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Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2019-01-08 12:31:32

Harefeather~13 Moons~Warrior~18/18~Camp~Mentions: Horsetail, *OPEN*

Harefeather followed the long-limb tom through the break in the wall, her head and tail held low. She realized she would quickly fall behind, and started into a brisk walk. She only looked up from the blinding snow, when she almost stumbled into the tom's hind end. She thought it was a little amusing, and cheered her up a little, making her hold herself with a little more pride in herself.
"Since I'm out already, I might as well look for some moss. If you want, you can hunt a bit." The tom suggested, looking at the she cat.
"Yeah", she sighed, her ears drooping a little again, "I probably should." She knew hunting, especially now that she's a warrior, is her responsibility, more now with leaf bare. She half-heartedly looked around the barren white landscape, before heaving a large sigh, the cold cloud billowing out, making her whiskers twitch. She didn't want to hunt, an odd thing for the she-cat. She worked her claws in the snow, and swished her tail a little over the snow to make a small mound of snow.
"Horsetail..." She began awkwardly, looking up from the mound of snow at the tom's golden eyes. "I-I need-err well uh-I just--" She sighed, and held her silence for a moment. "I don't know what to do." She finally breathed out, the cold making her eyes sting, as the faintest trace of tears built up.

Blossomheart~23 moons~Warrior~30/30~Camp~Mentions: Finchpaw, *OPEN*

Blossomheart was ecstatic to have an apprentice finally! But things had to get done first. She patched a hole, weaving the sticks with ease, as she had more experience than the apprentices. She watched in slight amusement as she watched them used dry out sticks to try and weave in the holes.
"Let me show you something." She chipped in after a moment, running her tail over Finchpaw's back to clear a few stray pieces of debris.
"Your sticks are too dry. Look." She picked a stick up from Finchpaw's stash, and pressed it into the ground, and with just a little force the stick cracked and snapped in half. "You want to find sticks that still have a little moisture in them, like this" explained, tossing the cracked stick out of the den, before grabbing one of her twigs. She fastened it in her teeth, and pressed it into the ground like she had the other stick, but instead of breaking, the twig began to bend. "Tat way ou cam mend it inta place." She muffled around the stick. She rocked back onto her haunches, and put the end of the stick furthest from her into a small hole in the twigs, and pushed it in tell it bent just enough for her to stick the end closest to her into another small hole that would weave it over some other loose sticks and hold them in place. She stepped aside to show her work to the apprentice. "The moisture gives it the bend you need to weave it, and as it dries in its place, it'll harden, and provide the protection from wind, rain, and snow like we need." She smiled softly, before gesturing for Finchpaw to try.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-01-08 15:09:07

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | Healthy |Camp | Mentions: Stripecloud, Wolffang

"Hunting?" Raindrop asked, looking over at the small fresh kill pile. "Actually, I'd prefer that too. We should ask-"

Raindrop was cut off when Wolffang approached them, telling them that they were to work on the warrior's den. "Thank you Wolffang," She said with a smile, a small snicker escaping her, "I'm sure the warriors would like some space too, unless they want us to sleep on them like a bunch of lazy badgers."

After the tom left, Raindrop nuzzled Stripecloud's shoulder sympathetically, "I guess we have to, then. If we work quickly, maybe we can hunt afterword? Plus, the sooner the den is expanded, the sooner we can move to the warriors den." Raindrop flicked Stripecloud with her tail, a mischievious glint in her eyes. "I'm sure you'll enjoy me kicking you while I dream." She teased.

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Edited on 08/01/19 @ 18:47:55 by ❄Swiftbreeze (Parhelion)❄ (#140966)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-01-08 17:16:26

Pebblesplash|20 moons| 30/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Hawkstrike
Pebblesplash’s heart was beating so loud and fast, she wasn’t sure if Hawkstrike couldn’t hear. She shifted form side to side, trying to think of what to say.
“Are you okay? I disrupted the ceremony- partly yours. I—“ she cut her self off. I’m sorry won’t cut it. She thought glumly, remembering what Slateleaf had said. It will have too. she told herself firmly.
”I’m sorry, Hawkstrike. I don’t want to hurt anyone. I-i only wanted to stand up for my beliefs. It got out of hand. This is me thinking clearly for the first time since Glade arrived. I don’t want to loose anyone else. Please forgive me, please…” The last words hitched in her throat. I am sorry. I think. No. I know. Pebblesplash looked at Hawkstrike. If cats could cry, she probably would be.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-08 19:50:44


Stripecloud|16 moons|30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Raindrop, Wolffang

Stripecloud sighed chuckling slightly. "Yeah, kick me and I'll roll onto you." He gave her a toothy smile before walking over to the Warrior's den. He looked over at Wolffang feeling a little upset at the tom. He was planning on asking Raindrop something while they were hunting. Something that was very important to him. He tried to shrug it off but he just, couldn't. "What do you want us to do?" Stripecloud asked controlling his voice and keeping it calm. He didn't really know how to expand the dens, even if he had been an apprentice for longer than normal.


Hawkstrike|14 Moons|Warrior|30/30 Health|Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash

"Wow, you must have a hearing problem." Hawkstrike teased flicking his ear. He thought Pebblesplash was gonna end whatever their relationship was. "I may or may not have told them my opinions as well." He stood up and leaped onto a medium sized rock. He balanced on it and looked back over to Pebblesplash.
"Look, I don't care what you have done. I really don't care." Hawkstrike leaped off and brushed his cheek against Pebblesplash's. "Stop worrying so much."

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-09 02:41:26


Softsong | 17 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Aldershade, Mosspaw, Swallowfall, Open!

Softsong nodded to Mosspaw's words, ears perking up as he saw Swallowfall approaching them. He purred in appreciation as she assigned the borders to himself and Aldershade, gladly returning the nuzzle to the she-cat. He looked up at her and dipped his head briefly. "Thank you! Can't wait for you to drag my tail out early in the morning for patrols." He teased with a playful wink. "In other words, congratulations on being the new deputy, they wouldn't have made a better choice." As she left, he waved his tail goodbye and returned his attention to his apprentice. "Border patrol it is then, I'll show you the best spots to hunt on the way." He told him.

The small tom then quickly made his way over to Aldershade. This would be their first proper warrior patrol together, and he could barely contain how excited he was. "Aldershade! You ready to show our apprentices the full, entire border?" He asked, leaning up against the taller warrior as he spoke. He had a habit of being very physical when showing affection and care, and Aldershade was often on the receiving end of those affections. "Oh and the territory of course~" He added with a soft purr. Slowly, he plotted that they let their apprentices go a bit ahead of them, to help them try to train their tracking ability and familiarity of the border of course, and that would give them enough time to have a proper talk.


Snowstorm/echo | 30 Moons | Medicine Cat | 30/30 | Camp, Clan Territory | Mentions: Mumblepaw, Open!

Snowstorm waved his tail to Softsong as he left, glad that he had been able to offer silent support and comfort to the younger tom. He had no time to linger on his thoughts about his half-brother, as Mumblepaw came over. He was briefly confused over his question about their hunting, then let out a soft laugh as his apprentice continued. "Bold of you to assume medicine cats only deal with herbs and the injured." He stated, standing up properly to lead the way out. "No, we're going prey-hunting." He affirmed.

The white tom lead the way out of camp, walking toward the river. "Let me show you the proper techniques to hunting close to the river during winter." He got into a crouch, quickly blending into the white snow around him as he stalked toward the river. "First step is to avoid the river, you don't want to accidentally fall in." He instructed, assuming that with Mumblepaw's age, this would be his first winter as an apprentice. "Secondly, you need to find where the prey is hiding, they're usually not out and about unless they need food. Oh, and you could collect nuts during leaf-fall and set traps for squirrels during leaf-bare." He added with a small wink. "I don't doubt your previous mentor, but let me see your crouch." His tone was quiet, and he was surprisingly light on his paws despite his size. His paws seemed to spread his weight, so walking on the snow and sometimes ice-covered ground was a breeze for him.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-01-09 15:57:28

Pebblesplash|20 moons| 30/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Hawkstrike
He’s not mad? Pebblesplash exhaled, relieved. She smiled faintly.
”I was never good at paying attention!” she meowed, laughing, ”Today was an off day. I’m hoping that tomorrow will be better. I do feel bad for the apprentices… I probably should say sorry to them, if not the leaders too.” she mused out loud. Purring softly, Pebblesplash nudged Hawkstrike, saying, ”Do you want to go hunting? Later, I mean. I need to talk to some cats…” Great StarClan I am bad at this!

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2019-01-09 17:59:13


Stormberry - 34 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - Clan territory (Burial site) - Mentions: Glade, Lionkit (ID), Maplekit (ID)

Stormberry yowled in anger as Glade pounced on him - fox dung! The deputy was strong, for sure, but his size and bulk make him slow, and he had no time to shake the other tom off before he felt jaws crunch down on his shoulder. He let out a sharp hiss, and was aiming at another swing at Glade until he was cut off by a hit to his face. It stunned him for a few breaths, and when he glanced up to face the madness coming from the siamese tom's mouth.

"The Clan isn't about being the best, it's about surviving! All cats in the Clan deserve their full bellies!" He growled in response, turning his head when he noticed Glade looking at something closely. He noticed the gaze of Lionkit on the two of them, and clenched his teeth at the thought of the kit following him all this way. Did he not tell Lionkit to stay in camp where it was safe? Who knows what Glade would do to him now that he had been spotted...

The large tom lifted his head up high to cut off Glade's rant, when he heard Maplekit do it for him. His heart thudded in his chest at the thought of the kits trying to deal with the fight themselves, but there was little he could think to do in the heat of the moment. Clearly, the kits couldn't listen to instructions to stay where it was safe for them, and Glade didn't seem like the kind of cat to give him time to gather the kits and get them to safety. In the next few moments, the siamese tom proved how right such a thought was. Seeing claws coming for his throat, Stormberry instinctively drew back, but in doing so, caught a glimpse of Maplekit's tiny body taking the hit instead.

A spark lit in Stormberry's heart that hadn't been there for many moons. The trouble this cat had caused, the lives he had taken, and now the innocent kits he had injured. The deputy's gaze was tainted red, his head filled with noise. He took the chance while Glade was seemingly distracted, and he made his move. Launching himself at the smaller tom, his unsheathed claws were outstretched, and he locked his jaws around Glade's throat. He didn't think about it, he never thought about these things. Not until later. Do it for the Clan. And so he bit down as hard as he could.

It was done. Or was it? He had to be sure, it had to be final. He held on for a little longer, his breathing slow and heavy. When he was satisfied, he dropped Glade to the floor, and tried to keep his quivering legs from giving out beneath him. He turned his head slowly, to look at Lionkit and Maplekit, his eyes starting to fill with shock. If any cat was going to be able to offer them any comfort, it probably wasn't going to be him - not anymore.


Aldershade - 17 moons - Warrior - 30/30 health - Camp - Mentions: Olivepaw, Swallowfall (ID), Softsong, open!

Aldershade smiled softly at Olivepaw as she replied to him. He remembered when he was like that, even though it wasn't even that long ago.

"Come now, Olivepaw, none of this is your fault. This Clan will be chaotic for as long as we both live, I'm sure. Just try and stay out of it the best you can, that's what I do." He reassured her, before perking his ears at the mention of his name. It sounded like Swallowfall's first act as deputy was to send him and Softsong with their apprentices on a border patrol. He flicked his long tail to disguise his delight, he had been needing to talk properly to the other warrior for many moons now.

"Good timing, let's go out on patrol now. It might clear your head a bit." The lanky tom mewed, turning his head to look at Softsong as he approached. It was good that the black and white tom didn't seem too shaken from what had just happened - maybe they were getting better at moving on from the stress Clan life put on them. "Of course I'm ready, I've been wanting to stretch my legs properly for what feels like moons."

With that, he began to pad towards the camp entrance. "We'd best head off now, before the weather has a chance to get too much worse."

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Edited on 09/01/19 @ 18:21:04 by Ash [WCU] (#117922)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-01-10 09:50:26


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Health: 30/30|Mentions Directly: Harefeather|Mentions Indirectly: |Location: Territory

Horsetail was about to walk away, in thought already as to where he could find good moss in this weather. The tom stopped, as Hareflight's words reached him. Looking back, his golden eyes landed on the younger she-cat. "Well, I'm not a good hunter, so I'm not really sure I can help there", the medicine cat told the young warrior with a chuckle. Only after saying this, he spotted the she-cat's eyes. Horsetail scolded himself, for his words.
"Sorry", he breathed, a cloud of white billowing out in front of him. Turning, the sand colored tabby tom walked back to the she-cat. Placing his long tail on Harefeather's shoulder, he gave a comforting purr. Sitting down next to her in the snow, he gave the young she-cat a kind nod. "If you want, you can tell me", Horsetail offered, "I won't tell", he continued to promis. "Is it.... is it about the whole incident from before? During the meeting?", Horsetail asked. He did not know what else could be bothering Harefeather, then again he'd never really had the chance to speak with the young warrior.


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Health: 5/5|Mentions Directly: Maplepaw, Stormberry|Mentions Indirectly: Glade, Snowball, Hollowfall|Location: Burial Site

Lionkit had his blue eyes on his littermate, making sure that Maplepaw was not seriously hurt. "Don't worry, they'll work it out", Lionkit said in a hushed voice, trying to comfort his sister. Hearing the fighting getting louder, Lionkit looked over. His eyes landed on the two fighting toms, just as Stormberry administered the finishing blow. The young tom's blue eyes opened in shock, 'Stormberry killed.....', the kit's young mind could not even wrap itself around what had happened.
His eyes slowly traveled from the large deputy, to the limp body of the smaller siamese tom. Glade was... was dead? Why? Lionkit's mind went blank. He had never seen a dead body before, let alone seen a cat actually be killed. Seeing that the large dark brown deputy was looking at them, Lionkit's legs went rigid. Where they going to be killed too? Fear started to lay itself over the young calico tom. Out of fear, the young kit staggered back. His hind leg bumped against something hard, slowly turning Lionkit saw that he had bumped against one of the mounds. He felt so scared, he wanted his mom and dad. Why did Snowball and Hollowfall have to leave? Why did they leave? Why..? He felt so helpless. The fluffy kit slumped into himself, lowering his head Lionkit let out a sad and helpless meow.

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Viper (#91328)

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Posted on
2019-01-10 14:20:31

Harefeather~13 Moons~Warrior~18/18~Forrest~Mentions: Horsetail, (ID Honeyfrost), *OPEN*

The toms tail was light on her shoulders, but offered a lot of warmth, and comfort, to her. She breathed in deeply, the cold air stinging the back of her throat.
"Well, mostly." She said quietly, going back to using her tail to brush snow onto the mound she had started. He'll think you're still a kit if you tell him you have a crush. Only kits hide their feelings from the other cat. And you'll sound like an elder if you whine and complain... She flicked her ear to clear her thoughts. "Um, well, something--someone is hurting Clearsong, and I want to help--I need to help him, but I don't know how." She began, she worked her claws in the snow, packing it against her toes with each squeeze. " bothers me--annoys me--irritates me--" She stopped, and took a breath to calm herself "that I can't help him, or at least don't know how..." She held her tongue for a moment, looking at the squirrel size mound she made. And a moment later a gust of wind whisked it away, leaving no trace of it. She swallowed the lump in her throat. "I was a horrible friend. He needed a friend, he needed me to be there for him, and it was Honeyfrost who took him to the den, not me. Don't get me wrong Honeyfrost is an amazing cat, clan member, and warrior; I just mean that it should've been me--I should've been more brave and-and I wasn't, and-and" She took another breath, deeper this time. "I sat there..." She almost whispered the words out. "I feel like I'm in a constant battle between the warrior code and what's right...if Starclan is punishing us or not, or if they're even there." She shot a glance up at the clouded sky, before looking at the sandy tom. "Do I make any sense, or do I sound like I have bees in my head?" She asked disheartened.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-01-10 15:27:42

Clearsong / Slateleaf | 20 Moons | Warrior | Healthy | Camp | Mentions: Whorlpaw, Stagthorn, Wolffang, Swallowfall (ID)

Clearsong dipped his head to the newly made warrior in greeting, "I'm doing better now, thank you, and congratulations, Wolffang. Clearsong said, sweeping his fluffy striped tail around him to his paws. "You'll make a fine warrior." He paused as Wolffang relayed Swallowfall's orders and nodded.

"I'll be taking Whorlpaw with me, then." Clearsong stood up and looked over at the fluffy gray she-cat with a small smile on his muzzle, "Some hunting practice might do the hungry clan some good, as I'm sure a lot of the other apprentices will be busy checking out the borders." Clearsong laid his fluffy tail on Whorlpaw's shoulder, "Don't worry, we'll check out the borders tomorrow, I'll show you some cool spots!"

With another dip of his head in farewell to Wolffang, Clearsong padded over to Stagthorn. "Hi! He chirped with a sudden burst of enthusiasm, "I'm going to take Whorlpaw on ahead and teach her some basic tracking and stalking. You guys go on ahead with the hunt." He dipped his head to the patrol leader before taking Whorlpaw out of camp and following a familiar trail.

Once the sounds and smells of camp were out of earshot and scent range, Clearsong turned to Whorlpaw. "Okay. First off," Clearsong started, trying to remember his first day as an apprentice. "Scent the air, what do you smell?"

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Lokisa (#103333)

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Posted on
2019-01-10 17:38:30
Finchpaw - Camp - Mentions: Hawkstrike (ID), Blossomheart
Finchpaw nodded as Hawkstrike left the group, and turned her attention to her mentor. The hole in the den had all but disappeared, but after noticing the way Hawkstrike had unintentionally talked into her bad ear, she realized that a little hole in her mind had begun to worm its way through her good mood.

"Blossomheart?" She moved to do as the she-cat had gestured, trying out the technique she suggested, wetting the sticks a bit in a patch of new, not quite dry moss from her bed. "It is okay that not everybody knows that I can't hear well right? Like, I don't have to tell everybody if I don't want to?"

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2019-01-10 19:16:46

Blossomheart~23 moons~Warrior~30/30~Camp~Mentions: Finchpaw, *OPEN*

The she-cat brushed her puffy tail over her apprentice's shoulder to comfort the younger cat.
"You don't have to tell anyone anything. You can tell those you want to know." She smiled softly at her apprentice, before looking at the den. They had made good progress, and with just a few more sticks everything would be done. She'll need to learn to fight and hunt with just one good ear.
"Do you want to learn to fight, or to hunt first?" I can show her the boarder another time, hopefully before the snow gets too deep, but it all would depend on what duties they would get between now and then.

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Lokisa (#103333)

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Posted on
2019-01-10 19:24:28
Finchpaw - Camp - Mentions: Blossomheart, Earthquake (ID)
"Uhm... I think I wanna hunt first! Then, I can just apply those skills to fighting. I'm already so big! By the time I'm a warrior, I'll be Earthquake's size and rabbits and cats will all quiver before me!" The lean apprentice stood herself up on her hindlegs again, and took a jab at the air - or some imaginary villain that only she could see.

"I'll be so big and strong, I could hunt badgers for breakfast!"

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2019-01-10 20:38:26


GLADE | OUTSIDE CAMP | MENTIONS: Maplekit, Stormberry, Lionkit

Glade was about to apologize to Maplekit, deep down he was sorry for her and didn't want her to be hurt. But before any more words could be said, all he felt was pain as Stormberry took advantage of his moment of actually caring.. he felt the life drain from himself, and couldn't help but wish it would've ended differently. He had just met his family.. He.. he wanted to have a family.
Now, he was going to die. What even is death? Is it really no longer existing? Or was there something after? As Glade's eyes closed, a thought dawned on him as he took his last breath. This isn't the end. This is the beginning of the end.


Maplekit/Starlingkit | 3 Moons | Kit | Injured | [Burial Site] | Mentions: Glade, Stormberry

Maplekit sniffed, fear taking over her being. She looked at her brother, who just seemed to come out of nowhere, and she didn't know what to say. Glade.. was dead. She saw it with her own eyes, and didn't know how to comprehend it.
Good job, Stormberry. If you hadn't done it, I would've. No one hurts Maplekit unless it's me.
Starlingkit took over Maplekit's body, carrying the load. Rest, Maplekit.. I can handle things for a while.. I'm sorry. She proceeded to get up, taking a glance at Stormberry and then to Lionkit.
"Are you both just going to stand there? Might as well start digging his grave. Or, you know.. leave it for the dogs.."
Starlingkit winced slightly. She didn't want to make a scene, and she knew that none of these cats knew her yet. She bowed her head to them, then stood proudly. She still felt the pain inflicted on their physical body, but didn't let it bring her down.
"I'm Starlingkit. It's nice to finally meet you both."

Maplekit was shocked. What are you doing?! They're going to think I'm crazy! They'll probably throw us out of the clan!
If they do, I'll fight every last one of them. Either that, or we go find mom and dad..
No.. mom and dad left us. We can't do the same thing and leave our brother. He needs us just as much as we need him.

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A'whisker (#113302)

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Posted on
2019-01-10 20:49:48

Mosspaw | 10 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 |Camp | Mentions: Swallowfall, Softsong, Aldershade, Olivepaw (D)

All traces of Mosspaw's dark mood from earlier vanished when Swallowsong assigned them to border patrol. Grateful, he dipped his head to the new deputy as she departed, and then followed his mentor across the clearing to where Aldershade sat with Olivepaw. He gave the tortiseshell apprentice a friendly smile, green-gold eyes crinkling slightly at the corners as Softsong and Aldershade conversed.

"I can't wait to see more of the territory. I wonder how big it really is." He spoke, his tone light and his gaze filled with eagerness. The borders, the vast territory, the forested glades and secret places where prey hid away, he would finally know it all. The young tom tamped down his excitement, and took a step towards the entrance as they made to leave camp.

"Do you think it'll snow again?" He wondered, looking at the cloudy sky and ruffling his fur against the chill.

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