Posted by The United Clans (MOVED TO DISCORD)
Q (#69866)

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2018-07-04 04:47:56

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Edited on 05/08/19 @ 09:02:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-18 04:58:53


Snowstorm/echo | 30 Moons | Medicine Cat | 30/30 | Camp | Mentions: Mumblepaw, Stripecloud, Raindrop, Horsetail(ID), Open!

Snowstorm was satisfied when Mumblepaw himself confirmed that he was camler now, letting out a soft awkward laugh at the last comment. “Agreed, it was rather awkward.” He meowed, clearing his throat a little and going back to what he was doing. With the berry safely tucked close to where he would be sitting when other cats came in, he let out a soft ‘mrrow’ of laughter at his apprentice’s stubbornness. It was refreshing to have someone like him around. He perked his ears up when he heard coughing and looked over at the entrance of the den. He quickly got to his paws, nudging the dock leaf under his own nest before heading over to Stripecloud.

The white tom quickly started guiding the sick warrior to one of the many free nests. “You’re definitely sick, let me get a proper look at you.” He said, looking to Mumblepaw as he heard his question. “Once you’re done, please fetch me what’s survived of the juniper berry. I’ll come by for the tansy later.” He ordered. He knew that tansy was yellow, like many of the herbs they used, so it could be easy for a new medicine cat apprentice to grab the wrong herb by accident. He had done so himself, and his mentor had not let him live that down. His attention was briefly snagged by Raindrop, and he could not help but make some light of the situation. “Well, I have my nose, eyes, and ears, so unless one of those disappear I’m good.” He knew the timing was terrible, but he could not help himself.

He returned his attention to Stripecloud and pressed his ear against the tom’s flank. He almost held his breath as he listened to his breathing, picking up that he would need some coltsfoot, perhaps even hawkweed. To be sure he should probably give him some herbs to prevent greencough. One could never be too careful during the winter. Especially when it came to the possibility of a cat suffering from the life-threatening illness that was greencough. He had been able to save cats in his care from greencough so far, he would not let Stripecloud be the first to go. With himself so busy with Stripecloud’s condition, he had not noticed Horsetail and other cats come inside. He would probably be startled when he noticed them.

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-18 15:06:39


Stripecloud|17 moons|Sick|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Snowstorm, Raindrop

The tom looked over at Raindrop. She was obviously worried, but what could he do? Stripecloud flicked his ear looking back to Snowstorm. "Is it bad?" He asked. He just wanted to make sure it didn't later develop into green cough. He didn't need that right now. He wanted to fight, this was his first real battle, and now he was sitting in the depressing medicine den feeling terrible. He didn't even have any scar or blood. He was just sitting here while cats were probably dying or dead.
Stripecloud looked to his paws flattening his ears. He let out a sigh. He started coughing making him feel even worse. He gave a shuddering breath reudjusting his position.

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A'whisker (#113302)

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Posted on
2019-01-18 20:58:50

Mosspaw | 10 Moons | Apprentice | Minor Injuries |Camp | Mentions: Whorlpaw

Mosspaw nodded slowly at Whorlpaw's words, though they did little to calm the nervous fear that had settled in his stomach. The tom glanced around, green eyes wary. "You're right." He said finally, voice low in an attempt to not draw attention to them. He returned his gaze to the other apprentice. "Let's try to move closer to the apprentice's den, maybe some of the others will be there." He gestured in that direction with a tilt of his head then started moving, staying crouched low to the ground.
He hadn't gone more than a couple of steps when he saw a blur of fur rapidly approaching in the corner of his eye. The young tom jumped back just in time as a Dark Forest cat raced past, trailing blood and wisps of inky black behind them. The wounded cat didn't even pause to look at him, and quickly disappeared into the thick shadows that hung around the edges of camp. Mosspaw let out a sharp breath, looking back over his shoulder at Whorlpaw as if to reassure himself that she was still there. "Have to be more careful." He murmured half to himself, voice sounding strained, then turned and stared out into the chaotic clearing with wide, dismayed eyes.

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Edited on 21/01/19 @ 19:39:54 by Khajiit Has Wares (#113302)

Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-01-19 07:22:56

Clearsong | 20 Moons | Warrior | Healthy | Camp | Mentions: Sharpfang (NPC), Horsetail (ID), Harefeather (ID)

Clearsong turned around after Harefeather padded off toward the medicine den with Horsetail. He was going to check if any cat needed help from the fighting, when a flash of dark brown caught his eye. By the time Clearsong had turned his head, he had already been barreled into by a lithe brown tom, seemingly with Windclan ancestors, he presumed.

"You..."The tom hissed, pinning him on his side with his body. Clearsong wasn't sure he had seen this cat before, but what confused him more was theface that this cat's claws were sheathed. This tom was clearly dark forest, why hadn't he tried to actually fight? Clearsong had a feeling a monologue was about to happen.

The tom tilted his head for a moment, staring Clearsong in the eyes, "Wait? You're not Amberstone. But you smell like him?" During this tom's contemplation, Clearson had pushed him off.

"Who are you?" Clearsong growled suddenly, his confusion mixing with anger that, even in death, his farher couldn't find peace.

"What? Do you think, because I don't have no claws, that I'm some peculiarity? Some abnormaility? I'll have you know they don't call me Sharpfang for nothing! Wait... Oh, mousedung! I wasn't going to tell you my name..." The brown cat, apparently named Sharpfang, chittered.

Clearsong stood, staring slightly dumbfounded, at him. No claws? How does a cat loose their claws? You know what- I don't think I want to know.

The brown cat stalked forward, his eyes narrowing suspiciously, "I know what you're thinking, and yes I am a handsome cat, thank you for the compliment." Sharpfang then sat back on his haunches and raised a paw, making the motion to unsheath his claws, but nothing appeared. "Some twoleg kit looked at me one day on a hunt and must have thought I was a kittypet or something- I don't know how! It was winter and I was no plump cat!-He picked me up a took me home, raised me as a twoleg toy for a moon. I was forced to eat those dry rabbit pellets that don't taste nearly as good as fresh kill. The torture! Anyway-" The tom went back to his jumping explanation that was as coherent as a kit reciting a naming ceremony speech. "The twoleg thing took me to this place- it smelled sharp, like a pebble from a river but much cleaner- and they forced me to sleep! I woke up with a pain in my pads and no claws! Can you believe it? I was so livid, yes I was!"

Clearsong was even more confused than before, how was this cat in the dark forest? He could barely fight, let alone pay attention to his enemy. Clearsong shook his head, a dark forest cat is a dark forest cat. Approaching, he swung a clawed paw at this cat, hoping to catch him off guard. When it was about to make contact, however, Sharpfang rolled out of the way.

"So you DO think you can take advantage of me because of my situation! No sir! Didn't your mother teach you anything about respect?" The tom weaved easily around Clearsong, aiming a paw and swatting at him.

"Amberstone and Earthquake taught me just fine." Clearsong growled, "You're dark forest, that's all I care about."

"In my opinion they simply misplaced me. Yes they did! I should be over in those starclan grounds playing mossball or whatever those folk do." Sharpfang huffed, "Was a pity that feeding a -paw a deathberry for making fun of me was all it took. You don't make fun of your medicine cats! No you don't!"

Clearsong was caught off guard by this tom's repetitive nature, a medicine cat in the dark forest? He'd never heard of such a thing!

Sharpfang used this moment to crash into Clearsong again, rolling him as he bared his teeth. "Did you think a noclaw could remain a warrior? I was demoted as soon as I came back! A pathetic life as a medicine cat I lived, I wanted to be a strong hunter! Quite the disappointment, really."

Served him right! "Medicine cats are noble, your cocky attitude could have been your downfall." Clearsong spat from under the tom. Lifting a hind leg, he slashed open Sharpfang's stomach. It was odd at how sparse the blood was, if he could even call it that. Clearsong wasn't paying too much attention to that, however. He flung the dark brown tom off and flattened his large ears.

The tom laughed for a moment as he stood again, slightly shaky, "I'm no use in a fight, I don't know why they sent me here." The tom realized, ears flat.

Clearsong lunged again, landing on the tom aggressively he bit down roughly on his leg. Sharpfang struggled to get free, yowling that Clearsong would break it. After a moment, he let go again, pity washing over him. "Just go, you're pathetic." Clearsong sighed.

The dark brown tom shot him a resentful glance, before slipping away with a limp, speedy as ever.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-01-19 13:03:34


Pebblesplash|20 moons|Heathly/Minor Injury| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Hawkstrike, Bluestripe (NPC), Thornheart (NPC) (D) Slateleaf (NPC)
Looking at Hawkstrike, she laid her tail on his shoulder.
”It’ll be okay… this battle would not end without one more death toll to our total,” Pebblesplash said, sympathy filling her voice.
”It’s over now.”
That was a lie. Thornheart’s reveal would haunt Hawkstrike for a very long time.
A moment pasted, then a crack echoed in her ears. Whipping around, she saw a tabby she-cat stalking up to her and Hawkstrike.
”How sweet. Mourning over a lost soul,” she spat, eyeing Thornheart’s body.
Pebblesplash stepped in front of Hawkstrike.
”Leave him alone.” she growled, eyeing the she-cat up and down.
”Why should I do that? What, you aren’t scared of ol’ Bluestripe, right?” the she-cat cooed mockingly. Pebblesplash, in response, leapt straight for the she-cat.
Bluestripe just laughed, ranking her claws along Pebblesplash’s spine.
Hissing, she spun around.
”Say… you’re carrying an anger with you towards us Dark Foresters. Friends here? Family even?”
Instead of answering, she bowled Bluestripe over.
”What if I said yes?” Pebblesplash hissed.
”I would say you’re just like them.”
Pebblesplash froze in place.
”I… am nothing… like Slateleaf!” she shrieked.
Bluestripe took that opportunity to slam Pebblesplash to the ground.
”Maybe I’ll let her play with you instead. Shame. I would have been nicer,” with a maniacal laugh, Bluestripe folded back into the crowd.
Pebblesplash struggled back to her feet. She hurried back over to Hawkstrike, making sure no one had disturbed him.
”Come on, it’s not safe out here… I can take you to Horsetail, or somewhere safe,” she coaxed him. However, her thoughts went back to Bluestripe’s words.
Was that a threat… or a promise?

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Edited on 19/01/19 @ 13:06:42 by •Hurri• (#147819)

WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-19 13:44:50


Hawkstrike|14 Moons|Injured|Warrior|Camp|Mentions: Pebblesplash, Bluestripe(ID)

Hawkstrike wished he was a kit again. Curled up by his mother's side. Feeling safe. Away from the harsh and hostile world. His ears remained flattened against his head. He heard a cat taunting Pebblesplash. Maybe they were fighting, he didn't know.
But Pebblesplash came back over to him.
”Come on, it’s not safe out here… I can take you to Horsetail, or somewhere safe,” He replayed the words over and over in his head as he stood up. He looked over to Pebblesplash. She looked out of breath.
"Are you okay?" He asked numbly. He cared, but right now he seemed to be in another world. He was probably overreacting, but he felt... He didn't even know the words to express how he felt. I dunno, dirty? Miserable? Erm, terrible. His head was swarming with different thoughts. He looked back over to Pebblesplash.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2019-01-19 16:55:13

Harefeather~13 Moons~Warrior~Healthy? ;) ~Camp~Mentions: Horsetail, *OPEN*

The she-cat followed the wounded tom, a sting of guilt burning her pelt. She didn't want to make the tom's injuries worse, but the pulling feeling in her stomach was distracting to her, and she couldn't afford to be distracted right now. And she should've seen Horsetail after the second night of restless sleep.

Harefeather suddenly was nervous under the golden gaze of the medicine cat, who she would consider a friend. Now is not the time. She sat up, a new found sense of pride and courage in her.
"The past few nights I've had restless sleeps; I've felt bloated and a pulling in my stomach, like i pulled a muscle, fatigued, and a little nauseous." She listed her symptoms off, before dropping her shoulders a little, "I just want some seeds or something for me to get back to the fighting. I promise to come back to the medicine den once we win, but right now the clan needs me." She pleaded to the tom, hoping he would understand her need to fight with her clan against these invading mouse dung flea ridden pelts from the Dark Forest.

Blossomheart~22 moons~Warrior~Injured to Very injured~Camp~Mentions: Horsetail (Very ID), Beeclaw(NPC), *OPEN*

Blossomheart gave an understanding, and respectful nod to the Medicine cat before he limped away with the young warrior.

Defending the nursery was easy, though no direct threats were made, she still made sure to keep a wide safety circle around it. A few whacks would send cats away from the area, until one she-cat appeared. A short haired dark gray she-cat with a longer tail, and brash yellow eyes. Her figure didn't seem as strong as other's, as you could look through the she cat if you truly paid attention. The she cat approached, hissing, and tail lashing. Blossomheart met the she-cat's hisses with her own. Who started to fight wasn't clear, as the she-cat's seemed to run at each other at the same time, clashing in ball of furious hisses, and yowls. Blossomheart aimed for the head, raking her claws across the she-cat's head, tearing a gaseous 'V' in her ear. The she-cat's claws tore through Blossomheart's flank, the harsh and over powering smell of iron filled the air more. Blossomheart yowled, aiming another blow for the she-cat's head. Beeclaw attempted to step back to dodge the blow, but not before Blossomheart's claws sliced through the short fur on the front of Beeclaw's chest. Beeclaw took the opportunity, and sunk her teeth into Blossomheart's foreleg, and twisting the she-cat onto her back as she yowled in pain. Blossomheart smacked the she-cat at the same time as she used her back legs to pummel the she-cats stomach, making Beeclaw lose her grasp. It didn't take long for Beeclaw to get her wits about her again, before launching another attack at a barely standing Blossomheart. She leaped, going for the throat it appeared. Whether she toppled over, or if ducked, Blossomheart couldn't remember. Beeclaw was caught off guard when she went over the she-cats head, but quickly twisted in the air to rake her claws down Blossomheart's back. Blossomheart yowled in pain, making her jump to her feet again. Beeclaw growled loudly, her tail lashing like a snake in water, before lashing out again. A single paw aimed for the throat. The surge of adrenaline, caused Blossomheart to get dizzy, and stumble backward out of range of the attack. Beeclaw stumbled, but quickly gained her footing again, as she began to circle to dizzy and wobbly Blossomheart. Beeclaw seemed to chuckle as she got confident of her victory. Blossomheart's vision is blurred and pulsed as her head bobbled about, as she tried to keep her eyes on Beeclaw. She couldn't be the first death from the Clan, and she surely couldn't let anyone, especially this she-cat, get to those kits, for who knows what awful reason. The blurry image of Beeclaw stopped in front of Blossomheart, and Blossomheart knew she had one chance left. She focused on the blurred and bouncing image of the gray she-cat, before running at the she-cat's side. She blindly fastened her claws into the she-cat's high flank, and rolled forward with the she-cat still fastened in her claws, almost like throwing the she-cat. Beeclaw did land a fox tail or two away from Blossomheart. Both she-cat's are tired and worn, but Blossomheart was worse of. Blossomheart's legs shook as she got to her paws, and focused her blurred vision on the mass of gray close by. Beeclaw, obviously furious, turned and limped away. Blossomheart huffed out a breath, before wobbly making her way back to her post by the nursery. She half flopped and half sat down. She would need to take it easy from now on, or she would be the first death of the war.

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laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2019-01-19 18:26:01


Horsetail|Co Medicine Cat|24 Moons Old|Injured|Mentions Directly: Snowecho/storm, Mumblepaw, Harefeather|Mentions Indirectly: Clearsong, Stripecloud, Raindrop|Location: Camp

Before Hearfeather spoke, Horsetail limped over to where Snowecho was looking after Stripecloud and Raindrop. "Do you know..?", Horsetail started, but broke off when he spotted the goldenrod nearby. "Nevermind", he finished, moving off to grab the golden plant. Pulling the herb and cobweb over with him, the golden tabby tom walked back to Harefeather. Sitting down next to the she-cat, he gave her a nod. Keeping his golden eyes on the warrior, as she spoke, Horsetail started to chew the goldenrod into a pulp. Horsetail nodded his head once in a while, as Harefeather explained her symptoms. Before she was done, the golden eye'd tom had some ideas, as to what it might be.
Before speaking, Horsetail spread the goldenrod over his wounds and wrapped cobwebs around them. It burned a bit, but it would be better then getting them infected. "Alright, Harefeather, lay down in that nest", the medicine cat directed, nodding to the closest nest. As he waited, he noticed that Snowecho had sent Mumblepaw to fetch some herbs for the medicine cat. If it was what Horsetail was suspecting, it might be interesting for the young tom to try and see if he could figure out what the she-cat had. "Mumbelpaw", Horsetail said, as the apprentice went off, "If you want and your mentor gives you some time", Horsetail said the last bit, with a sly smile directed at Snowecho, "Then I think you might find it interesting, too come over and check out Harefeather, with me", the tom said.
Turning back, to the now laying she-cat, the golden eyes tom looked her over. There was nothing he could really see; her fur seemed unblemished, so she was not sick, and otherwise her breath had also seemed fine, so nothing there. "Don't flinch, I'm going to touch your stomach", Horsetail said, reaching out his forepaws. Pressing lightly, the tom tried to find out what was wrong. His experienced paws felt, something, leaning forward the tom pressed his ear to Harefeather's stomach. Closing his eyes, his attention was on what he was hearing. A smile spread on the tom's face, his head was turned away from the she-cat, so she would not have seen it. 'So it was', he thought. Leaning back, he wiped the smile off his face. "Have you and Clearsong been getting along well?", Horsetail asked all of a sudden, absentmindedly pulling one of the cobweb bandages tighter. His eyes drifted up, to see what her reaction would be and if Mumblepaw was back from grabbing the herbs.


Lionkit|Kit|3 Moons Old|Healthy|Mentions Directly: Blossomheart|Mentions Indirectly: Maplekit|Location: Camp

Sitting back, Lionkit pouted. "Fine, if you're not going to get up, then I'll just go out on my own", the tom declared, turning on his heels. Taking a few cautious paw steps towards the nursery entrance, Lionkit looked outside. The young tom had only poked his head out, just to test the waters and see if he would get yelled at. The first thing his blue eyes fell on was Blossomheart, the she-cat seemed injured, she was deffetly bleeding. 'What is going on?', the kit asked himself, cocking his head to the side. Looking passed the warrior, his young eyes fell on a shadowy 'thing' in the distance. "What is that?", Lionkit asked, he thought he had asked this to himself, but instead he had said it outloud. Lionkit did not notice though and just kept on looking around, as he did this, the kit pushed his way out of the nursery slightly. The air felt strange, sort of heavy. What was happening? Lionkit's pelt started to stand on end, his tail lashing back and forth a bit. He felt agitated, something was happening and he could so nothing, why did he have to be so young and weak?

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Edited on 19/01/19 @ 18:28:45 by ⛄LightQueen🦌HoHoHo🎅 (#59203)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-01-19 20:14:45


Pebblesplash|20 moons|Heathly/Minor Injury| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Hawkstrike, Clearsong (D) Harefeather, Slateleaf, Bluestripe (NPC) (ID)
Pebblesplash shook her head, not answering.
”That doesn’t matter,” she mewed, ”You’re in far worse shape than me,”
She helped him to his paws, leading him slowly over to a corner of camp.
”Stay. Here. You can’t fight right now… just stay hidden until you’re recovered.”
She laid one more reassuring paw on his shoulder before letting herself go back to the crowd. She couldn’t dwell on what Bluestripe said. Slateleaf would leave her alone, hopefully.

Where is he.
The thought hit her so suddenly, she stopped midstep.
He was probably in trouble. She hadn’t seen a glimpse of him for a while. What if he was already…?
No, that wasn’t possible. It couldn’t be.

There he was. Fighting a brown cat who just left.
”Clearsong!” Pebblesplash called, skidding to a stop.
”Are you okay? Who is that? Where’s Harefeather? Is she okay?” she exploded, question falling out.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-01-20 11:40:16

Raindrop | 14 Moons | Warrior | Healthy |Camp | Mentions: Snowstorm, Stripecloud, Harefeather, Horsetail

Raindrop felt the tips of her ears heat up as Snowstorm teased her for assuming they didn't have enough supplies to treat Stripecloud. She stepped away from suporting him to let Snowstorm check him out, watching as he lead him to a nest. Please don't be anything too bad. She begged in her head, following them but keeping her distance to keep from making the space too crowded.

She twitched her ear as she heard more cats enter. Turning around, Raindrop saw Horestail and Harefeather. She stepped over, "Hey, Horsetail, Harefeather." She dipped her head to the both in turn, watching as Harefeather told her symptoms and Horsetail talked to her.

Raindrop tilted her head in curiosity, "That sounds oddly like-" But before she could finish, Horsetail raised his voice about Mumblepaw. Was she not supposed to say what she assumed? Lots of cats tend to have those sympoms around this time. She huffed, padding back to Stripecloud. His softly rattling breaths worried her, and she watched in apprehension as Snowstorm continued to check him out.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2019-01-20 12:21:52


Sunstar | 29 Moons | Co-Leader | Healthy - Unknown Injury | [Camp] | Mentions: Honeyfrost, Willowstar

Sunstar was giving out orders when the clan just erupted in chaos, and he didn't feel he had the ability to get everything under control. His glowing blue eyes scanned the crowd, and he saw shadow against body.. domination and defeat. He hissed in frustration next to Willowstar, wishing he could do more. He took one look at his friend next to him, and jumped down from the High rock. He needed to protect his clanmates, and that's exactly what he was going to do. With his new ability, he tacked off a few shadows that were running to help their friends, resulting in them deteriorating into the night sky. We'll never be able to defeat them, especially with their numbers.. Hollowfall, what should I do?
In that moment, Sunstar felt a sharp pain in the back of his eye, they began to water and he couldn't see as well. It must be the air. He blinked multiple times, and suddenly Honeyfrost was filling his vision.
I knew you'd come back when we needed you.
He looked at her, dipping his head. "Honeyfrost. I was wondering when you'd return. I'm not sure I need to explain what's going on here."
Sunstar leaped at a Dark Forest warrior that was running straight for Honeyfrost, clipping their neck with his glowing claws. It exploded into dust, washing away with the wind.
"Protect your clanmates, at all costs. We will win if we fight them together."


Maplekit/Starlingkit | 3 Moons | Kit | Injured | [Nursery] | Mentions: Lionkit, Blossomheart

Maplekit just wanted to sleep. Starlingkit kept her awake, just to be sure that none of the chaos outside would get to them if they were jumped on. Her stomach hurt from what Glade did still, and she didn't want to move.

She rolled onto her back, sighing in relief. That felt a bit better. She stared out the entrance of the nursery, watching as it was the only thing she could do.
Do you want me to go see what's out there? I can try to sneak past Blossomheart and get us somewhere else. Maybe the.. leader's den?
Maplekit could feel the giggle emanating from Starlingkit, and it made her giggle in response. She looked over at Lionkit. "Starlingkit said she wants to go see the leader's den.. We can all go over there instead, that would be fun."
Well.. we can, but I'm not sure getting in trouble is the best idea right now, not that I think about it. There's a lot of danger out there, I can sense it. I would be risking getting both of you hurt if we decide to go. So we should just stay in here. It's the best option for survival.
Starlingkit felt a wave of anxiety wash over her at that moment. She began to realize how much Maplekit and Lionkit mean to her, even though she was rude to them often. She needed to keep them safe.. Even if it secretly might have been for her own survival.

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2019-01-21 10:13:48

Clearsong | 20 Moons | Warrior | Healthy | Camp | Mentions: Pebblesplash, Harefeather (ID)

Clearsong watched the lithe brown shape disappear from sight when he heard his sister appear next to him and worry about him. He looked over, flicking his ear. "Yeah, I'm fine, if only a little winded. He couldn't hurt me even if he wanted to." He scoffed, amusment underlying his tone. He stood, "As for Harefeather, well..." He trailed off, confusion clouding his gaze as he glanced toward the medicine den. "I could tell she's been uncomfortable for a while, now. She can handle a lot, so she doesn't normally speak up about it, but she just started to mention feeling sick, so I- I'm a bit worried. I hope she's okay, she's seeing Horsetail about it now." He hadn't even realized he had started pacing until he finished his thought. He stopped and rested his head on Pebblesplash's shoulder, imagining the easy life of kits they had when her scent wrapped around him. Before they left.

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Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2019-01-21 14:31:18


Stormberry - 34 moons - Co-Deputy - 30/30 health - Camp - Mentions: Snowecho, open!

Stormberry had heard the summons from Sunstar and Willowstar, but the past moon had been tough on the large tom. He never thought he'd even catch himself thinking it, but he was getting more than sick of fighting. His mind nor his body had been at rest for as long as he could remember, and the sudden appearance of Dark Forest cats in their world was one of the last straws. No cat knew how his hearing was fading, how his eyesight had become blurry. No cat knew the traumas he had lived through even just recently, and as deputy, he had spent a long time building up his confident and strong reputation. If his Clan was focused on the Dark Forest cats, maybe they wouldn't notice him slip away from the action, in the direction of the medicine cat den. There he would find Snowecho.

They hadn't talked in moons, and the deputy worried that what had happened in StarClan had forced this wedge between them. There were definitely better times to attempt at reconciliation of their relationship, however. He made his way to the den not to be locked in meaningful conversation, but to try and rest his aching body and mind. If any cat might understand, it would be Snowecho.

The large tabby pushed his way inside the den, while Snowecho seemed busy with Stripecloud, and took himself to the most secluded nest he could find. He curled his bulk inside its comforting warmth and closed his eyes, willing away the shakes that rocked his body. If any cat tried to question his presence or move him, they could taste his claws for all he cared. He took one of his front paws and began to rasp his tongue over the burns that made his joints so stiff, as he curled his fluffy tail around himself.

Please, StarClan, let me rest, let me heal. What's happening to me?


Aldershade - 17 moons - Warrior - 30/30 health - Camp - Mentions: Softsong

Aldershade found himself startled by another onset of chaos in the Clan's camp. Dark Forest cats, in the real world? The lanky tom was no fighter, so how could he possibly defend himself against even one of these enemies? And how could he run away without seeming like a coward? He knew the repercussions it had brought Softsong, after all. He cast a frightened look at the black and white tom, wanting to back away out of danger while they figured out what to do.

It was with great surprise, then that, he began to hear Softsong talking about not surviving through the battle. Not surviving? They had survived everything the Clan had thrown at them so far. Why was he scaremongering about being killed? He would rather the shame of running away. However, these thoughts were sidelined when he picked up the other tom's confession. It felt like his heart had skipped a beat, and for a few moments, he was lost for words. He had always assumed that the affection that Softsong showed him was just the same as the affection he showed any other cat, especially after he had expressed so much interest in Swallowfall not too long ago. So long he had tried to come to terms with the fact that his love had been unrequited - until now, of course, as he felt the fluffy warrior bump his head against his chest.

"I...I love you too, Softsong." He murmured, quietly enough for Softsong's ears only. His tail curled with anxiety, but also a feeling that he couldn't quite give a name to. Nevertheless, his thoughts in this moment were focused entirely on what the black and white tom had to say. How badly he wanted to take Softsong away from this Clan, from the constant danger that threatened his life and the lives of so many other innocent cats. A lump formed in his throat, and the feeling of Softsong leaning against him was the only thing that kept him gripped to reality. He leaned down and bumped his head against Softsong's closing his eyes and letting out a sincere purr, despite their dire circumstances.

" really came back for me? Oh, I loved you for so long, but I didn't think you'd ever care about me the way I cared about you, even though I can't be strong.." He began to trail off, but then forced himself to continue. "I can't defend you from the Dark Forest or dogs or foxes, but if you love me as much as you say you do, I'll be your mate until our muzzles turn grey and even longer, into StarClan." The dark-coloured tom mewed, as he moved his long tail to curl around Softsong's. The danger that they faced now seemed a long distance away.

"Maybe you're too skittish or goofy for some cats, but I've never known a spirit more beautiful than yours."

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•Hurri• (#147819)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-01-21 17:04:25


Pebblesplash|20 moons|Healthy/Minor Injury| Warrior|Temp. Camp|Mentions: Clearsong, Harefeather
She watched him pace, worried. Hopefully he’d be able to put this aside... He needs a clear head for this fight.
Clearsong leaned on her shoulder, resting his head on it.
Pebblesplash sighed, gently touching his paw.
”Harefeather will be okay, don’t worry. She’s… she’s a good cat. Perfect for you. She’s strong too. She’ll be fine,” Pebblesplash reassured him, smiling lightly, ”Also, it’s amazing you can still do that. I mean, lay on my shoulder.”
This reminded her too much of the past.
As apprentices, when Amberstone had died. He had done the very same thing. Sighing,she pulled away, looking him in the eyes.
“Clearsong… I’m scared,” she admitted. That really wasn’t the right word. Terrified, more like.
She looked back at him, swishing her tail.
” Are you?”

Quietshadow | 46 Moons | Warrior | 30/30 |Temp. Camp| Mentions: Mosspaw, Whorlpaw, Slateleaf
Quietshadow scanned the camp, looking for Slateleaf. Instead, her eyes found the young apprentices, Whorlpaw and Mosspaw.
What are they doing out in the open like that? They’ll be killed! She bound over, ducking under shadows.
”What are you doing out in the open?!? It’s not safe for cats who have barely had any training!” she looked over Mosspaw and Whorlpaw, then back to the clearing.
”Cats like Slateleaf will not hesitate to kill defenseless apprentices and even kits like yourselves. You should find the others, and stay together.” For a moment, she forgot these apprentices were the ones she had snapped at a week ago. Her green eyes once again darted across the shadows.

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Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-01-21 19:41:44

Blossomheart~22 moons~Warrior~Very Injured~Camp~Mentions: Lionkit, Maple/Starlingkit, *OPEN*

Blossomheart's ragged breathing covered up the curious paw steps of Lionkit, and even though her vision was pour, she was able to catch a glimpse of a calico dot coming out of the nursery, and Maplekit's slightly bigger dot behind him. She huffed as she pushed herself to her feet, her legs trembling with each step, as she approached the little tom kit.
"This is no time for you to be wondering about. Far too dangerous." She chided the kit gently, before picking him up by the scruff. "Even for me." She added glumly in her head. She tried to hold her head steady, as not to shake the kit, as she limped and wobbled back to the nursery. She sat the kit back down net to Maplekit.
"Back in side, both of you. I'll take you on an adventure another day, if you behave." She offered the kits, before using her bushy tail to gently nudge the kits back into the den.

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