Posted by | The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD) | |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-04 04:47:56 |
Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866) |
Sage {G3 Mottled Pie Haze} (#85592) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-01 22:12:17 |
![]() Willowstar | 37 Moons | Co-Leader | 40/40 | Camp | Mentions: Sunstar, Pebblesplash, Horsetail, Swallowfall, Wolffang, Everyone “Sunstar!” She called out to him as she could see the betrayed look on his face when he turned to look at her. She hated to see that expression on her friend’s face and felt pained as if it were her finding out the horrible news. Before she could say much more, the orange tom took out of the camp. Her ears flattened against her head and she wanted to race after him so bad, but she had to wrap things up here first. Before she could say anything, a loud voice stopped her and her tail flicked in annoyance. She was growing tired of everyone complaining and yelling whenever she was trying to move things along. “You were called out because you left during the ceremony. It has thus been put on pause, because cats like to think them talking back is excusable. Both you and Sunstar are different cases. He has only been up for a couple days and learned his brother has been dead for three moons and no one told him. You’ve had three moons to have a chance to mourn Lioncloud. Sunstar has not had that luxury.” She turned her head when she heard Horsetail speak up and she felt a sense of appreciation for the medicine cat too, glad that she wasn’t the only one having to deal with this. “If you don’t like our leadership, then we can always apoint Glade back as your leader and it can be known that you were the one that made the decision, you could leave with Honeyfrost and Earthquake, like Horsetail said, or you can learn to watch your tongue and not complain about your problems and actively search out a solution instead of running away. Sunstar never said that her exile was permanently, and I’m sure it would be temporary until she learned her lesson, but around here, many don’t seem to stop and think before they open their mouth. Now, if you’re done complaining about the mess of your living kin, that i’ve seen you do nothing of except avoid Clearsong, your own brother, until recently, then I suggest you think long and hard about your choice. You all may think of it as expressing your voice, but it’s nothing more than being rude and disrespectful when you have no regard for the other cat you’re talking to.” With a small huff, she turned away from the she cat and calmed herself a bit before continuing. “Due to now being able to discuss Hollowfall’s death, that means that we will be needing a new deputy. Once I found out, I’ve been observing cats who would make a good choice, and I’ve finally decided on one. They’re still young, but they do have an apprentice, meaning that they meet the requirements. I’m happy to say that the new deputy will be Swallowfall. From what I’ve learned, she has remained neutral through all this mess, has had no issue telling us what we have missed, and overall has the skills to be a successful, yet young deputy. Now, I don’t want to be hearing any complaint, as that is the decision I have made and I would hope that those of you who still care to being a clan cat respect such decision.” Willowstar turned and softly smiled at the young female who was sitting beside the gray fluffy tom that had also recently earned his warrior name. “Now, with the meeting coming to a close, I would like a hunting patrol and a border patrol to be sent out. Swallowfall, Stormberry is currently out handling some issues, so if you would be able to organize the patrols, that would be much appreciated. I’d help if I could, but Sunstar has me concerned and I would like to check up on him so nothing bad happens.” She glanced around before her eyes landed on Wolffang. “Wolffang, you may be a new warrior, but I’m sure you’ve watched the deputies enough during your apprenticeship. Help Swallowfall out if she needs it.” She graciously dipped her head at the two cats before turning tail and walked out the clan entrance, her head held high as to show that she no long was going to listen or tolerate any cat causing another scene. Once out of the cat, she turned to the ground and saw footprints in the snow below her. Sunstar’s scent was still strong and she quickly ran after him, worried because in the direction she was heading, she knew the Thunderpath lay not too far off. She pushed herself to go faster, knowing that if something were to happen, she wouldn’t be able to forgive herself. With her thick fur, her body wasn’t cold, but the wind nipped at her nose and ears. With Sunstar’s shorter fur, if he stayed out for too long, he could get sick or freeze, and that would harm him even more alongside his grief. As she got closer, she could hear a clear cry and knew only one cat with that voice. When she neared the treeline, alongside the Thunderpath, she saw Sunstar collapsed. Willowstar hesitated, but approached him anyway, knowing that she would probably get yelled at by him too. She understood his anger and grief in her own way and was ready to help him through it. “Sunstar, I know you would rather be alone, but I personally don’t think grieving cats should be. It’s a time when their thoughts aren’t in the right place and having someone with them helps keep them from making the wrong mistakes. I’m sure you’re mad that I didn’t tell you sooner, but the truth is that I did want to tell you, but there just wasn’t a time where you would have the opportunity to properly grieve. That’s why I planned for after our walk today. It was wrong of me to keep it from you and I’m prepared to have you yell at me until your heart’s content, but I wanted you to have the opportunity to be away from everyone and handle this with having to deal with the drama or even the title of a leader.” She dipped her head respectfully, ready for whatever response he gave, but felt a little better knowing she was able to get out her words and thoughts as well. ![]() Edited on 01/01/19 @ 22:15:03 by -:{~|Lady Vitaliya|~}:- {WCU} (#85592) |
Two-Tibs A'whisker (#113302) Merciful View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-01 22:20:08 |
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Shenaniganary© (#79034)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-01 23:31:50 |
![]() Earthquake|38 Moons|Health:30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions:[D] Sunstar, Pebblesplash, Clearsong, Honeyfrost [ID] Willowstar Earthquake stared hard, it being revealed that Hollowfall was truly dead. He turned to Sunstar, getting a final glimpse of his face before he sped away, one he quite recognized. A face of disbelief, shock, and denial, a face he used to stare into the river to, his own reflection growing weary by the day. Willowstar raced after him and Earthquake felt a needle of grief weave it's way into his chest. "Sunstar is my closest friend, I should be there for him." Before he went, he turned to Pebblesplash and Clearsong "I...I love you both, never forget that. You always come first and that'll never change, no matter what happens to us." He casts a look at Honeyfrost, giving her the same look, hoping she understood that that was meant for her as well. He walked out into the forest without another word, trailing after Willowstar's footsteps. He noticed Sunstar's unremarkably orange pelt right away, it stood out against the monochrome white of leaf-bare, Willowstar was with him, giving her support. He approached the grieving leader slowly, sitting down in front of him, his eyes puffy and teary. He related back to when he lost his father, he had been in this state, he still was in a way. His pelt had become dingy and dry, and his bones jutted out as well, yet his shoulders slumped with weight, he couldn't even remember the last time he left camp, but he couldn't stand to see Sunstar like this. Earthquake treasured the time they spent together, Sunstar would have probably thought it was stupid, but he cared for his well being, even if the younger tom didn't reciprocate. He was so small when they first met, he'd often challenge Earthquake in everything they did, his flaming chest swelling with determination to beat the massive tom in competition. However, when he was crowned, they had grown apart, his leadership wedging it's way through their once tight companionship. When they were finally this close, it came reflexively and Earthquake did something he hadn't done in so long... Wrapping his arms around Sunstar's middle, he pulled him to his chest and rested his cheek on the dreary leader's head, he reserved this kind of interaction only with Sunstar. It had once symbolized their friendship long ago, and he still hoped it mattered as much now. "No one should ever feel the hardship of losing a family member alone, whether it was just yesterday or a hundred moons ago. I know how it feels when you lose someone important and I can help you every step of the way." ![]() Edited on 01/01/19 @ 23:58:05 by MellowMarshmallow™[WCU] (#79034) |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-02 01:12:28 |
![]() Edited on 02/01/19 @ 11:45:28 by WolfGirl500 (#140739) |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-02 11:37:09 |
![]() Edited on 02/01/19 @ 11:50:03 by ❄Swiftbreeze (Parhelion)❄ (#140966) |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-02 12:05:53 |
![]() Edited on 07/01/19 @ 16:37:10 by WolfGirl500 (#140739) |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-02 14:36:45 |
![]() Pebblesplash|20 moons| 28/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Clearsong, Honeyfrost, Horsetail (D), Glade, Quietshadow, Sunstar, Willowstar (ID) ———— Pebblesplash backed away slowly, fuming. This has gotten out of hand, mouse-brain. You're doing what your mother or grandmother or uncle would have done. Biting back a retort, she dipped her head coolly to Horsetail -- who's eyes were starting to freak her out a little bit-- and padded over to Honeyfrost and Clearsong. She tucked her paws in and settled next to the two of them. "How could the exile you Honeyfrost? It's so unreasonable. I-I can't believe it. And Clearsong... The leaders don't understand. I guess no one bothered to catch them up. But they should have been paying attention to what was going on, right? Or were we too hard on them?" I honestly don't think it's fair for Willowstar and Sunstar to say the things they did. They didn't go through Glade or having to scramble over their unconscious bodies. But they did loose important cats. Like Sunstar did with Hollowfall. Maybe we all just need to stop for a minute and discuss things? Oh StarClan, what should we do now? Pebblesplash shifted her attention back to Clearsong. Slateleaf. Her. She's going to have a lot coming for her. When I get the chance. I owe Clearsong at least that. ![]() |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-02 19:22:46 |
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Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-02 19:40:48 |
Snowecho(storm) | 28 Moons | Medicine Cat | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Mumblepaw, Open! ![]() Edited on 02/01/19 @ 22:03:31 by Balder(PUTP) (#117962) |
「Komasan」 (#147164)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-02 20:22:43 |
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Venomous Flames (#152150)
Angelic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-02 21:59:49 |
![]() Honeyfrost|36 moons| 30/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Sunstar, Willowstar, Pebblesplash, Earthquake, Clearsong (ID), Lioncloud Honeyfrost gingerly began to help Clearsong to his nest, taking great care in laying him down, noticing that his eyes began to droop. She heard furious pawsteps making their way towards the warrior den, but she gave no reaction to them. She turned her head just as Sunstar turned towards her, setting her face in a harsh scowl. Her stomach dropped as he exiled her, but she dared not let her fear show. She gave him a fierce hiss as he turned away from her, spitting curses at him as he went. Her face softened a bit as Earthquake objected to her exile, but she got to her paws and stood beside him, putting her tail on his shoulder as a sign of comfort. "Earthquake, you belong here. Don't worry about me. Besides, Sunstar's right. You are too good for me." Her ears flattened as she heard the golden tom's voice echo in her head. She half-listened to the rest of the ceremony, still bitter over Sunstar's words. A cat can't be ripped from their consciousness, that's impossible! They chose to fall asleep, they left them alone to fend for themselves and then come back and act as if everything should be ok. A clan can't function with out its leader! She thought Lioncloud and Earthquake made good leaders, but apparently not. Her time as a temporary deputy was short but she did everything she could for this clan, Lioncloud, Earthquake, Clearsong and her all did. Maybe it wasn't enough, maybe that's why the clan was so... broken. She looked up in shock as Pebblesplash raised her voice to Willowstar. She was confused, she'd already said what needed to be said, what was Pebblesplash trying to prove? Her pondering was put on pause when she heard Sunstar's wail of anguish. So, he just found out about Hollowfall? Hm. She flicked her tail in thought as he ran out of camp, moaning all the way. Silence filled her ears as he left, mercy from whatever higher power there was. She watched Earthquake leave after Sunstar, after giving her a look that made her heart soar. She finally rose to her paws again, after Swallowfall was made deputy, giving her a nod and hoping that the she-cat saw. Her small smile fell off her face as Softsong made his way over, looking quite angry. She rolled her eyes as he began to go on and on about her outburst. She opened her mouth to interject, she said what needed to be said, it wasn't time for a ceremony, ceremonies can wait until this clan was fully functional again, but Softsong spoke again. After he was done, she simply stared, long and hard at the tom before she spoke softly, "Let him rule us? You say that as if we just let him waltz into camp and we showered him with praise, like he was Firestar, himself. But we didn't. We were just fine with Earthquake and Lioncloud handling the clan until Sunstar and Willowstar woke up, you know that. If you were there, you would've known that dogs attacked camp. You would've known that we hardly had anytime to prepare, you would've known that most of the clan was injured from fighting them off, it was why we couldn't fight Glade, it was why we didn't bury Lioncloud's body until a week after he died. But you weren't there, were you, Softsong? Where were you, when the clan needed all paws on deck?" She faked surprise. "Oh, that's right! You ran away! You ran when we needed you most, when we starved, when Glade showed up, when Earthquake's tail was in two pieces, when Lioncloud died, when Swallowfall was sent to the medicine den from injuries from Glade, when cats were on the verge of dying! Why did you run, Softsong? You could've come back at any moment, but you didn't. You wanna know why you didn't come back when we needed everyone?" She walked towards Softsong, her steps slow and deliberate. She stalked towards him until her muzzle was mouse-lengths away from his ear, her voice dropped to a whisper. "Because you're right. You are a coward. You're a coward, Softsong, who leaves his clanmates in the dust to save your own pelt. That's what you are, that's what you have been from the moment you were apprenticed, and that's what you always will be." She stepped back, her face void of any emotion. "That'll be your legacy, Softsong. The one who ran when things got tough. You wanna know why we didn't run? Because a warrior stands his ground, a warrior stands with his clan until his final breath, but you didn't. You didn't stick around to help us, you saved your own pelt and stayed away until things calmed. And now, you don't wanna deal with the aftermath so you're trying to act like you didn't leave us in the dust, but we all know you weren't there. Stop trying to act like you're right because you have no place to talk." She finally turned and trotted out of camp, not sparing a look behind her. ![]() |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-02 22:30:17 |
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•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-03 11:24:54 |
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「Komasan」 (#147164)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-03 18:50:21 |
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Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-03 20:44:40 |
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