Moving forward, he blocked the she-cat from looking at Willowstar. The leader had more than enough to deal with, there was no need for her to also bother with a warrior acting like a kit who had her tail stepped on. "If you are so unsatisfied with your leaders decision, than you can leave too", Horsetail added. His golden eyes had started to glow, a red ring forming around his pupil out of anger. Pebblesplash was a warrior, how could she act like this?

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Edited on 01/01/19 @ 22:04:11 by ⛄LightQueen🦌HoHoHo🎅 (#59203)

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