Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-01-12 10:23:01


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Health: 30/30|Mentions Directly: OPEN|Mentions Indirectly: Maplekit, Lionkit, Snowecho, Mumblepaw, Dark forest cats|Location: Camp

Horsetail had been in the back of the herb store, making sure that all the herbs that needed to be fresh where and those that were dried, could still be useful. He let out a meow of delight, as he found a whole bundle of poppy seeds. Quickly sorting through it, the tom was even gladder to see that the seeds could still be used. Horsetail placed the bundle onto one of the top rock shelves, just to make sure no young cats got the idea to try any. This might actually be a good day, Horsetail thought as he tucked a raspberry leaf behind his ear. Leaning down he placed the Lungwort back where it belonged and the Catnip in a small space right next to the first, he hoped they did not need to use any of them soon.
Horsetail's ears laid flat against his head, as an unearthly cry hit his ears and shortly after it there was a commotion outside. What? The medicine cat quickly turned on his heels and raced through the medicine cat den. His fur was on end and his tail was bushed out, prepared for whatever he'd see. Horsetail skidded to a stop, as he saw dark shadows. They were like the ones he had seen before, just more.... more real. Looking to his clan mates, he also saw that they were looking at the shadow cats as well, wait they could see? Horsetail's head snapped over, Swallowfall's cry. They did see, the other cats saw them too. The tabby tom had been stranding just inside of the medicine cat den, but now stepped out into the camp. His eyes flitted around the camp and over the dark cats, Dark Forest Cats! Horsetail released, his claws digging into the dirt. So the Dark Forest had really won the fight over Starclan, the tom's shoulders sank a bit.
His mind went to Snowecho and Mumblepaw first, but if the medicine cat apprentice and mentor where together they should be fine. His golden eyes than quickly traveled to the nursery, without their mother Maplekit and Lionkit would be vulnerable. Quickly running along the shadows, the medicine cat made his way to the den. Pushing his head through, he quickly glanced over the two kits, making sure they were fine. To him they looked to still be asleep, but that was all. Leaning out again, Horsetail sat himself next to the nursery entrance. Nothing would come through and hurt he kits, if he had anything to say about it.


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Health: 5/5|Mentions Directly: Maplekit/Starlingkit, Lioncloud|Mentions Indirectly: Horsetail, Sunstar, Willowstar|Location: Nursery

Lionkit had fallen over and into his nest, before he and Maplekit had been done playing. It was strange, it sort of felt like he was asleep, but at the same time there was an endless darkness around him. In the distance he could hear voices, one he could recognise as Sunstar and the other as Willowstar. It was strange, almost as if he was trying to hear them over the sound of a storm. "Don't worry", a deep voice said behind him. Turning around, the kit looked up at a large fluffy alico tom. His pelt was dotted with stars and his muscles were strong and hard as rocks, as the kit looked up at the much larger cats eyes, Lionkit gasped. He was looking into his own eyes, his blue. "Who?", Lionkit asked. "Don't worry. Now, you must be strong and brave", the large Starclan tom said. Leaning down he touched his nose to the kits head, "Be brave!", Lioncloud whispered into the kits fur. Darkness suddenly enveloped Lionkit and he sank into it, Lioncloud disappeared from view and he was alone again.
With a gasp, Lionkit woke up. The young kits head lifted up and his blue eyes looked around wildly. He was back in the nursery and Maplekit Starlingkit, whoever she was right now, was right next to him in their nest. Lionkit let out a sigh and his fur started to lie flat again, it had spiked out on all ends in fright. The kit's head dipped and ears lay flat, as he heard calls outside. "Maplekit! Maplekit! Come on, I think there's something going on outside", Lionkit said, shoving his littermate in her side. His blue eyes turned to the entrance of the nursery, as he spotted someone just outside of it. Opening his mouth, a lot of strange smells hit him. Lionkit shivered, it smelled really not nice at all. Glancing out again, the kit identified the cat outside. It was Horsetail, why was the medicine cat outside of the nursery? Where they sick? Lionkit looked himself over, nothing. He then looked to Maplekit, no she seemed fine too. What was going on?

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Edited on 12/01/19 @ 10:27:25 by ⛄LightQueen🦌HoHoHo🎅 (#59203)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-01-12 11:55:52

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | Healthy |Camp | Mentions: Finchpaw, Stripecloud, Lichenwillow (NPC)

Raindrop stood beside Finchpaw, her ear flicking as she found out this cat was her mother. So this cat must have been a rival of my mother's. Raindrop's tail lashed, At least she isn't wrong about Thornberry being a kittypet toy.

With every word this cat said, Raindrop's snarl became deeper, angrier, her claws digging into the ground. Her mind was racing as she heard what she had to say.

"Has any one found out yet, dear?"

"F-found out what?"

"...We knew Ares didn't care for his children at all. Perhaps you were what chased him away from me." Raindrop felt the mysterious cat's gaze bore into her.

Raindrop's angrily swishing tail went stiff, her blood running cold as her brain made connections. Finchpaw is... Briefly, her mind wandered as she looked at the apprentice beside her. Sure, she was taller, however Thornberry was short like herself, and Finchpaw's fur heavily resembled Ares. Her mind set, Even if I have a half-sister that I didn't know about, that shouldn't change things. Her tail started flicking aggressively at the suggestion that Ares stayed with Thornberry because of herself.

"Bold of you to assume those two ever gave two rat's tails about us." Raindrop spat, stalking forward with her pelt fluffed to twice her size. "Maybe if she did, my brother wouldn't have wandered off so easily. He wouldn't have died because of mother's lack of attention. Whenever she got lost in thought, she might as well not have even been in camp. That's how much mother cared about us."

Raindrop forced her fur flat, making her tone cold as she stepped back to beside Stripecloud. She had been meaning to tell him about her parents for a while, however she never had the chance to. She turned to look back at the she-cat. "For all I know, you being with father was the reason she left, at least it wasn't all for nothing. Leaving behind Finchpaw left her with us, and I'll gladly take her as my sister." Raindrop had gone over to Finchpaw, pressing against her to steady her. Fire raged in her claws, however she knew the first cat to lay a claw on this she-cat should be Finchpaw.

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Edited on 12/01/19 @ 11:56:11 by ❄Swiftbreeze (Parhelion)❄ (#140966)

Lokisa (#103333)

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Posted on
2019-01-12 12:57:16
Finchpaw - Camp - Mentions: Raindrop, Lichenwillow (NPC), Stripecloud

"You would gladly take this murderer into your family tree? How sweet." The she-cat sneered at the very thought. "Some half-clan parasite with one good ear and half a tail? What a clever prank StarClan has played on you, Finchpaw. They allowed me to bleed out to let you live, punishing me for falling in love, but they also cursed you with a half-form to match your heritage."

Finchpaw shook violently, her whiskers twitching wildly as the accusations piled on. "S-shut up." She mewed, looking desperately from Stripecloud to Raindrop

"How does it feel, my daughter, to know what has become of your parentage? How does it feel to know that your ancestors have forsaken you for what you can not help?"

"I SAID SHUT UP!" Finchpaw lunged for the she-cat, her powerful hind-legs giving her a boost. She barreled into her mother's chest, knocking the breath out of her.

It took a moment for the she-cat to recover from the blow, and she snarled as she righted herself. "That is no way to talk to your mother!" She spat, aiming to strike at her daughter's face.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-01-12 17:32:02

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | Healthy |Camp | Mentions: Finchpaw, Stripecloud, Lichenwillow (NPC)

Raindrop watched as Finchpaw lept at her mother. This fleabag is trying to ruin her own daughter with false words. She realized as Finchpaw fell back. She noticed the she cat readying herself to aim a blow at Finchpaw's face. Before she could do so, however, Raindrop dashed forward and tried to knock her off her paws. Using her small size to her advantage, she tucked under the she cat and knocked her legs out from under her, making her lose balance. "Finchpaw doesn't need anything else to deal with, you mangepelt!" Raindrop snarled, whorling to face the cat again.

Her brief lapse in attention, though, had the cat growling close to her when Raindrop turned around. "Don't interfere!" She heard the cat snap as she was thrown back beside Stripecloud, knocking into him and bringing the two to the ground. "Sorry." Raindrop said, trying to get back to her feet.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-12 17:33:41


Softsong | 17 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Aldershade, Open!

Softsong had been sitting with Aldershade about to ask him to join him on a private walk when he heard the call. He looked around and noticed the shadowy creatures. He briefly considered nudging his crush and getting him to run off, but quickly abandoned that idea. Running away from the Clan’s problems last time had not been a good idea, and something he would like to clear from his name and forget about. He had to stay and fight. But before he threw himself in to defend the Clan, he had one important thing to do. He turned his head to Aldershade, regretting that this was the setting of his confession. If he had it his way, they would be on the moors, ideally at sundown. He would serenade him, show off his speed, try to tell a clever joke, and set the mood to a calm relaxed state before finally bringing up their feelings. As much as he wanted this, he knew fully well that it would never happen.

“Aldershade… If either of us don’t make it through this battle…” He trailed off, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach. He took a deep breath to steel himself, and just hoped that his feeling for the other tom was mutual. “I love you.” He glanced around camp, alert for any danger heading their way. Not seeing anything directed to them, he flattened his ears and looked up at who he hoped to be his mate from now on. “I love you so so much.” He went on, bumping his head against Aldershade’s chest. He was scared that one of them would end up getting injured. Or worse, dying. With the chaos that a battle could create, it was uncertain.

Moving back from Aldershade, he looked into his copper eyes and felt his heart race painfully fast. It fluttered and he felt his stomach twist in knots. “I realised it at some point after we became warriors. We’ve always been close, and I’ve always been so content with you around me.” He smiled and forced out a purr. “It’s no wonder I fell for you though. You’ve been an amazing friend to me, I trust you with my life, you’re beautiful, dedicated, swift, and the smartest cat I know!” His expression fell a little as he got ready to apologise. “I know saying it won’t change what I did... But when I left, I wanted to come back for you. I thought of you the entire time, I was worried. And when I got to know you were injured, I felt so bad.” He looked away, feeling shame well in his chest. “I hope you can forgive me, that we can put that behind us and if you want, we can be mates once the battle is over.” He dared to look back at the other tom, hope sparking in his eyes. “It was now, or never.”

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2019-01-12 18:16:50

Harefeather~13 Moons~Warrior~18/18~Camp~Mentions: Horsetail, Clearsong, Pebblesplash, *OPEN*

(Before time skip)
She smiled, at the older tom. She wanted to run to Camp, to Clearsong, and she would no matter the distance. She started to stand and take a step at the same time, but hesitated.
"Thank you." She told the tom softly. She didn't wait for him to reply. She bounded through the snow, heading back the way the duo had came. She topped a small hill, and turned to look back at her...friend as he wandered off. She was more thankful that she definitely told the tom, and she would try her best to make sure he knew it one day. She went back to galloping through the snow, balls of it clinging to her as she grew closer to her destination.


Chaos is here. In its most evil form. Shadow cats grew from nothing, seeping out into the forest like a plague. She bolted back to camp, not wanting to get caught by the cloud of evil that was seeping through the forest. Her stomach knotted more, she had felt ill over the past few days. Her eyes darted around the forest as she feared the cats would catch up to her, grab her tail, and yank her into their horrible depths. Faces flashed by her, or was that a branch? Nope, definitely a face. Her heart raced in her chest, the blood pumping in her ears. She would never admit it, but pure fear drove her right now. She rounded the corner of a fallen trunk, and smashed into a cat or a shadow-both? Her mind didn't give her time to register anything, before she lashed out, her claws out stretched. She felt them tear through the pelt of the other cat, who merely smacked at her shoulder. The warmth of blood stung her frozen paws, before the cat slumped on the ground, and then vanished into thin air. She stood horrified; starring at her blood stained paw, before glancing at the blood stained snow, but no body lay there to prove the attack. I killed a cat....No, I killed a Dark Forest Cat. Yowls from the other Dark Forest Cats surprised her, making her pelt stand up, She bolted once more for the camp.

She briskly walked into camp, her pelt still stuck up, and her body shook, from fatigue or from fear she didn't know. She was relieved when Clear ran to her; his warm embrace calmed her. His scent flooding her nose, warming her frozen body, and his voice soothing. She faintly heard the words he muffled.
"I'm okay." She brushed her tail over his shoulder to comfort the tom. "What about you!?" She asked, stepping back to look over the tom. She relaxed a little when no wounds or ailments could be seen. The knot in her stomach pulled at her, making her feel a little nauseous, and the bloating didn't help either. I can't be getting sick now!
"I'm going to visit Horsetail...I'm getting sick, and it can't get worse. The clan needs all the cats they can get." She said softly, before glancing at the Sandy tom next to the nursery.

Pebblesplash approached, and asked about Earthquake and Hawkstrike. Harefeather shook her head slowly, and gave the she-cat an compassionate glance.

Blossomheart~23 moons~Warrior~30/30~Camp~Mentions: Finchpaw (ID), Raindrop (ID), Horsetail(ID), Thrushtalon (NPC) *OPEN*

Yowls and shrieks filled the air, ringing in Blossomheart's ears. Who are these cats, and why are they here? A long, raggedy haired black tom slipped from the shadows, the faint trace of yellow in his eyes, scars littered his body, and a chipped tooth poked out from under his upper lip. She hissed at the tom, before aiming a blow at his head. Her claws barely sliced his skin, when he knocked her paws from under her. She quickly got back up, and circled with the tom. He aimed a blow for her head, and she leaped forward into his chest. He scuttled to his feet, fleeing, Blossomheart chasing him shortly, hissing. She gazed around camp: Finchpaw is safe with Riandrop. Her next instinct was to protect the nursery, but Horsetail sat guard over it with a purpose.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-12 18:32:43


Snowstorm/echo | 30 Moons | Medicine Cat | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Mumblepaw, Open!

Snowstorm had been out herb hunting from early morning with Mumblepaw. He had been showing him all the good spots for herbs during leaf-bare, and they had managed to find a couple of salvageable ones. After showing his apprentice the best way to pick the herbs to leave enough to grow more, he set their measly pile aside and casually told what the herb was best for. It was luckily marigold and a few bits of catmint. He picked up the catmint, leaving the marigold for his apprentice. As he lead the way back to camp, he sensed a change in the atmosphere and sped up. “Something’s happened, don’t know what, but I don’t think it’s good.” He meowed as loudly as he could through the catmint. He hurried into camp and stopped in his tracks when he saw the shadowy creatures. He shook his head to get himself back into reality. He turned to Mumblepaw, hoping the two of them would be able to make it to the medicine cat den without being noticed by the enemy. “Avoid entering a fight if you can, our job is to heal our clanmates.” He reminded, acutely aware of his apprentice’s previous warrior training. His own old instincts screamed at him to throw himself into the heat of battle and defend his clan with his life. He took a breath, then hurried to the medicine cat den, missing Horsetail going to the nursery.

Once in the den, the white tom went straight for the herb store and plucked out some marigold, poppy seeds, chamomile, thyme, cobweb, etc. He reasoned that some cats could be shocked from their injuries, or from seeing the shadowy cats appearing. He made sure to lay out some comfrey root, bindweed and broom, just in case. With the herbs in place, he rushed to the nests and made sure they were comfortable, and even started preparing a seventh. He wanted to be as prepared as he could be for the injured that would certainly come by either during, or after, the battle. And with himself being prepared, the den had to be prepared. He was just grateful that the den was as spacious as it was. Though it would be a tight fit with this many nests. “Do you think we could fit one more nest in here?” He asked, turning to look at Mumblepaw. He quietly thought that he could show him how to treat injuries as cats came in, they did not have resources to waste.

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A'whisker (#113302)

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Posted on
2019-01-12 18:57:15

Mosspaw | 10 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 |Camp | Mentions: NPC (D) Whorlpaw, Softsong (ID), Open!

Mosspaw flattened himself against the snow as black shadows erupted from the ground, coalescing into feline form. Chaos erupted in the camp clearing, and terror shot through him, cold as ice, as howls of rage and screeches of pain rang in his ears. Eyes wide, he scanned the clearing, searching frantically for his mentor or one of the other apprentices. He spotted Whorlpaw on the other side of camp, but there were so many Dark Forest cats between him and the other apprentice... He faltered, heart thudding against his ribs as panic started to sink its claws into him.

Flattening his ears, the tom pressed himself a little further down to the ground, as if it would somehow help to hide him, and considered his options. Not that there were very many, he thought to himself, flinching at a particularly loud shriek of pain from somewhere close to his position.

Paws thumped in the snow behind him, sending fresh terror singing through him as he jumped and whirled around. A willowy cream-colored tom leered at him, black wisps still clinging to his disheveled fur like spider webs. The Dark Forest cat's pale eyes glittered with viciousness, expression twisting with a wild savagery that made the young apprentice's throat constrict at the sight of it.

"Poor little clan cat." The tom sneered, voice harsh and grating like gravel. The apprentice shuddered, breath catching in his throat, as the other tom advanced on him. "So pathetic. No one will save you, not from me." With a laugh he lunged, claws outstretched.

Mosspaw let out a small cry, flinging himself backwards in a desperate attempt to avoid the blow. The larger tom's body collided with his own, sending them both crashing to the ground in a heap. The apprentice thrashed, scrabbling frantically at the Dark Forest cat's ragged hide with his claws, tearing out clumps of cream fur. Droplets of blood splattered onto the snow, and he felt claws rake down his own pelt, leaving narrow rents that stung viciously. Needle-sharp teeth bit into his foreleg, sending a burst of pain up the limb and drawing an agonized wail from him.

With an effort he twisted free, paws slipping and skidding in the snow as he scrambled to his feet and tried to escape. His heart beat painfully fast in his chest, his breath came in quick, terrified gasps. A warrior, I have to find- Softsong- anyone! He thought, taking a few struggling steps forward. The Dark Forest cat's paw hooked around his leg before he made it more than a tail-length, sending him sprawling once more. A weight landed on his back as he tried to rise, pinning him in the snow.

The Dark Forest cat snarled in his ear, digging his claws in deep. The younger tom drew a shuddering breath, gathered what little strength he possessed, and reared up in an attempt to throw off his attacker. He felt the back of his head connect with the cream tom's muzzle, eliciting a startled yowl. The weight on his back vanished. Mosspaw scrambled up and spun around to face his opponent, flanks heaving with exertion, eyes wide.

"You little rat! I can't wait to hear you go from pleading for a longer life, to begging for a faster death!" The Dark Forest tom howled with rage, and sprang recklessly, claws aimed at the apprentice's throat. The grey-and-white tom reeled back, flung his paws up as if to block the blow. His attacker overshot, and Mosspaw's claws tore into the tom's soft underbelly as he sailed past. The cream cat fell with a keening shriek of pain, writhing in agony in the snow for several long seconds, before scrambling up and disappearing into the chaos.

Mosspaw stood there for a moment, gasping for breath. He... he had just done that. He stared at the crimson staining the snow, staining his paws, his fur... his own blood, and the Dark Forest cat's, mixed together, indistinguishable, everywhere. He had done that. He gave a violent shudder, could almost feel the flesh tearing open under his claws again, could see those gleaming teeth coming towards his throat, intending to wound, to maim, to torture, to kill. He had never seen such violence in another's eyes before. Such hatred... he let out a stifled whimper, wanted nothing more than to crumble to the ground and never get up again. The adrenaline began to wear off, and he felt the burn of his injuries more acutely as a result.

A nearby snarl jerked him back to reality, to the battles raging around him. He couldn't linger here, however much he wanted to. He had to find his fellow apprentices, his mentor, or another warrior... The tom looked around again, his breathing and heartbeat slowly returning to something that resembled normal.

Mosspaw crouched low, half-crept, half-hobbled along the edge of the clearing towards what he hoped was a safer part of camp. He flinched at every sudden motion, pupils nothing more than terrified pinpricks of black in a sea of green-gold.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-12 21:30:53


Hawkstrike|14 Moons|Warrior|18/30 Health|Camp|Mentions: Halftail(NPC)

The clan was in chaos. Dark Forest Cats were appearing everywhere. The tom didn't know where to go. Go that way, no that way, no that way! He ended up tripping over his own paws as he tried to run in circles. You mouse-brain! You're the one yelling at me! Just go somewhere Hawkstrike ran looking for someone to help out. He then rammed straight into a cat. "I'm s sorry." He looked up and saw that it was a cat he had never seen before. He had mangled fur and wore three slashes across his eyes. He was missing an ear and his tail was a stub. His pelt wore too many scars to count and his face was forming a grin of some kind.
"Why hello, Hawkkit." Hawkstrike's eyes widened. He knew this cat. He was one of the cats that always visited the nursery with a sour look. He had only one kit who had died from green cough. He had then been found dead, killed by a fox a few weeks later. His name was Halftail, after losing his tail to a fox trap. He was never a nice cat, but he had a soft spot for kits. He taught Hawkstrike many things. Like what kind of prey there was, and some hunting technics. Hawkstrike stared at him in disbelief. He had never been a nice cat, always with a scowl and hissed at anyone who even tried to talk to him. The tom then smacked Hawkstrike against the face. Hawkstrike stumbled back hissing at the searing pain. He then shot back trying to claw Halftail. But Halftail was a good fighter, he smirked and dodged the blow returning it with a claw to Hawkstrike's neck. Hawkstrike yowled in pain and clawed the warrior against the nose but he only ripped out some fur barely making Halftail flinch. Hawkstrike was always bad at fighting, he was much better at hunting. Halftail then threw himself at Hawkstrike digging his claws into his shoulders. Hawkstrike hissed clawing Halftail's underbelly or at least trying to. Halftail pinned Hawkstrike to the ground and slammed his paws against Hawkstrike's head. The warrior's yowl was muffled as he was met by a mouthful of dirt. Halftail raised his paws again but Hawkstrike flipped himself around dodging the attack. Halftail fell forward as Hawkstrike kicked him off clawing his eyes. Hawkstrike felt dizzy, his vision was blurred. Halftail hissed and clawed against Hawkstrike's neck again. Hawkstrike stumbled to the ground breathing heavily.
"Halftail!" A voice called.
"I'll be back for you later." The tom hissed then bounded off. Hawkstrike laid on the ground still breathing heavily.
(Well, I tried my best. I'm not that good a fight scene. But Halftail just whooped Hawkstrike.)


Stripecloud|17 moons|30/30|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Finchpaw, Raindrop, NPC

Stripecloud looked from Finchpaw to Rainpaw. They were related? Everything was everywhere. The Dark Forest cat then started taunting FInchpaw. That's when the apprentice leaped for the warrior and the two tussled a bit. Stripecloud took a step forward but then broke into a coughing fit. He saw Raindrop throw herself at FInchpaw's mother. She was then thrown back knocking Stripecloud over. He panted heavily trying to get up. "It's okay." Your getting sicker Stripecloud. The cough is getting worse. His own thoughts scared him but he pushed them away. He needed to fight. But how will I fight if I keep breaking into a coughing fit?

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Edited on 12/01/19 @ 21:33:32 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-01-13 00:43:03


Mumblepaw | 15 Moons | Medicine Cat Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions: Snowecho

Mumblepaw listened closely as Snowecho taught him, quietly nodding along to show he was paying attention. He watched as Snowecho took the catmint and started leading the way back to camp. Mumblepaw looked to the marigold that had been left for him to carry, carefully picking up the herb in his jaws and followed behind his mentor. His ear flicked as the white tom spoke about something happening. "What do you mean..." He began to speak, though Snowecho was already entering camp, and with a small sigh Mumblepaw entered too. His eyes widened at the sight before him, his jaw opened wide and the marigold fell from his jaw down into the snow. Shadowy cat-like figures were in camp and his clanmates were both attacking and being attacked by these 'cats'. His attention soon turned back to Snowecho as his mentor told him not to get involved in the battle. He didn't want to get caught up in any of that anyway. He watched as Snowecho hurried towards the medicine cat den with Mumblepaw quickly following behind.

He let out long, deep sigh when he entered the medicine den. He still didn't feel safe. He looked over to Snowecho, who was already gathering herbs for all the injuries that were bound to happen. Walking over he set down the marigold near the other herbs Snowecho placed. Horsetail would have heard them enter wouldn't he? 'Is he out there?' He wondered. Mumblepaw sat down, he just wanted to think. The young tom's head turned to the entrance of the den. It was wide open, one of those cats could enter at any moment. That thought made his ears flatten and his chest pound. His worries were cut off as Snowecho spoke up, asking about whether or not he should prepare another nest. "...One more nest couldn't hurt, better safe than sorry." Mumblepaw didn't even turn to the tom as he spoke, his gaze focused clearly on the entrance. "Snowecho, tell me. How are able to appear so calm?" He asked, his yellow eyes turned to the tom. "Those shadow cats, what if some of them find us in here... what would happen if we had injured cats and some came it? I'm not sure about you, but I don't know if a medicine cat and an medicine cat apprentice can fend off many of these shadowy cat figures! They have gases of pure bloodlust, we could get our throats slashed, mauled! And Horsetail, haven't you noticed he isn't here, if he's not here then he's out there." He began to trot back in forth slightly. "Why aren't you afraid Snowecho? You can't be completely calm like this... it doesn't seem right! I- I-" He wanted to scream, he wanted hide and cry into his mother's fur. At times like this his mother would calm him down and tell him to tell her how he felt, but why was he thinking about his mother?

Because he wanted to feel protected, he hasn't completely felt that way in so long. Too long.

Tell me how you feel Mumblekit. You can shout it out if you want to... my little bumblebee, my Mudkit.

"I'm not prepared to fight, to have the possibility for you and I to lose our lives during this. I'm not ready! I'm afraid! ...M-Mother, I'm afraid!"

Mumblepaw shouted. It took him a moment to process the words he had said. He had called Snowecho his mother, he had called his own mother. How and why did he do that... but more importantly how was Snowecho going to react? Perhaps he wouldn't notice or maybe even shrug it off. What he did know though, is that he didn't want to even dare to look into the white tom's eyes. 'A battle is going on right outside of this den, I need to be focused...' He reminded himself. There was little to absolutely no time for this embarrassing mix-up. Mumblepaw stood and walked over to his mentor, letting out a small huff. "I'm sorry, Snowecho." The tom mewed softly. Hopefully if he manages to survive this battle he can bury himself in the snow in shame.


Whorlpaw | 8 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 | Camp | Mentions: Clearsong (ID), Mosspaw

Whorlpaw blinked as Clearsong spoke to her and gave her quick nuzzle before rushing off, leaving the silver gray apprentice in shock. 'Alright, Whorlpaw. I have to find the other apprentices, just like Clearsong said. I can't back away from this like a terrified kit can I? No. So move you fool!' She told herself, she actually felt a bit more determined, some self reassurance wasn't too bad. She quickly crept around, trying to remain unseen as her eyes looked around in search for some of the other apprentices. Though all she currently saw were many cats battling, she hoped the clan would be able to get through this... she didn't enjoy the sight. 'Come on now. I can't get distracted... there could be lives in danger!' The apprentice hissed to herself quietly, her eyes once again looking for her fellow apprentices. Soon she was able to spot Mosspaw out in the distance. She wanted to call out to him although she knew that probably wouldn't be the best idea, instead sprinting over to the tom. "Mosspaw. Thank Starclan, I thought you would be getting chewed on!" She mewed as she looked around them. "Have you seen the others, the rest of the apprentices?" Whorlpaw huffed to tom as she looked back to him. Though as she actually paused to look at the older apprentice, she noticed the blood in his pelt, looking down she saw the blood on his paws. In all honesty it almost looked like he had killed a cat. Would they have to kill cats during this battle, would she have to? Maybe or maybe not, but right now she needed to focus on Mosspaw. "...Mosspaw you-" Whorlpaw let out a sigh. "Are you alright? Did you get injured badly?" The she-cat asked him.

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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2019-01-13 10:49:55
Earthquake|38 Moons|Health:30/30|Warrior|Forest/Camp|Mentions: [OPEN]
Earthquake was heading back to camp, a vole dangling from his jaws, although it was strangely quiet and a thick cloud of black fog rolled in coming up to his neck. "What the-" He dropped his vole as cat's screeches filled his ears, he headed towards camp knowing something was wrong. The fog surrounded him more and the yells from camp were muffled behind it's unnaturally thick layer.
The fog gurgled, it's black mass turning sentient and agressive as it made its way towards Earthquake.
A deep growl resonated in Earthquake's chest as dark shadows within it accumulated and swarmed him. "GO AWAY!" he swiped at one of them, only to have it reform where the blow met.
His eyes widened as the shadows took on the form of cats, moving closer as they cornered him to a tree, he hissed as they closed in whispering and yelling at him, familiar and forgotten voices clouded his mind.
"Join us Earthquake!"
"You're so much stronger than these soft-pelts!"
"The Dark Forest is always open for cats like you..."

"We'll make you powerful beyond your wildest dreams."
"You belong with us..."
"Come with us!"

They crept closer, their eyes like ragged claws and their words like potent venom. Earthquake struggled against it, as they slithered their way onto his fur and ears, they got into sight and on his breath it was so cold... Hundreds of dark voices flooded his mind until he couldn't recognize his own voice within his head.
It felt like he was drowning, "So this is how it ends for me..." he writhed in agony as the darkness consumed him.
"Then so be it." he closed his eyes, accepting his fate, but a voice as smooth as spider's silk spoke above the hundred whispers.
It laughed, dark and ominous "No Earthquake, this is only the beginning for you, but your family..."
Despite his position, he fought back, his struggle futile "You leave them alone!" he growled, but it came out short as claws raked across his fur and into his skin.
The voice spoke again "You have something we want, but you and only you have the vigour to use it, Earthquake. The Dark Forest sees a quality instilled in you, something precious... I want you to swear to me, promise me you'll be loyal to us and only us. We can make you stronger, faster, we can make your darkest desires come true and give you power you always wanted..." the darkness purred, as it circled around his body and seemingly caressed him.
"Nev-AHH!!!" he screeched in pain, as another set of claws dug through his flesh.
"You've seemed to have forgotten who we are, refuse us, and we'll make you watch what's left of your pathetic family perish."
Earthquake tried to escape, thrashing this way and that, to no avail. He panted, his head spinning and his vision failing, the sea of voices drowning him once again.
He drifted within the mass, his body limp as the darkness nearly controlled him "I promise..."
The black extinguished with a loud hiss, and Earthquake fell on himself, the inflicted pain leaving his body and he could no longer hear the sea of voices.
"Wise choice." the voice whispered behind him, it echoed among the trees, then it fell deathly silent.
Earthquake huffed, his shoulders turning heavy with burden, it was as if a body had been thrown onto his back, he wanted nothing to do but close his eyes and sleep. "I've got a clan to help." he persisted, finally able to get away from that forbidding clearing.
His mind raced as fast as he did, a thousand questions going through his head, but more importantly "What did I promise to?"

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Edited on 13/01/19 @ 11:02:37 by MellowMarshmallow™[WCU] (#79034)

A'whisker (#113302)

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Posted on
2019-01-13 16:32:07

Mosspaw | 10 Moons | Apprentice | 18/18 |Camp | Mentions: Whorlpaw (D), Open!

Mosspaw cringed back as he saw another cat rushing towards him, panic sweeping through him again. He quickly recognized it as Whorlpaw however, and straightened up, relief washed over him. "No, I haven't seen any of the others." He said in answer to her question, worry tinging his voice. "I... I don't know what to do." The grey-and-white tom let out a breath and looked down at his paws, suddenly hyper-aware of the noise of battle around them, the blood clinging in his fur, still oozing from the claw marks on his back and the bite on his leg... He didn't understand why this was happening. What had the clan done to deserve such violence, such enmity?

He glanced up as she spoke again, and realized how terrible he must look at the moment. "I'll be okay, I think." He murmured after a long pause, looking around then back to meet the other apprentice's gaze. "These shadowy cats... they're evil, they live to cause pain. We have to be careful." He shuddered, expression full of apprehension.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-13 17:15:36


Hawkstrike|14 Moons|Warrior|18/30 Health|Camp|Mentions: Mapleleaf (NPC), Pebblesplash

Hawkstrike sighed at his defeat. The tom stood up feeling sticky from the blood that stained his pelt. He breathed heavily his eyes narrowed. The kindness that he always held seemed to be gone. Woah there Hawk, don't go making any like bad decisions. Hawkstrike rolled his eyes. "Shove off." He muttered to himself standing taller. He winced at the pain in his neck. A cat then rammed into him. Normally, Hawkstrike would just shrug it off but today was not like any others. "Watch where you're going." He hissed. The cat was a she and was about the size of an apprentice. So she and Hawkstrike were the same size.
"I saw you and Halftail tussle, you're a terrible fighter ya know." Hawkstrike felt his fur spike up.
"I bet I could beat you." He hissed his eyes narrowed. They flickered with anger as he unsheathed his claws.
"Aw does the little kitty think he can beat me. A skilled fighter like me? I thought you guys had brains." She taunted her tail swaying from side to side as she crouched low.
"Shut up." Hawkstrike murmured flicking his ear in annoyance.
"What was that?" Her eyes were lit up with amusement. Hawkstrike turned his head away digging his claws into the ground. "Hmph, the little kitty can't even finish a sentence. That's just-" The she was cut off as Hawkstrike grabbed her and pinned her to the ground. She squeaked trying to wriggle out of his grasp. Hawkstrike dug his claws into the cat. But the she then flipped herself around and wiggled out of Hawkstrike's grasp. She sliced her claws against HAwkstrike's nose causing him to wince in pain. He hissed and charged again. She dodged the attack causing Hawkstrike to roll over her. He was now behind her. The tom struck his back feet out kicking her in the back. The cat screeched and spun around clawing Hawkstrike across the cheek. "Better fighter than I thought. Name's Mapleleaf." She panted heavily her shoulders bleeding from when Hawkstrike had pierced them with his claws.
"Hawkstrike." The tom panted glad the fight was over. Both cats were tired and bleeding. Both had equal skill. Each could defend and attack. Mapleleaf looked at Hawkstrike her eyes holding a new respect for the tom. "Why are you even doing this?" The question seemed so stupid, but he had to know.
"Can't answer that, but I'm sure you'll find out. One day. See ya around, Hawkstrike."
"I hope not." He muttered as the she ran off. Wow, what a day. And it's not even over! If she hadn't tried to kill you, I think you could be great friends. Should I go after her? I don't think so. But go find Pebblesplash, she might need your help. Hawkstrike searched around. There! He ran toward the direction of his friend. He wondered how bad he looked, his pelt stained with his blood and the blood of his enemies. "Pebblesplash!"

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-13 19:21:10


Snowstorm/echo | 30 Moons | Medicine Cat | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Mumblepaw, Open!

Snowstorm nodded his head as Mumblepaw responded to his question, quickly starting to prepare the eight nest that he had wanted to. His ears flicked as he heard the question, looking up from the moss he had pressed between two nests. "Snowstorm." He corrected quickly, about to reply to the actual question when his apprentice kept talking. He respectfully listened as the young cat voiced his worries, understanding where he was coming from. Of course, he could not deny that his heart was racing with fright, and he was worried about Horsetail not being present, but he knew the tom could defend himself. All medicine cats had to know how to defend themselves. It was when Mumblepaw started trotting back and forth that he realised that it was more than just worry on the young cat’s mind. He pushed replying to the questions aside, he had to calm the other tom down first. Quickly, he stood from his nest-making and grabbed some chamomile. He intended to give it to Mumblepaw, however, was unable to as the young tom had not stopped pacing.

He decided that he would bring the herb over once his apprentice had stopped moving. Still, he wanted to offer some words of comfort while the other tom was still walking. "Shh, it’s okay, I’ll tell you the secret to staying calm in a situation like this." He soothed. He almost jumped a little at the shout, but composed himself quickly and remained silent as he waited for Mumblepaw to collect himself. He shook his head at the apology, sitting down close to him and wrapping his fluffy white tail around the other tom to offer comfort. “Don’t apologise. This is a scary situation, and it’s okay to be scared.” He said, keeping his voice calm and soothing. He pushed the chamomile towards him. “Please eat this, it’s chamomile. Will soothe your mind.” He insisted, offering Mumblepaw a caring smile. “Now, don’t think about the battle too much, you’re safe in here. I’ve had warrior training and defensive medicine cat training.” He assured.

“I’ll be honest with you. I’m scared too.” He confessed after a small pause, hoping that his honesty would help Mumblepaw in some way. “Yes, I appear calm, due to moons of training. Horsetail has had the same training and can defend himself well. The two of us have to focus on healing any cat that steps into this den.” He continued. “Besides, there are many warriors out there, all strong and capable of fighting off those shadow creatures. You need to have faith in them protecting you.” He gave Mumblepaw’s head a comforting lick. He hoped his words made sense to him, that it was not just rambling. More than anything, he hoped that he had been able to calm him down and given him some solid advice. “Now, please finish this nest, I need to double check that our supplies are where I want them.” He meowed, getting up. He gave Mumblepaw one last encouraging look before speeding over to the herb store. Once there, he rummaged around, his body hiding what he was doing. He reached a paw to a soft layer of dirt. Pushing it aside, his blue eyes fell upon the last remainders of a bright red berry. “This will come in handy right about now. Good thing I kept it.” He thought to himself. He grabbed a limp dock leaf from the herb store and put the berry down in it, wrapping it up quickly before Mumblepaw could see what he was doing.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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2019-01-13 21:33:45

Quietshadow | 46 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 |Temp. Camp| Mentions: Clearsong, Pebblesplash (D), Harefeather, NPC (ID)
Quietshadow finally spotted her kits near the entrance of camp, with Harefeather. Pushing her way through, the grey she-cat emerged next to them. Taking a small breath, she began talking quickly
”I know we haven’t always gotten along, but I hope to say a few words now… in case the worst comes. I love both of you very much, and even though… I left. I never stopped caring for you or Amberstone. I broke my heart, and I know my quest was futile, seeing as he found his way here anyway. I hope someday you can find it in your hearts to forgive me.” She dipped her head once to each of them. She knew a response was wishful thinking, so she turned back to the battle before her.

Quietshadow flung herself back into the chaos, bowling over the nearest Dark Forest cat. The she-cat turned over, and spat at Quietshadow, digging her claws into her and thrusting her off. She stumbled back, snarling. Running at the Shadow-cat again, it nimbly dodged her, tearing it’s claws along her flank. Quietshadow whipped around, finding the cat gone. No. Not gone. Sneering at her at the edge of her vision. Scrambling, Quietshadow fled back into the battle, cursing herself. She would have to do better next time.


Pebblesplash|20 moons| 30/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Hawkstrike (D) Quietshadow, Clearsong (ID)
Pebblesplash looked at her paws anxiously.
What if they’re already dead? She pushed the thought from her mind.
They aren’t dead. They can’t be. She looked at Quietshadow, who had just apporached them.
”I love you both no matter what.” Pebblesplash had taken the past week to try and mend relationships with her mother. It had been slow at first, but with each passing day things grew more natural. Her hatred was slowly dissolving, being replaced with something else. Someday, their relationship would be mended. Someday. She watched as Quietshadow leapt back down into the midst of fighting cats. Pebblesplash prepared to do the same, shooting one last worried look at Clearsong.
She lifted her head with a jolt. Hawkstrike was coming over, his brown pelt stained red with blood. Stifling a cry of dismay, she ran over. As she approached, it was clear to her that it wasn’t just his blood.
”What happened?!” she mewed, shocked. The battle had barely began!

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