Posted by | The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD) | |
Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-04 04:47:56 |
Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866) |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-05 22:41:50 |
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「Komasan」 (#147164)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-05 23:11:18 |
![]() Edited on 05/01/19 @ 23:24:40 by 「Komasan」 (#147164) |
🌸LightQueen🌊Ga laxy (#59203) Necromancer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-06 16:14:46 |
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Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-06 21:29:05 |
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Viper (#91328)
Good Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-07 14:52:04 |
You betrayed your friend, how could you? I-I-I-- She was pulled from her self-loathing by a touch to her shoulder. She tried to give a calm look, but she had a feeling she was failing at it. "Do you want to come with me? I'm going to head out, just to get away from... well all of this." The sandy colored tom asked. Harefeather gave a soft smile. She appreciated that the tom took the time to invite her out. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." She softly agreed, standing, and shaking a little snow from her paws. She took a moment to shoot a quick, sorrowful glance at the warrior den, where Clearsong and, seemingly, everyone else had disappeared to. ![]() |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-07 15:34:32 |
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WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-07 17:23:19 |
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Two-Tibs A'whisker (#113302) Renowned View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-07 18:09:15 |
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🌸LightQueen🌊Ga laxy (#59203) Necromancer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-07 19:08:19 |
![]() Edited on 07/01/19 @ 19:08:34 by ⛄LightQueen🦌HoHoHo🎅 (#59203) |
explosive_poopy (#157969)
![]() Ill-Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-07 19:14:53 |
Pumpkinnose | 14 moons | Warrior | 30/30 health | Mentions None As he stumbled over his thick paws and into the clearing, he booped Iceclaw's arm as he went gliding across the ground. ![]() |
Denebola (#121897)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-07 20:00:05 |
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•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-07 21:05:59 |
![]() Pebblesplash|20 moons| 28/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Clearsong, Whorlpaw, Quietshadow, Hawkstripe, Finchpaw ———— Pebblesplash looked skeptically at Whorlpaw as she approached. Whorlpaw and the other apprentices had been gossiping about things, and she was sure her mother had been mentioned. Her mother… that was a different story. I need to talk to her soon. Very soon… and find out why she helped us. She dipped her head to Whorlpaw, trying to stay on neutral terms. But it irritated her that she was so demanding of Clearsong. He had just been possessed by his grandmother! ”Clearsong just woke up, give him a minute… and Clearsong,” she turned to her brother, ”You’re clearly not fine. What’s wrong with you? You can tell me anything, you know.” Pebblesplash stood up with him, eyeing Whorlpaw. This could be very… family oriented. Whorlpaw didn’t need to know. The she-cat curled her tail in, stepping closer to Clearsong. ”Please? How about later? Okay? Okay!” she said, her eyes shining. Before he could respond, she left. Let’s talk to Hawkstrike… Pebblespash padded up to him and Finchpaw. She dipped her head to her, and turned to Hawkstripe. ”Can we talk?” ![]() |
WolfGirl500 (#140739)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-07 23:42:36 |
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Sage {G3 Mottled Pie Haze} (#85592) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-08 01:48:11 |
![]() Willowstar | 38 Moons | Co-Leader | Full | Territory | Mentions: Sunstar, Earthquake The fluffy calico glanced up and could tell the orange tom was still having a hard time coming to terms with the news of his brother and she found it completely understandable. It would take time before the pain went away and only Starclan knew how much time that would be. Her ear twitched as she heard the approaching paw steps and turned to see that it was Earthquake and watched as we walked over and pulled the tom close to him, comforting him in his own way and offering him some support. She remained silent, waiting until Sunstar was ready to speak on his own terms. While she waited, she thought back to her own brother and decided that once Sunstar was feeling a bit better, she would head off and go visit his grave. Since she had been asleep for awhile, she figured that it had probably been awhile since she had paid it a visit, and felt even more compelled to since she hadn't been able to find the moss ball that had held the clump of her late brother's fur. It wasn't long before she could faintly hear the other leader start to speak, though it was quiet and directed at the other tom beside him. She thought about leaving the pair be as he began to reminisce, but before she could get up and give them their space, the orange tom had looked at her and started telling her about what all he had seen. Her amber eyes narrowed as she listened to the details and tried to think back to the time they were asleep. She had been told that she had been in Starclan, but without her memories from then, she had found it pretty hard to believe. From what Sunstar was telling her, however, her doubt had started to ease away and had her wondering if what she was told was actually what happened. If there was a fight and there was darkness like the younger tom had said, then what would that mean for Starclan and the clan itself. She let out a small wondering huff before turning her attention back to Sunstar, thinking back to where she had been told Hollowfall's grave was. "It's possible that could be the case if all of us higher ranks were pulled there. As for his grave, I was told that it's not far outside the camp and that it's next to Lioncloud's. I haven't stopped there myself yet, so I don't know the exact location, but it's possible that maybe Earthquake knows." She said as she glanced over at the other tom. Since his father's grave was said to be next to Hollowfall's, then she figured he would know the location and could possibly be there for him. She blinked when she his words of thanks, and with slight hesitance, she dipped her head. Part of her was surprised that he had extended part of his thanks to her as she had broke the news in a bad way, so she was a little hesitant on accepting it. "Of course, Sunstar. I think of you as one of my friends. Plus, I would be at fault should something have happened, since I wasn't exactly tactful in breaking the news." The calico female had caught Earthquake's sympathetic gaze and faintly smiled as the warrior tom had extended his friendship to her as well. Before she could thank him, he had playfully knocked her over into the snow and she let out a small chuckle, lightly batting at him. "I have to say the same for you as well. If you ever need anything, just let us know and we'll do our best to help. I know we have been gone awhile and things are hectic right now, but I promise that we plan on doing our best to set things back to how they were." She felt bad about the things going on with his family and decided to offer her support should he ever decide to ask for it. Though they were the same age and grew up together, she never was really close with the tom. Many of the cats now had been born late into her apprenticeship and during her time as a warrior, so she figured she would try to make an effort to get to know the member of her clan better. ![]() Wolffang | 14 Moons | Warrior | Full | Camp | Mentions: Swallowfall, Stripecloud, Raindrop, Blossomheart, Finchpaw, Creekpaw, Morningpaw, Whorlpaw, Clearsong ID: Pebblesplash, Hawkstrike, Harefeather, Horsetail, Quietshadow, Stagthorn, Stormberry, Honeyfrost, Earthquake, Cricketpaw, Glade The fluffy gray tom watched as all the cats had dispersed from the meeting and glanced over at the newly made deputy beside him. He could tell that she was surprised and nervous about her new position and noticed she she was shivering. His tail lightly rested against her side as he offered her a look of encouragement and watched as she started to calm down and start issuing out patrols. Wolffang had felt bad for her as she had been suddenly thrust into being a deputy without any warning and didn't have Stormberry or either leader around to help give her any guidance, but could also understand the reasoning as to why the higher ranks had gone off to handle their business. The clan had been a mess during the meeting and had lasted even after the meeting had ended, which caused an air of tension to float around the camp. His attention snapped back into focus once the female deputy had turned her attention back to him and he gave her a small nod and pushed himself to his feet. "Of course, I couldn't agree more. Maybe working together will help the clan settle down a bit and help take their minds off everything going on." As he started to walk away, he lightly nudged his friend's should with a small smile. "Oh, and congratulations on becoming the new deputy. I'm sure you'll do great, especially with your former mentor being the other deputy." He flicked his tail as he walked off to start gathering the cats that hadn't been called for a patrol, glancing around the camp. While he looked around, he spotted Stripecloud and Raindrop chatting not too far away and padded over towards the two warriors. As he got closer, he could overhear the mention of working on the warriors den and spoke up once he approached them. "Did I hear you both talking about expanding the warrior's den? That's actually a nice coincidence since Swallowfall was just looking for cats to help on it's expansion. Though the four of us wont be able to sleep in there tonight due to our vigil, i'm sure it'll be nice knowing all of us have a little more space and won't have to be cramped sleeping in the apprentice den." He mewed, a slight joking tone in his voice as he directed the last part toward the other newly made warrior. "Plus, i'm sure with everyone working on the expansion, it'll help take minds off the meeting." His tone then dropped a bit as he recalled the recent events. "With all of us working together, it shouldn't take too long and then you guys can go off and do your own things or relax. If you two are open to helping out, then head on over to Swallowfall. She's currently looking for Cricketpaw and plans on talking to her, but I don't think it'll take too long before we can get started. I'm going to go gather some more cats to help get this project done, so i'll meet you both over there." He chirped before looking over the camp again. Harefeather looked like she was about to go out with Horsetail, Honeyfrost had already left the camp, though he wasn't sure what was going to happen with that ordeal, Earthquake had also left the camp as well, and so did Quietshadow. Since she had suddenly arrived to the clan like Glade, he wasn't really sure if she would be considered a clan cat or what her intentions were and since she spent most of her time around Glade, he didn't really feel comfortable about having her help out, especially if there was the chance that the male siamese would approach them with her being there. All that he could see that were still in the camp that weren't assigned to a patrol were Blossomheart, her apprentice Finchpaw, Creekpaw, Morningpaw, Whorlpaw, Pebblesplash, and Hawkstrike. He padded around and called out to Blossomheart, Finchpaw, Creekpaw, and Morningpaw about how they were wanted to help expand the new den before setting his sights on Whorlpaw and Pebblesplash. The two females were by Clearsong and he started to walk towards them when Pebblesplash had got up, said a few words to Hawkstrike, and the two of them made their way out of the camp. He tilted his head slightly, but still walked over to Clearsong and Whorlpaw, dipping his head in greeting once he was closer. If Pebblesplash and Hawkstrike returned back to the camp, then he would also ask them about helping out. "Hey there, Clearsong. Hope you're feeling a bit better after you got a little rest." Wolffang had mixed feelings about Clearsong as he was appreciative towards him when he had helped him out when his sister had first fell asleep, but also frustrated since he had been fairly close with Glade when he had come around. His attention then turned to Whorlpaw who was only a few steps away. "Hey there to you as well, Whorlpaw. Congrats on getting a new mentor. Sorry it didn't go as well as it should've." His attention then focused on the two of them. "Swallowfall is sending out patrols and I know Stagthorn is coming to get you for hunting, Clearsong, but I didn't hear her mention Whorlpaw. Since she's your apprentice, I figure she can tag along, but she's also looking for cats to help expand the warrior's den so it isn't too cramped for when us new warriors move in and you apprentices don't have us four taking up your rightful space." Wolffang said as he glanced at the female apprentice. "Since i'm not entirely sure what's being planned on happening, I figured I would come and ask you both on whether you plan on bringing Whorlpaw with you to hunt or if she's going to stay here." He explained. ![]() Edited on 08/01/19 @ 01:59:16 by -:{~|Lady Vitaliya|~}:- {WCU} (#85592) |
mercuri 🔮 (#93105)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-08 08:07:53 |
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