Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-13 23:32:22


Hawkstrike|14 Moons|Warrior|17/30 Health|Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash

"Oh, just go into a fight with some cats, I'm alright." He meowed ignoring the searing pain all his scars gave him. His cheek still dripped with blood where it had been sliced not once, but two times. Really, why you gotta sound so casual about this. You were attacked! Sound more like Hawkstrike. Hawkstrike smiled sitting down, but his smile almost immediately faded. "Are you okay? Are you hurt or anything? Did anyone attack you? Cause if someone did..." He trailed off looking down to his paws. Hawkstrike sighed looking back to Pebblesplash. I just hope she doesn't realize.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-01-14 09:15:07

Pebblesplash|20 moons| 30/30| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Hawkstrike (D) Slateleaf (ID)
Just a fight? Pebblesplash looked him up and down, her tail twitching nervously.
”Just… be careful, alright? Slateleaf… she’s here, I know it. I’m scared of her, to be honest. I don’t know what she’s capable of now that she has her own body. I swear, I don’t doubt you or your skills. Please, please avoid her if you see her, it’s just… I can’t loose you,” she suddenly stopped, embarrassed.
You can’t ask a warrior to stop fighting because of danger!she scolded herself. Pebblesplash looked up at Hawkstrike, anxiety glimmering in her eyes.
”Sorry if that was really weird, but… anything could happen. I couldn’t bare it if something happened to you.”

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-01-14 21:32:14

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | Healthy |Camp | Mentions: Stripecloud, Finchpaw, NPC

Raindrop shook herself, standing again from the tumble. With a glance to Finchpaw and her mother, she realized she might have been out of place to attack. That was her mother, this was Finchpaw's fight. Hearing a rattling cough, her head jerked toward Stripecloud.

"You might as well not even try lying if you're just going to ruin it for yourself. Raindrop growled, a little more harshly than she meant. She looked back at Finchpaw and the Dark Forest she cat. She wanted to help, to make sure Finchpaw was safe, and so they could talk later. Finchpaw was stronger than her age let off, however, and Raindrop knew she'd be able to hold her own. They could talk later about their familial relationship.

She turned back to Stripecloud, her voice softening. "We're going to see Snowech-Snowstorm," She corrected herself, she didn-t think she could get used to that name. "and no amount of complaining can stop me from taking you there." With a last glance back at Finchpaw, she nudged Stripecloud to his feet.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-14 21:33:33


Hawkstrike|14 Moons|Injured|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash

Hawkstrike touched his nose to Pebblesplash's. "Are you worrying about me?" He purred his eyes full of amusement. Tell her how you feel. This is the time. "I couldn't bare if anything happened to you either." He licked her cheek and stepped back. Young love. Not what I meant, but it'll do. Hawkstrike licked his paw an ran it over his ear. "I won't go finding trouble, but that doesn't mean trouble will find me. Just know that." He meowed flicking his tail slightly.

( Hawk Silently Offers Pebble a Rose While Stripe Gives Rain One )


Stripecloud|17 moons|Sick|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Snowstorm, Raindrop

Stripecloud knew arguing with the she would do no good. He knew she was just looking out for him. He felt useless. Weak. He always got a small cough or sick around winter. But he never had gotten white cough or green cough before. The thought of getting either scared him deeply. Cats had died from getting green cough. He didn't want to die or pass his sickness around. Your overthinking, it may just be a normal cough that you always get around winter. "Ugh, I hate winter." He murmured looking around. The tom walked with Raindrop over to Snowstorm. "Snowstorm, I think-" He broke into another coughing fit his legs feeling wobbly. The tom bent his head forward his breathing uneven.


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Edited on 14/01/19 @ 21:50:19 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-01-14 22:02:45

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | Healthy |Camp | Mentions: Stripecloud

Raindrop's eyes rounded as a dark forest tom came running toward the pair, he seemed to be in flight, but it didn't stop her from unsheathing her claws. He quickly veered to the right and dodged them, but Raindrop still swatted him around the ears in passing.

Suddenly, Stripecloud leaned forward in a coughing fit. Raindrop's fur bristled. Leaning against him, she supported him on the brisk walk toward the medicine den. "We're almost there, it's okay. Focus on breathing." Raindrop honestly didn't know what to say to the tom, but her worry couldn't allow her to stay quiet.

When they reached the medicine den, she saw Stripecloud lean inside and say Snowstorm's name, then proceed to break into another fit. "Snowstorm, do you have the resources to see if Stripecloud is okay? She wrapped her tail around him, trying to comfort him. She didn't take a second thought about him being sick.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-01-15 13:01:26

Clearsong | 20 Moons | Warrior | Healthy | Camp | Mentions: Harefeather, Pebblesplash, Horsetail (ID)

Clearsong nodded to Harefeather, the previous fight had gone in his favor and he seemed to have escaped without too mcuh of an issue. "You're feeling ill?" Clearsong asked, his eyes rounding. "Then we'll go to see Horsetail."

When he looked up again, he noticed Pebblesplash approaching. He pointed with his tail over in Hawkstrike's direction after she asked where he was. "He somewhere off that way."

"She's here, isn't she?" Pebblesplash had whispered for a moment before she left. Clearsong had looked her in the eyes for a moment, before slowly nodding his head.

Clearsong lead Harefeather toward Horsetail, before lowering his voice, "Slateleaf's out there, please be careful, I'll be nearby." He curled his tail with hers before stepping back and watching her walk to Horsetail.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-01-15 13:27:44


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Healthy - Injured|Mentions Directly: {NPC Bluemoon} OPEN|Mentions Indirectly: Stripecloud, Raindrop|Location: Camp

Horsetail's golden eyes were flitting around the camp, everyone seemed to be fighting or standing off against the dark shadowy cats. The medicine cat flinched, as he heard a someone having a coughing fit. Horsetail looked around and spotted Stripecloud and Raindrop heading for the medicine cat den, the tom looked week. Standing up, he was about to head over and see if he could help, but stopped as he heard a noise from behind him.

Turning, Horsetail was just in time to get hit on his shoulder. The sand colored tom could feel claws slashing through his fur and his skin, the tom let out a call of surprise. Falling back, he was a bit shocked to see that blood had started to stream down his shoulder and leg. His golden eyes looking up, Horsetail's breath caught in his throat. He was looking into the blue eyes of a dark grey tabby tom, he knew this cat well. It was his brother, Bluemoon. "What?", Horsetail said- but before more could come out- the Dark Forest cat sprang forward, too strike again.
Horsetail stumbled back trying to get away, but his paw caching on a rock, he tripped. Falling back, he saw Bluemoon's face and jaws coming closer. The medicine cat gasped, as jaws tightly clamped around his throat. He was shook back and forth, but managed to push the Dark Forest cat off balance, by shoving his paw into Bluemoon's chest. Falling back, Horsetail coughed, as he was able to breath again. In an instant the experienced medicine cat had assessed the damage, his windpipe and main artery seemed unharmed, there was only slight blood loss. Horsetail shook himself and locked eyes again with his brother, there was nothing in Bluemoon's eyes, nothing but death. Anger filled the sand colored tom's eyes, his own kin? How could his own kin do this? He'd not been as close with Bluemoon, as he had been with Rabbitpaw, but they were still littermates. Digging his claws into the dirt, Horsetail jumped forward. Reaching out his forepaws, Horsetail raked his claws over Bluemoons neck. He made good contact, jumping back Horsetail panted. He was expecting the Dark Forest cat to retaliate, but instead the shadowy cat shuddered and disappeared.

"What?", Horsetail said, very confused. He looked at his claws, that couldn't have killed anyone, especially not a Dark Forest cat. How?

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2019-01-15 15:57:02

Harefeather~13 Moons~Warrior~Healthy~Camp~Mentions: Clearsong, Horsetail, Blossomheart, Slateleaf (ID), Stripecloud (ID), Raindrop (ID), *OPEN*

"Slateleaf's out there, please be careful, I'll be nearby." Harefeather scanned the Dark Forest cats that flooded the camp. Slateleaf would be one cat she would love to get her claws on. She felt guilty for a moment, as Slateleaf is Clearsong's mother, but the pain that cat caused him deserved a few whacks, at least. Clearsong's tail curling with her's brought her back to where they stood in the midst of battle. Smiled softly and touched her nose to his ear.

Harefeather approached Horsetail, when loud coughing made her look over her shoulder at Stripecloud, and Raindrop. She proceeded to Horsetail, as Blossomheart approached him as well. The younger she-cat stood back, kinda awkwardly, as the warrior explained she would watch the nursery so he could tend to wounded. She fidgeted her paws a little, "I need to see you too, Horsetail."

Blossomheart~22 moons~Warrior~Healthy~Camp~Mentions: Horsetail, Stripecloud (ID), Raindrop (ID), Fangpelt(NPC), *OPEN*

Blossomheart slashed at a gray tabby tom with black markings. Her attack was feeble, as she was only able to lay a few shallow slashes on the tom's shoulder. The tom tucked his shoulder, and slammed upward into her chest, forcing her up and backward. Her back paws lost their grip on the ground, and she was going to tumble backward like a tumble weed, a move she had taught and perfected herself, when the tom chomped down on her back left leg, yanking her back toward him. She could feel his sharp teeth tearing through her skin, warm crimson blood staining her pelt, making it sticky. She lashed out at the tom's face, just close enough to reach. Her claw met something wet, and she imagined it had to be his eye. He let her go with a yowl of pain, and she pulled herself to her feet, even on the freshly injured one, but disguised that she bared little weight on it. Anger was clear in the tom's face as he curled his lips at the she-cat. Blossomheart met his glare, her hackles puffed up, and ready to finish the tom. He leaped for her head, and she ducked the tom's obvious attack. He twisted mid air, and sunk a claw into her right shoulder. She dropped to the ground, avoiding the chomping bite the tom had aimed to land at the back of her neck. She wasted no time to get to her feet while the tom lashed his tail, waiting for her move. Her pelt prickled and burned with anger. How could any cat try such a fowl move!? Her anger came out in a yowl, as she ran at the tom. She rammed into him, and fastened a bite on his upper shoulder, almost his neck, and toppled him backward. The two rolled a couple times, before Blossomheart loosened her grip, and let the tom topple away from her. She struggled to her feet, huffing, and watched as the tom had a harder time of getting up, before fleeing into the shadows. She looked at her injured leg, now caked in mud. That's going to get infected... She thought glumly. Her ears picked up a cough near by, and looked for the source. Stripecloud, looking week, was being helped by Raindrop to the medicine den. She looked around camp, and could see that her clan mates would need medical attention soon, if not already. She glanced at her leg for a moment again, before fixing her gaze on Horsetail by the nursery. She walked as quickly as she could manage to the dark sand colored tom. She dipped her head respectfully, before Harefeather approached.
"I can watch over the Nursery. Cats are going to need healing." She said softly, attempting to hide her own leg, though she knew she wouldn't get it pass the tom.
"I need to see you too, Horsetail." Harefeather added.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-01-15 16:06:57


Pebblesplash|20 moons|Heathly/Minor Injury| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Hawkstrike (D)
Pebblesplash accepts the rose OwO
Pebblesplash smirked, nodding.
I’ll always worry about you. I…”

For a moment, the battle faded.

The chaos was muted.

The blood and screeches and yowls were gone.

All that was there was Hawkstrike. Nothing else mattered.
”I will always be here. For you. For us.”
I don’t care if it’s navïe. This is the moment. Battle or no battle.
She looked him the eye, her own glistening. With a hint of happiness. Love. Trust.
Pebblesplash leaned into him, embracing the feeling.
She wished the real world would stay gone.

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Venomous Flames (#152150)

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Posted on
2019-01-16 16:55:14

Honeyfrost|39 moons|Wounded| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Sunstar, Willowstar (ID), Horsetail (ID), Clearsong (ID), Hawkstrike (ID), Leopardfang (NPC)

Honeyfrost had been on her own for about a quarter moon now.

At first, it wasn't so bad, in fact, she was glad to leave. If they thought having ceremonies was more important than actually getting rid of the real problem, then let them! They'd see how wrong they were eventually. She left with her tail and head high and her head in the future.

She found herself in the old Riverclan territory, enjoying the warm water beneath her paws and all the delicious fish that she could eat all to herself. It was peaceful, not having to worry about anyone but herself, without the hussle and chaos of clan life. She had her thoughts to herself and her belly full so she was satisfied as she could be.

When the Riverclan territory became boring to see, she began to travel letting her paws take her wherever direction they happened to be in.

She found out many things about herself during this time.

When she decided that she'd like to try out tree-climbing in Thunderclan territory, she found that she'd rather have her paws on the ground than in the trees. As she explored the old Shadowclan territory, she found that she quite enjoyed the shade of tall pines. Running through Windclan, she discovered that she was just at good at running as she was at fishing.

But during this time, she began to grow lonely. She had no one to tell her new experiences to, no one to confide in anymore. She began to feel...



She began to grow more depressed with each passing heartbeat as the reality began to sink in. She wouldn't be able to see any of her clanmates, her friends, her family, anymore, she wouldn't be able to attend anymore ceremonies, wouldn't be able to welcome anymore kits into the world. She began to wander, her mind elsewhere, while her mind drifted off to everyone she wouldn't see again. Which was why she found herself here, in the United Clans territory.

Right in front of the entrance.

Where anyone could spot her.

After she realized where she was, she quickly went to hide in a bush nearby, peering out only taste the air. A patrol hadn't been here since Sunup, she'd be fine as long as she was careful. Stepping out of the bush gingerly, she peered back towards the entrance, unsure of her next move.

She wouldn't apologize for what she did, in fact, she felt proud. She couldn't just stand by and watch Clearsong--her friend--be punished for something he had no control over.

And yet.

Perhaps she could've handled the situation differently. She wasn't one to beat around the bush, subtetly was not one of her strong points. She'd rather get what needed to be said out of the way first than waste time trying to find the best moment to say.

She felt confused and scared and angry. Angry that they were wasting time doing something so... unneccessary that she just felt something snap within her. It felt riviting.

Her face hardened once again, before it fell. Who was she kidding? She felt awful over that whole ordeal, for causing such a ruckus at such an important ceremony in a young cat's life, for not trusting her own clan, for everything that had happene. But what could she do? As far as Sunstar and Willowstar were concerned, she wasn't wanted in the clan anymore. So, with her features crestfallen, she slowly turned away from the clan, her eyes lingering on everything she once knew. She didn't get too far away before her ear twitched. A quiet, high-pitch sound rumbled in her head, as she squinted to identify what it was.


That sounded like screaming.

In a heartbeat, she whipped around and ran back to camp as fast as her legs could carry her. She leapt into camp, without a care as to who saw her or what they would do-her friends were in trouble, she had to help them.

Her amber eyes widened as she noticed the chaos around the camp. Black cats, no, shadows of cats coming out of the ground chasing after her clanmates, terrorizing them, fighting them. Her head spun around frantically, searching for the nearest cat in need of help. Horsetail seemed to be handling himself fairly well, as were Hawkstrike and Pebblesplash. She almost relaxed had she not spotted a shadow-cat-thing out of the corner of her eye sneaking up on a familiar bright colored coat.

Without thinking, she leapt onto the shadow, rolling around in the dirt with it before digging her claws into it's fur. It responded with a screech befre sinking its slimy fangs into her flash, making her yowl in pain before jumping away.

The shadow jumped to its paws before it gave Honeyfrost a confident sneer, its face drenched in her blood and its coat dirtied in the scuffle. "Well, well, well," he taunted. "Look what we have here. The exiled rouge, trying to make herself seem like the hero. It's cute that you think this will redeem you."

Honeyfrost responded with nothing but an enraged snarl, pouncing back on top of the shadow. She wrapped her paws around his shoulders and bit down as hard as she could, not stopping until he gave her a harsh smack onto her head. The shadow clumsily ran away, slipping on his paws and not looking back.

She took a moment to regain her breath, before she realized that she had yet to greet the leader. Slowly, she turned her head towards the bright colored tom, giving him a slight, yet, embarrassed, nod.

"Sunstar," she simply said. There were no other words she could say without turning to a shrivling mess, so she said no more.

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「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2019-01-16 20:46:20

Mumblepaw | 15 Moons | Medicine Cat Apprentice | Healthy | Camp | Mentions: Snowecho, Raindrop (ID), Stripecloud (ID)

Mumblepaw frowned a bit as Snowecho spoke, he could tell by the tone of the tom's voice that he was trying to calm him down. 'This is so embarrassing.' He let out a small sigh. Why did he get so emotional? Since when did he become the emotional type? The tom couldn't help but let out a groaning sigh when Snowecho pushed some chamomile towards him, Mumblepaw didn't enjoy eating herbs as it was a personal dislike of his, but Snowecho was trying to help him so he didn't want to say no. Instead of eating it Mumblepaw just kept it close to him and turned his attention back to Snowecho as he began to speak again. He nodded in agreement at the other tom's words, he should have a bit more hope in his clanmates in keeping both him and each other safe, and he almost didn't feel as bothered when the medicine cat gave him a small lick on his head. "Thank you, Snow... storm. I feel a bit calmer now, your words were comforting. But um, no more head licks... ever." He said slowly. Mumblepaw then turned his attention over to the unfinished nest when he was asked to finish it. "Sure that seems easy enough." He said. "Also I'll eat the chamomile, but only because I want to eat it." Mumblepaw added with a huff before putting the herb in his mouth and walking over to the nest, finishing up the unfinished one as he chewed on the chamomile. 'I guess it's not that bad...'

He heard some cats enter the medicine cat den, but instead of turning his head Mumblepaw froze and his fur stood on edge. It was when a voice spoke up, only to be cut off by a fit of coughing. The coughing of the cat really caught Mumblepaw off guard, causing him to let out a terrified gasp and jump up into a standing position. He mumbled to himself as he turned his head to see Raindrop and Stripecloud. He let out sigh of relief before beginning to take a closer look at Stripecloud. 'Perhaps it's the cold weather.' He thought. He took a glance over to Snowecho. "I'm almost finished with the nest, what should I do next after that?" Mumblepaw asked.


Whorlpaw | 8 Moons | Apprentice | Healthy | Camp | Mentions: Mosspaw

Whorlpaw gave a small nod when Mosspaw told her that he hadn't seen any of the other apprentices. "They shouldn't be too far, I'm still worried about them all though." She let out a sigh. The thought of them being injured as they spoke made her clench her teeth in anger. She shook those thoughts away and paid her attention back to Mosspaw, even though he had told her that he was alright she couldn't help but still feel slightly worried. She then listened as the other apprentice described the shadowy cats, she looked around them and frowned.. "Yeah, these cats are dangerous, I have no doubt in that." She mewed. "But I also believe in us, we are going to need to protect each other now." The she-cat said. "The clan is going to get through this, I have a feeling we will!" Whorlpaw mewed, her green eyes gleaming with determination. "We should find the rest of the apprentices, so keep your eyes out. I also think staying in one place for too long isn't much of a good idea." Whorlpaw told him, taking a look around them once more before giving Mosspaw a toothy grin.

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Edited on 16/01/19 @ 20:48:02 by 「Komasan」 (#147164)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-16 21:51:57


Hawkstrike|14 Moons|Injured|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash,Thornheart (NPC)

He wished he could stay here forever. With Pebblesplash. In this one moment. It was perfect. But he should have known it wasn't going to last long.
"Aww. What a cute moment." Hawkstrike turned around to find Thornheart. He knew this had been coming. The tom had a smirk across his face. Hawkstrike wanted to wipe it away. He pulled away from Pebblesplash and crouched down, his eyes narrowed. "Ahhh, I see you are fighting with the same problem I had when I was young. It does get passed on ya know. " Hawkstrike stared at him.
"Oh, your mother didn't tell you? Of course, she didn't. She does like to be secretive. Like not telling you who your real father is." Hawkstrike dug his claws into the ground. He hated talking about his father.
"What do you mean?" Hawkstrike took a step forward, the two were about a fox length apart. Thornheart let out a cold laugh facing towards the sky.
"Well, Lionstripe is not your father. Your mother wished he was, but she fell in love with me first." Hawkstrike stared at the dark forest warrior.
"What?" He gulped, his whole life he had held onto the name Lionstripe. The cat who had gotten into a fight with his mother making her leave. Hawkstrike felt his claws sink into the ground as he crouched low. Wait, I want to see what he says. "That's not possible, my father lived in sky Clan, that's where they met."
"Yes, that's true Hawkstrike. I was born in SkyClan, but when your mother left I followed her to RiverClan. I joined that Clan, the Clan's all joined together later on so it didn't really matter anyway. She wanted nothing to do with me, so she pushed me away. I found another mate, not as beautiful as your mother, but she was kind to me. I kept a relationship with you but after my son died, your half brother, I ran off needing to clear my mind. I was outraged. I wanted you to know who I was, but your mother refused to say she did not love me anymore. Me and a fox crossed paths and the fox killed me in the end. He later died from an infection. She was going to tell you if it hadn't been for those rouges." Hawkstrike took in the story not able to believe it. He then snarled.
"Liar!" He threw himself at Thornheart taking him by surprise. Hawkstrike clawed against his throat. Pain. Sadness, Greif. Anger. It overwhelmed him. Thornheart clawed at Hawkstrike leaving scratched and drawing blood but the new warrior didn't care. He pressed his paw to Thornheart's throat.
"I'm not a liar" The tom rasped, "I really am your father. Talk to your mother for the Dark Forest's sake." Hawkstrike pressed his paw harder.
"I. Don't. Believe. You." Hawkstrike pressed even harder. Thornheart gagged, blood poured from his neck, from the previous scratched Hawkstrike had made.
"You have a lightness and a darkness inside that head of yours, they overwhelm you. I can see that, let me help you! I controlled it!" Hawkstrike let a small amount of air into Thornheart's lungs.
"Let one of them win the fight. They can't work together. Let one win. Choose one." Hawkstrike's eyes narrowed and his eyes turned to slits.
"No." He sliced his claws against his father's throat, ripping away the ragged skin. Thornheart let out a wain of agony. Hawkstrike got off him letting his father fall on his side. Hawkstrike's eyes went normal and he flopped down. He stared at the lifeless body in front of him. What had he just done?

(And... Scene. I feel so evil.)

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Edited on 18/01/19 @ 03:58:49 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-01-17 11:52:22


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Injured|Mentions Directly: Harefeather, Blossomheart|Mentions Indirectly: All in the med. cat den|Location: camp

Horsetail looked up, as he heard two paw steps coming towards him. Half expecting it to be Bluemoon again, Horsetail looked up with his fur bristled. When he saw that it was Harefeather and Blossomheart, the medicine cat calmed down. With this whole situation, he was so on edge. "What can I...", but before he could continue Blossomheart spoke. "Thank you", the sand colored tom said, dipping his head slightly. He needed to check his own injuries, at least put some cobwebs on them. He could still feel the blood flowing down his leg and drops of blood also fell from the wound on his neck, the latter was still not bad though.
His golden eyes moved to Harefeather, as the she-cat spoke next. Horsetail nodded his head, as he did so, he looked the she-cat over. She did not seem injured, was something else to matter? "Let's go to the medicine cat den", Horsetail said, turning to leave. Before walking off though, he looked back to Blossomheart. "After checking Harefeather over, I'll bring some cobwebs and marigold out to treat your leg", the tom said, informing the warrior. Nodding to Harefeather, he walked to the medicine cat den. He had a slight limp in his step, from the wound, but tried to hide it. Pushing his way through the medicine cat entrance, he was glad to see that not too many cats were inside. At least none that seemed to badly injured, maybe the warriors where holding their own quite well.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-01-17 16:46:05


Pebblesplash|20 moons|Heathly/Minor Injury| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Hawkstrike, Halftail (D)
”Aww. What a cute moment,” a husky voice reached Pebblesplash’s ears. She jerked her head up, and was met with a tom with a missing tail, and an sneering face.
She already hated him.
Hawkstrike stood up to this tom— Halftail—- she had heard mentioned.
Then family words were exchanged.
Hawkstrike’s past.
Halftail mocking him.
Halftail telling Hawkstrike that he was his true father.
Pebblesplash was about to take a step forward, but she decided against it. This was a family matter.
She forced herself to watch them fight, and then Hawkstrike kill him.
She slid up next to him, examining his body. When she expected shock, none filled her. Only sympathy. But why?
”He… he was a vile cat. It doesn’t matter if he was related to you, trust me I know. Your family doesn’t make you who you are. He has no control over you.” Pebblesplash said, looking at Hawkstrike.
”Trust me, I know. Please don’t be mad at anyone but him.” She spat out the last word, eyeing the body with hate.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-18 03:33:31


Hawkstrike|15 Moons|Injured|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash

Hawkstrike stared at the lifeless body not being able to pull his attention away. Thornheart being his father was a shocker. Killing his own father didn't seem like him. He had made an oath when he was young, to never kill a cat. Now he had broken it. He felt his body shake. He felt disgusted, as if there was something on him that he couldn't get off. He had killed a cat. And that cat was his father. The realization hit him right after he did it. He sat there still staring at the lifeless body. He heard Pebblesplash speak.
He was a vile cat. Hawkstrike looked over to Pebblesplash tearing his eyes away from Thornheart.
"I killed a cat." He croaked his voice quivering. He sunk his head down flattening his ear against his head. "I killed a cat." He croaked repeating it again and letting it sink in. He didn't care that the Dark Forest cats were vile and ruthless. Hawkstrike didn't believe that cats should kill other cats. He just didn't. It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself. Hawkstrike stared down at his paws. If cats could cry, he would be sobbing.

(If confused, Halftail is now Thornheart since the name was canon.)

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Edited on 18/01/19 @ 14:41:56 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

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