Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

A'whisker (#113302)

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Posted on
2018-12-28 21:49:29

Mosspaw | 10 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 |Camp | Mentions: Hawkstrike, Raindrop, Wolffang, Harefeather, Sunstar, & Mumblepaw (all indirectly), open!

Mosspaw stood, leaning forwards to listen intently as the new warriors were named. "Raindrop, Hawkstrike, Wolffang, Harefeather!" He cheered along with the rest of the clan, bouncing a little on his paws as he did so. The names felt strange on his tongue, but it warmed his heart to know that despite the hardships winter seemed to bring, the clan was still strong. The apprentice's den was going to feel empty now, he thought morosely as the cheers slowly died down. Not that that was a bad thing necessarily, but he had found he liked the company. The grey tom twitched his ears and settled back onto his haunches, gaze flittering back up to where Sunstar stood when he spoke up to name Mumblepaw as the new medicine cat apprentice. Mosspaw felt a twinge of surprise at this, his green-gold gaze seeking out the other apprentice in the crowd of cats. He was sure that the tom would make an excellent medicine cat. A small smile flitted across his face as he returned his gaze to where the leaders stood.

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Edited on 29/12/18 @ 15:09:30 by Khajiit Has Wares (#113302)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-28 22:09:51


Stripecloud|16 moons|30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Raindrop

Stripecloud looked back at Raindrop as she leaned on him. He curled his tail around her as she purred. He purred back feeling himself relax. What was he worried about again? Oh right, the future. He let out a deep breath. He needed to calm down, be happy. Raindrop just became a warrior, and she sure deserved it. He purred softly liking the warmth Raindrop was giving him. he shivered a little hating the cold.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-12-29 14:52:23

Clearsong / Slateleaf | 20 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Pebblesplash, Harefeather

Clearsong closed his eyes, footsteps sounded in the distance, drawing near. His mind had been quiet these last few days despite his most recent dream, and he had started to recover some confidence despite the scar that showed on his face that marked her presence.

He brushed his fur against Harefeather's, excitement tingling through him now that she had been named a warrior. He was proud of the cat who he had trained after her leg was broken. It was fully healed now, she had been strong all through it.

He looked up to see Pebblesplash in front of him. A small flame of unease lit in his stomach, his head started to feel slightly stuffy.

However her apology made his heart soar, he was happy. They could finally make up, she wasn't mad at him any more!

He wanted to tell her that he had done wrong too. That he had done just as much wrong to her as she had to him and that he didn't blame her for what she did. However, in his awe-stricken state, "Aww... Pebblesplash." was all he could conjure.

With a gleeful smile, Clearsong padded forward to give her a long needed nuzzle, however when he continued stepping forward he knew something was wrong.

No... not like this.

"Listen here, Girl. Clearsong has had enough grief from you." Suddenly Slateleaf was speaking, circling Pebblesplash as icy venom dripped from her voice. "You almost killed him. A simple 'I'm sorry' wont be enough." Slateleaf stopped inches from Pebblesplash's ear, Clearsong could feel her hot breath on his neck. "Slateleaf, stop!!" He tried to shriek, he wanted to pull back. He wanted to forgive her. "Don't! Not again! Not like this!" Slateleaf stepped back.

"Quiet, fool!" Slateleaf snarled it aloud, but it was definitely directed at him. She looked back to Pebblesplash, lips drawn back in a snarl. "It's about time for someone to learn a lesson in family values.

With a hiss, Clearsong saw his paw lift, a slight sigh left him as he saw sheathed claws, but the speed at which his paw was moving made his breath hitch in his throat.

His paw made contact with the side of Pebblesplash's head, he watched her stagger and fall as the blow caused an effect.

"Now, you may consider it even."

The veil fell.

Clearsong was in control again, however he merely stood in shock. He managed to part his jaws, a few sheepish words fell out, "Pebble- I...No..."

His legs buckled under him in regret. How had it come this far? Wide-eyed, he stared into Pebblesplash's eyes. All other sounds went dull to him, the paw that had hit her burned from to the touch- the same feeling his muzzle had felt that morning.

Pushing his paw forward, he attempted to touch Pebblesplash. Shaky, hypocritical words were his last statement before he fell silent, "I'm sorry."

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Edited on 29/12/18 @ 14:54:01 by ❄Swiftbreeze (Parhelion)❄ (#140966)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-12-29 15:02:19

Pebblesplash|20 moons| 28/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Clearsong

Pebblesplash's world briefly fell away as she collapsed. stop spinning, stop spinning, stop... She shut her eyes, and reopened them. She deserved that, granted. Clearsong was still in front of her.

Not Clearsong. This cat really wasn't Clearsong. Something was dreadfully wrong. He had forgiven her. But then something in him snapped. Or someone. He was talking in third person. Maybe. It could be the effect of being hit in the head. She blinked up at him, fear rising in her. This was terrifying. She actually didn't know him.
I'm sorry. she heard him say. Pebblesplash felt his paw on her.
Gulping, she asked one question.
"Who are you?"

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Edited on 29/12/18 @ 15:03:50 by •Hurri• (#147819)

Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-12-29 15:17:46
Earthquake|38 Moons|Health:30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions:[D] Pebblesplash, Clearsong
Earthquake's breath hitched as Clearsong raked a claw down Pebblesplash's face, just a moment too late to break the contact. "Pebblesplash!" he raced to her side to survey her scar, it was nearly identical to the one Clearsong beared.
Earthquake searched for something in Clearsong's eyes as he apologized, whimpering next to Pebblesplash. "Something's not right..."
The way Clearsong spoke so spitefully before he had striked, pulled something deep within him, a voice he almost recognized but couldn't place, but right now his family needed comforting.
Pressing next to Pebblesplash, he licked their heads, hoping to calm everything down, now it seemed the family of three held nearly identical scars on each of their faces.
When Pebblesplash spoke up, he couldn't feel more intrigued to ask the same question "Is there anything wrong Clearsong? You can talk to us, you haven't been yourself lately."

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Edited on 29/12/18 @ 15:20:13 by MuletideMarshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-12-29 15:55:39

Harefeather~13 Moons~Warrior~18/18~Camp~Mentions: Horsetail (ID), Clearsong, Pebblesplash, (?)Slateleaf(?), Earthquake (ID), *OPEN*

Harefeather returned the respectful nod to Horsetail, as he passed. before sitting beside Clearsong. Her pelt hot with excitement, and though she'll never admit it, a little embarrassment, and another weird tingly sensation that she couldn't place. The comforting moments of silence were short, when Pebblesplash approached. Her pelt burned with anger now as well, as the she-cat spewed out an apology to the tom. She wanted to lash out at her. She should've known better before doing it in the first place. But she knew she didn't have a right to say anything in the family matter. She also knew the tom wasn't entirely innocent himself, so she stayed quiet as the two spoke. Harefeather couldn't help but let the tiniest smile cross her muzzle. Everything quickly changed however, and her small smile turned to a gap. The events happened in front of her so quickly, and Clearsong changed so quickly. Is that the 'she' he was talking about? Her mind had distracted, and she was too late to jump between the siblings. Pebblespalsh toppled to the ground. Harefeather gave her a sniff, to check for blood, as Clearsong rambled behind her. No blood was detected on Pebblesplash, but who knew where this would end. Harefeather took a slow breath in, before standing between the two of them. Not guarding or attacking either, just simply, and literally, being the middle man. She gave a small swallow as she looked at Clearsong. What about the clan meeting? She pushed the thought away, she couldn't get distracted again. Pebblesplash echoed Harefeather's own thoughts, "Who are you?". Earthquake spoke quickly after, almost making Harefeather drop her ears in sorrow, as she had an idea of what Clearsong was going through, but she didn't know if he was ready for everybody to know.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-12-29 17:12:22

Clearsong / Slateleaf | 20 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Pebblesplash, Earthquake, Harefeather, Glade, Quietshadow, all (ID)

"I-" Clearsong's voice quivered, shock filling every fiber in his being. Earthquake had arrived too, clearly worried as he tried to comfort the both of them.

"What are you doing? I stopped. I didn't hurt her that bad. This is what you wanted, remember?" Slateleaf's voice filled his his head.

"I didn't want this." Clearsong barely formed words, they were a whisper on the breeze.

It was silent for a moment, warm breaths forming clouds in the cold air.

Clearsong could feel Slateleaf's impatience toward his shock. It was no surprise when she came forward once more, however she made no attempt at movement this time.

"It's a shame, really. The mighty Earthkit, who loved his grandkin so dearly, never got to stay with me for long before I... left." Clearsong felt his muzzle turn to a snarl, but something about her exchange intruiged him. Earthquake knew Slateleaf?

Why was Slateleaf being civil now? A few moments ago she looked just about ready to tear apart Pebblesplash.

"You're a sad bunch who can't handle the death of a traitor. Even if it was deserved." Clearsong's claws flexed and he felt Slateleaf start to pull him up to his feet. He locked eyes with Quietshadow, only for a moment before looking back to the two cats beside him.

"Seems like secrets hide in the family." She hissed, smiling maniacally. Padding a few steps forward, she looked at the clan. Sucking up all the shocked expressions with apparent satisfaction.

Slateleaf raised her voice so she could be heard, "Glade, Quietshadow, don't you think you should tell them, already?" She snickered, "What are you waiting for?"

Clearsong crashed into control, "Slateleaf, stop! You're going to-" He cut himself off from his shout, his eyes widening as he realized what had happened. The whole of the clan was watching him, their gazes burned into his pelt. He flattened his ears and backed into the trio of cats he was with before, cowering behind them, once again overridden with shock.

"What's the matter, honey?" The silky voice sneered in his head, "Where'd your confidence go?

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Edited on 29/12/18 @ 17:15:46 by ❄Swiftbreeze (Parhelion)❄ (#140966)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-12-29 18:39:48

Pebblesplash|20 moons| 28/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Clearsong, Earthquake
Pebblesplash shook blood out of her eyes. Who is Slateleaf? Or was... The pieces clicked together. Clearsong, possessed? By a MANIAC? Who might be RELATED? This was bad. Obviously. She looked at Earthquake nervously, then stood up. She marched straight up to Clearsong/Whoever this shifty Slateleaf was.
"Let my brother go, you cowardly excuse of a warrior!" she spat. Inside, Pebblesplash wanted to get as far away from this cat as possible. But she had to try to be brave. For Clearsong. I can't fight her though... it will just hurt Clearsong!

Quietshadow | 46 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 |Camp| Mentions: Slateleaf/Clearsong, Pebblesplash,
Quietshadow pulled her tail in closer, glaring at Clearsong. This wasn't him. Tell them, Quietshadow. Seems like secret hide in the family. This cat had no idea. Should she spill? It was a risk, but the truth is a powerful weapon.
She looked at her daughter approach Clearsong-Slateleaf (why was that name familiar) with supposed boldness. But it was obviously fraud. Just trying to act brave. Then it hit her Slateleaf. Slateleaf was--
"I have no idea what you're talking about, Slateleaf. Maybe you should tell the truth too, hmm?"

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Venomous Flames (#152150)

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Posted on
2018-12-29 19:55:29

Honeyfrost|36 moons| 30/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash, Clearsong/Slateleaf, Earthquake, Quietshadow

Honeyfrost felt her hackles raise in shock as Clearsong struck Pebblesplash. She gaped as she stumbled to the ground, Earthquake rushing to her side. What was Clearsong doing? What was he talking about? Who was Slateleaf? What in Starclan was going on? Questions swirled in her head, but she couldn't seem to make her mouth move.

She soon shook out of her shocked stupor and leaped into action, standing beside Earthquake and in a crouch position, in case Clearsong... Slateleaf? Whoever this cat was, decided to attack again. Her eyes snapped over to Quietshadow as she spoke, her tail lashing in frustration. "Enough with the secrets! Enough with all the deceit and trickery, for Starclan's sake!" she yowled. "Can't this clan for a heartbeat without something going wrong? First, Sunstar and Willowstar, then Glade, then Lioncloud and now this?! Does peace not exist to you?!"

She shook her head. "Just... stop! I've had enough! I want to be happy, is that too much to ask?" she said, her voice shaking with desperation.

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Edited on 29/12/18 @ 19:57:51 by Venomous Flames {WCU} (#152150)

Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-12-29 20:33:36


Swallowfall | 16 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Willowstar, Sunstar, Wolffang, Raindrop, Harefeather, Hawkstrike

Swallowfall listened to her leaders and their announcements. Her heart swelled at the naming of the new warriors and called out their names with vigor and excitement. When Willowstar and Sunstar began talking to each other she made her way over to the newly named Wolffang. "Wolffang!" She called to the younger warrior. "How do you feel?" Swallowfall purred happily.


Stagthorn | 30 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Willowstar, Sunstar, Wolffang, Raindrop, Harefeather, Hawkstrike

Stagthorn awoke to Willowstar and Sunstar's voices and eased out into the cold leafbare sunlight. He listened quietly to the announcements and ceremony, politely chanted the names of the young warriors, feeling satisfaction at his clan's growing strength and confidence. Stagthorn shivered slightly in the chill of the air and glanced around at his clanmates. Looking back to his leaders he became slightly concerned at their apparent deep conversation. He moved closer to the base of the Highrock, hoping to catch Willowstar when they ended the ceremony.

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Edited on 30/12/18 @ 16:45:00 by 🌟Denebola🌟 (#121897)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-12-29 23:34:03

Clearsong / Slateleaf | 20 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Pebblesplash, Quietshadow, Glade, Earthquake, Harefeather, everyone

Clearsong was quickly feeling drained from everything that had happened. He just wanted to rest, he wanted everything back to normal. His body shook as Slateleaf regained control again, at this rate he figured he'd let it happen. He wasn't sure why his energy had been so sapped.

He felt a smirk play on his face, "You think telling me to leave Clearsong will make me go just like that? You really are a fool, aren't you." His tail flicked, but her usual steady voice also started to sound tired. He sat down, locking eyes with Pebblesplash.

"When your mother left, Clearsong was devastated, he blamed himself. He turned to his father, looked up to him. If only he weren't so obesessed with finding Quietshadow again. He might not have been hit by the monster." Her tone was bored, factual, as if she had said it many times before. "Clearsong is my blood. He was distressed, in a slump. I came to him in his time of need and he accepted me. I was gone for a while, but i sensed Glade's presence and figured I'd come around again. This time I have the will and power to control him in short bursts. So I'm here to protect him from cats like you who can hurt him so deeply.

His muzzle was, again, in Pebblesplash's face, however this time no attempt to attack was made. Enough had already been done. She had stepped back with a glare, turning once again at the sound of new voices.

A wicked smile curled on his muzzle, "Peace? In this family?" A scoff escaped him as Slateleaf turned to look at those related to him. "I can see you're just dying to know about this family secret that's been long forgotten. Cowards." She lashed her tail, before sitting down as if she were an elder about to tell kits a story from long ago.

"Kin need to stop hiding from eachother. Our family tree has held so many secrets that we don't even remember who's related to whom any more." Slateleaf stared into Quietshadow's green eyes, "I was so surprised to see my daughter was alive when I thought she died as a kit, I thought my son was all I had left. I fought and lost so much for him."

For the first time, Slateleaf had smiled, her gaze warm "I don't think Glade knows his sister had kits? Such pretty ones too. Pebblesplash looks so much like her mother and myself."

Although the smile was still on Clearsong's face, the warm glow in his eyes had diminished to a cold stare.

"When that rouge viciously attacked me, however, he did nothing of the sort to save me. And, yet, he's here now, sucking up to these clanborns like he was meant to do it." Her words were hissed, Clearsong felt his strength eating away at itself the longer Slateleaf stayed in control. At this point, he didn't care. It was out. The one person his sister hated most, their uncle.

Her job done, Clearsong was given control once more. His legs buckled and he flopped on the ground. Heavily breathing from the strain, a nap sounded pretty good right about now.

He had interrupted the clan meeting with this news, he was sure he'd get an earful, and he knew he wouldn't get sleep any time soon. He laid there in silence, this is where his life had taken him. To this moment.

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 |Camp | Mentions: Stripecloud

Raindrop smiled, nuzzling Stripecloud's shoulder in return. She felt peaceful and contented.

That is, before the commotion started. Sighing, she shook her head, "They're fighting again." She growled. She cast Clearsong a sharp glare, but what she saw in his eyes, a piercing malice, made her shrink back a bit.

Every word he had said had stucj in her mind, "Why's he talking in third person? Wheres he getting all this?" She whispered to Stripecloud, her ears flattening. He sounded like a mother who had lived a full life, but that crazed look in his eyes told her he might have gone crazy.

A flicker of something like pity appeared in her chest, but Clearsong's suggestion that Glade and Quietshadow was related to them made her eyes stretch wide. Now that she looked, Pebblesplash did look like Quietshadow. Quietshadow also had a similar build to Glade. It could be possible...

She looked to Stripecloud, "What's going on? That can't be anyone but Clearsong, that's just not possible... What's this about a Slateleaf? Who's-?" Questions flitted through her mind, so much had happened in such a short span of time. It was a lot to take in at once for her.

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Edited on 30/12/18 @ 00:03:20 by ❄Swiftbreeze (Parhelion)❄ (#140966)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-30 04:12:56


Stripecloud|16 moons|30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Raindrop

Stripecloud's looked over at the area the commotion was at. He looked over to Raindrop who was asking him questions. The same questions he had whorling in his head. "I honestly have no idea." He murmured quietly back standing up. "But uh, I don't really wanna find out." He muttered so only Raindrop could hear. He flicked his ear feeling colder than usual. He shrugged it off not knowing what it would later develop into.
(Muhahha, foreshadowing. If your on discord (which I think everybody is) you'll understand what I'm foreshadowing. Also I'm writing this while I'm really tired so sorry if it's bad.)

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-12-30 11:06:52

Pebblesplash|20 moons| 28/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Clearsong,Quietshadow, Glade

Pebblesplash's world blacked out as she took in what this cat- her grandmother, apparently- said. Related to Glade? No. Slateleaf had to be lying. She was nothing like him. Or was she...?
I attacked Clearsong. I drove him away with words, too. It seems like something Glade would do. And Quietshadow. And I looked like both her mother and grandmother. Does that mean I has more evil in me then I want to admit? She staggered back, fear filling her.
"I... I... Pebblesplash stammered, "I would never hurt Clearsong again. Stop twisting his mind!" It was a weak thing to say. But right now, her head was spinning in a million directions. It's what you would do, though... a tiny voice whispered. No! I would never.... I could never. This was all too much. She needed fresh air.
"I have to go," Pebblesplash leaped up, and bolt for the entrance. She ran, ran, ran until she couldn't. She found herself in the old ShadowClan territory. Sitting down, she stared up at the sky. Am I to be like them too?

Quietshadow | 46 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 |Camp| Mentions: Slateleaf/Clearsong, Pebblesplash,

Quietshadow stood there, momentarily filled with shock.

Mother actually had the guts to do that.
She pinned her ears back. I can fix this, I can fix this, I can-- There was nothing to fix. Slateleaf just ruined everything. Not just for her. For Clearsong. For Pebblesplash. For her entire family. There's no way the clan would let them stay now.
"I don't understand your motives, Slateleaf. I know you're gone for now-- and I would prefer if you stayed gone-- but I will never understand you. You never seemed to care much about your kin. You never looked for me, or my body if you truly thought I was dead. So why care now?" Quietshadow was nose to nose with Clearsong. Or Slateleaf. Or whatever they called themselves. Pebblesplash vanished, and Clearsong was on the verge of collapsing.
Why Slateleaf, must you have done this to us?

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Edited on 30/12/18 @ 11:13:41 by •Hurri• (#147819)

ray (#56776)

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Posted on
2018-12-31 00:58:56

Creekpaw | 11 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions Mosspaw [d]; Harefeather, Hawkstrike, Raindrop, Wolffang, open [i/d]

Looking around at the newly named warriors, Creekpaw chanted her former denmates’ names with pride. ”Harefeather! Hawkstrike! Raindrop! Wolffang!” The apprentice repeated the names gleefully, imagining what it’d be like when it was her warrior name being roared by the crowd of her clanmates. After the cheering quieted, Creekpaw raised off of her haunches and looked around the crowded clearing for someone she could approach and waste time speaking to. She finally set her eyes upon Mosspaw and with a tinge of reluctance began to walk towards. Seeing as the fellow apprentice had also known the new warriors well, she decided that was a proper topic of conversation.

”Hey, Mosspaw.” Creekpaw greeted with a half-smile, ”It’s hard to imagine that we’ll be four short in the apprentice’s den tonight. Not to complain, though. More room for me!” The mollie joked, but she knew the four warriors’ departure from their den was bittersweet.

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Edited on 31/12/18 @ 01:00:50 by pistachio (#56776)

A'whisker (#113302)

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Posted on
2018-12-31 01:42:45

Mosspaw | 10 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 |Camp | Mentions: Creekpaw (D), Clearsong, Pebblesplash, Quietshadow (ID)

Mosspaw turned his head at the sound of a voice, perking up as Creekpaw approached. He nodded to her in greeting, a smile brightening his features. "Indeed!" He agreed with a small laugh. "I will finally be able to take a step without trodding on someones tail." He twitched his whiskers in amusement, and tilted his head slightly to one side. "The warriors den must be quite packed now. I do not envy them." His smile faded slightly, then vanished all together at the sound of raised, angry voices.

The apprentice sat up, unease stirring within him, and strained to see the source of the commotion through the crowd. It was Clearsong, engaged in some sort of confrontation with Pebblesplash and Quietshadow, he realized after a moment. The grey-and-white tom cast Creekpaw a quick, wide-eyed look of dismay. "What do you suppose that is all about?" He said softly as the situation escalated, drawing the attention of more and more of the assembled cats.

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